Resources To Help You Create Google Sites

Skills Learnt Today

Add  No. Checklist of Skills Navigation When Done 1 Create Google Account 2 Create Google Site 3 Set Permission for site More > Manage site Change Theme Delete site (can still restore within 30 days) 4 Add page to left sidebar Click on new page icon at top 5 Insert image into header More > Edit site layout (Click on top header and insert custom logo) 6 Insert image into header on page Insert > image 7 Embed Slides Insert > document > Presentations 8 Embed Google Form (Survey) Insert > document > Forms 9 Embed YouTube Video Insert > Video > Youtube 10 Embed photo album Insert > Picasa Web Slideshow 11 Add Gadgets Insert > More gadgets


If you've received the error "Sorry, you cannot create more Sites at this time, Please try again later", it means that you've reached the limit for how many sites you can create for this week.

If you would kindly wait a couple of days and try again, it should work. Right now the limit is set at 5 sites per week. If you've attempted to make any more than 5, then you've gone over the limit. (This includes sites you have deleted). The reason for this limitation is to help keep the spammers out.

1 Website Resources

No. Topic of Website Link 1 Website takes you through all the essential items of Google Home/module-5-sites sites hl=en&topic=1689606&parent=TopLevel&ctx=topic

2 Home Economics Webquest Google Site option=com_content&view=article&id=60&Itemid=6 (Hillgrove Secondary School) 8

3 Science Google Sites (1) Air and respiratory system (Nan Chiau Primary) m/

(2) Electricity

(3) Water cycle

4 Some samples of Google sites created by teachers overseas hl=en&answer=153055&topic=1689606&ctx=topic

5 Quota given by Google (20 MB per attachment) hl=en&answer=96770 6 Add Google Analytics (e.g. track traffic to your site) howtos/google-analytics

Video Resources (Many videos)

Duration Link No. Topic of Video Remarks of Video 1 Google Apps for Education Shows the 13 min possibilities of how om/watch? teachers could v=OAfzcYWh5Gg&fe make use of Google ature=player_embedd Calendar, Gmail, ed#! Docs, Forms, Spreadsheets, and Sites 2 Embed Google Form (Survey) 3 min om/watch? v=tsFScxoeBrE