Dear Erasmus Student

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Dear Erasmus Student

Dear Erasmus student,

Greetings from the Study Abroad/Exchanges team of the University of Portsmouth. Our congratulations for being nominated to spend part of your studies abroad on a work placement for the academic year 2012/13.

Please find attached all the forms that are required for your placement. The checklist and tick boxes below will make it ea sier to keep up with all the forms you need to submit prior, during and at the end of the placement (please note that t he second box is provided for students going on two separate placements).

You should also keep a copy of all forms that you send to the Study Abroad/Exchanges team.

Online forms: The completion of these forms is mandatory to confirm eligibility and claim your grant. Please read instructions carefully. If these forms are not completed and submitted properly, we are unable to process your application for Erasmus funding for your placement

Permission to Travel form - ONLINE: This must be completed prior to departure in order to confirm your intent to go on t he placement and to be covered by the University’s insurance. This form is on the Study Abroad pages of our website at: otravelform/

Student Mobility Agreement: This form must be completed and signed by you, the Departmental Coordinator and the Study Abroad/Exchanges Team prior to departure.

Training Agreement: This form must also be completed and signed by you, the sending institution (Departmental Coordinator and International Office) and the receiving institution in the host country prior to departure.

Proof of Arrival: The Proof of Arrival must be signed and stamped by the host institution on your arrival at each placement, and will confirm the date that you started on your placement. This enables us to release your Erasmus grant. Please note that the Erasmus grant takes approximately seven to ten working days to reach your account.

Student Acknowledgment of Receipt of Grant: Depending on the Erasmus payment schedule, you may receive your Erasmus grant in more than one payment during the course of your placement year. Please ensure that you complete and return this form every time that you receive such a payment.

Proof of attendance; This form must show the end date of your placement, and be signed and stamped by the host institution when you leave each placement to demonstrate that you have completed your placement successfully. If this form is not submitted, it will be assumed that you have not completed your placement and you will be required to repay your Erasmus grant.

Employer evaluation form: This form should be given to the employer on arrival at the placement. The employer must complete it in the final week of your placement and must either pass it to you to return to us, or return it to us directly at the end of your placement.

Student Report - ONLINE: This form will provide the British Council and us with your feedback about your Erasmus experience. Whether you are going for one semester or the full year, it is mandatory to complete this form within 30 days of completion of each placement. Students who are going on a summer placement whose end date is in September 2013, need to submit the form no later than 3rd September 2013

Note to students with disability requirements: Please contact the Study Abroad/Exchanges Team prior to completing any forms for more details about possible additional funding.

We have also indicated in red at the bottom of each page when each form will need to be returned to the Study Abroad/Exchanges team.

We hope that this information will be a useful reminder for when to complete the forms. We wish you all the best for an enjoyable and successful placement abroad.

Should you require any further assistance at any point before, during, or after your placement, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards,

The Exchanges team Helen Hill and Chrissy Hadjipanteli Exchanges Officer Assistant Exchanges Officer

International Office, Nuffield Centre, 1st Floor, Portsmouth, PO1 2ED

Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0) 2392 84 3149


Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus Student mobility agreement – work placement(s) only – 2012/13

This placement agreement (between institution and student) reflects the minimum requirements as specified by the Eu ropean Commission.

Once completed and signed by both student and departmental Erasmus Co-ordinator this form should be sent with the requisition and payment details form to The Study Abroad/Exchanges Team, International Office, Nuffield Centre, 1st Floor, St Michael’s Road, Portsmouth, PO1 2ED

Proposed institution/s where the work placement/s is/are to take place Institution Country Period of study N° of expected Language of (dd/mm/yy – approx if ECTS credits instruction not known) (2 UK credit = 1 ECTS) from to 1...... 2...... (Please note that a separate Training Agreement (Appendix v) must be completed for each placement)

Full official name of the sending institution University of Portsmouth

Official address in full University of Portsmouth, International Office 1st Floor, Nuffield Centre, St Michael’s Road Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO1 2ED called hereafter "the institution", represented for the purposes of signature of this contract by:

Full name Helen Hill

Role Institutional Erasmus Coordinator and Full name Role Departmental Erasmus Coordinator / Link Tutor

of the one part, and Full name of student Address in full

called hereafter “the beneficiary” of the other part,

HAVE AGREED the Conditions and Appendices below:

Appendix i Conditions Appendix ii General Conditions Appendix iii Erasmus Student Charter Mobility Appendix iv Grant Requisition and Payment Details (online form) Appendix v Training Agreement and Quality Commitment for Erasmus student placements Appendix vi Employer Evaluation Form which form an integral part of this contract ("the contract"). Appendix i



1.1 The institution will provide Community financial support to the beneficiary for undertaking a Placement under the Erasmus programme of the Lifelong Learning Programme. 1.2 The beneficiary accepts the grant and undertakes to carry out the Placement as described in Appendix i, acting on his/her own responsibility. 1.3 The beneficiary hereby declares to have taken note of and accepted the terms and conditions set out in the present agreement. Any amendment or supplement to the agreement shall be done in writing. 1.4 The beneficiary respects the requirement as laid down in the 2012 LLP Guide that the Placement is not supported by any other grant from the EU LLP budget.


2.1 The agreement shall enter into force on the date when the last of the two parties signs. 2.2 The Placement shall start no earlier than 1 June 2012 and end no later than 30 September 2013.


3.1 Health and travel insurance coverage: The beneficiary is responsible for checking their eligibility for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and, if eligible, applying for it in advance of their departure. More information on the EHIC and the cover that it provides can be found at: The home institution has a provision for emergency health and travel cover for the beneficiary for the duration of the placement. If the beneficiary intends to stay longer than the approved duration of the placement, notification must be given in advance of departure to the home institution’s Insurance Officer, Anita Randell ([email protected]) to ensure that the cover is not invalidated. Details of the University of Portsmouth’s insurance provision for students on placements can be found at The beneficiary is responsible for checking the details of the insurance provided by the home institution to ensure that it meets their expectations and requirements. If the beneficiary is unsatisfied with this provision, he/she may wish to arrange private cover independently and at their own cost. 3.2 Liability insurance coverage (covering damages caused by the student in the workplace or whilst on placement): The home institution will make reasonable endeavours to check that the placement provider will cover the beneficiary for liability in respect of damages caused by the beneficiary at the workplace during his/her placement. If the placement provider is unable to confirm or provide this, the home institution shall provide liability insurance coverage to this effect. The home institution also has a provision for personal liability insurance coverage for the beneficiary for the duration of the placement. All cover referred to here (whether provided by the placement provider or the home institution) will not indemnify the students for the consequences of any deliberate malicious or irresponsible acts on their part. 3.3 Accident insurance coverage related to the student's tasks (covering at least damages caused to the student at the workplace): The home institution will make reasonable endeavours to check that the placement provider will cover the beneficiary for damages caused to the beneficiary whilst at the workplace during his/her placement If the placement provider is unable to provide this (as declared by the placement provider in Appendix v: Training Agreement and Quality Commitment), the beneficiary is unlikely to receive any compensation by the placement provider if he/she suffers an injury at the workplace. The home institution travel insurance policy includes a very limited provision for personal accident cover in the event of death or permanent disablement arising from an accident during his/her placement (refer to 3.1 Health and travel insurance coverage). The beneficiary is responsible for checking the details of the insurance provided by the home institution to check whether it meets their expectations and requirements. If the beneficiary is unsatisfied with this provision, he/she may wish to arrange private cover independently and at their own cost. ARTICLE 4 - FINANCING THE PLACEMENT

3.1 The EU grant to co-finance the Placement has a maximum amount of EUR ..…. 3.2 The final amount of the grant shall be determined by multiplying the actual duration of the Placement in months and fractions of months (according to the rule on calculating the duration defined by the NA) by a rate of EUR ...… per month up to the maximum amount detailed in 3.1. The beneficiary must provide proof of the actual dates of start and end of the


The beneficiary must submit all required documentation to the University of Portsmouth Study Abroad/Exchanges Team (International Office) as follows:

4.1 Permission to Travel - online form: To be completed prior to departure 4.2 Student Mobility Agreement (and all appended forms): To be completed prior to departure 4.2 Proof of Arrival: To be authorised by host institution and returned on arrival at placement 4.3 Student Acknowledgement of Receipt of Grant: To be completed on receipt of every grant payment. 4.4 Proof of Attendance: To be authorised by host institution in the week prior to departure from placement and returned after departure. 4.5 Student Report – online form: Please refer to Article 5 – Final Report (below) 4.6 Employer Evaluation Form: To be provided to the employer on arrival and then completed and returned to the Study Abroad/Exchanges team by the employer in the week prior to departure from the placement.

Please note that failure to complete these documents by the deadlines provided will invoke Article 2: Termination of the Contract in Appendix ii of this Agreement.


The beneficiary shall submit the final report using the official online form at the latest 30 days after the end of the Placement.


Payments shall be made to the beneficiary's bank account as indicated in Appendix iv: Mobility Grant Requisition and Payment Details Form which is completed online by the beneficiary.


The grant is governed by the terms of the agreement, the Community rules applicable and, on a subsidiary basis, by the law of United Kingdom relating to grants. The beneficiary may bring legal proceedings regarding decisions by the institution concerning the application of the provisions of the agreement and the arrangements for implementing it before the competent Court in accordance with the applicable national law.


Students are eligible to receive an Erasmus grant for two placements (either work or study) during their entire Higher Education period of study (Bachelor, Master and Doctoral).

By ticking the following boxes and signing this contract, the beneficiary confirms that:

 I am a full-time student registered at the OR  I am a part-time student registered at the University of University of Portsmouth Portsmouth who will attend an Erasmus period on a full-time basis  I am a home / EU / International student (delete as applicable)  I confirm that the Erasmus activity takes place between 01 June 2012 and 30 September 2013  I confirm that the duration of my Erasmus period shall not be shorter than the minimum three months allowed.  I will be going on one mobility period within OR  I will be going on two mobilities within this academic year, this academic year but there is no gap between them of more than two-three weeks (bank holidays and University closures do not count)  I am undertaking one placement (study or OR  I am undertaking two placements and have not previously work) and have received no more than one received an Erasmus grant for any previous placements other Erasmus placement grant at UoP or (work or study) at UoP of whilst studying at any other whilst studying at any other institution. institution.  My mobility period abroad is awarded with ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits ARTICLE 10 – ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF FUNDING PROVISION

By ticking the following boxes and signing this contract, the beneficiary confirms that:

 I acknowledge that I will receive Erasmus funds only for the duration of my placement as stated by the start date on the Proof of Arrival form, and the end date detailed on the Proof of Attendance form. These dates cannot exceed the academic term/semester/year of the host institution for study placements, or the length of placement at the host company for work placements.

 I acknowledge that the funding that is made available by the Erasmus programme is provided to supplement the additional costs associated with studying at an overseas destination, and is not intended to cover all costs.

 I acknowledge that the University shall only authorise payment of my grant on receipt of a Proof of Arrival form which has been signed and stamped by the host institution/enterprise/organisation to confirm my arrival/registration, on the designated payment dates scheduled by the Study Abroad/Exchanges team and the Finance Department of the University of Portsmouth, and that this payment will be subject to a short processing/transaction period of 7-10 working days. As such, the grant should not be relied upon for essential start-up, living or travel costs.

 I understand that if I wish to extend my placement there is no guarantee that the extension will be approved under the Erasmus scheme.


For the beneficiary For the department

[full name] [full name]

[position] Departmental Coordinator

Signature Signature

Date Date

For the institution

[full name] Helen Hill

[position] Exchanges Officer


Date Appendix ii

General Conditions

Article 1: Liability

Each party of this agreement shall exonerate the other from any civil liability for damages suffered by him or his staff as a result of performance of this agreement, provided such damages are not the result of serious and deliberate misconduct on the part of the other party or his staff.

The UK National Agency, the European Commission or their staff shall not be held liable in the event of a claim under the agreement relating to any damage caused during the execution of the placement. Consequently, the UK National Agency or the European Commission shall not entertain any request for indemnity of reimbursement accompanying such claim.

Article 2: Termination of the Contract

In the event of failure by the beneficiary to perform any of the obligations arising from the agreement, and regardless of the consequences provided for under the applicable law, the institution is legally entitled to terminate or cancel the agreement without any further legal formality where no action is taken by the beneficiary within one month of receiving notification by registered letter.

If the beneficiary terminates the agreement before its agreementual end or if he/she fails to follow the agreement in accordance with the rules, he/she will have to refund the amount of the grant already paid.

In case of termination by the beneficiary due to "force majeure", i.e. an unforeseeable exceptional situation or event beyond the beneficiary's control and not attributable to error or negligence on his/her part, the beneficiary will be entitled to receive the amount of the grant corresponding to the actual time of the placement. Any remaining funds will have to be refunded.

Article 3: Data Protection

All personal data contained in the agreement shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the British Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the EU institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. Such data shall be processed solely in connection with the implementation and follow-up of the agreement by the sending institution, the National Agency and the European Commission, without prejudice to the possibility of passing the data to the bodies responsible for inspection and audit in accordance with EU legislation (Court of Auditors or European Antifraud Office (OLAF)).

The beneficiary may, on written request, gain access to his personal data and correct any information that is inaccurate or incomplete. He/she should address any questions regarding the processing of his/her personal data to the sending institution and/or the National Agency. The participant may lodge a complaint against the processing of his personal data with the Information Commissioner's Office with regard to the use of these data by the sending institution, the National Agency, or to the European Data Protection Supervisor with regard to the use of the data by the European Commission.

Article 4: Checks and Audits

The parties of the agreement undertake to provide any detailed information requested by the European Commission, the UK National Agency or by any other outside body authorised by the European Commission or the UK National Agency to check that the Placement and the provisions of the agreement are being properly implemented.

**This document should be kept by the student for reference** Appendix iii

Erasmus Student Charter

The status of 'Erasmus student' applies to students who satisfy the Erasmus eligibility criteria and who have been selected by their university*  to spend an Erasmus period abroad – either studying at an eligible partner university or carrying out a placement in an enterprise or other appropriate organisation. For study mobility, both universities must have an Erasmus University Charter awarded by the European Commission. For placement in enterprise the home university must hold an extended Erasmus University Charter (i.e. also covering rights and obligations relating to placements).

As an Erasmus student, you are entitled to expect:

. Your home and host universities to have an inter-institutional agreement. . The sending and receiving institutions to sign with you and before you leave a Learning/Training Agreement setting out the details of your planned activities abroad, including the credits to be achieved. . Not to have to pay fees to your host university for tuition, registration, examinations, access to laboratory and library facilities during your Erasmus studies. . Full academic recognition from your home university for satisfactorily completed activities during the Erasmus mobility period, in accordance with the Learning/Training Agreement. . To be given a transcript of records at the end of your activities abroad, covering the studies/work carried out and signed by your host institution/enterprise. This will record your results with the credits and grades achieved. If the placement was not part of the normal curricula, the period will at least be recorded in the Diploma Supplement. . to be treated and served by your host university in the same way as their home students. . to have access to the Erasmus University Charter and Erasmus Policy Statement of your home and host universities. . Your student grant or loan from your home country to be maintained while you are abroad.

As an Erasmus student, you are expected to:

. Respect the rules and obligations of your Erasmus grant agreement with your home university or your National Agency. . Ensure that any changes to the Learning/Training Agreement are agreed in writing with both the home and host institutions immediately they occur. . Spend the full study/placement period as agreed at the host university/enterprise, including undergoing the relevant examinations or other forms of assessment, and respect its rules and regulations. Write a report on your Erasmus study/placement period abroad when you return and provide feedback if requested by your home university, the European Commission or the National Agency.

If you have a problem:

. Identify the problem clearly and check your rights and obligations. . Contact your departmental coordinator for Erasmus and use the formal appeals procedure of your home university if necessary.

If you remain dissatisfied, contact your National Agency.

**This document should be kept by the student for reference** Appendix iv

Mobility Grant Requisition and Payment Details Form

Please note: this form will be available to be completed online in June 2012. A link will be provided in due course. The information provided below is given as guidance for the details that shall be required in the online form. Please do not complete and hand in this form.

 Name (first name, surname)  Student ID number  Nationality  Sex (M/F)  HESA ID (13 digit number – you will need to obtain this from your course administrator)  Date of birth  Age at the beginning of the Erasmus study period  Contact email address  Alternative email address  Permanent address  Title of University of Portsmouth course  First placement details o Country o Name of host university/enterprise/organisation o Host university Erasmus code (if applicable) o Anticipated start date of placement o Anticipated end date of placement  Second placement details (if applicable) o Country o Name of host university/enterprise/organisation o Host university Erasmus code (if applicable) o Anticipated start date of placement o Anticipated end date of placement  Year of study during your Erasmus period o Bachelors: B1/B2/B3/B4 o Masters: M1 o Doctoral: D1/D2/D3/D4/D5/D6  Bank account details. Please note that there will be an option to provide details for a European bank account if you prefer. Please provide details for one bank account ONLY. o UK bank account details: . Bank name . Bank sort code (xx-xx-xx) . Bank account number (eight digit number) . Name of the account holder (as it appears on the bank statement) . Bank address (this MUST include the bank postcode) o European bank account details (optional): . Bank name . Bank SWIFT code . Bank IBAN number . Name of the account holder (as it appears on the bank statement) . Bank address . Bank country  Tickbox certifying that the details provided are those that should be used for the receipt of all Erasmus grant monies. Appendix v

Training Agreement and Quality Commitment

Part 1: Quality Commitment

This Quality Commitment replicates the principles of the European Quality Charter for Mobility

The sending Higher Education Institution undertakes to:  Define the learning outcomes of the placement in terms of the knowledge, skills and competencies to be acquired  Assist the student in choosing the appropriate host organisation, project duration and placement content to achieve these learning outcomes  Select students on the basis of clearly defined and transparent criteria and procedures and sign a placement contract with the selected students.  Prepare students for the practical, professional and cultural life of the host country, in particular through language training tailored to meet their occupational needs  Provide logistical support to students concerning travel arrangements, visa, accommodation, residence or work permits and social security cover and insurance  Give full recognition to the student for satisfactory completed activities specified in the Training Agreement  Evaluate with each student the personal and professional development achieved through participation in the Erasmus programme

The sending institution* and host organisation jointly undertake to:  Negotiate and agree a tailor-made Training Agreement (including the programme of the placement and the recognition arrangements) for each student and the adequate mentoring arrangements  Monitor the progress of the placement and take appropriate action if required

The host organisation undertakes to:  Assign to students tasks and responsibilities (as stipulated in the Training Agreement) to match their knowledge, skills, competencies and training objectives and ensure that appropriate equipment and support is available  Draw a contract or equivalent document for the placement in accordance with the requirements of the national legislation  Appoint a mentor to advise students, help them with their integration in the host environment and monitor their training progress  Provide practical support if required, check appropriate insurance cover and facilitate understanding of the culture of the host country

The student undertakes to:  Comply with all arrangements negotiated for his/her placement and to do his/her best to make the placement a success  Abide by the rules and regulations of the host organisation, its normal working hours, code of conduct and rules of confidentiality  Communicate with the sending institution about any problem or changes regarding the placement  Submit a report in the specified format and any required supporting documents at the end of the placement

* In the event that the higher education institution is integrated in a consortium, its commitments may be shared with the co-ordinating organisation of the consortium

**A copy of this document should be kept by all parties for reference** Appendix v (cont)

Training Agreement and Quality Commitment

Part 2: Training Agreement

Academic year 2012/13 – Subject area: ………………………………………………………

Details of the student Student name (forename, surname): ...... UoP student ID number:...... Degree : ...... Sending institution and Erasmus ID code: University of Portsmouth , UK PORTSMO01

Details of the proposed training programme abroad

Planned dates of start and end of the placement period: From …...... ……. (dd/mm/yy) To ...... (dd/mm/yy). That is ……..... months

Host organisation:


Phone number:

Fax: Main Contact (Mentor) Name:

Job title:


Knowledge, skills and competence to be acquired:

Detailed programme of the training period: Tasks of the trainee:

To be able to perform the tasks, the minimum level of language competence expected from the trainee in the main working language(s) that the trainee will use at the host department is: e.g., basic/intermediary/advanced/fluent in reading/speaking/writing. More precise references may be used, notably CEFR.

For placements taking place in a representation or public institution of the home country of the student (e.g. cultural institutes, schools) please indicate the additional transnational benefits the student will obtain as compared to a similar placement in his or her home country. Placements in a national diplomatic representation (embassy and consulate) of the home country of the student are not authorised:

Monitoring and evaluation plan

Appendix v continues


By signing this document the student, the sending institution and the host organisation confirm that they will abide by the principles of the Quality Commitment for Erasmus student placements set out in the document below.

The student Signature Date:

The sending institution We confirm that this proposed training programme agreement is approved. On satisfactory completion of the training programme the institution will: - award ……. ECTS credits Yes  No  If yes: number of ECTS credits: ...... and/or (delete as applicable) - record the training period in the Diploma Supplement Yes  No  or - Record it in the student’s transcript of records Yes  No 

In addition, the placement mobility period will be documented in the Europass mobility document

Yes  No  Name Signature

Departmental Coordinator/ Link Tutor Date: (delete as applicable)

The host organisation Name and position of the mentor:

Number of permanent staff in the department (team) hosting the student: Number of other students/trainees hosted at the same time in the department (team) hosting the student: Normal working hours /week (overtime should not be the rule): The student will receive financial support for his/her placement Yes  No  The student will receive contribution in kind for his/her placement Yes  No  Is the student covered by a liability insurance of the host organisation (covering damages caused by the student at the workplace): Yes  No  Is the student covered by the accident insurance of the host organisation (covering at least damages caused to the student at the workplace): Yes  No  If yes, please specify if it covers also: - accidents during travels made for work purposes: Yes  No  - accidents on the way to work and back from work: Yes  No  We confirm that this proposed training programme is approved. On completion of the training programme the organisation will issue a Certificate and/or the Employer Evaluation form to the student Name and position Signature

Position: Date:

To be submitted prior to departure**

DOCUMENTS TO BE SENT WHILE ON PLACEMENT Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus

Proof of Arrival – 2012/13

Surname: Student Number: Forename: Home Course of University of Portsmouth University/ Study: UK PORTSMO01 Erasmus code:

Host institution/enterprise/organisation:

Start date at the host enterprise/ organisation : (ie first date of attendance – dd/mm/yy) Anticipated end date of placement (ie. last date of attendance – dd/mm/yy)

Name of representative for the host institution/enterprise/organisation: Title:



Stamp of host institution/enterprise/organisation:

(form will not be valid without a stamp)

Upon completion this form should be returned to:

Chrissy Hadjipanteli Assistant Exchanges Officer International Office, Nuffield Centre St Michael’s Road Portsmouth PO1 2ED Tel: 0044 (0)23 92843149 Fax: 0044 (0)23 92843538

Or by email to [email protected]

**To be completed and returned no later than one week after registration**

Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus

Student Acknowledgement of Receipt of Grant – 2012/13 Name Of Student:

Student Number:

Home Institution/ Erasmus code: University Of Portsmouth / UK PORTSMO01

Host Institution/ Erasmus code:

Start date at placement: (as detailed on your Proof of Arrival)

End date at placement: (approximate if unconfirmed)

Duration in months of study period abroad:

I acknowledge the receipt of the following student mobility grant amount(s) funded by the Commission of the European Communities within the framework of the Erasmus programme.

I received an Erasmus grant payment in:

 Euro (€) Amount: €……...……. Date of payment:………...…...

 Sterling (£) Amount: £………...…. Date of payment:………...... …

Signature...... Date......

Chrissy Hadjipanteli To be returned to the Study Assistant Exchanges Officer Abroad/Exchanges Team on University of Portsmouth, International Office, 1st Floor, receipt of every grant payment: Nuffield Centre, St Michael’s Road, Portsmouth P01 2ED Email: [email protected]

Fax: 0044 (0)23 9284 3538

***To be submitted upon receipt of every grant payment***

Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus

Proof of Attendance – 2012/13

Surname: Student number: Forename: Home University of Portsmouth Course of university: UK PORTSMO01 study: Host institution/enterprise/organisation: Date of departure* from host institution/enterprise/organisation: ie last day of attendance – dd/mm/yy Name of host institution/enterprise/organisation representative: Function of the signatory:



Stamp of host university (form will not be valid without a stamp)

* Date of departure should be no later than one week after the date of signature

Upon completion this form should be returned to:

Chrissy Hadjipanteli Assistant Exchanges Officer International Office Nuffield Centre St Michael’s Road Portsmouth PO1 2ED Tel: 0044 (0)23 92843149 Fax: 0044 (0)23 92843538

Or by email to [email protected]

**To be completed and returned in the last week prior to departure from the host institution

Transcript of Work – Employer Evaluation Form

Academic year 2012/13 – Field of study: ......

Details of student/trainee Name of student Student UoP ID No. E-mail

Details of sending (home) institution Name and University of Portsmouth Postal address Study Abroad/Exchanges team International Office, Nuffield Centre, St Michael’s Road, Portsmouth, PO1 2ED, UK Supervisor Dept, Faculty E-mail Telephone

Details of receiving (host) enterprise/organisation Name and postal address Supervisor Telephone E-mail Fax

Duration of training Start date of training (dd/mm/yy) End date of training (dd/mm/yy) period (months)

Summary of placement outcomes agreed in the training agreement

Knowledge, skills and competence to be acquired Tasks of the trainee

Quantitative evaluation of trainee according to the criteria set below, using (1 poor - 5 excellent) scale

Analytic skills 1 2 3 4 5 Ability to work in intensive and dynamic environment 1 2 3 4 5 Overcoming difficult situations 1 2 3 4 5 Teamwork 1 2 3 4 5 Positive attitude towards work 1 2 3 4 5 Taking responsibility 1 2 3 4 5 Ability to work quickly and efficiently 1 2 3 4 5 Understanding/Management of situations 1 2 3 4 5 Use of initiative 1 2 3 4 5 Communication skills 1 2 3 4 5 Self confidence 1 2 3 4 5 Average score of achieved results: 1 2 3 4 5

Qualitative assessment Did the trainee perform his/her work to a satisfactory level?

If it was necessary, did the trainee follow advice for improving his/her performance?

Did the trainee adhere to the working hours and follow all internal rules, regulations and procedures?

Did the trainee make any progress in his/her work that was more than expected? Would you hire this trainee for a regular job?

Would you take other students on Erasmus placements from the sending HEI?

Are there any recommendations you would suggest for better performance – for this individual student or for future student placements?

Other comments:

Overall Conclusion : The trainee has achieved the planned training results  The trainee has not achieved the planned training results 

Mentor’s signature Date

Please submit this form by either:

 Handing it to the student to return  Sending it directly to the Exchanges team of the University of Portsmouth:

By post at: Chrissy Hadjipanteli Assistant Exchanges Officer University of Portsmouth International Office Nuffield Centre Portsmouth PO1 2ED

By email: [email protected] (the form must be completed, signed and then scanned as .pdf )


 Student Report Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus Student report – 2012/13

This form is now available ONLINE ONLY.

The form can be located at:

The information requested by the form will be as follows:

Identification of  Name of Institution: University of Portsmouth the HOME  Erasmus ID code: UK PORTSMO01 institution  EUC No: 28782  Location: Portsmouth, United Kingdom Identification of  Your name (family, given) the student  Your gender  Subject area of your degree  Your non-university email address (an option is provided as to whether you are happy to be contacted on this email) Study period and  Name of the host enterprise/organisation/institution motivation  Location of the host enterprise/organisation/institution (city, country)  Dates of mobility period abroad (from dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy)  Year/level of study (Bachelors 1-2-3/Masters1-2/Doctoral/Other)  Consideration of duration of study period (too short-too long-just right)  Factors motivating you to go abroad (Academic, cultural, live in a foreign country, practice a foreign language, friends living abroad, career plans/enhance future employment prospects, European experience, be independent/self-reliant, other) Information and  How did you find the host enterprise/organisation (home institution, host support enterprise/organisation, intermediary organisation, internet, other)  Difficulty in finding a host enterprise/organisation (1-5 scale rating)  Provision on arrival at the host institution (welcome event, information session, other)  Level of support (1-5 scale rating) for:  Host enterprise/organisation  Home institution  Intermediary institution (if applicable)  Were your expectations met (1-5 scale rating)  Degree of integration with local employees in the host enterprise/organisation (1-5 scale rating) Accommodation  Type of accommodation in the host country (private housing, accommodation provided and Infrastructure by the organisation/enterprise, university accommodation, apartment or house together with other students, other)  How you found your accommodation (university service, friends/family, private market, internet, other) Linguistic  Language(s) of work in host enterprise/organisation preparation  Erasmus Intensive Language Course (EILC) (yes/no)  If no EILC, was any other language preparation provided (yes/no)  If yes, who organised the language course(s) (home institution, host enterprise/organisation, other)  Duration of language training (number of weeks, hours per week)  Perceived competency in the language of your host country before placement (1-5 scale rating)  Perceived competency in the language of your host country after placement (1-5 scale rating) Recognition  Training Agreement signed by all parties prior to study period (yes/no/yes but after beginning of stay)  Recognition for your placement (yes/no/partially)  If yes, what kind of recognition (ECTS, DS, Europass, other, don’t know)  Recognition for completing language courses (yes/no) Costs  Erasmus grant per month (in Euros)  Average costs per month (in Euros)  Extent to which grant covered costs (1-5 scale rating)  When did you receive your Erasmus grant (prior to your stay, at the beginning of your stay, in the middle of your stay, at the end of your stay, after your stay/return home)  Financial support from host enterprise/organisation (yes/no)  If yes, financial support per month (in Euros)  Other benefits in kind (accommodation, meals, travel tickets, other)  Other sources of funding (state grant, state loan, private grant, private loan, family, own savings, other)  Amount of other sources per month (in Euros)  Additional amount spent per month whilst on placement (in Euros) Your personal  Judgement of professional outcome (1-5 scale rating) experience –  Judgement of personal outcome (1-5 scale rating ) overall evaluation  Any serious problems during the period (yes/no – if yes, specify) of the Erasmus  Particular aspects appreciated the most (academic, gaining relevant work experience, study period acquiring new vocational knowledge and skills, cultural, live in foreign country, practice foreign language, friends living abroad, career plans/enhance future employment prospects, European experience, be independent/self-reliant, other)  New techniques, technologies and methods (yes/no)  Likely to consider working in another European country after graduation as a result of Erasmus placement (yes/no)  Perception of Erasmus period as helpful in your career (1-5 scale rating)  Perception of Erasmus period as helpful for finding a job (1-5 scale rating)  Overall evaluation of Erasmus period (1-5 scale rating)  Willing to help other incoming/outgoing students with your Erasmus experience (yes/no) Comments and  What recommendations would you give to other students concerning information, recommendations application procedures etc (empty text box for your comments)  How do you feel the Erasmus scheme could be improved (information, application procedures etc) (empty text box for your comments)

This report on your experiences will provide the LLP Erasmus Programme with valuable information which will benefit both future students and contribute to the continued improvement of the programme. We are grateful for your co- operation in filling out the questionnaire.

All personal data mentioned in this form will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data. On request, you may be sent personal data and correct or complete them. You may lodge a complaint against the processing of personal data with the European Data Protection Supervisor at any time (Official Journal L 8, 12.1.2001)

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