Safe Communities Intentional Injury Sub Group Meeting
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Safe Communities Port Colborne Intentional Harm Sub Committee Meeting Notes April 20th, 2009
Location: Port Colborne Hospital Board Room Time: 10:00am – 11:45am
In Attendance: Lori Kleinsmith (PC/W Healthy Lifestyles) Lori Smith (Port Colborne resident) Kathy Moccio (Lakeshore Catholic High School) Rita Smith (Community Living Port Colborne-Wainfleet, Uberyouth) Stacy Terry (Distress Centre of Niagara) Christine Curran (St. Therese Elementary School) Dave Pickett (Niagara Child and Youth Services) Scott Johnson (Youth Justice/Port Cares) Debbie MacCulloch (Bridges Community Health Centre)
Meeting Notes:
1) Welcome/Introductions made
2) Help Card Update – Scott
♦ The Help Card updates are nearly complete and are now a collection of emergency support numbers under the categories of Crisis (any, mental health, child/youthm child abuse, sexual assault, women’s abuse); Addiction; Shelter; Food; Meals; Health; Pregnancy/Sexually Transmitted Disease; Sexuality/Gender Identity Support; Emergency Support; Bereavement.
♦ Scott is completing a final review of all information before going to print – if you have any corrections for Scott, please let him know asap.
♦ The card will fold up accordion-style to the size of business card and will be stored in a clear plastic holder. It will be widely distributed throughout Port Colborne and Wainfleet. Many thanks to Port Cares and Bridges Community Health Centre for the funding and work done of this project. It will be a very useful resource.
Action Steps: All committee members will provide any corrections to Scott asap Port Cares will proceed with printing once the final draft is ready All committee members will be asked to assist with distribution channels, as determined by Port Cares We will pursue a media story on the card once it is ready for distribution (Port Cares, with assistance from Lori Smith, if needed)
3) Help Phone Numbers in Schools
♦ Following a discussion, it was decided that we will pursue contacting our local elementary schools to ask that the Kids Help Phone number be placed under the clock in every classroom. The child and youth worker at each elementary school will be asked to speak about the number/service, what to expect if you make a call, etc. at a school assembly or in individual classrooms. We can also request individual wallet cards.
♦ At the secondary school level, it was felt that students would be more likely to access a variety of help sources, including Kids Help Phone and Child and Adolescent Crisis Service through NCYS. Both resources, as well as other relevant to teens, will be promoted. Schools can request a presentation from these services, if desired.
♦ Kids Help Phone conducts a walk-a-thon in St. Catharines and our committee will look into the possibility of asking the organization to hold a walk-a-thon in Port Colborne to raise awareness of the service
Action Steps: Lori K will draft and send a letter to all elementary school principals outlining our proposed Kids Help Phone classroom project – May Lori S will access the required number of Kids Help Phone posters and wallet cards Secondary school support staff will access Kids Help Phone/NCYS crisis services promotional resources, as needed Kids Help Phone walk-a-thon - TBD
4) Mental Illness Awareness Campaign ♦ Buttons and background information cards have been printed. Thanks to Bridges Community Health Centre for the funding to support this.
♦ The campaign will run in early fall – details TBD
Action Steps: Lori K will ask committee members to assist with the coordination of the campaign (i.e. marketing and promotion, recruitment of button wearers, evaluation, etc.) – planning to start in June
5) Youth Engagement Project Update ♦ We were not successful in securing funding for this project on our first attempt; we will continue to source other options through Every Kid in Our Community contacts ♦ We will submit the project as a pilot proposal to the Mental Health Commission of Canada – they are seeking expressions of interest to be future demonstration sites for anti-stigma youth and mental health programs/interventions (also for anti-stigma programs/interventions for health care professionals – for more info
Action Steps: Lori K and Scott will assist with the expression of interest submission through Every Kid in Our Community
6) Other New Business
♦ A discussion was held regarding the development of a multi-faceted strategy to address our priority of Intentional Harm.
♦ Dave highlighted issues with some past mental health services offered in Port Colborne and Fort Erie (i.e. initial high numbers, dropped off significantly, can’t justify service). Scott offered some suggestions, including making appointment- based schedules rather than walk-in. This is an area our committee needs to explore further.
♦ The issue of parents often putting extra-curricular events, such as sports, ahead of education, was discussed. We need to find more ways to engage parents in their environment as they tend not to show up for parent nights/events, etc.
♦ The committee felt we needed to hear from the community what they want and need to begin to address these issues, so we will begin to draft a series of questions we will use to garner the information we need. We will need to look for opportunities to get input in a non-threatening way, such as at a Neighbourhood BBQ, Literacy Day, Safety Awareness Day, Optimist Day in the Park, Canal Days, etc.
♦ Lori K met with Brian Lofthouse, a local pastor, who has been asked by Port Colborne High School to assist with providing counselling with the option for a spiritual aspect, for students, as needed. Brian and his group are looking for community partners to support their work and to work together to create more cohesive solutions for our community in regards to mental health needs and support. Brian will be asked to attend our next committee meeting to provide more information, answer questions, etc.
Action Steps: All committee members are asked to assist with the development of our community input questions starting immediately We need someone to agree to take the lead role on coordinating the gathering of the information and determining next steps – any volunteers? This is not a project that will be rushed, we will take our time and do it right Once we have established a lead person for this task, as well as a list of questions, we will determine how/where to gather info, if/when we’ll hold a Neighbourhood BBQ, etc. Lori K will invite Brian Lofthouse to attend our next meeting
The following resources may be of interest to you:
Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH) Late Life Suicide Prevention Toolkit (free of charge)
Centre for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) –Prevention Pathways On-Line Courses (US-based)
7) Next Meeting ♦ Tuesday, May 26th, 10:00am, Port Colborne Hospital Board Room