PNAMP SC Mtg February 20, 2007 AGENDA

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PNAMP SC Mtg February 20, 2007 AGENDA

PNAMP Steering Committee Meeting AGENDA January 6, 2011 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Location: CRITFC, 729 NE Oregon Street, Portland, OR (map) Partnership Phone Bridge: Call 712.775.7300; enter code 273804#. WebEx meeting link: ED=148627257&UID=1183422057&RT=MiM0 Distribution: Signatory members: John Arterburn, David Clugston, Bob Cusimano, Al Doelker, Scott Downie, Ken Dzinbal, Jim Geiselman, Gretchen Hayslip, Tom Iverson, Bruce Jones, Steve Leider, Nancy Leonard, Erik Neatherlin, Michael Newsom, Phil Roger, Scott Rumsey, Bruce Schmidt, Greg Sieglitz, Linda Ulmer, Steve Waste WG/task leads, alternates and courtesy members: Bruce Crawford, Charlie Holderman, Chris Ellings, Emmit Taylor, Frank McCormick, Jeanette Dorner, Jeff Rodgers, Kim Titus, Laura Gephart, Peter Paquet, Russell Scranton, Steve Lanigan, Bernadette Graham Hudson, Henry Franzoni, Denise Kelsey, Karen Blakney, Cathy Kellon, Rich Lincoln PNAMP Staff: Jen Bayer, Kathryn Thomas, Jacque Schei

Time Agenda Topic Outcome 9:00 am 1. Introduction & Announcements (J. Bayer) Confirm agenda 2. Request to assist with review of the Metric names and Final request for 9:15 am indicators (J. Schei & Russell Scranton) review PNAMP 2011 workplan Part 1: Review of current tasks  Integrated Status and Trend Monitoring (ISTM) Demonstration Project (J. Bayer, Jeff Rodgers)  Master Sample Tracking Tool (J. Schei)  (J. Schei)  Roadmap for Regional Data Management Implementation (K. 9:30 am Thomas) Request approval of -11:30  Metadata Guidance Implementation (K. Thomas) workplan am  Coordinated Assessments Project (K. Thomas, Tom Iverson, Bruce Schmidt)  Effectiveness Monitoring Coordination (J. Bayer)  PNAMP Website Redevelopment (J. Schei)

PNAMP 2011 workplan Part 2: Review of proposed new starts 11:30 am  Salmonid Population Naming Crosswalk and Mapping: This Request input, – 12:00 task has been proposed to PNAMP by Phil Roger, Columbia approval to add to (will River Inter-tribal Fisheries Commission (CRITFC); Denise Kelsey 2011 workplan resume (and other CRITFC staff) drafted the proposal below(Denise after Kelsey & K. Thomas) lunch)  Provide support for Salmon Monitoring Advisor website; plan for integration of web resources (J. Schei, Rich Lincoln & Cathy Kellon, SoS)  Protocol/Methods Workshop Series (J. Schei)  Habitat Data Sharing Coordination (J. Bayer)  AFS Symposium on data management topics (K. Thomas)  Remote Sensing Applications (K. Thomas)

12:00 pm LUNCH Resume Workplan Part 2 1:00 -will start at 1:00 with the Salmon Monitoring Advisor website discussion 3:00 am 7. Short Updates (as needed, see notes below) Information 3:15 pm Adjourn

PREP NOTES 1. Introductions & Announcements Meeting Reminders: PNAMP MEETINGS O January 11 - PNAMP ISTM Leadership Team Meeting, TBD O January TBD - PNAMP Metadata WG Meeting O January TBD - PNAMP Monitoring Methods Leadership Team Meeting OTHER MEETINGS OF INTEREST O January 11-12 - Northwest Power and Conservation Council Meeting, Missoula, MT O January 12 - Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) Workshop, Portland O January 25 - 27 - 2011 PSMFC PIT Tag Workshop, Stevenson, WA

If you would like to have your meetings posted on the PNAMP calendar, please email Jacque.

1. Request to assist with review and revision of the Metric names and indicators in PNAMP (Schei & Scranton) Background: Last SC meeting, we discussed BPA/NPCC request for PNAMP to review and recommend a list of Metric/Indicator Subcategory terms and definitions. We have received input from some SC but principally through participation in the Montoring Methods library project. This is the final request for review. Goal Today: final request for review We would like to request feedback from the SC on the current list of Metric/Indicator Subcategory terms and definitions. These are high level classifications used to organize more specific, detailed metrics or indicators that researchers collect data for across the northwest. This list contains habitat classifications based on the NHI classifications. In addition, information in the list is used in the PNAMP ISTM and Monitoring Methods projects and BPA/NPCC Fish and Wildlife program. (link to spreadsheet)

The list has recently been updated from the original list used during the BPA/NPCC RM&E categorical review and has been vetted with several fish and wildlife monitoring experts, including state, federal, and tribal employees and well as consultants. The intent is for the list of categories, subcategories, and fish life stages to remain relatively static, so we need to ensure that the current lists are sufficient and that we don’t need to merge or split entries (see some examples below). Specific Questions:

2  Should "Distribution and Density" be split into ‘species distribution (Spatial arrangement or range)’ and ‘concentration (Species per unit area)’ or merged as suggested because methods may be relatively the same? The current consensus is to go with the merged version.  On the life stage tabs: should we require people to specify the specific life stage or is lumping adults or juveniles acceptable? What about Carcasses - should we merge Carcasses into the key word for any life-stage because living or dead they are still a life stage. What if Carcasses are to be analyzed specifically through different methodologies (necropsies etc.)?

We would like the SC to review the spreadsheet with the appropriate staff in their agencies. Please note, there are several tabs to review within the spreadsheet. Please add comments for "Categories", "Metric/Indicator sub categories" and "Life stages", in the Comment column and Highlight any edits in Red text. Send all comments and annotated spreadsheets to Jacque Schei, [email protected] by January 14th.

PNAMP 2011 Workplan Review Background: Using a small staff to facilitate partners’ in-kind contributions of time and resources remains PNAMP’s primary approach to accomplishing tasks. Funding for staff (through USGS) has been provided a group of the partners via reimbursable contracts with USGS negotiated on an annual basis. In addition, some specific tasks have been supported by partners. At our last SC meeting, we reviewed the 2011 planned funding scenario, and initiated discussion of FY12-14 proposal to BPA (due spring 2011) Goal Today: Ask SC to approve the proposed 2011 workplan; review next steps for ongoing tasks and ask for SC input (and approval to move forward) on new ideas. We will break this into two parts, first the current tasks, followed by the proposed new starts. Links: 2011 workplan

CURRENT PROJECTS  Integrated Status and Trend Monitoring (ISTM) Demonstration Project (LINK HERE)  Master Sample Tracking Tool (LINK HERE)  (LINK HERE)  Roadmap for Regional Data Management Implementation (LINK HERE)  Metadata Guidance Implementation (LINK HERE)  Coordinated Assessments Project (LINK HERE)  Effectiveness Monitoring Coordination (LINK HERE)  PNAMP Website Redevelopment PROPOSED NEW STARTS  Salmonid Population Naming Crosswalk and Mapping: This task has been proposed to PNAMP by Phil Roger, Columbia River Inter-tribal Fisheries Commission (CRITFC); Denise Kelsey (and other CRITFC staff) drafted the proposal below (LINK HERE).  Protocol/Methods Workshop Series: (LINK HERE)  Habitat Data Sharing Coordination (LINK HERE)  Remote Sensing Applications: (LINK HERE)  Provide support for Salmon Monitoring Advisor website (LINK HERE); plan for integration of web resources  Effectiveness Estuary  American Fisheries Society 2011 Conference Symposium on Data Management topics NOT IN WORKPLAN DRAFT: PNAMP, working in partnership with the State of the Salmon Project, is proposed to assume ownership and maintenance of the Salmon Monitoring Advisor website (link here).

3 Background: The Salmon Monitoring Advisor site was developed by a working group of scientists through a series of workshops from March 2008 - March 2010. These meetings were funded by a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, a non-governmental conservation organization based in Palo Alto, California. The grant was administered through the United States National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) in Santa Barbara, California. NCEAS also provided logistical support for the workshops. The working group was composed of 14 scientists with extensive experience in a variety of governmental and non- governmental organizations, many of which are involved in PNAMP. Proposed for 2011: PNAMP to partner with SoS to support this resource. PNAMP would host the site and promote use of the tool in the PNAMP community; SoS would share responsibility for marketing/outreach and continued input and development, reaching out to their community of salmon conservationists around the Pacific Rim. Initially, the site would be migrated ‘as is’ to the entity that hosts other web resources for PNAMP. However, we propose to the SC that PNAMP could make this resource even more useful to monitoring practitioners by working to produce similar tools for monitoring watersheds, habitat, other interests in addition to the current emphasis, which is salmon population monitoring. We believe PNAMP is uniquely poised to bring together a number of web-based resources to create a network of information and tools to support many facets of monitoring. These resources include our monitoring methods library and methods community forum, the master sample tracking tool, and data management tools. Part of this task is to thoughtfully consider how to integrate our existing resources and plan for the future support of these important collaboration and coordination tools. 2011 Product: PNAMP to publicly host existing SMA site; develop plan for integration of web resources; complete user analysis of SMA,, community forum 2011 Resources: Sitka Technology will migrate the existing SMA site and assist with integration plan; SoS will support user analyses

NOT IN WORKPLAN DRAFT: Estuary Effectiveness Monitoring Coordination Task: proposed by BPA as an extension of ongoing PNAMP effectiveness monitoring coordination efforts. This was not included in the November draft workplan, so please read below from Russell Scranton: To support ongoing action effectiveness work BPA has continued to maintain an inventory of effectiveness monitoring at the project and watershed scale for habitat actions. BPA has been updating its evaluation of effectiveness projects relative to the status and BACI score sheets to help determine the level of effort for various action types. BPA will be producing a gap assessment on action effectiveness work by treatment type to determine the need for additional funding for habitat treatment studies. In particular interest BPA is hoping to update the inventory for estuarine treatment assessment related to wetland creation and rehabilitation and dike removal, as well as tributary flow studies. BPA hopes to continue to use the PNAMP AE work group as a resource to create and review products. In particular is there a PNAMP recommendation or agreement on the number of site level studies needed. Lastly BPA is also working on a hatchery monitoring inventory for the Columbia to help the CHREET project identify hatchery action effectiveness monitoring needs. If you have new hatchery studies planned please contact Chuck Pevin. In particular if there are RRS or density dependence studies outside the Columbia that might inform Columbia hatchery management for various salmonid species.

NOT IN WORKPLAN DRAFT Symposium title: Managing your fishy data: Data management for wide scale assessment Organizer(s): Kathryn A. Thomas and Jennifer M. Bayer Description: The first Excel spreadsheets appeared 23 years ago and are now as familiar to fisheries biologists as their waders. Meanwhile the technologies of data and information management have rapidly developed resulting in increasingly sophisticated tools and approaches for managing data. These advances affect every 4 type of participant involved in the management of aquatic resources - field technicians, senior scientists, funding agencies, and policy makers – through their impact on the quality, accessibility, and exchangeability of field collected and sensor data. Yet implementation of these new technologies and approaches has been uneven throughout the community of fisheries management. This symposium provides an opportunity for biologists and managers to learn about efforts in the Pacific Northwest to use information management tools and best practice approaches to improve the management and sharing of data to support regional-level assessment. The symposium presenters address how regional repositories, on-line tools, sharing agreements, and regional coordination mechanisms are improving data quality and data sharing capacity regionally. While the presentations provide case studies for the Northwest, the lessons learned and tools implemented are applicable to aquatic systems elsewhere. The up-to-date information provided will help bridge the gap between the Excel spreadsheets of each individual biologist and the need for efficient sharing of high quality data for regional management and policy decisions. NOTE: this may be paired with a hands-on session to demonstrate & provide training on the Monitoring Methods web tool (still under discussion). 2011 Product: symposium at national conference 2011 Resources: PNAMP staff time to organize & facilitate planning for the session; partners staff to contribute

7. Short Updates (brief summary of ongoing tasks; only discussed if SC desires)  NEED TO FOLLOW UP: Request for PNAMP to review & recommend Ad Hoc Supplementation Workgroup Report from NPT (Jay Hesse). This was proposed at the last SC meeting but Jen has not had time to follow up; expect to hear more soon. If you have suggestions or if your agency has been considering this request, please contact Jen.  PNAMP DMLT: meeting proposed for February 2011  PNAMP Project Effectiveness Monitoring WG review task: the Eff. WG will conduct the third of 3 planned worksessions (link to April Wksn; link to May Wksn; link to agenda for August 30 th session)  ISTM project: Fish Objective 1 report complete! Official title: “Identification and Prioritization of Management Decisions, Questions, and Objectives for Lower Columbia River Integrated Status and Trend Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring” link here  Habitat Methods: developing habitat data exchange task; see workplan

5  Protocol Library: aka Monitoring Methods As of May 2010, PNAMP has begun to redevelop the Protocol Library tool to make it more comprehensive and easier to use. A first step has been to combine the Protocol Library and Monitoring Terminology Glossary into a single site - which is now known as ( is a new name for the project but the intent is the same: a web-based resource where monitoring practitioners can find a catalog of methods, protocols, and definitions of terminology that is important to them. In addition, the website will contain a Community Forum to promote information exchange and collaboration between regional monitoring practitioners about methods and other topics of interest to this community. Currently, we are in the middle of a complete redevelopment of the previous iteration of the software and just beginning development of the Community Forum. We have spent considerable time making sure our Leadership Team is in agreement over terminology and what information to collect. As we develop, we are also determining the best approach to integrate with other PNAMP tools, such as the Master Sample tool and potential metadata tools, as defined by requirements work. In addition, we’re working on integration with other regional systems. There is a functioning tool for documenting methodology and study designs at, but many of the features and user tasks we have identified have not been incorporated yet. Please note that we have identified more features and user tasks for the system than we have funding for. We will prioritize and expect that the funded tasks, as well as the Community Forum and content additions, will be complete by the end of February.  Implementation/project tracking workshop follow up: See item above for info.  Montana State University’s Big Sky Institute assistance with PNAMP website updates In 2010, PNAMP developed a Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) agreement with Montana State University’s Big Sky Institute (BSI) to evaluate and assist with implementation of recommendations to improve the functionality and user friendliness of our website. We asked them to help us improve the integration, display, and accessibility of critical information about biological and environmental monitoring and other information. BSI staff has considerable experience with information delivery and specifically with Drupal, the open source software which is the platform behind our current website. In addition, BSI will explore options for connecting with other similar websites to provide a network of information. Currently BSI staff is focused on creating a new framework for the website and cleaning up coding.


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