Strider Typo-Patrol

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Strider Typo-Patrol

Strider Typo-Patrol: Discovery and Analysis of Systematic Typo-Squatting

Yi-Min Wang Doug Beck Jeffrey Wang Chad Verbowski Brad Daniels

April 4, 2005

Technical Report MSR-TR-2005-178

Microsoft Research Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052

To be submitted to the 2nd Usenix Workshop on Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet (SRUTI’06),

1 Strider Typo-Patrol: Discovery and Analysis of Systematic Typo-Squatting

Yi-Min Wang, Doug Beck, Jeffrey Wang*, Chad Verbowski, and Brad Daniels Microsoft Research, Redmond * Abstract other cases, some advertisers are unwillingly paying for their ads being served on typo domains of their own Typo-squatting refers to the practice of registering websites, because such traffic is intended to go directly to domain names that are typo variations of popular their sites in the first place [TG]. websites. We propose a new approach, called Strider In this paper, we describe the Strider Typo-Patrol Typo-Patrol, to discovering large-scale, systematic typo- system that allows automatic discovery and analysis of squatters. We show that a large number of typo-squatting typo domains. Our patrol results reveal that a large domains are active and a large percentage of them are percentage of typo domains are “parked” with a handful parked with a handful of major domain parking services, of major domain parking services. Domain parking is a which serve syndicated advertisements on these domains. special case of advertisement syndication: while the latter In particular, we investigate the questionable practice of attempts to serve relevant contextual ads based on the serving adult advertisements on typos of children’s publishers’ web content, the former serves ads based on websites. We also describe the Strider URL Tracer, a tool merely the domain name because parked domains that we have developed to allow parents to protect their typically have no content. We show that many typo- children’s web browsing activities and to allow website squatters are taking advantage of the domain-parking owners to systematically monitor typo-squatting activities infrastructures to perform large-scale, systematic typo- against their websites (see squatting. However, by doing so, they also expose themselves to systematic discovery enabled by monitoring 1. Introduction and analyzing ads-fetching traffic sent to the parking services. Typo-squatting refers to the practice of registering The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes domain names that are typos of their target domains, how domain parking works and discusses statistics related which usually host popular websites with significant to the amount of unwanted traffic potentially generated traffic. The individuals or organizations who register typo- through typo-squatting. Section 3 presents the Strider squatting domains (or typo domains) are referred to as Typo-Patrol System. Section 4 analyzes typo-patrol data typo-squatters. Some major typo-squatters are known to and quantifies the prevalence of typo-squatting through have registered thousands or more of typo domains domain parking. Section 5 describes the Strider URL [FTC01, S05,TP]. Tracer, a browser plug-in that provides users with Web traffic generated by typo domains is unwanted visibility and control over typo traffic. Section 6 surveys for many reasons. From the users’ perspective, such typo related work and Section 7 concludes the paper. traffic often startles them with unpleasant “hijacking” experience, followed by an annoying barrage of pop-up 2. Understanding Domain Parking and pop-under advertisements (ads). There is a Advertisement syndication refers to the business documented incident where a typo domain of a popular practice of serving ads by instructing the client-side website was serving vulnerability-exploiting scripts to browser software to fetch ads from an ads server and install malware [B05,WBJ+06]. Most seriously, many compose them with the content of the website that the user typo domains of children’s websites have been observed intends to visit. Syndication is typically implemented to redirect to or link to adult websites, endangering using the browser’s third-party URL mechanism: when a Internet safety by potentially exposing minors to harmful user visits a primary URL (hosted by the first party) either material [QA,TDN,FTC01]. by typing the URL into the browser address bar or by From the business perspective, many of the typo- clicking a link on a web page, the browser may be squatting cases involve trademark violations instructed by the content returned by the primary-URL [ACPA,UDRP,G00,D03,T04,R05]. Worse yet, it is not page to automatically visit one or more secondary URLs uncommon to see a typo domain displaying ads from hosted on third-party servers, without explicit knowledge competitors of the target-domain owner or even negative or permission from the user. We refer to these secondary ads against the owner. For example, we observed that on a URLs as third-party URLs in this paper. These third-party typo domain of a well-known brokerage site, the first ad URLs usually contain information about the primary URL linked to a law firm that pointed out the brokerage firm so that the syndicators can serve the most relevant had been fined millions of dollars for account violations contextual ads based on the primary-URL page content and offered to recover investment losses for the users. In

2 (and potentially the historical information about the such as (#248), (#315), visiting machine or user). (#342), (#347), and Domain parking [DP] is a special case of (#375). Although many parked domains may advertisement syndication: the primary URL is a parked be generic-name domains, the fact that we were able to domain that does not contain any real content and discover thousands of parked typo domains within a short syndicated domain-parking ads, usually in the form of ads time through simple automated searching does provide listings, become the main content of the page displayed to evidence that unwanted traffic due to parked typo domains the user. For them to attract sufficient traffic in order to could be significant. generate sufficient profits from serving ads, parked 3. The Strider Typo-Patrol System domains are usually domains with well-known generic names [DP1] or typo domains of popular websites. See The Strider Typo-Patrol System provides automatic [PD] for screenshots of sample domains parked with scanning and systematic analysis of typo domains. It various parking services. consists of three main components: a typo-neighborhood Next, we use two actual examples to illustrate how generator, a typo-neighborhood scanner, and a typo- typo squatting through domain parking is typically domain database. implemented using third-party URLs. When a browser 1.1. Typo-Neighborhood Generation visits http://disneychannel, it receives a response Given a target domain, we define its typo- page containing a frame that loads neighborhood as consisting of the URLs generated from This the following five typo-generation models, which are URL is responsible for serving the main domain-parking found to be commonly used in the wild: ads listing. The basic idea of Strider Typo-Patrol is to scan (1) Missing-dot typos: The “.” following “www” is a large number of typo domains, monitor all third-party removed, for example, http://ww wS, URL traffic, and group the domains by the behind-the- http://ww wB, and http://ww wM scenes domain parking servers in order to facilitate (2) Character-omission typos: Characters are omitted investigation. one at a time, for example, http://D in, Some domain parking services provide additional http://Mart hS, and http://Rune Sa information in their third-party URLs that facilitates (3) Character-permutation typos: Consecutive further analysis. For example, when a browser visits characters are swapped one pair at a time, unless they are http://disney g .com, the response page contains a frame1 the same characters, for example, http://R ue, that loads http://NYTi em, and http://Cing lu s=disney g .com&dp_lp=24&hl=en&dp_lp=7&cid=DTRG4295& (4) Character-replacement typos: characters are dp_p4pid=oingo_inclusion_xml_06&dp_format=1.3, where the replaced one at a time and the replacement is selected “cid” field contains a Client ID that uniquely identifies a from the set of characters adjacent to the given character typo-squatter. In Section 4, we will show that such on the standard keyboard, for example, information enables us to quickly discover thousands of http://Di d, http://Luft g, and typo domains that are registered to a well-known, serial http://USATod s typo-squatter [S05,U]. (5) Character-insertion typos: characters are inserted Domain parking services provide convenient and one at a time and the inserted character is chosen from the effective contextual-ads infrastructures that make even set of characters adjacent to either of the given pair on the marginal typo domains profitable [N2]. With the annual standard keyboard (and including the given pair), for domain registration fee being as low as $7.00 [BR], a rule- example, http://Googl, of-thumb figure is that a parked typo domain only needs to http://WashingtonPo o, and http://Moz z We attract between one unique visitor every two days and two also insert characters at the beginning and at the end. visitors per day (depending on the pay-out levels) to 1.2. Typo-Neighborhood Scanning generate sufficient income to cover the fee. (As a The Typo-Patrol scanner is an enhancement and reference, http://sl sa records statistics of tens of extension of our previous Strider HoneyMonkey scanner hits per day.) According to on March 12, [HM05]. It currently consists of a network of 17 2006, the servers owned by the top two domain parking machines. Each machine runs a daemon process that services identified in our study are reaching between monitors its own input-request queue residing in a folder 3,300 and 5,200 per million users daily and their servers on a central management machine. When a list of typo have a traffic rank between #221 and #438. These domains is dropped into the queue, the daemon fetches the numbers are comparable to those for popular websites list and launches Virtual Machines (VMs) to visit each

1 domain. (We use Microsoft Virtual Server for running the Another frame is responsible for serving pop-up/pop-under ads VMs.) from other companies, which are not domain parking services.

3 To avoid interference due to ill-behaved pop-up ads owned by a well-known typo-squatter and parked with a and latent scripts, the daemon restarts a new VM from a major domain parking service; over a thousand such pre-configured clean state before scanning the next domains have been de-activated in response to our report. domain. Before destroying the previous VM instance, the Finally, by scanning typo-neighborhoods of popular daemon copies all recorded data to the host machine. The children’s websites, we identified over a hundred domains data includes all secondary URLs visited and their that redirected to or provided links to adult websites. ordering, the content of all HTTP requests and responses, Many of such domains have cleaned up their act in and optionally a screenshot. Upon completing the scan of response to our findings. the entire list, the daemon copies all data to its output 1.4. Missing-dot Typos of Top 10,000 Sites folder on the central management machine. For the vertical analysis, we scanned the missing-dot 1.3. Data Analysis with Typo-Domain Database typos of the top 10,000 most popular domains as measured Recorded data in the output folder is inserted into the by an opt-in toolbar. Our result showed that 5,094 (51%) typo-domain database for data queries and analysis. We of the 10,000 typo domains were active at the time of the currently perform three types of analysis: scan. Figure 1 ranks the top six domain parking services (1) Given lists of typo domains belonging to a defined by the number of typo domains that serve ads from them. category, we analyze how heavily the category is being We make the following observations: (1) the top two typo-squatted and which domain parking services are the parking services clearly stand out, each covering major players. approximately 20% of active typo domains; (2) the top six (2) Given a target domain, we divide its typo domains parking services together account for more than half into ranked sets according to the number of domains (59%) of the active domains and 30% of all the artificially parked with each of the parking services. We use two generated missing-dot typo domains. additional pieces of information to further divide and rank 1.5. Typo-Neighborhoods of Popular Sites and the sets in order to help the owner of the target domain High-Risk Phishing Targets prioritize their investigation. The first piece of information For the horizontal analysis, we selected two sets of is the Client ID field mentioned in Section 2. target domains: the first set consists of 30 of the most The second piece of information is the anchor popular sites according to the Alexa toolbar data [A]; the domain that is used to aggregate traffic from multiple typo second set consists of 30 high-risk targets by phishing domains to simplify operations and to enable scalable attacks, selected from [AP,MI,FTC]. For each target typo-squatting. For example, tens of typo domains of domain, we scanned its typo-neighborhood composed of were “funneling” traffic through typo domains generated from all five typo-generation the same anchor playbo v .com; several typos of models. The two sets of results are shown in Figure 2 and including countrywi and Figure 3, respectively. countryw w are sharing the same anchor country- We make the following observations: (1) in the two; typo domains ComFedB na, sets of scans, 71% (2,233/3,136) and 42% (1,596/3,780) LaSalleBan, and Sovere r are sharing of the generated typo domains were active, respectively; the same anchor b a (2) the top six parking services remain the same across all We have found that, in most cases, typo domains three sets of data except for minor re-ordering of ranking; sharing the same anchor are registered to the same (3) again, the top two parking services stand out, even registrant according to WhoIs lookups [WI]; in other more so than in Figure 1; (4) the overall numbers for the cases, anchor-based analysis allowed us to discover top six services remain fairly consistent: they together domain registrants that share the same physical addresses account for 40% to 70% of active typo domains and and are most likely aliases of the same company. around 30% of all generated typos. (3) For analyses that require searching for specific keywords (e.g., sexually-explicit keywords used in the analysis in Section 4.4), we analyze the HTTP response pages and extract all typo domains with a match. 4. Typo-Patrol Data Analysis We first present two kinds of analysis to assess the prevalence of typo-squatting and to identify major domain parking services that are involved: vertical analysis uses a single type of typos for a large number of target domains; Parking service # parked % of % of all horizontal analysis uses multiple types of typos for a typos active (10,000) smaller set of target domains. Then, we present a case (5,094) study in which we identified thousands of typo domains #1 1,082 21% 11%

4 IDs and used WhoIs lookups to verify that almost all of #2 992 20% 9.9% them were registered to DomainSquatter. #3 Sedoparking.com2 439 8.6% 4.4% Figure 4 shows that, among the total of #4 227 4.5% 2.3% 5,094+2,233+1,596=8,923 active typo domains from the #5 146 2.9% 1.5% three sets of data, 2,107 (24%) were parked with #6 109 2.1% 1.1% and 1,607 (18%) were registered to Total 2,995 59% 30 % DomainSquatter. That is, when a user made a typo and reached an active typo domain, one in every four such Figure 1. Top six domain parking services in the missing- domains would serve ads from and one in dot typo-neighborhoods of top 10,000 websites every six would profit DomainSquatter if the user clicks Parking service # parked % of % of all the ads. It is also significant to note that DomainSquatter typos active (3,136) accounted for 76% of the 2,107 typo domains parked with (2,233) It did not appear to be targeting any specific #1 420 19% 13% industry, as speculated in [S05]: it was squatting 29 of the #2 306 14% 9.8% 30 target domains in both sets used in the horizontal analysis. #3 74 3.3% 2.4% # owned by # typos % typos % of #4 74 3.3% 2.4% Domain parked with parked with active #5 69 3.1% 2.2% Squatter #6 50 2.2% 1.6% Figure 1 732 992 74% 14% Total 993 44% 32% Figure 2 310 420 74% 14% Figure 2. Top six domain parking services in the typo- Figure 3 565 695 81% 35% neighborhoods of 30 most popular websites Total 1,607 2,107 76% 18% Parking service # parked % of % of all Figure 4. Large-scale, systematic typo-squatting by a typos active (3,780) major typo-squatter (1,596) #1 695 44% 18% Since we started reporting discovered typo domains at #2 292 12% 7.7% in December 2005, DomainSquatter has been de-registering most of the #3 66 4.1% 1.7% reported domains almost on a daily basis. First, most of #4 60 3.8% 1.6% the anchor domains were abandoned (see the consistent #5 37 2.3% 1.0% traffic drops around mid-December across multiple #6 28 1.8% 0.7% anchors [AAD]). Then, the registrant names in most of the Total 1,178 67% 31% WhoIs records were changed [U]. In total, we have reported 2,182 typo domains owned by DomainSquatter Figure 3. Top six domain parking services in the typo- so far (including the 1,607 domains from the three data neighborhoods of 30 high-risk phishing targets sets). Around mid-March 2006, we rescanned those 2,182 domains and found that 1,668 (76%) of them were no 1.6. Case Study: A Large-Scale Typo-Squatter longer active. Among the remaining 514 active typo A major typo-squatter has been observed to perform domains, 355 are still parked with and 159 are systematic typo-squatting on many target domains parked with others. [S05,U]. But there has been no estimate of how big its 1.7. Typo-Neighborhoods of Children’s Websites typo-squatting business is. Since it has been changing its registrant name in the WhoIs records, we will refer to the To investigate Internet safety issues associated with company as DomainSquatter in this paper. During our typo domains of children’s websites, we performed typo- investigation, it became clear that DomainSquatter was patrol analysis on 50 popular children’s sites. The 50 parking a lot of domains with and it was using neighborhoods contained 7,094 typo domains, among anchor domains heavily. By analyzing traffic aggregation which 2,685 (38%) domains were active. By parsing the through tens of anchor domains in the horizontal analysis, HTTP responses for sexually-explicit keywords and by we were able to identify the two Client IDs used by manually screening the recorded screenshots to locate DomainSquatter, one for the typo domains and the other other suspects, we found a total of 110 (4.1% of 2,685) for the anchors. We then extracted all scanned domains domains that contained questionable contents: four parked with that were using those two Client domains redirected to adult sites directly, 36 domains contained at least one conspicuous link to an adult site, 2 According to, uses the and the remaining domains displayed at least one same ads-serving infrastructure as Together, they account for (992+439)/5,094=28% of active typo domains.

5 conspicuous adult-category link to a page of adult ads URL domain, displays all the visited primary URLs that listings. generated traffic to it. Domains associated with more By analyzing the third-party URL traffic, we found primary URLs are displayed closer to the top. For every that the top two domain parking services together were URL displayed in either of the views, the tool provides a responsible for serving ads on 80% of those 110 typo right-click menu with two options: the “Go” option that domains: 53 (46.5%) domains parked with and allows the URL to be revisited (so that the user can figure 37 (33.6%) domains parked with out which ad came from which URL) and the “Block” Among the 53 option that allows blocking of all future traffic to and from domains, 46 were registered to DomainSquatter and an that domain. analysis of those 46 domains revealed three safety issues We envision the URL tracer to be used primarily in with domain parking. two scenarios. The first scenario is a parental control tool: First, typo-squatters can park an anchor domain with when parents see inappropriate ads being displayed to a sexually-explicit name such as to their children, they can use the tool to rescan recently “trick” domain parking services into serving questionable visited URLs, use the “Go” or “Block” option from the ads and then redirect typo domains of children’s websites “URL Scan History” view to determine which ads server to that anchor so that the ads are displayed to children who was responsible for serving those ads, and decide whether made a typo. For example, 20 typo domains of the they want to block those domains permanently to protect children’s website were redirected their children’s future browsing activities. to [QA]. The second scenario is a typo-patrol tool used by Second, sometimes domain parking services were trademark owners who want to monitor typo domains. It is serving adult ads even on anchor domains that do not have often too expensive for target-domain owners to a sexually-explicit name, e.g., http://disn r, investigate and take actions against a large number of which was an anchor for typos of individual typo domains. We have incorporated into the [QA,TDN]. We speculate that the typo-squatter might tool a feature that takes a target domain name and have explicitly specified sexually-explicit keywords in automatically generates and scans its typo-neighborhood. order to trick the parking service’s contextual-ads The trademark owner can then use the “Top Domains” algorithm into serving questionable ads. view to identify those parking services that are heavily The third safety issue is inherent to the fact that involved. This domain parking-based analysis provides an domain parking is a special case of advertisement efficient and low-cost solution for the owners to file multi- syndication: given merely a domain name like domain complaints with major parking services (e.g., gro p [QA], the algorithm may not have [TCP]) to request banning of typo domains from their sufficient knowledge to determine that it is a typo domain parking programs. Together with IP address-based of the children’s website, and may make grouping, such analysis also facilitates grouping of a mistake in deriving the keywords and result in multiple typo domains that are owned by the same inappropriate advertisements being displayed to children. registrant and/or hosted by the same ISP. This makes it Soon after the troubling practice was exposed in mid- easier for trademark owners to file multi-domain disputes December 2005 [TP,N2], the two anchor domains against typo-domain registrants and to send multi-domain http://disn r and that takedown notices to the hosting ISPs. together were responsible for 26 of the 110 typo domains In addition, the tool can help identify those typo- were removed. But many other typo domains have squatters who are redirecting traffic back to the target continued to serve questionable ads; for example, see websites through their traffic-affiliate programs as an http://neop p (a typo of and alternative way to profit from typo-squatting. For http://g or (a typo of example, ove e redirects to, which in turn redirects to the target 5. The Strider URL Tracer site (with a “siteID” field); similarly, Motivated by the prevalence of typo-squatting and its verizonwire w redirects to and associated Internet safety issues, we have developed a then to the target (with a “vendorid” tool, named Strider URL Tracer [TP], to provide users field in the URL); verizonwireles a .com redirects to with visibility and control over third-party traffic, which and then to has mostly remained under the cover for the past decade. The tracer provides four main functionalities. It 6. Related Work supports a “URL Scan History” view that records the timestamp of each primary URL visited and its associated Domain-name typo-squatting has received increasing secondary URLs, grouped by domains. It supports an attention over the past few years alternative “Top Domains” view that, for each secondary- [FTC01,D03,T04,G05,R05,W05]. However, the

6 community’s understanding of the typo-squatting practice URLs are grouped under a single third-party domain and has been mostly based on individual cases through manual the externally-visible IP address [EV] of the user’s and ad-hoc investigations. In 2003, Edelman presented a machine has remained static, then the fact that “this IP study of thousands of typo domains registered to a major address has visited those 10 URLs” has been reported to typo-squatter at that time [B05]. Our Typo-Patrol work the third party, which may raise privacy concerns if proposes the first automatic and systematic approach to appropriate privacy statements are not posted. Even when discovering and analyzing typo domains and typo- the IP address is not static, third-party cookies can be used squatters. to provide correlation [OO]. We highlight all websites that The data analysis portion of Strider Typo-Patrol can use cookies in a bright red color to alert users of this be applied to non-typo questionable domains as well, additional potential privacy concern. Bugnosis [B] is a which may be obtained from the WhoIs database, reverse browser plug-in that detects a subset of third-party URLs, IP lookups, DNS zone files, services that monitor new specifically those corresponding to suspicious images that domain registrations, etc. [WI,M06]. For example, we may serve as web beacons. The plug-in does not appear to obtained and scanned a list of 3,990 cybersquatting track text ads served from domain parking services. domains, all of which contain the full name of the target 7. Summary company as a substring in their domain names. Our scan determined that 2,938 of them were active and the six We have described the Strider Typo-Patrol system for domain parking services identified in this paper together automatic discovery and systematic analysis of typo- parked 949 domains, or 32%. Again, the top two stood squatting domains. By scanning three sets of typo domains out: parked 509 (17%) domains (of which 351 and analyzing their third-party URL traffic, we have were linked to DomainSquatter’s Client IDs); identified two domain parking services that are parked 321 (11%) particularly active in serving ads on at least thousands of domains. This preliminary investigation reveals that the typo domains, and found that the top six parking services involvement of some domain parking services in the are responsible for parking around 30% of all cybersquatting business may go far beyond simple typo- algorithmically generated typo domains and 40%~70% of squatting. the active ones. We have discovered thousands of typo The Fiddler HTTP Debugging Proxy [F] intercepts all domains registered to a well-known, large-scale typo- browser traffic. It provides more powerful traffic squatter, who according to our study was responsible for monitoring and control capabilities than the Strider URL as many as 76% of all typo domains parked with a major Tracer. But it does not provide primary-secondary and parking service, or 18% of all active typo secondary-primary associations, which are essential for domains from our scans. The typo-squatter was also typo patrol. responsible for a significant percentage of the typo The domain blocking functionality already exists in a domains of children’s websites that were serving few different forms, but it has not been integrated with the questionable ads. We have developed the Strider URL browsing history as an online, on-demand feature. For Tracer to help provide visibility into the typo-squatting example, Firefox users can use the userContent.css file business practice. The tool allows parents to protect their to block selected domains [BA] and Internet Explorer children by blocking domains that are serving harmful users typically use the Windows hosts files to block material to minors. It also provides a light-weight typo- unwanted ads [BU]. Because advertising business is an patrol feature to allow owners of popular websites to important part of Internet economy that supports free monitor potential violations of their trademarks. information, we do not recommend wholesale blocking. As a final note, we would like to emphasize two Instead, our tool allows the users to see which ad came things. First, the typo-squatting domains scanned by from which domain and gives them the power to use on- Strider Typo-Patrol are generated automatically based on demand domain blocking to discourage advertising a set of typo-generation algorithms. Final determination of companies from serving questionable ads. whether they are in violation of trademark rules is up to Third-party URLs have been used by malicious the trademark owners, the parking services, and the websites to execute and install malcode on client machines domain dispute process. Second, we believe that most [N1] and by advertising and web analytics companies to domain parking services are legitimate advertising implement web beacons (or web bugs) to track users’ companies. They help owners of generic-name domains browsing behaviors [O02,WB,SC]. The Strider URL monetize their traffic and they do provide relevant Tracer can be used to expose those behind-the-scenes information that users are seeking and appreciate. Many exploiters that pretend to be advertisement syndicators, parking services have stated trademark policies and rules but serve vulnerability-exploiting scripts instead of ads [TCP,DPT,SPR] but, until now, it has not been an easy [WBJ+06]. The “Top Domains” view is particularly useful task for them to distinguish legitimate domains from typo- for exposing web beacons. For example, if 10 primary squatting domains. We encourage parking services that are really serious about enforcing their policies to use our tool

7 to discover systematic typo-squatting domains that [N1] Ryan Naraine, “Microsoft Unwraps HoneyMonkey participate in their parking programs and to identify large- Detection Project,”, August 5, 2005, scale typo-squatters among their customers.,1895,1844687,00.asp. [N2] Ryan Naraine, “MS Research: Typo-Squatters Are Gaming

Google,” References,1895,1903695,00.asp,, December 19, 2005. [A] Alexa Top Sites English, [O02] Stefanie Olsen, “Ad firms set rules for Web tracking top_sites?ts_mode=lang&lang=en. bugs,” CNET, November 26, 2002, [AAD] Abandoned anchor domains for typo domains parked with, +bugs/2100-1023_3-975385.html? Patrol/Major_Anchors.htm. [OO] Opt Out of NAI Member Ad Networks, [ACPA] Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA),, November 29, 1999. [PD] Screenshots of sample parked domains, [APh] Anti-Phishing Working Group phishing archive, Patrol/Parked_Domains.htm. [B] Bugnosis Web Bug Detector, [QA] Screenshots of questionable advertisements displayed on [BA] Blocking advertisement with the Firefox userContent.css typo domains of kids’ websites, file, [BR] Bulk registration pricing, [R05] Keith Regan, “Arbitrators Back Google in Fight Against 'Typo Squatter',” TechNewsWorld, July 11, 2005, se=%2B&ci=176. [BU] Blocking Unwanted Parasites with a Hosts File, [S05] Will Sturgeon, “Serial typo-squatters target security firms,” ZDNet, Sep. 19, 2005, [D03] “Air France Wins Typo Squatting Dispute,” Demys News 1009_22-5873001.html. Service, July 30, 2003, [SC] Anti-spy group outlines cookie principles, [DP] Domain Parking, analytics-association-outlines-antispyware-principles, March [DP1] Domain potential, 29, 2006 [DPT] DomainSponsor Terms of Use, [SD] Sedo Domain Name Parking, [SPR] Sedo – Policies | Rules for Domain Parkers, [E1] Benjamin Edelman, “Large-Scale Registration of Domains with Typographical Errors,” Sept. 2003, [OD] DomainSponsor,,, [EV] Externally visible IP addresses, or, [T04] Iain Thomson, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Typo,” [F] Fiddler HTTP Debugging Proxy Dec. 10, 2004, Personal Computer World, [FTC01] “Cyberscam Targeted by FTC: 5,500 Copycat Web [TDN] “Truth in Domain Names Act of 2003,” Addresses Capture Computers and Mousetrap Surfers,” [TG] “Typogoogling,” http://www.f- [G05] “ installed malware by exploiting browser vulnerabilities,” [TP] Strider Typo-Patrol, descs/googkle.shtml. [U] Numerous domain name dispute cases against Unasi, Inc., [GAD] Google AdSense for domains, and [UDRP] Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy [TCP] Google AdSense for Domains Trademark Complaint (UDRP), Procedure”, [WBJ+06] Yi-Min Wang, et al., “Automated Web Patrol with [G00] “Cybersquatter Fined $100,000 Per Domain Name,” Strider HoneyMonkeys: Finding Web Sites That Exploit Browser Vulnerabilities”, in Proc. Network and Distributed all.html, November 2000. System Security (NDSS) Symposium, February 2006. [HM05] Strider HoneyMonkey, [WB] “Web Beacons – Guidelines for Notice and Choice,” [M06] “Hey, TYPE-YOUR-CREDIT-CARD-NUMBER- [WI] WhoIs lookup, (or, HERE.COM is available for registration!,” http://www.f-, [W05] “WIPO Responds to Significant Cybersquatting Activity March 30, 2006. in 2005,”

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