Student Council Election Information

The only office that will be voted on December 3, 2016 is the open position for Vice President. If the elected officer is currently holding a delegate position, a further election will be made within the delegate’s committee.

All candidates must have completed the following in order to participate in the remaining pre-election requirements. – ALL candidates MUST be in good standing with Student Council during the current year. – ALL candidates MUST have been a member for one full school year. OFFICER The pre-election requirements account for 50% of the candidate’s total score.

SPONSOR EVLAUATION – 25% The sponsor will fill out an evaluation form for each candidate. This final average will have a weight of twenty-five (25) percent for officer/delegate candidates.

CANDIDATE ESSAY - 25% In this essay, the candidate should state his/her reasons for seeking an Officer/Delegate position. Please state the specific position you are interested in and why you feel that you are the best candidate for this position. Also, discuss your participation in Student Council events this past year and plans for the future.

PARENT/GUARDIAN LETTER OF CONSENT – REQUIRED Student Council Officers/Delegates devote countless hours before and after school, as well as on weekends, holidays, and during the summer. Parents should be fully aware of the requirements placed upon Student Council Officers/Delegates.

CANDIDATE CONTRACT – REQUIRED Each candidate must be fully aware of the responsibilities that come with an Officer/Delegate position. The candidate contract is the candidate’s promise to adhere to the expectations and responsibilities of a Student Council Officer/Delegate.


CURRENT STUDENT COUNCIL VOTE – 50% This vote will be taken at a Student council meeting designated specifically for Officer elections and Delegate elections . The Officer/Delegate candidates will present their prepared speeches to the General Council at the meeting. All speeches must be approved by a sponsor for Officer Elections . After all the candidates have completed their speeches, the Council will vote. This vote will count as fifty (50) percent of the candidate’s final election score.

Elections for the 2015-2016 School Year CMS Student Council Election Timeline

Thursday, November 12, 2015 9:30 am – Vice President Election Sign up

Monday, December 1, 2016 Copy of Officer/Delegate speeches must be turned in for approval by today!

Thursday, December 3, 2016 Vice President Elections during Student Council Mtg.


Name: ______Grade 15-16: ______Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______E-mail: ______

– I have given serious thought about seeking an Officer/Delegate position and understand the commitment I am making. – I have discussed this with my parents and explained to them the amount of time and effort that accompanies this position. – I understand that I will be asked to devote a large amount of my time to CMS and Student Council. – I understand that a calendar of events will be given to me as soon as possible that lists all the major events and meetings the council will be involved in. Excessive absences from council activities may result in removal from my position if I am elected. – I have read and understand the Student Council Constitution. – I understand that I must be eligible in order to participate in the majority of council events. If I do not meet eligibility requirements set by the school district I may be asked to resign from my position. – I understand that I will have to prioritize my time between Student Council and other activities. I will keep constant communication with the sponsors regarding conflicts that may arise. – I understand that if I am not able to fulfill my duties as an Officer/Delegate, I will be asked to resign my position. – I understand that as a Student Council Officer/Delegate, I will be expected to set the example for council members and other students to follow.

I fully accept the duties of my elected office. I promise to fulfill the responsibilities of my office.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Elections for the 2015-2016 School Year CMS STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICER/DELEGATE Parent/Guardian Consent 2015-2016 Name of Candidate: ______Parent/Guardian Name: ______Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

I understand and support my student in their choice to run for an Office/Delegate position. I have discussed this with my child and we both understand the responsibilities of the position.

– This will be a heavy commitment for my student. I understand that my child will be asked to accept duties and responsibilities well beyond that of the average student. – As a Student Council Officer/Delegate, my child will be asked to set the example for other students to follow. – A requirement for being an Officer/Delegate is maintaining good grades and I understand that my student will seek help in classes where their grades drop. – I understand that this is a year-long commitment. I will be supportive of my student throughout the school year. – I have also discussed the time requirements of a Student Council Officer/Delegate with my child and I understand there will be weekly Officer/Delegate meetings, meetings at night, weekends and summer activities, overnight trips, and other activities that are required of Officers/Delegates. In some instances, students will have to prioritize activities they are involved in. If a student does not feel they are able to commit to the amount of time required to make our council function efficiently, it is the student’s responsibility to discuss their role on council with one of the sponsors. – I understand the time requirement of my student as well as myself in regards to transporting my student to and from events as well as helping chaperon events when needed. – A council calendar is given to officers for the school year as soon as it is created. I understand that excessive council absences may result in removal from their position. – I will support the CMS Student Council, sponsors, and students in the organization. I will not use their participation as a disciplinary tool since this can affect not only my student, but up to 30 others as well. CMS Student Council does not intend to intervene in family concerns, this is your right as a parent/guardian, but our hopes are that the family will consider their student’s impact on the entire organization. All Officers/Delegates/Representatives are important, regardless of position. – I understand that the sponsors want to keep an open line of communication with the families of council, and I will receive many permission slips to sign and information packets about council activities. – I pledge to support my student in this endeavor and encourage them to discuss any concerns they may have with one of the sponsors.

I agree to the above and give my student permission to run for an Officer position for the 15-16 school year.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Elections for the 2015-2016 School Year