Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae

Ian Roberge 1



Glendon College, York University Department of Political Science, YH 341 2275 Bayview Ave. Toronto, Ontario M4N 3M6 Phone: 416-736-2100 ext. 88284 Fax: 416-487-6852 [email protected]

Citizenship: Canadian

CURRENT POSITION Glendon College, York University 2004- Chair, Department of Political Science 2010- Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and School of Public and International Affairs Member Faculty of Graduate Studies

RESEARCH INTERESTS Theories of Public Policy, Counter Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Policy, Financial Services Sector Policy

EDUCATION McMaster University 2004 PhD in Comparative Public Policy Thesis: The Internationalization of Public Policy and Multi-Level Governance: A Comparison of Financial Services Sector Reform in Canada and France

Comprehensive Examination 2001 Major Fields: Public Policy, Internationalization and Public Policy Teaching Field: International Relations

Concordia University 2000 Master of Arts in Public Policy and Public Administration

Glendon College, York University 1998 Baccalaureate of Arts in International Studies RESEARCH GRANTS Glendon College, York University Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Co-Applicant, Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences 2011 ($24 913) Ian Roberge 2

Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Principal Investigator, International Opportunities Fund 2010 ($24 784)

Glendon Faculty Research Grant 2005 (App. $1800)

McMaster University Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship 2002-2004 ($19 000/yr)

Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Thesis Supplement, Federalism and Federations Program 2003 ($6000)

McMaster University, Harvey Travel Scholarship 2002 ($1000)

Tayce Wakefield Ontario Graduate Scholarship 2001 ($15 000)

McMaster University, Graduate and Entrance Scholarships 2000 ($8500)

Concordia University J.W. McConnell Memorial Fellowship 1999 ($2500)

TEACHING EXPERIENCES AND CONTRIBUTION TO TRAINING Glendon College, York University Graduate Teaching Public Management (PIA 6000)

Course Previously Taught The Policy Process (PIA 6001), Co-Teaching with Professor Garon

Supervision, MA Major Research Paper Mary Elizabeth Simovic ‘Balancing National Security and Human Rights in the Post 9/11 Era: A Comparative Study of Australia and Canada’, April 2011

1 student (second reader)

Undergraduate Teaching (Current and Previously Taught) Public Policy Research (POLS 4275) Crime organisé et terrorisme (POLS 4272) Introduction to Public Administration (POLS 2500), French and English Ian Roberge 3

Canadian Public Policy (POLS 3240) Politique publique comparée (POLS 3260) Internship in Public Administration (POLS 4295)

Supervisor Individual Reading and Research (POLS 4100) 9 students

University of Strasbourg The War on Terror (Winter 2010)

Canada's Collaboration for On-line Higher Education and Research 2006 Introduction to Canadian Studies 2006 (Canadian Politics Module) (Scholars from York University, the University of Guelph, the University of Saskatchewan, Simon Fraser University and the University of Calgary are involved in developing this collaborative course, which is taught simultaneously to students in the partner institutions.)

McMaster University Sessional Lecturer Research Methods, Statistics and Political Analysis 2004 (Term 3) Research Methods, Statistics and Political Analysis 2004 (Term 2) Research Methods, Statistics and Political Analysis 2003 (Term 2)

Teaching Assistant Global Politics (POLI 2E6) Politics and Government (POLI 1G06) Research Methods, Statistics and Political Analysis (POLI 3N6)

Teaching Course Taken Centre for Leadership and Learning – Principles and Practice of University Teaching 2003

Seminars Conducted Centre for Leadership and Learning – Marking Essays (TA Day) 2003

PUBLICATIONS Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Roberge, Ian. (2009) ‘Changing Course: Policy Reversals, Terrorist Financing and Title III of the USA Patriot Act’, Public Policy and Administration, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 265-279. Ian Roberge 4

Roberge, Ian. (2008) ‘La lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent et le financement du terrorisme aux États- Unis’, Politique américaine, vol. 10, printemps, pp. 59-69.

Roberge, Ian. (2007) ‘Misguided Policies in the ‘War on Terror’? The Case for Disentangling Terrorist Financing from Money Laundering’, Politics, vol. 27, no. 3, pp.196-203.

McKeen-Edwards, Heather, Ian Roberge. (2007) ‘Progressing Towards Legitimacy: Financial Services Sector Policymaking in the EU After Lamfalussy’, Current Politics and Economics of Europe, vol. 18, no. 2, pp, 223-243.

Roberge, Ian. (2006), ‘Middle-Sized Powers in Global Finance: Internationalization and Domestic Policymaking’, Policy Studies, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 253-270.

Roberge, Ian. (2005) ‘Autonome malgré tout! L’internationalisation et la réforme des marchés financiers au Canada’, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse des politiques, vol. XXXI., no. 3, pp. 259-272.

Roberge, Ian. (2004) ‘Le Canada et le régime international de lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent et le financement du terrorisme: Un exemple de coordination verticale et horizontale’, International Journal, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 639-654.

McKeen-Edwards, Heather, Tony Porter and Ian Roberge. (2004) ‘Politics or Markets: The Determinants of Cross-Border Financial Integration in the NAFTA and EU’, New Political Economy, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 325-340.

Roberge, Ian. (2003) ‘The Internationalization of Public Policy and the Prospects for a Theory of Multi- Level Governance’, Federal Governance: A Graduate Journal of Theory and Practice, 2, .

Roberge, Ian. (2000), ‘Canadian Foreign Policy in the 1990's: A New Orientation for Changing Times’, The Colloquium (Concordia Graduate Student Journal).

Non-Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Roberge, Ian. (2010) [Review Essay, ‘Iced: The Story of Organized Crime in Canada’ and ‘The Origin of Organized Crime in America: The New York City Mafia, 1891-1931’], International Journal of Canadian Studies, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 335-341.

Roberge, Ian. (2009) ‘Bringing the United-States back In: A Response to Rainer Hülsse’s ‘Creating Demand for Global Governance…’’, Global Society, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 177-181. Book Chapter Roberge, Ian. (2011) ‘Combat ultime à la canadienne: le conflit entourant la création d’une commission nationale des valeurs mobilières’, Jean-François Savard, Alexandre Brassard, Louis Côté (eds.) Les relations Québec-Ontario: un destin partagé? les Presses de l’Université du Québec. Ian Roberge 5

Conference Proceedings Roberge, Ian. (2011, à paraître) ‘Quand la menace ne vient pas des États: examen du régime contre le crime organisé transnational’, Alex MacLeod (ed.) Les défis de la sécurité à l'aube d'un monde pluripolaire, Bruxelles: Bruylant.

Roberge, Ian. (2004) ‘Comment freiner le financement du terrorisme? La gouvernance à plusieurs niveaux dans le monde de la haute finance’, Stanislav J. Kirschbaum (ed.) Terrorisme et sécurité internationale, Bruxelles: Bruylant.

Encyclopedia Entries Roberge, Ian. (2011) ‘The Financial Action Task Force’, David Held and Thomas Hale (eds.) The Handbook of Transnational Governance Innovation, Cambridge: Polity Press, p. 45-50. Previously published as a wiki entry in The Encyclopaedia of Transnational Governance Innovation, ed. 3.2, .

Roberge, Ian. (2010) ‘Money Laundering’, ‘Policy Evaluation’, ‘Terrorism Financing’, The International Encyclopaedia of Political Science, Washington DC: CQ Press.

Porter, Tony, Ian Roberge. (2006) ‘The BIS’, Roland Robertson and Jan Aart Scholte (eds.) Encyclopedia of Globalization, Oxford: Routledge.

Book Reviews Roberge, Ian. (2010) [Review of the Book ‘Les sentinelles de l’argent sale: les banques aux prises avec l’antiblanchiment’], La revue de l’innovation, vol. 15, no. 2.

Roberge, Ian. (2009) [Review of the Book ‘Politiques publiques et démocratie’], Politique et sociétés, vol. 28, no. 3.

Roberge, Ian. 2009. [Review of the Book ‘L’Innovation une affaire d’État’], La revue de l’innovation, vol. 14, no. 2.

Roberge, Ian. 2007. [Review of the Book ‘Digital State at the Leading Edge’], Canadian Journal of Political Science, vol. 40, no. 3.

Unpublished Document Roberge, Ian. (1995) Les leçons apprises par l’ACDI lors de ses projets en Afrique de l’Ouest, ACDI, Rapport de travail, Ottawa.

CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Roberge, Ian (2011) ‘Networks Matter: Explaining how States have Responded to the Global Financial Crisis’, paper paper presented at the Canadian Political Science Association, Annual Convention, Wilfrid Laurier University, Kitchener, June. Ian Roberge 6

Roberge, Ian (2011) ‘The Little Engine That Could: The FATF and the Money Laundering Problem’, paper presented at International Studies Association, Annual Convention, Montreal, March.

Roberge, Ian. (2010) ‘Explaining Canadian Resilience to the Global Financial Crisis: The Role of Policy Networks’, paper presented at Regulation in the Age of Crisis, 3rd Biennial Conference of the Regulatory Governance Standing Group, European Consortium for Political Research, Dublin, Ireland, June.

Dinning, Bethan, Ian Roberge. (2010) ‘Looking Forward: The Case for Scenario-Building in Public Management’, paper presented at The Crisis: Challenges for Public Management, 14th Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management, Berne, Switzerland, April.

Roberge, Ian. (2009) ‘Quand la menace ne vient pas des États : Le régime international de lutte au crime organisé’, paper presented at Les défis de la sécurité à l'aube d'un monde pluripolaire, 14ième colloque de l’Association France-Canada des études stratégiques, UQAM, Montréal, October.

Roberge, Ian. (2009) ‘Fighting Organized and Transnational Organized Crime in Canada’, paper presented at the Canadian Political Science Association, Annual Convention, Carleton University, Ottawa, June.

Roberge, Ian. (2007) ‘Faire la sourde oreille : Praticien vs théoricien sur la question de la lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent et le financement du terrorisme’, paper presented at Congrès international des associations francophones de sciences politiques, Laval, Québec, May.

Lander, Eric, Ian Roberge. (2007) ‘Hear Me Out! Scholars vs. Policymakers on the Matter of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing’, paper presented at International Studies Association, Annual Convention, Chicago, February-March.

Roberge, Ian. (2006) ‘For Better of Worse: The Politicization of Canadian Finance’, paper presented at Canadian Political Science Association, Annual Convention, York University, Toronto, June.

Roberge, Ian. (2005) ‘Born to Fail? FINTRAC and Canada’s Regime against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing’, paper presented at Institute of Public Administration of Canada, Annual Convention, Regina, August.

McKeen-Edwards, Heather. Ian Roberge. (2005) ‘Efficiency vs. Accountability: The Case of European Financial Integration’, paper presented at The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration, University of Victoria, August.

Roberge, Ian. (2005) ‘Beating the Trap: Canadian Regulation in the Securities Industry’, paper presented at Canadian Political Science Association, Annual Convention, Western, London, June. Roberge, Ian. (2004) ‘La réforme du secteur financier canadien: Nouveau contexte domestique et mondial - nouveaux défis’, paper presented at Canadian Political Science Association, Annual Convention, Winnipeg, June. Ian Roberge 7

Roberge, Ian. (2004) ‘The Internationalization of Public Policy and the Fight against Terrorist Financing’, paper presented at International Studies Association, Annual Convention, Montreal, March.

Roberge, Ian. (2003) ‘L’internationalisation des politiques publiques et la gouvernance à plusieurs niveaux: Comment freiner le financement de la terreur’, paper presented at Young Scholars Conference on Canadian Foreign Policy, Carleton University, Normal Patterson School of International Affairs, Ottawa, November.

Roberge, Ian. (2003) ‘The Recreation of Space and Multi-Level Governance: The Case of the Financial Services Sector’, paper presented at Crossing the Borders of Territoriality, University of Ottawa, October.

Roberge, Ian. (2003) ‘The Internationalization of Public Policy and the Prospects for a Theory of Multi- Level Governance’, paper presented at Questioning the Boundaries of Governance: A Graduate Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Federalism, Decentralization and Multi-Level Governance, The Canadian Network of Federalism Studies, University of Toronto, February.

McKeen, Heather, Tony Porter and Ian Roberge. (2003), ‘The Rise of Private Governance: NAFTA and Integration in the Financial Services Sector’, paper presented at Federalism and Trans-Border Integration in North America, Carleton University, Ottawa, February.

Roberge, Ian. (2002) ‘Comment stopper le financement du terrorisme: La gouvernance à plusieurs niveaux et le monde de la haute finance’, paper presented at Le nouvel environnement de sécurité internationale: acteurs et défis, VIIIe colloque de l’Association France-Canada des études stratégiques, York University, Glendon College, Toronto, November.

Conference Presentations (Invited) Roberge, Ian. (2011) ‘Competing Visions of Federalism, Still: Canada, Québec and National Economic Policy’, Transformation: State, Nation, and Citizenship in a New Environment, The Avie Bennett Historica-Dominion Institute Chair in Canadian History, York University, Toronto, October.

Roberge, Ian. (2011) ‘Canada and the Global Financial Crisis: A Model to Follow?’ I seminário internacional Brasil-Canada, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Acaraju, Sergipe, Brazil, April.

Roberge, Ian. (2010) ‘So, What Have We Learned? Government Responses to the Global Financial Crisis’ Making Public Management Work in the Global Economy: Lessons from Europe and North America, Central Michigan University, September.

Roberge, Ian. (2010) ‘The Global Economic Situation: The View from Europe and North America’, BCA International Student Conference on European – US Relations, 7th Annual, Co-sponsored by the Institut d’Études Politiques, University of Strasbourg, AEGEE, University of San Diego, Foundation for International Education, Strasbourg, March. Ian Roberge 8

Roberge, Ian. (2008) ‘Public Service Renewal: What Type of Public Service Will Canada Need in the Future’, Public Institutions and Canada’s Future, York University, Glendon College, School of Public and International Affairs, Toronto, April.

Roberge, Ian. (2005) ‘Quel gâchis! L’histoire récente pour une commission nationale des valeurs mobilières au Canada’, Ontario-Québec Relations : New Realities, New Challenges, York University, Glendon College, Chair in Québec Studies, Toronto, February.

Conference Participation (Selected) (2010) Les 4e rendez-vous européens de Strasbourg, Pôle européen d’administration publique, Strasbourg, European Parliament, May.

(2010) EU Centres World Meeting: Networking Conference, Madrid, April.

RELEVANT RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Glendon College, York University Core Faculty, European Union Centre of Excellence at York 2009-2012

Member, Board of Director York Centre for Public Policy and Law, 2011-2012, 2010-2011

Associate, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies 2011

Chair of the Glendon Research Group in Public and International Affairs 2005-2008 (Principal organizer, helped prepare and updated the website, organized the seminar series, supervised a pan-university paper competition, handled intra-university relations, publicized the activities of the Group, etc.

Conference Organization Conference Co-Organizer, Europe et sécurité après le Traité de Lisbonne, XVIe colloque de l’Association France-Canada des études stratégiques, York University, Glendon College, Toronto, October 21th-22nd 2011.

Conference Organizing Committee, Making Multi-Level Public Sector Management Work: Cases from the EU and North America, Glendon College, York University, June 16th-17th.

Conference Co-Organizer, Canadian Public Administration in the Twenty-First Century, Glendon College, York University, May 13th-14th 2011.

Conference Organizing Committee, Making Public Management Work in the Global Economy: Lessons from Europe and North America, Central Michigan University, September 23rd-25th 2010.

Scholarly Publications The Innovation Journal – La revue de l’innovation Ian Roberge 9

Assistant French Editor 2007- (Receives submissions, sends them out for reviews, coordinates book reviews, and assists in translation of the website.)

Journal of Culture and Local Governance Editorial Advisory Board Member 2007-

McMaster University Research Assistant. (2001-2002) ‘Private Sector Associations and Governance in Global Finance’, for Dr. Tony Porter and Dr. William D. Coleman, Schulich School of Business National Research Program in Financial Services and Public Policy.

UNIVERSITY SERVICE Glendon College, York University Political Science Department Coordinator, Bilingual Certificate in Public Administration and Public Policy (2004-2009) Internship Coordinator, Bilingual Certificate in Public Administration and Public Policy (2005-2009)

Member, Curriculum Committee 2007-2009

Member, Adjudication Committee, File of Professor Francis Garon 2011 Member, File Preparation Committee and Adjudication Committee, Tenure and Promotion File of Dr. Willem Maas 2007

Member, Political Science Department Hiring Committee 2006

School of Public and International Affairs Member, Executive Committee Master’s in Public and International Affairs 2008-2009

Member, School of Public Affairs Hiring Committee 2007

Member, Program Development Working Group MA in Public Affairs 2006 (Met every week for close to two months, September and October, to develop the MA in Public and International Affairs)

Faculty (Glendon) Chair, Faculty Council 2011-2012

Affirmative Action Representative, Dean’s Representative, Hiring Committee, Department of International Studies 2011

Member, Adjudication Committee, File of Professor Xavier De Vanssay 2011 Member, File Preparation Committee and Adjudication Committee, Tenure and Promotion File of Dr. Christina Clark-Kazak 2011 Ian Roberge 10

Member, Principal’s Advisory Committee on Campus Development 2009

Member, Academic Advisory Technology Committee 2007-2009 (Meets once a month during academic year)

Chair, Faculty Council Policy and Planning Committee 2007-2008 Member, Faculty Council Policy and Planning Committee 2005-2007 (Meets once every two weeks during academic year)

Member, Tenure and Promotions Committee 2006-2007 (Meets upon the call of the chair) Member, Faculty Council Academic Resources Committee 2004-2005 (Meets upon the call of the chair)

University Member, York Council on Public Administration and Public Policy 2004-2009 (Meets three times a year)

Member, Graduate Programme Director Search Committee (Faculty of Arts, Graduate Programme in Political Science) 2009

Senator, York Senate 2006-2008 (Meets once a month during academic year)

Alternate Member, Taskforce on Public Administration and Public Policy, Sub-Committee of the Council on Public Administration and Public Policy 2005 (As a replacement to Principal Kenneth McRoberts, participated in many meetings to put together a proposal for a School of Public Administration and Public Policy at York University, Keele campus)

External Member, Board of Director, Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration 2011-2012.

McMaster University Graduate Student Representative, Faculty Council 2003-2004 Graduate Student Representative, Staffing Committee 2003 Graduate Student Representative, Departmental Committee 2001-2002

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP Association France-Canada des études stratégiques Canadian Political Science Association European North American Research on Governance Network International Research Society for Public Management Société québécoise de science politique Ian Roberge 11

MEDIA Radio and Television Radio-Canada Weekly Commentary The Provincial Election, (2011) Le Téléjournal Ontario, September-October. Weekly Panel on the Provincial Election, (2011) Grands Lacs Café, September-October. Program Guest, (2011) Classe économique, March. Bi-weekly Panel on the Federal Election, (2008) Grands Lacs Café, September-October. Political Analyst, (2008) Émission spéciale sur le budget provincial de l’Ontario, March. Political Analyst, (2007) Émission spéciale sur l’élection provinciale, October. Political Analyst, (2007) Émission spéciale sur le budget provincial de l’Ontario, March. The Week in Review, (2006) Au delà de la 401, CJBC, June-August. Weekly Panel on the Federal Election, (2005-2006) Au delà de la 401, December-January.

Radio Ville-Marie Weekly Commentary on the ROC, (2011) Midi-actualités, September-December.

Frequent contributions to national and local media – radio and television – on federal and provincial politics (Radio-Canada).

Newsletter Roberge, Ian. (2010) ‘The European Union’s Response to the Global Financial Crisis’, European Union Centres of Excellence Newsletter, vol. 4, no. 1.

Blog Global Brief ( 2009-2011

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY AND RELEVANT EXPERIENCES University of Strasbourg (France) Invited Professor and Researcher January 2010-June 2010

Friends of Glendon President, Board of Directors Friends of Glendon 2005-2007 Member, Board of Directors Friends of Glendon 2004-2005, 2007-2009

Transport Canada Internship, Program and Policy Evaluation Branch 2000

Canadian International Development Agency Research Agent (Summer) 1995 Ian Roberge 12

Recommended publications