Minutes of the August 4Th Meeting of Brooksville Friends and Neighbors
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Minutes of the August 4th Meeting of Brooksville Friends and Neighbors
Attendees: Anne Ferrara, Tony Ferrara, Edson Blodgett, Jean Webster, Doug Cowan, Judith Hauer, Charles Hauer, Martha Chatterjee, Bob Holmberg, Peter Smith, Martha Smith, Margie Van Dusen, David Van Dusen, Judy Tredwell, Pam Sharp, Nancy Alessandra, Elizabeth Bessette, Joan MacCracken
Blueberry Aerial Spraying—Elizabeth returned after last month’s meeting to state that she would like to circulate a petition that would suggest banning aerial spraying of blueberries and her concern is for the health of the residents and the environment. She needs to obtain 58 signatures of registered voters but would also circulate a petition that property owners could sign to show their support. After a long discussion including concerns over the livelihood of those who lease land or sell blueberries to Allen Company and concerns for the oyster farms just down the Bagaduce River from the pesticide spraying, it was decided that the petition should call for a special meeting to consider the pros and cons of an ordinance to prohibit aerial spraying of blueberry fields. Elizabeth will work on the final wording and begin to circulate the petition for signatures. Obviously the Allens have been blueberrying for many generations and it would be best if we could all work towards a safer environment for all. It was also suggested that to be well informed on the subject of town ordinances on blueberry issues, one should know how the other twenty-five towns proceeded with their ordinances, what obstacles were encountered, and what consequences have arisen.. Contact Elizabeth Bessette for further information. [email protected]
Treasurer’s Report Judy Tredwell announced BFN has $1692.59. The largest expenses are for the printing of the newsletter. Printing costs are about 400 dollars per issue. We are supported by donations from residents who receive the Breeze. Copies are also sent electronically to many winter out of staters.
Michael Bernal Memorial Walk was held on July 18th along the Varnumville Road. Over 85 people walked on a beautiful day with a beautiful service and community sharing, continued at Tinder Hearth afterwards. Over $500 was collected for Neighborcare. BFN hopes to do this again next year as a community walk and fundraiser for a needy cause. We thank the Brooksville Fire department for monitoring the road closing, the Breakfast Shed for juice and muffins, and Tinder Hearth for pastries and tea.
Greenhouse Project- Tony Ferrara reported that this project has totally take off and they have had several demonstrations on instructions to use the polycarbonate and glazing as well as preparing the foundation. Blue Hill Consolidated School has built a greenhouse. Thirty other greenhouses are in process of construction. Washington County is copying the Brooksville Greenhouse Project. All this is very exciting and supporting local produce.
Zero to Five Year Old Enrichment Project Doug Cowan discussed a new initiative to organize the children zero to five in Brooksville community. There have been two meetings with parents of some 0-5 year olds and a BBQ has been planned for Sept 18th to gather parents with kids of this age. The concept is to help folks meet their neighbors with small children and then look into the resources and opportunities for this age group. They have applied for 1000 dollar grant to support the project through Healthy Peninsula.
Emergency Street Numbers. Fire Chief Matt Dow is encouraging everyone in town to get visible, reflective house numbers easily visible from the road. He has a sign up sheet at the Town Office or you can call the Brooksville Fire Department. There are at least two companies that have these available. The cost is certainly under ten dollars and the more ordered the lower the price. We encourage everyone to sign up to improve ambulance and fire services to your home.
Three Ring Binder Network Doug Cowan discovered a new initiative for super highspeed media network that is planned to cover much of Maine. Unfortunately, the Blue Hill Peninsula is currently not in the area of the three networks proposed. Areas outside of the proposed network have an opportunity to request spur lines. Applications must be submitted by Aug 20th. All non-profits, schools, libraries, need to send in applications. Where there is interest, there will be the possibility of hook up. Contact Doug Cowan for further information. 326-4475. Kevin Bailey is in charge of data collection for this Three Ring Binder Initiative. Check out the details at www.MaineFiberCo.com. For the economic health of our communities we need to be tied into the network for better and more affordable internet connectivity.
Cell Phone tower proposal and concerns—Judith and Charles Hauer reported that some Brooksville residents found out about a proposed cell tower to be owned by ATT and placed on Richard Bakeman’s land behind the Town House and near the baseball field. From information we have been told the tower will be 190 feet tall. There will be several buildings built to house the equipment for the tower. A right of way across Basil Ladd’s land will have to be granted to allow access to Bakeman’s land. There will be a monthly fee paid to Bakeman for his leasing of the land. The neighbors on the road are quite concerned for several reasons including property valuation, water drainage, and safety for the nearby residents and the children at the baseball diamond. A petition was circulated by a concerned neighbor and over 80 registered voters signed it to call for a moratorium on cell phone towers so the residents of the town can have some input and perhaps draw up an ordinance regarding cell phone tower placement. Several of the towns on the Peninsula have also been facing these issues. At a selectmen’s meeting on Wed Aug 4th following the Tuesday night planning board meeting where ATT representatives presented the plan, the selectmen (Gray and Fowler) voted (Bakeman recused himself) to have a special town meeting to look into a moratorium in order to study and possibly draft an ordinance. It is quite obvious that our town needs better cell phone coverage and no one seems be opposed to that. But it is the placement within a residential area that is of concern. Brooksville Friends and Neighbors suggest that a compromise in placement of the tower might be a win/win for the entire community.
Adjournment 8:13pm Next meeting September 6:30 pm Town House submitted by Joan MacCracken