Hope Reformed Church

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Hope Reformed Church


GREETERS May 15 Don & Maxine Schmidt May 22 Charles Schmidt COFFEE May 15 Paul & Marcia Van Velzen May 22 Jody & Kim Carter NURSERY May 15 Laurie Palm - Registrar May 22 Patti Krieg - Registrar Mary Bramer, Ronda D’Oyly Jenna Boersen, Heather D’Oyly Baylee Jennings, Hannah Baker Jack Clark & Lexie Gross ELDERS May 15 Rodney Rouwhorst & Joe Clark May 22 Joe Clark & Ken Scarth DEACONS May 15 Tad Alman & Barry DeYoung May 22 Barry DeYoung & Bob Dixon PRAYER - Before May 15 Lori Harrington May 22 Marcia Van Velzen - During May 15 Jan Cook May 22 Carol Noffsinger


SUN 12:00-10:30 AM Deco Tec Weekend TUE 7:00-8:30 PM Women’s Guild 10:30 AM Worship 7:00-9:00 PM Hubcap Practice 12:00-9:00 PM Deco Tec Weekend WED 9:00-10:30 AM Small Group – Proverbs Study 5:30-7:00 PM Small Group – Pier Walk 4:00-9:00 PM Private Rental MON 4:00-6:00 PM Private Rental 7:00-8:00 PM Small Group – Pier Walk 6:30-8:30 PM DeColores Reunion Group THU 6:15 PM Co-Ed Team 1 – Coast Guard 7:00-8:30 PM Small Group – Get Out of the Boat 7:15 PM Co-Ed Team 2 – Mercury Drive 6:15 PM Men’s Softball – Coast Guard Park 7:00-9:00 PM Worship Team Practice TUE 4:00-6:00 PM Private Rental FRI 8:00 AM-10:00 PM Carpet Cleaning 7:00-8:30 PM Boy Scouts SAT 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Kitchen Cleaning (use back door) 7:00-8:30 PM Chicks w/Sticks (Knitting & Crocheting) 7:00-8:00 PM Small Group – Young Adults


Communion: We will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion in today’s worship. As we come to the Lord’s Table, we want to remember all that Christ has done so that we are able to commune with him. All those who confess Christ as Lord and Savior are welcome to come to the table.

Prayer Letter: A prayer letter will be sent to Ron & Marge Westerhouse. Ron was seriously injured in a fall and has been hospitalized at Spectrum Hospital. We want to continue to support Ron & Marge in prayer for his healing. Please stop by the Information Center to sign the prayer letter.

Vacation Bible School: We have many opportunities where you can serve on the Vacation Bible School Team. Listed on today’s VBS insert are the needs for volunteers we currently have. Please seek God’s heart where he would have you serve. Sign up at the Information Center. You may contact Faith Rickard (607-2818) with any questions.

OWLS: The OWLS (Senior Citizens) will be going to the Gerald R Ford Museum this Wednesday, May 18. We will meet at 11:30 a.m. at the church, and stop for lunch on our way to the museum. Please contact Tom & Virginia Wall (842-0716) if you plan on going or if you have any questions.

Child Abuse Prevention Training: Hope is hosting a workshop on preventing and intervening in child sexual abuse. The “Darkness to Light” workshop will be Tuesday, May 24 from 6:30 to 9:00 in the sanctuary. All adults who work with children are encouraged to attend. If you plan on attending, please mark the back of today’s Connection Card. If you have questions please call Roxanna Yager (847-9113) or Marcia Van Velzen (842-4458).

Elder/Deacon Teams: The Elders & Deacons oversee a group of members and regular attendees. These teams are listed on the back of the Prayer Journal. If you should have a need, please contact your Elder/Deacon team.

Women’s Guild: The Women’s Guild will meet this Tuesday, May 17 at 7:00 p.m. All women of the church are invited to join this time of fellowship. Linda Mieras will provide the devotions and snacks.

Veterans: We would like to get a current listing of the veterans from Hope Reformed Church. If you have served in the U.S. Military, please complete the back of today’s Connection Card. Thank you for your assistance. Small Groups: We have two small groups that meet to walk the Pier. Tim & Tricia Taylor’s group meets at the YMCA parking lot on Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Janice Korstange’s group will meet at the statue by the Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Anyone is welcome to join these groups.

Kitchen Cleaning: The Women’s Guild will be overseeing a kitchen cleaning on Saturday morning, May 21. We would appreciate help from men and women to join us as your schedule allows between 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Please call Marsha Jongetjes for details (844-5667). If you have any personal items in the kitchen refrigerators and/or freezers, please mark them. Thank you.

Mother & Daughter Dinner: We would like to thank Margaret DeYoung, Judy Reeths, Cheryl Slater and Lori Smith for all their time invested in the Mother & Daughter Dinner preparations. We served 206 mothers, grandmothers and daughters! Thank you for blessing us with this special time together. We also extend a thank you to all the guys that prepared and served the evening’s meal. Your service was so greatly appreciated!!

Kids Hope USA: Just a reminder for our Kids Hope mentors, this week (May 16-20) will be our last week of mentoring for this school year. Our End-of-the-Year Picnic will be held on Tuesday, May 31 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Pottawattomie Park. Each mentor is asked to bring a dish to pass.

Graduation: We will be honoring our graduates on Sunday, June 5. If you, or your son or daughter is graduating from high school or college please contact the church office (842-9150) so they can be included in our celebration.

Peach Plains Play: If you are providing homemade cookies and/or bars for the Peach Plains play, please bring them into the kitchen by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Thank you for helping us love on the families at Peach.

Summer Children In Worship: We are looking for teachers and helpers for summer CIW for kids ages 4 years old-K and 1st & 2nd grade which is held during the worship time. Please contact Roxanna Yager with an interest or questions at 847- 9113 or email [email protected] Materials and supplies are provided. Class will run June 5th through August 29th.

Fall Volunteer Opportunities: Please check your mailboxes for volunteer opportunities that will start this fall. We have many positions that need your help. After prayerfully considering where God wants you to serve, please fill out the form and drop it in the box at the Information Center.

Carpet Cleaning: We would like to pass along a note that we will be having the carpet cleaned on Friday in the narthex, office, consistory room, back mat and prayer chapel. Please avoid these areas through Saturday so the carpet can dry properly. Thank you for your assistance.

Unity Tickets: Order your tickets now for the 2011 Unity Christian Music Festival, August 10-13 at Heritage Landing in downtown Muskegon. Ticket cost is $10 for a 1-day pass or $30 for a 3-day pass. Contact Michele Wittkopp for tickets or questions 847-2598 or [email protected].

Love INC: The Laundry Hub at Love INC is in need of volunteers. If you would like to volunteer your time or have any questions, please see or call Marsha Jongetjes (844-5667).

Love INC Fundraising Dinner: Please join us for a Love Inc Fundraising Dinner to benefit the Ministry Center, which will provide emergency housing to people in the Tri-Cities. The dinner will be on Thursday, May 26. Seating will begin at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. Second Christian Reformed Church, located at 2021 Sheldon Rd in Grand Haven, has graciously allowed us to use their facility for this event. The cost of the dinner has been underwritten by a generous donor so that 100% of the donations made at the dinner will go directly towards reaching our goal of $1.8 million to cover the Ministry Center purchase, renovations and three years of operating expenses. We have raised $1.1 million to date. To reserve your spot, contact Becky at 616-846-2701 or [email protected].

Thank You: I would like to thank all the men of Hope who helped with the set up, cooking, serving and clean up for the Mother Daughter Dinner. It was a wonderful time for the women, and they really appreciated it! Thanks again. -Barry Deyoung

Family of the Week: Pray for the Family of the Week: Mike & Kelley Roest, daughters Michelle, Sarah & Ashley

Homebound Member : Remember Nina Otto our homebound member in prayer. We encourage you to send a note at: 1125 Robbins Road - Apt. 309, Grand Haven, MI 49417.

Tithes & Offering from 05/08/11: General Fund $ 4,328.45 (79.5%) Major Repair Fund $ 52.15 YTD Total 80,502.77 (77.8%) Reserve Fund 52.15 Assessment Fund 278.00 (5,282.00) Building Rental 25.00 Benevolent Fund 782.25 (14,548.66)

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