Confronting an Era of Change in Home and Community Care
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Five point five (5.5) DE nurses contact hours through Delaware Association for Home & Community Care, an approved provider of Please join us for the continuing education by the DE Board of 2014 Nursing Five point five (5.5) contact hours through the Delaware Board of Examiners for Physical Therapy
Five point five (5.5) contact hours through the Delaware Board of Occupational Therapy
Five point five (5.5) contact hours through the Delaware Board of Speech Pathology Annual Conference (pending)
Five point five (5.5) contact hours through the Delaware Board of Examiners of Nursing “Confronting an Era of Home Administrators (pending) Change in Home and e r a Community Care” Special Thanks to our C y t i Co-Sponsors n u m March 19, 2014 m o BAYADA Home Health Care C
8:00 AM – 3:30 PM & e m o Delaware Hospice H Dover Downs Hotel Delaware Hospice r o 3 f Dover, Delaware
0 n 8 o 9 i t 3 1 a 0 i McKesson Medical-Surgical 6 c E 7 o
D s
x , s For more information, contact: o n A o B t e . r g a n O [email protected] (preferred) MeadowWood Behavioral . i w P m a 302-528-3789 l l o i Health System e / c D W
Continuing Education Contact Hours 8 – 8:30 am – Registration / Breakfast / ______
Vendors/ Welcome 2:45 – 3:30 pm – Meeting Future Healthcare ______
Worker Requirements [email protected]______e _ _ _
8:30 – 9:30 am – Keynote Speaker: An Era of Kathleen S. Matt, Ph.D., Dean _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ y _ _
Change for Delaware’s Home and College of Health Sciences, Univ. of Delaware _ t _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ r _
Community Care Providers _ _ _ _ o _ _
_ _ _ _
Bettina Reveros, Esq. 3:30 pm - Summary and Evaluations _ y 0 _ _ _ l _ _ 0 _ _ . r _
Advisor to Governor Jack A. Markell _ _ _ _ 0
a _ ) _ 5 _ _ e _ State of Delaware $ l y _ t _ _
_ f a c _
_ i _ :
Course Objectives _ ) e t _ c _ _ _ 4 n e _ n i _ _ _ 1
9:30 – 10:00 am – Break / Vendor Exhibits i l / p _ _ _ _ n r s 5 _ _ _ / o ( To list and explain the main components of Delaware’s State _ p
_ 3
_ _ r
_ r _ e e _ _ r e t
10:00 – 12:00 pm Innovations in Health Care Delivery Health Care Innovation Plan; to identify and explain elements _ s _ e s _ _ h _ t i a _ t f _ _
of the Plan which will affect home and community care g
PACE _ e a _ e _ _ l
O _ r _
_ _ providers. d
Amy Milligan, Executive Director P _ r _ e _ _ _ o v
_ _ _ i St. Francis LIFE
_ e _ _
_ 3 c _
Provide home care professionals and caregivers with a basic _ _
Independence at Home 0 _ e A _ _ _ r 8 _ ( _ 9
understanding of the Program of for All-Inclusive Care for the T _ _ Ina Li, M.D. _ 1 _ e _ _
_ O e
Elderly (PACE) and the eligibility requirements for referring _ _ _
Director of Geriatrics, f _
E C _ _ _ e / _ _
individuals in the community to PACE. t D
Christiana Care Health System _ _
_ T a , _ _ _ _ n L _ O _ _
o _
t _ _ _ _ ) To review the guidelines of the Independence at Home (IAH) g
Norman Clendaniel, Program Manager, _ _ _
_ h n
_ _ c
project; to review outcomes achieved by a home visit program;
Independence at Home Demonstration Project X y
n _ _ m t l u i _ _ P i to demonstrate how a program such as IAH has a place in the A L _ _ _
L C F W _ _ _ d
ever changing health care landscape. S Transitioning Hospital to Home , _ n _ _ _ _ 3 a _ _ _
0 _ _ Patty Resnik, FACHE, MBA, RRT t _ _ _ 6 s _ _
7 _ a _ _ _
To highlight challenges and opportunities related to transition _
Vice President, Quality and Care Management f _ _ _ x _ k _ A _ o _ _ planning from hospital to home from the perspective of a large a _ _
Christiana Care Health System e _ _ l B T _ _ r
i _ . community teaching hospital; to review current tools available _ P _ _ B a /
_ _ O _ l _ . _ T _
to facilitate transition from hospital to home; to provide an m a _
12:00 – 1:00 pm – Buffet lunch / Vendor Exhibits _ P t
_ _ P _ E _ n
overview of a team-based, 24/7 Emergency Dept Case _ _ e / _ _ _ c n _ _
_ i , t
Management model transitioning patients from the ED to Home _ _
1:00 –2:00 pm – Coaching Clients in Health _ _
n C _ _
_ _ with home health care. o _ C Behavior Change _ _ _ N C _ _ _
H _ _ P s _
Dr. Karen Avino, EdD, RN, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC _ _ _ _ A e L _ _ _ _ d _ /
To connect with need to educate patients in lifestyle change; to D _
Assistant Professor of Nursing, Univ. of Delaware _ _ u _ _
l N : _ _ _ _ c identify new skills to engage patients in the plan of care _ o _ _ _ n t R _ _
_ _ _ t ( _ _
2:00 – 2:45 pm – Managing Dementia in the Home _ _ _ _ _ 4 e _ _ _
_ 1 To discuss the challenges caregivers face in caring for someone _ / Bob Bird, Home Instead Senior Care, Facilitator : _ m _ _ _ _
5 e y _ _ / _
with dementia; identify approaches for managing difficult _ a p p 3 _ _ i _
p _ y
_ e _ t _
behaviors; review available resources to educate and assist Z _
Claire E. Day, Vice President Constituent Services, d
_ u _ c _ _ n e d _ c _ a _
caregivers in understanding and dealing with dementia related r
Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter h _ _ e _ u _ n a e _ _ s
issues. m o _ f d _ i
/ _ _ r _ n t _ _ n _ a _ e o _ m _ _
Catherine Verrier Piersol, Ph.D., OTR/L r o c _ _ t o i _ F _ i _ t s c
_ l _
To identify key factors affecting current and future healthcare _ i . _ a Clinical Director, Jefferson Elder Care _
_ n g _ g l _ r _ _ e t e _ o a delivery and the workforce requirement needed to address the _ _ r r _
Assistant Professor, Dept of Occupational Therapy s
t e i _ n _ r t _ d e g
n _
changing healthcare model; discuss current and future o e _ Thomas Jefferson University a n n e i s o _ r y e a _ r s s l
s t
initiatives that are underway/contemplated to meet these _ s o
e p
s e l 0 . p e e r i e 0 s f p
changing requirements. e t . d w Rudolph V. Bailey, Jr., Training Administrator g m a l o a 0 e a d e m e w r t l Delaware Hospital for the Chronically Ill 4 R N P E A S T $ P w