Assumption of the Virgin Mary s10

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Assumption of the Virgin Mary s10

December 11, 2011

ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN MARY UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE OF CONSTANTINOPLE AND NEW ROME 1301 Newport Avenue Northampton, Pennsylvania 18067 V. Rev. Bazyl Zawierucha, Rector Dc. Mychail Sawarynski

Telephones: Church Office… (610) 262-2882 Church Fax/Kitchen/Hall…(610) 262-0552 Fr. Bazyl’s Residence… (610) 882-2488 Dc. Mychail’s Residence… (610) 262-3876 Websites: E-mail: Parish… [email protected] Fr. Bazyl…[email protected] Dc. Mychail… [email protected] Webmaster, John Hnatow… [email protected]

1st April (19th) March, 2012

5 th SUNDAY OF THE GREAT LENT. Tone 1 VENERABLE MARY OF EGYPT, Martyrs CHRYSANTHUS and DARIA and with them: CLAUDIUS, HILARIA, JASON, MAURUS, DIODORUS presbyter, MARIANUS, deacon of Rome (283). Heb. 9, 11-14 Gal. 3, 23-29 Mk. 10, 32-45 Lk. 7, 36-50


Resurrection Tropar, Tone 1 When the stone had been sealed by the Jews, while the soldiers were guarding Your Most Pure Body, You arose on the third day, Savior, granting life to the world. Therefore, the Powers of Heaven cried to You, Giver of Life: Glory to Your Resurrection, Christ. Glory to Your Kingdom. Glory to Your Divine Plan, only Lover of Mankind.

Tropar to the Venerable Mary, Tone 8 The image of God was truly preserved in you, O Mother, for you took up the cross and followed Christ. By so doing, you taught us to disregard the flesh, for it passes away, but to care instead for the soul, since it is immortal. There- fore, Holy Mother Mary, your spirit rejoices with the angels.

Tropar of the Church, Tone 1 In giving birth, you preserved your virginity. In falling asleep you did not forsake the world, Birth-Giver of God. You were translated to life, Mother of Life, and through your prayers you deliver our souls from death.

Glory… Kondak of the Triodion, Tone 4 Having suffered the temptations of spiritual winter, let us bring renewed souls and the fruit of good deeds, uplifted in spirit. Behold the Bridegroom Christ is drawing near and giving the crowns of sainthood. Let us be attentive that He might find us worthy to accept the eternal crowns.

Now and ever…Kondak to the Venerable Mary, Tone 3 You who were once defiled by every type of evil, have today become a Bride of Christ through repentance. Emulating the angelic life, you cast down demons with the weapon of the Cross. Therefore, O Glorious Mary, you were made a Bride in the Kingdom.

Prokimen, Tone 1 Let Your mercy, Lord, be upon us as we have put our hope in You. Verse: Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous. Praise befits the upright.

Prokiemn of Venerable Mary, God is wondrous in His saints, the God of Israel.

Alleluia Verses, Tone 1 God gives me retribution and has subdued peoples under me. He magnifies the salvation of the king and deals mercifully for His anointed, for David and his seed forever. With patience have I waited for the Lord, and He was attentive to me, and listened to my supplication. Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord from the Heavens, praise Him in the Highest. The righteous man shall be in everlasting remembrance. He shall not be afraid of any evil report. Alleluia (3X).


Sun. 1 (19 Mar) Apr. 5th Sunday of the Great Lent. Tone 1 Fast Day: Wine & Oil Venerable MARY of Egypt. 8:30 a.m. Third & Sixth Hours Holy Mystery of Repentance 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great 4:00 p.m. Lenten Vespers

Mon. 2 (20 Mar) Apr. 6th Week of the Great Lent. Fast Day The Holy Fathers slain at St. Sabbas Monastery; Sts. John, Sergius, Patrick and others (796). Martyr Potina (Svetlana), the Samaritan Woman. Seven Virgins of Amisus (310). Is. 48, 17-49, 4 Gen. 27, 1-41 Prov. 19, 16-25

Tue. 3 (21 Mar) Apr. St. James the Confessor, bishop of Studium. St. Cyril, bishop of Fast Day Catania. St. Thomas, patriarch of Constantinople (610) Is. 49, 6-10 Gen. 31, 3-16 Prov. 21, 3-21

Wed. 4 (22 Mar) Apr. Hieromartyr Basil, presbyter if Ancyra (363), Martyr Drosida of Fast Day Antioch and five virgins (104), St. Isaac, founder of the Dalmatian Monastery at Constantinople (383). Is. 58, 1-11 Gen. 43, 26-31, 44, 2-16 Prov. 21, 23-22, 4 6:00 p.m. Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

Thu. 5 (23 Mar) Apr. Monk-martyr Nicon and 199 disciples in Sicily (251). Fast Day Is. 65, 8-16 Gen. 46, 1-7 Prov. 23, 15-24, 5

Fri. 6 (24 Mar) Apr. FOREFEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION Fast Day Zacharias the recluse of Egypt. St. Artemon, bishop of Seleucia. Is. 66, 10-24 Gen. 49, 33-50, 26 Prov. 31, 8-32 End of the 40 Day Fast 6:00 p.m. Great Compline

Sat. 7 (25 Mar) Apr. ANNUNCIATION OF THE THEOTOKOS. LAZARUS SATURDAY Fast Day: Fish Heb. 2, 11-18 Heb. 12, 28-13, 8 Lk. 1, 24-38 Jn. 11, 1-45 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Sun. 8 (26 Mar) Apr. ENTRY OF THE LORD IN JERUSALEM. PALM SUNDAY Fast Day: Fish 8:30 a.m. Third & Sixth Hours 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Blessing of pussy-willows and palms


NECROLOGY: 01 Apr… Serhiy Kutas (’70), Frank Haas (’04) 03 Apr… Florence Andrus (’53), Protopresbyter Volodymyr Sokolovsky (’64) 04 Apr… Anna Wagel (’72), Protopresbyter Zinovij Kowalchuk (’79), Protodeacon Nicholas Poliszczuk (’83), Protopresbyter Simon Hayuk (’97) 05 Apr… Michael Mizlak (’22), Katherine Korutz (’45), Mary Antoniuk (’90), Mary Grundstrom (’99), Priest Joseph Bodnar (’55) 06 Apr… Anna Fanok (’69), Priest Lev Ostrowskyj (’88), Olga Tripolone (’08) 07 Apr… Gregory Zgoba (’32), Katherine Wentz (’78)

Our deepest sympathy is extended to Martha Misko and Barbara Grason and their families on the falling asleep of their mother, our sister in Christ, XENIA SHESKA, who departed this life on March 26th. Burial Services were held yesterday in the church and on the parish cemetery.


BIRTHDAYS: 01 Apr… John Hnatow Sr., April Boyles 03 Apr… Walter Seremula 06 Apr… David Dworakivsky 07 Apr… Walter Dworakivsky, Karen Osmun 08 Apr… Tessie Kuchinos, Patricia Kuchinos, Michael Kuchinos, Jared Kroboth


WE PRAY FOR THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF: John Hnatow, Sr., Martin Sheska, Mary Lee Leszczuk, Michael Smallen, Anna Pristash, Thea Scioscia, Emma Krasnopera, Mary Kereb, Pauline Bollent, John Hewko, James Osmun, Walter & Tessie Kuchinos, Stanley & Stephania Teply, Brendan Phillips, Mikhail Rudchuk, Jessie Hnatow, Jessica Meashock, Martha Marakovits, Mary Doncsecz, Carol Meyers, Heather Burkhart, Margaret Leindecker

MANY THANKS TO RICHARD STETCH, who donated the flowers to adorn the Holy Precious and Life-Giving Cross for the Third Sunday of the Great Lent.

WE WILL BE NEEDING YOU HELP IN COLLECTING PUSSY-WILLOWS for the feast of Palm Sunday this year. Walter Seremula is finding it increasingly difficult to acquire them. If you can help, please inform Walter. Thank-you!

WE THANK MRS. KAREN OSMUN for donating three texts of Fr. Alexander Schmemann’s book Great Lent. They may be purchased for $15.00 from Fr. Bazyl. Fr. Alexander was professor of Liturgical Theology and dean of St. Vladimir’s Seminary. This clssic examines the meaning of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the Prayer of St. Ephrem, the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and other neglected or misunderstood treasures of Lenten worship. Schmemann draws on the Church’ sacramental and liturgical tradition to suggest the meaning of “Lent in our life”.

FLOWERS FOR HOLY PASCHA: a sign-up sheet may be found in the vestibule of the church.

DEACON MICHAEL’S BOOK, A Survey of the History of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, is available in the vestibule of the church, cost free!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! THE SR UOL SPONSORED LENTEN TALK: SUNDAY, 1 APRIL, FOLLOWING LENTEN VESPERS AT 4:00 P.M. The theme: Grave Matters. What Every Orthodox Christian Should Know Concerning the Sacredness of the Body and the Final Rest of the Soul. All parishioners are invited to attend. This year’s guest speaker will be Nikos Elias an Orthodox funeral director from Allentown. Nikos will speak and answer questions on the topics “Green” funerals, selecting and purchasing an Orthodox casket and all things dealing with “final” preparations. Fr. Bazyl will complement the talk from an Orthodox theological perspective. Also present will be Mark Harris, author of Grave Matters.

SOUP OF THE MONTH: the ever popular Italian Wedding Soup. $7.00 per quart. Pick-up on Saturday, 7 April or Sunday, 8 April.

ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL: Please ensure that all Christmas decorations at our parish cemetery be removed.

THE FOLLOWING SIGN-UP SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE DURING COFFEE HOUR: JR UOL PASCHA ORDERS: $6.00. Pick-up on 8 April, 2012. JR UOL LENTEN BEAN SOUP (dry mix): $5.00 are on sale. SR. UOL CHEESECAKES: $15.00. Pick-up, 8 April, 2012

WE THANK MR. JOHN HNATOW – OUR PARISH’ WEBMASTER for the great work he has done and continues to perform by maintaining our If anyone has interesting information (parish life, Holy Orthodoxy etc), please send it by email to John: [email protected]

THE SECOND COLLECTION has been designated towards the cost of installing new flooring in the church.

BUCKS-FOR-A-BAG: as we begin a new year of pyrohy making, we ask you kindly to support our pyrohonya project by donating $15.00 to sponsor a bag of potatoes.

PYROHY SCHEDULE, 2011 – 2012: April 5, 19; May 3, 17, 31. To place orders, please contact ‘Kash’ Kochenash at (610) 262-3947.

GIANT SUPERMARKET COUPONS: Martha Dowling has coupons for sale at $25.00, $50.00, $100.00. 5% of the profits will go to the church. All proceeds are designated for the 90th anniversary celebrations of our parish. NORTHAMPTON FOODBANK DONATIONS: there continues to be a dire need for foodstuffs to assist our neighbors. As you know, our parish’ remit from the food bank is to contribute baby-food, but any other non-perishables will be accepted gladly. There is a cupboard for the collection of donations in the church hall.

OCMC AGAPE DONATIONS: $37.00. Thank you for your support of Orthodox missions. Your efforts are yielding great results around the world.

CHILDREN OF THE PARISH will be conducting a fund raiser for the 90th anniversary. Sales of Joe Corbi products will include pizza, pies, cakes, and cookies. The sale will run from April 1st to April 29th will delivery on May 5th. Please support our children in the efforts for the church.

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