Level 2 Dance Internal Assessment Resource

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Level 2 Dance Internal Assessment Resource

N NZQA Internal assessment resource Dance 2.4A v2 for Achievement Standard 91208 Approved PAGE FOR TEACHER USE

Internal Assessment Resource Dance Level 2

This resource supports assessment against: Achievement Standard 91208 version 2 Perform a theatre dance to communicate understanding of the dance

Resource title: Fosse

4 credits

This resource:  Clarifies the requirements of the standard  Supports good assessment practice  Should be subjected to the school’s usual assessment quality assurance process  Should be modified to make the context relevant to students in their school environment and ensure that submitted evidence is authentic

Date version published by February 2015 Version 2 Ministry of Education To support internal assessment from 2015

Quality assurance status These materials have been quality assured by NZQA. NZQA Approved number: A-A-02-2015-91208-02-5446

Authenticity of evidence Teachers must manage authenticity for any assessment from a public source, because students may have access to the assessment schedule or student exemplar material. Using this assessment resource without modification may mean that students’ work is not authentic. The teacher may need to change figures, measurements or data sources or set a different context or topic to be investigated or a different text to read or perform.

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Internal Assessment Resource

Achievement Standard Dance 91208: Perform a theatre dance to communicate understanding of the dance Resource reference: Dance 2.4A v2 Resource title: Fosse Credits: 4

Teacher guidelines

The following guidelines are supplied to enable teachers to carry out valid and consistent assessment using this internal assessment resource. You need to be very familiar with the outcome being assessed by Achievement Standard Dance 91208. The achievement criteria and the explanatory notes contain information, definitions, and requirements that are crucial when interpreting the standard and assessing students against it.

Context/setting This activity requires students to perform in a Musical Theatre dance using Bob Fosses’ style. Some aspects of the dance may be workshopped collaboratively as a class and others taught by the teacher. Students are not assessed on their contribution to the development of the dance in workshopping. You are expected to use the characteristics of Bob Fosse technique as observed in clips of his work to provide workshop opportunities for students during the teaching and learning of Bob Fosse technique and to build the dance. You will need to have taught students Bob Fosse’s ideas about theatre dance and his technique before they begin this assessment. You will need to provide students with the opportunity in their teaching and learning programme to investigate the work of Bob Fosse in productions such as Pyjama Game, All that Jazz, Bye Bye Blackbird or Cabaret. Students might make observations and analyse the choreographic technique. You will also need to specify or negotiate with your students a specific intention (idea, mood or feeling) to convey in the dance.

Conditions This preparation work and assessment task will take place over approximately seven weeks.

Resource requirements Bob Fosse clips such as: Bye Bye Blackbird: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWcxwEnY5vg All that Jazz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UN68ujZdTE&feature=related

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Big Spender (Sweet Charity): http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=1XTdZX6r4u8&feature=related Steam Heat (Pyjama Game): http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=hAKQauAfcZU&feature=related Mein Heir (Cabaret): http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=AR1t7cSPsTg&feature=related I wanna be a dancin;’ man: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Zm0bkywFONY&feature=related Rich man’s Frug: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-HDIMF344Y&feature=related

Additional information It is suggested that the teaching and assessment of this assessment activity take place in conjunction with Dance 2.1 Choreograph a group dance to communicate an intention. Wherever such integration between different parts of the programme occurs, teachers must ensure that the work presented for each assessment is developed sufficiently in order to meet the criteria for each standard. In all such cases, teachers should refer closely to each relevant standard, including the Explanatory Notes and the Conditions of Assessment http://ncea.tki.org.nz/Resources-for-Internally- Assessed-Achievement-Standards.

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Teacher Resource A

Characteristics of Bob Fosse Style Technique Still and clearly defined symmetrical and asymmetrical body shapes A clear understanding of the awkward isolation of selected body parts Full extension of leg and arm movements Accurate demonstration of pulsating beat using various body parts Consistent awareness of other performers and effortless uniformity Focus Focus generally up and out Eyes generally directed to audience with dynamic focus Focus towards other performers’ subjective and objective focus Expression Quirky expression always evident and appropriate Confidence and assurance displayed throughout.

Suggested structure for the dance The choreographic intention might be conveyed through the following structure:  Use pre-task workshops around awkward and quirky stances developed individually by each student with appropriate transitions incorporated.  Teach a sequence focusing on simplistic isolation of body parts (e.g. hands, knees, shoulders, arms, legs) that is commonly seen in Fosse’s work.  Teach a sequence that focuses on Fosse’s belief that both male and female dancers could and should be able to dance in feminine and masculine ways while still performing the same style of movement. Ask each individual student to create their own subtext in this sequence that shows a motivated purpose for their choreographed movement(s).

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Internal Assessment Resource

Achievement Standard Dance 91208: Perform a theatre dance to communicate understanding of the dance Resource reference: Dance 2.4A v2 Resource title: Fosse Credits: 4

Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence

Perform a theatre dance to Perform a theatre dance to Perform a theatre dance to communicate understanding communicate an in-depth communicate a of the dance. understanding of the dance. comprehensive understanding of the dance.

Student instructions

Introduction This assessment activity requires you to learn and perform a Musical Theatre dance work that conveys a specific idea, mood or feeling, in the style of Bob Fosse. A theatre dance is a dance performed for public entertainment or artistic expression with the support of production technologies.

Teacher note: You may use the work of other choreographers or dancers as inspiration for a dance work such as Martha Graham, Alvin Ailey or Rudolf Laban.

You will perform in the dance as part of a group for at least 2 minutes before an invited audience. The performance will take place on stage under stage lighting with appropriate costumes.

Teacher note: A theatre dance work can be performed in any genre of dance (e.g. hip hop, tap, jazz, contemporary or ballet).

You will be assessed on how clearly your individual performance communicates your understanding of the theatre dance style. This task will take six weeks to complete.

Teacher note: Modify this performance date and venue for assessment to suit your context.

Pre-assessment Preparation You will participate in a series of pre-task workshops followed by teacher-led sessions to structure and rehearse a dance based around the musical theatre technique of Bob Fosse, and that will convey a specific idea, mood or feeling that you and your teacher select.

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The choreographic intention for the dance work is to convey the idea, mood or feeling in the style specifically conceived by Bob Fosse, utilising the innovative techniques of simplistic isolations, awkward sensuality, turned in knees and rolled shoulders. You will learn the appropriate technique, focus and expression that need to be conveyed and how this relates to the choreographic intention. Your teacher will assist you in learning and communicating the technique and "uneasy feel" of the often awkward and quirky stances you have seen in studying the work of Bob Fosse. The dance work will be put together using a structure outlined by your teacher and will include movement material developed in your prior teaching and learning, including pre-task workshops. You will need to individually create your own subtext, giving a motivated purpose for each movement. For example:  individually choreograph 5 awkward and quirky stances of your own. When you are choreographing these consider angles, levels, shapes, and use of body parts  share your stances with a group and together compose appropriate transitions between each of the stances to enable you to move from one stance to the next  explore different ways to perform this (e.g. at the same time, at different times, in canon, using different facings, in different formations, as a class) as you work to develop a section of the dance.

Task Rehearse and perform a Musical Theatre dance using Bob Fosse technique. Perform in the dance as part of a group for at least 2 minutes under stage lighting with appropriate costumes. You will be assessed on how clearly your individual performance communicates your understanding of the Musical Theatre dance style and Bob Fosse technique by recalling and reproducing the required movements as accurately and confidently as possible, by showing the details of the style, the emotions that are appropriate to the style, and showing the choreographer’s intention (or your personal interpretation of the choreography).

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Assessment schedule: Dance 91208 Fosse

Evidence/Judgements for Achievement Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with Merit Excellence The student: The student: The student:  performs a Musical Theatre dance of at least 2  performs a Musical Theatre dance of at least 2  performs a Musical Theatre dance of at least 2 minutes duration in the style of Bob Fosse. minutes duration in the style of Bob Fosse. minutes duration in the style of Bob Fosse. The dance is performed before an invited The dance is performed before an invited The dance is performed before an invited audience on an auditorium stage under stage audience on an auditorium stage under stage audience on an auditorium stage under stage lighting and in appropriate costume lighting and in appropriate costume lighting and in appropriate costume  recalls and reproduces the Musical Theatre  recalls and reproduces the Musical Theatre  recalls and reproduces the Musical Theatre dance in accordance with the demonstration or dance in accordance with the demonstration or dance in accordance with the demonstration or description used as a basis for the dance style description used as a basis for the dance style description used as a basis for the dance style  conveys aspects of idea being expressed in  demonstrates and consistent focus for the  demonstrates consistent and sustained focus the dance. dance, clarity of movement and appropriate for the dance, clarity of movement and posture for the dance genre/style, consistent appropriate, controlled posture for the dance focus, clear body shapes and generally genre style, clear body shapes including For example: accurate timing details of the style such as defined hand The student performs a Fosse styled musical  demonstrates an appropriate sense of rhythm movements or breath techniques and theatre dance as required. or musicality generally accurate timing Movement does not have the clarity required due  conveys a sense of idea, mood or feeling of  demonstrates an appropriate sense of rhythm to lack of definition and extension in the (e.g. the dance. or musicality symmetrical and asymmetrical body shapes,  conveys a sense of idea, mood or feeling of extension of leg and arm movements, and the dance and conveys the emotional content For example: pulsating beat using various body parts are not of the style well defined or extended). The student performs a Fosse styled musical  conveys the choreographic intention or Posture, movement, body shapes and timing are theatre dance as required, with appropriate personal interpretation of the choreography. at times inconsistent. understanding of the clarity of movement required (e.g. symmetrical and asymmetrical body shapes, The student shows awareness of other performers extension of leg and arm movements, and For example: most of the time in ensuring uniformity in pulsating beat using various body parts). formations and positioning on stage. The student performs a Fosse styled musical Throughout the dance work, posture is theatre dance as required, with appropriate and Focus is generally directed up and out however appropriate, for example... , body shapes are clearly defined understanding of the clarity of this is inconsistent and eyes appear to wander clear, such as ... movement required (e.g. symmetrical and occasionally, for example looking at other dancers. Timing is generally accurate, for example when asymmetrical body shapes, extension of leg and

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Generally there is a lack of confidence and the The student demonstrates appropriate sense of arm movements, and pulsating beat using various quirky expression to convey the idea behind the rhythm or musicality...The student demonstrates body parts). dance of [Teacher Note: Insert the chosen an awareness of other performers by generally Posture, movement, body shapes and timing are intention] is not always evident. ensuring uniformity in formations and positioning clear and consistently accurate and controlled on stage. throughout the dance work. Focus is consistent with eyes directed up and out The student demonstrates a clear awareness of to the audience. other performers by consistently ensuring The student maintains consistent focus and uniformity in formations and positioning on stage. displays a confident and quirky expression to Focus is consistent and sustained throughout with convey idea, mood or feeling of [Teacher Note: eyes directed up and out to the audience. Insert the chosen intention]. The student maintains consistent focus and displays a confident and quirky expression to convey idea, mood or feeling and the choreographic intention or a personal interpretation of the choreography) of [Teacher Note: Insert the chosen intention and say how a student might convey it or convey a personal interpretation of it].

Final grades will be decided using professional judgement based on a holistic examination of the evidence provided against the criteria in the Achievement Standard.

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