Recovery: the Art of Change s1
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“Finding Your Light in the Face of the Storm”
In coordination with the Office of Peer Recovery & Engagement Presents the
23rd Annual Conference June 10, 11, and 12, 2015
(June 10th – 6 hour Ethics workshop)
Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel 2
23rd Annual Conference
June 10, 11, and 12, 2015
Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel
Board of Directors Heather Clark, Executive Director May Coleman - Registration Helen Cooley, Secretary Marcia Hawthorne Kimmie Jordan, Web designer Bill Morefield Roger Pipkins Martha Rimmel – Treasurer Gail Robertson – President, Program Heather Shortz – Vice-President
PSRANM would like to invite new members to be on our board and explore ways to help with next year’s conference. Please see any of the people listed above for more information. (A sign-up sheet is located on the registration table) – Thank you!
Dear Conference Participant: The Executive Committee, Conference Chairs, and Conference Committee would like to welcome you to the 23rd Annual Conference of the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Association of New Mexico in coordination with the Office of Peer Recovery and Engagement. Conference Committee members will be located in the registration area in the lobby throughout the conference to assist you with any questions or concerns. We appreciate your participation in this conference and trust it will be a positive and rewarding experience!
I. General Information
A. Name Badge – Your name badge must be worn to be admitted to all sessions. B. Room Monitor – We will try to have room monitors available for speakers or participants who need assistance. Please remember to fill out an evaluation form at the end of each workshop. C. Smoking restrictions: Smoking is permitted in designated areas ONLY. Please watch for signs. D. Messages and Announcements – Throughout the conference there will be space at the registration table where messages, employment opportunities, opportunities to volunteer, and announcements may be posted. E. Refreshment breaks – 15 minute breaks will occur between the workshops. Beverages will be available in the morning during registration on June 12th and during both of the afternoon breaks. Lunch will only be served on Thursday, June 11, 2015 and a continental breakfast will be served on Friday, June 12, 2015.
II. Conference Schedule: A complete workshop schedule as well as a map of the hotel has been included in this program. The Chaco Bandelier Ballroom is where we will begin Thursday with our keynote. Breakout rooms are: Chaco, Bandelier, and Valle Grande I. Suite 308 is the Hospitality Room or “Cool Off Room.” Breakout rooms for Friday are Valle Grande I, Valle Grande II, and Rio Grande.
III. PSRANM Annual Meeting: The Association and Executive Committee would like to invite EVERYONE to attend this meeting, Thursday June 11th at 12 noon during lunch.
IV. Evaluations:
A. Forms to evaluate the speakers on their presentations will be distributed prior to the start of each workshop. Please submit your completed forms to the room monitor or speaker before you leave each session.
B. Total Conference Evaluation – To receive your Certificate of Attendance, a completed Overall Conference Evaluation Form must be submitted to the registration table. Your responses will be carefully reviewed by the PSRANM board and used to develop future conferences. We appreciate you taking the time to express your opinions as completely as possible.
Certificate of Attendance and CEUs: You will exchange your completed Overall Conference Evaluation Form at the registration table for your Certificate of Attendance at the end of the conference on Friday at 4:30 p.m. If you need to leave early and need partial CEUs, please see Heather Clark, PSRANM Executive Director. 4
A. CEUs: Workshops that have been approved for CEUs under the New Mexico Counseling and Therapy Practice Board are indicated in this program. In order to receive CEUs, you will need to complete the CEU Verification Form that has been included in the program. Room monitors or presenters must initial the CEU Verification Form for each workshop for which you are requesting CEUs. Please sign into the workshop as well. A possible twelve (12) units are available for Thursday and Friday. This is in addition to the six (6) units if you attend the Ethics Workshop on Wednesday, June 10, 2015.
B. CPRP CEUs – The entire conference is appropriate for CPRP CEUs.
Thank you for your support and participation in this year’s Conference. We hope that you will enjoy the workshops, activities and networking. Plan to attend next year at the 24th annual PSRANM Conference.
If you are interested in joining the 2016 Conference Planning Committee or becoming a board member of PSRANM, please sign up at the registration table!
Wednesday June 10, 2015 A Day of Ethics
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m./Valle Grande Room
Coffee & afternoon snack provided -- 6 CEUs
Andrew Parrish is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of New Mexico. He has worked with community mental health populations for about eight years, specializing in Substance Abuse, Serious Mental Illness, Solution-Focused Therapy, and Family Systems Theory. Andrew currently works as a care coordinator for Molina Healthcare Services of New Mexico in the southern region of the state. Andrew enjoys helping individuals identify areas of growth and assisting individuals in making improvements in their lives. Andrew lives in El Paso, TX, with his family.
Ethics in the Modern World
We live in a world of digital information that is easily transmitted and can be compromised. While treatment is key to improvement, some challenges faced on a daily basis include ensuring that clients receive the highest quality care, and observing required protections as defined by law. Learning to navigate the law, personal values, and desires to help clients is an intersection that every service provider has to understand in order to create informed opinions that will drive interactions with clients.
This workshop is about how the digital age, peer supports, and HIPAA intersect and create unique challenges to protecting privacy and providing quality care services. This workshop will have significant interactive portions and time for reflection on difficult cases that individuals have experienced/faced. 6
[4] Thursday, June 11, 2015
7:30-9:00 a.m. Registration and Welcome – Hotel Lobby (ground floor)
Coffee & afternoon snack provided/Lunch provided
Dr. Marcello Maviglia
Dr. Maviglia is a Board certified Psychiatrist and Addictionologist, who is also certified in Addiction Medicine (ASAM), Forensic Medicine (ACFE), and Quality Assurance /Managed Care (A B Q A UR P). He has worked extensively in the field of substance abuse, and has been involved in research activities regarding public behavioral health issues. Currently, he is the Medical Director for NM Molina Behavioral Health Services. His main areas of interest are: Clinical addiction psychiatry, an international project on social capital in an Italian community, research on Historical Trauma, integration of effective culturally based approaches and social determinants of health in the teaching and practice of general psychiatry and addiction medicine, coordination and integration of care between mental and physical health. He is an associate professor with the UNM Department of Family and Community Medicine.
Break Out Workshops 10:15-11:30
Workshop #1: “Listening thru the stethoscope to the voices of Resiliency & Recovery: Communication strategies with medical professionals.” Dr. Marcello Maviglia and Donald Hume. A panel of individuals including Peer Support Specialists and BH professionals will moderate a dialogue with and among the participants regarding three main areas: How to promote the acceptance of principles of Resiliency & Recovery among physician (in particular Psychiatrists)
How to develop a teaching module on Resiliency and Recovery to be included in the Medical School curriculum
How to identify and present Resiliency & Recovery outcomes to professionals in the Medical field Although the discussion will mainly focus on these three topics, they are also a springboard for additional thoughts and plans instrumental to the diffusion and acceptance of the principles of Resiliency &Recovery among medical professionals. The salient ideas, thoughts, concepts and plans emerging from the workshop will be reviewed and analyzed, at a later date, by a panel of Recovery &Resiliency advocates and experts, to inform the development of strategies related to the workshop goals. Chaco NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #2: “The Hope in Help for Addictive Disorders.” Andrew Parish, LMFT. Addictive Disorders and Co-Occurring Disorders continue to become increasingly stigmatized, leading to clients feeling that treatment equates to judgment. This breakout workshop is about the ways that treatment providers can create a judgment-free zone, and how clients can foster a culture of belonging to welcome others into a life of healing and wellness.
Bandelier NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #3: Integrating Cultural Expression into the Social Experiences of PSR Consumers Helen Tafoya, MA, LPCC and Cynthia Gomez, MA. Expanding the experience and understanding of cultural traditions that are part of the client experience, but not necessarily a part of the larger community. 8 Through client initiatives, the history and observation of cultural traditions become a practice of inclusion and opportunity for clients to learn about traditions, not of our own practice. There is also an opportunity for those who have not been exposed to learn more about their own culture and appreciate the support of renewing. Examples of cultural sharing by consumers include the Day of the Dead, Christmas, Hanukah and Independence Day.
Valle Grande I NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
11:30 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch provided/Annual Meeting Chaco Room
Breakout Workshops 1:00 – 2:15 p.m.
Workshop #4: “When Benevolence is Corrupted by the Receiver.” Dr. Caroline Bonham & Pat Loyd, CPSW. Just because you are grateful and care for those who are begging for help, does not mean you leave yourself open for abuse, and the CON-MAN. Being the light during the storm sometimes means SELF- CARE comes first. Your light will go out if you aren’t nurtured first.
Chaco NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #5: “Are you Handling Anger or is Anger Handling You?” - based on SAMHSA material.” Gail A. Robertson, LMHC, CPRP & Heather Clark, LPCC, CPRP. In this workshop we learn how to recognize and address anger more effectively by using Relaxation, Cognitive, Communication Skills, and Combined Interventions. By categorizing Events, Cues, and Strategies, we will learn how to better understand anger and discuss how to develop appropriate Anger Control Plans.
Bandelier NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #6: “Core Competencies of Facilitating Recovery.” Chacku Mathai, CPRP Behavioral health services across the country are in an unprecedented redesign and transformation process. Driven by a confluence of systemic crises; historic new policies, financing strategies and system relationships are underway and/or being explored and recovery is now integrated as a primary goal and organizing principle for addiction and mental health services in this new environment. There are a number of factors involved in facilitating recovery for people with substance use and/or mental health problems. This course will offer participants the opportunity to learn about core competencies for facilitating recovery in their local communities and programs as well as identify strategies to overcome barriers to programmatic implementation of recovery-oriented practices. Valle Grande I
2:15 – 2:30
Afternoon snack & coffee provided
[7] Breakout Workshops 2:30 – 3:45
Workshop #7: “Queer Peers – LGBTQ Peer Advocates Addressing Behavioral Health Disparities.” Dr. David Ley. A novel, NIMH-funded advocacy/intervention program designed to test a unique, peer and recovery-focused program implemented by the presenter, in rural New Mexico, to assist LGBTQ individuals in accessing mental health and chemical addiction services will be discussed as well as the coaching/training of LGBTQ Advocates; ways in which Queer Peers differ from traditional peer specialists/clinicians, and ways in which this model may offer useful lessons for future interventions. Results from the New Mexico pilot project will be shared and ways in which the project may be replicated/implemented in the future in New Mexico will be discussed.
Chaco NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #8: “On My Altar.” Maestra Sylvia Ledesma and Helen Tafoya, MA, LPCC. This workshop will explore the wonders of a plactica (conversation/knowledge sharing) on the sacred elements of the altar. We will learn the elements of a traditional Mexican American Altar and how to build your own personal altar for self-healing from the perspective of the Mexican American healing tradition.
Bandelier NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #9: “WHAM – Living Authentically: Conscious Communion with Self.” Gordon Eagleheart, CPSW. The purpose of this workshop is to inspire the desire to be our authentic self and acknowledge that each of us is the light guiding us through a storm. We will see that we are the force that guides us through Whole Health Action Management (WHAM). The diversity that makes us whole will be embraced and honored. A seed will be planted so eventually we realize that our desire to seek conformity actually separates us because when we seek sameness we lose a unique part of ourselves and that part is 10 precious to the continuity of all life. This workshop will open eyes that were closed and enlarge our hearts to what is possible through the practice of Conscious Communion.
Valle Grande I
Breakout Workshops 4:00-5:15 p.m.
Workshop #10: “Chronic Pain Management.” Thomas Spencer, LPCC & Gail Dobish, LISW. Participants will be treated to an in-depth discussion about the curriculum we’re using with our clients regarding chronic pain management as well as the background behind why we chose to establish this class, state and local concerns about opiate pain meds, and how this is all appropriate for PSR.
Chaco NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #11: “Facilitated AA.” Pat Loyd, CPSW & Heather Clark, LPCC, CPRP. This workshop provides information, advice, and tools needed to encourage chemically dependent clients to take advantage of the healing power of 12-step programs. We will help map out effective techniques that help clients develop a sense of acceptance and incorporate the 12-step philosophy into action.
Bandelier NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #12: “The Evolving Role of Peer Support in Health Care.” Chacku Mathai, CPRP. Peer support has been identified as an important aspect of mental health care, increasing quality of life and reducing the need for mental health services over time for consumers. Mr. Chacku Mathai will share significant experiences from his own recovery, highlight the impact of peer support in facilitating recovery and review the challenges and the opportunities for integrating peer support in emerging new program designs across the country. The presentation will also discuss the standards of peer support and how systems can successfully build collaborations with peers to benefit their culture of care and consumer outcomes. Valle Grande I NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
[9] Friday June 12, 2015
7:30-8:00 a.m. Registration
Continental Breakfast provided
8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Cultural Competency Track Deena Gonzáles, Ph.D.
(Workshop #13, Workshop #16, and Workshop #19) 3 hour Block with (2) 15 minute breaks
Workshop Breakouts 8:00 – 9:00
Workshop #13: “Contemporary New Mexico people in Historical Contexts.” Deena J. González, Ph.D. The Competency Track begins with the premise that historical knowledge is fundamental to understanding race, culture, gender, and social relations. Because New Mexico’s history is unique, it’s multicultural environment is older than in many other borderlands’ states, Dr. González’s approach is to sketch out important elements of that history first, describe what race and cultural relations looked like after the New Mexico territory became part of the U.S., and then move into contemporary issues relative to the Hispano and Native populations of the southwest.
Valle Grande I NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25 12
Workshop #14: “CALM” “Counseling on Access to Lethal Means.” Kimmie Jordan, LADAC, LAMFT, CPRP & Brian Swanheart, CPSW. CALM is an evidenced-based training demonstrating and teaching how lethality in suicide matters. This session will provide an introduction to this training and how to complete the full two hour course for CEU’s at no cost.
Valle Grande II NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #15: “Albuquerque Police Department CIU/COAST” Crisis Specialist Raymond Maynes and Detective Matthew Tinney. This workshop will provide information about what CIU/COAST is and what services are offered. The overview will include what CIU/COAST offers to the community and for APD as a referral source and as a diversionary program.
Rio Grande
Break 9:00-9:15
9:15 a.m. -10:15 a.m. Breakouts
Workshop #16: “Contemporary New Mexico people in Historical Contexts.” (Continued) Deena J. González, Ph.D.
Valle Grande I NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #17: “Introduction to Suicide Risk Assessment.” Kimmie Jordan, LADAC, LAMFT, CPRP & Roger Pipkins, CPSW. Assessment failures account for 70% of “medical “errors” associated with patient suicide (Lack of Specific Training, lack of specific knowledge, lack of supporting policies & payment, reliance on junk science, wrong beliefs, eg. if they really want to kill themselves, you can’t stop them.”
Valle Grande II NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #18: “Rio Rancho Crisis Intervention Team.” Lt. Nicholas Onken, MBA. This workshop will cover the past, present, and future of the Rio Rancho Crisis Intervention Team (CIT). Basically, a short bio of the department will be presented, and a history of the CIT program, current CIT trends, and a look at the plans for future growth of our CIT unit will be discussed. Rio Grande
Break 10:15 a.m. – 10:30
10:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m. Breakouts
Workshop #19: “Contemporary New Mexico people in Historical Contexts.” (Continued) Deena J. González, Ph.D.
Valle Grande I NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #20: “Volunteering…a new tradition.” Helen Cooley, CHES, CPRP. We will discuss the ins and outs of volunteering, what to consider in choosing to volunteer, how to get started and the rewards from being a volunteer.
Valle Grande II
Workshop #21: “Homeless to Housing to Recovery” Carol Luna Anderson, Ph.D., M.S.N. Research and common sense tells us that wellness cannot occur when living in a homeless situation. What we know is that housing is vital for our health, well-being and recovery. This session will focus on efforts being made in New Mexico to address housing for the most vulnerable.
Rio Grande NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25 14
1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Supervision Track
Hoyt Roberson, LMFT
(Workshops #22, 25, 28) 3 hour block with (2) 15 minute breaks
1:00 p.m. -2:00 p.m. Breakouts
Workshop #22: “Supervision.” Hoyt Roberson, LMFT. Becoming a supervisor brings with it new roles, new responsibilities, and requires slightly different skills than other positions within an organization. This block will examine the new aspects of being a supervisor and offer adequate opportunities for discussion and supporting each other in this very critical job.
Valle Grande I NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #23: “Supported Employment: Interviewing and Resume Writing.” Peter Kennedy, LMSW & Elizabeth Novar, CPRP. A well-written resume followed by a well-executed interview gives the candidate a strong advantage in obtaining the position he/she wants. A PowerPoint presentation will be given and a discussion about creating resumes for clients who have limited employment history, felonies, etc. will be held. Tips for acing interviews using the most common interview questions and the most common types of interviews will be covered.
Valle Grande II
Workshop #24: “Evidence-based Treatment Models for PTSD.” Lora Smalley, LMFT. There’s a lot of press about PTSD and trauma informed care, but what is this? This workshop will cover what is trauma and PTSD, why some appear to recover naturally, and for those who don’t, what are the best treatment options for them. The top evidence-based treatment models will be reviewed and discussed for not just for those used in PSR but other treatment options to help educate clients who might need a more focused treatment option beyond the PSR group.
Rio Grande NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
2:00 – 2:15
Afternoon snack & coffee provided
[13] Breakout Workshops 2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Workshop #25: “Supervision” (Continued). Hoyt Roberson, LMFT.
Valle Grande I NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #26: “Mental Health Care Treatment Decisions Act and Usage.” Miguel Chavez, Senior Advocate and Robin Connell, Advocate. This workshop will help consumers/participants understand the Mental Health Care Decisions Act and how it can be used to preserve a consumer’s wishes relating to mental health treatment once an advanced directive is activated. The presentation will discuss elements of the mental health advanced directives and the legal rights of consumers under the act. A sample form of the Mental Health Advanced Directive will be provided.
Valle Grande II
Workshop #27: “Trauma-Informed Care.” Lora Smalley, LMFT. Most programs have worked to educate their employees on “trauma informed care” but what does this mean? How does one go about putting in practices that are trauma informed care? For a consumer, what does this mean and how do you recognize it? This workshop will cover some basic core concepts for trauma informed care that you or your agency can do that will help reduce their stress and increase a consumer’s comfort for services, engagement, and success rates.
Rio Grande NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25 16
Break 3:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
[14] Workshop Breakouts 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Workshop #28: “Supervision” (Continued). Hoyt Roberson, LMFT.
Valle Grande I NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Workshop #29: “Compassion Fatigue and Burnout.” Helen Cooley, CHES, CPRP & Kimmie Jordan, LADAC, CPRP. The object of this workshop is to learn how to recognize compassion fatigue and burnout, learn and practice implementation in daily life by using the story of Chicken Little. We will discuss the cumulative effects in compassion fatigue, burnout and stress in personal and work life. Come and learn simple techniques and activities to help de-stress and also to identify the levels of stress in life.
Valle Grande II NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CEUs 1.25
Handing Out of Certificates
4:30 p.m.
Thank You and Acknowledgements
PSRANM thanks all of its individual and organizational members for their ongoing support. Membership in Membership in PRA gives you membership in PSRANM. Go to to become a member.
PSRANM thanks all of the organizations who make it possible for their members and staff to attend this conference and other PSRANM events. These are member agencies that are committed to the values of psychosocial rehabilitation.
PSRANM thanks Molina Healthcare for their support and providing our keynote speaker. PSRANM thanks Office of Peer Recovery & Engagement for providing scholarships to the Conference. PSRANM is grateful to all of the individuals who have worked to further the values of PSRANM and to support the association including all of its board members current and past. Thanks to all presenters! [15] 18
Thanks to the Office of Peer Recovery & Engagement and the Behavioral Health Services
Division, NM Human Services Department
Thank you Presbyterian Medical Services for support of our event.
Litoi, the man in the maze
The story of Litoi is also the story of every human being,
traveling life as through a maze, taking many turns while growing
stronger and wiser as life continues until the end at the dark center of the maze.
Tracing the light path with your finger you will find one more turn at the end, away from the center.
Here we can look back on the trail and find acceptance of the last step. [16]
SHERATON ALBUQUERQUE AIRPORT HOTEL 2910 Yale Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 / (505) 843-7000
In Loving Memory of Martha Beltramo Martha worked at University Hospital for 23 years as a psychiatric case manager. She passionately served as an advocate seeking to help her clients find their voice in their personal journey of recovery from substance use and mental illness. 20