APS for High School Level - Title I, Part A-Accountability (CA Dept of Education)
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California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level May 2016
Essential Implementation Status and Key Components Program Objective Criteria and Clarifications Review and identify which key components apply. Component Circle the most appropriate rating. 1. Instructional 1.1 The school/district provides Full implementation means that all students, including English Objective Fully Substantially Partially Minimally Program the locally-adopted, learners (ELs), students with disabilities (SWDs), students 4 3 2 1 standards-aligned with learning difficulties, and advanced learners are provided 1.1 100% At least At least Less than English/language arts (ELA) locally-adopted, standards-aligned ELA textbooks and 75% 50% 50% textbooks and instructional instructional materials, which may include CCSS-aligned Key Components materials, including ancillary materials, in grades nine and ten ELA courses. These materials for universal materials are implemented to support the needs of all Instructional Program Materials access. The district may also students. All students are ___assessed, ___placed, and provide Common Core State Ninth and tenth grade ELA teachers use the locally- ___provided locally-adopted, standards-aligned Standards (CCSS)-aligned adopted basic core and program ancillary materials instructional program materials. This may include materials. designed for universal access/differentiated instruction to CCSS-aligned materials. meet the needs of students, including strategic learners. . If the selected program has been designed with additional Number of Students: ancillary materials, those ancillary materials should be _____All Students. used with and beyond the basic program. The ancillary _____ELs. materials are used for universal access. Universal access _____SWDs. is a term that describes differentiated instruction that meets the needs of all students, including ELs, students Use with reading difficulties, students with disabilities (SWDs), Identify all that apply: and advanced learners. _____Core materials are used as designed. Some SWDs may need special modifications and/or _____Ancillary materials are used as designed. accommodations of curriculum or instruction, as specified in their individualized education program (IEP), to enable them to participate successfully in the core classroom.
Documentation Additional Comments ELA
District Purchase Date:
School Distribution Date:
Classroom Distribution Date: California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
Attach publisher purchase order (PO) documentation for sets of classroom core materials.
2 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
Essential Implementation Status and Key Components Program Objective Criteria and Clarifications Review and identify which key components apply. Component Circle the most appropriate rating. 1. Instructional 1.2 The school/district provides Full implementation means that ELs are provided the Objective Fully Substantially Partially Minimally Program the district-adopted English- district-adopted ELD instructional program materials. These 4 3 2 1 language Development materials are implemented to support the assessed English 1.2 100% At least At least Less than (ELD) instructional proficiency needs of students. 75% 50% 50% materials for identified ELs. Students are appropriately placed into ELD using the Key Components California English Language Development Test (CELDT) and all available English proficiency measures. Appropriate Instructional Program Materials The ELD instruction provides sufficient instruction and All EL students are appropriately ___assessed, practice to fully develop English-language proficiency in ___placed, and ___provided district-adopted order to accelerate acquisition to grade-level content. instructional program materials. At all grade levels, teachers use the ELD components of the adopted program used in the district or supplemental Identify ELD Instructional Program/Materials Used: material designed for ELD with students identified for ELD on an English proficiency assessment.
Appropriate Use _____ Materials/ ELD components are used as designed.
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District Purchase Date:
School Distribution Date:
Classroom Distribution Date: Attach publisher PO documentation for sets of classroom core materials.
3 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
Essential Implementation Status and Key Components Program Objective Criteria and Clarifications Review and identify which key components apply. Component Circle the most appropriate rating. 1. Instructional 1.3 The school/district provides Full implementation means that all identified intensive Objective Fully Substantially Partially Minimally Program the ELA intensive intervention intervention students (students achieving below grade six 4 3 2 1 programs and materials for grade standards), including ELs and SWDs, are provided 1.3 100% At least At least Less than appropriately identified intensive intervention materials that provide accelerated 75% 50% 50% intensive students achieving instruction at the students’ assessed level of need. These Key Components below grade six standards. materials are provided to all identified students and implemented as designed. Appropriate Instructional Program Materials District/site placement criteria determine student All students are ___assessed, ___ placed, and placement in intensive intervention, which replaces the ___provided appropriate instructional program core English grade nine or ten instructional program. materials. Intensive programs are multi-period, stand-alone reading programs designed to accelerate students’ Name(s) of Intensive Intervention Program Used: successful reentry into the grade-level core program within two years or less. Students who reenter the Number of Identified Students Provided with grade-level program may need an additional class of Intensive Intervention strategic support. Grade 9 Grade 10 All Intensive learners All Intensive Els All Intensive SWDs
Appropriate Use _____ Materials are used as designed.
Documentation Additional Comments ELA District Purchase Date: School Distribution Date: Classroom Distribution Date: Attach publisher PO documentation for sets of classroom core materials.
4 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
Essential Implementation Status and Key Components Program Objective Criteria and Clarifications Review and identify which key components apply. Component Circle the most appropriate rating. 1. Instructional 1.4 The school/district provides Full implementation means that all students, including Objective Fully Substantially Partially Minimally Program California standards-aligned ELs, SWDs, and students with learning difficulties, 3 2 1 4 or CCSS-aligned Algebra I enrolled in Algebra I have California standards-aligned or 1.4 At least At least Less than 100% textbooks and instructional CCSS-aligned Algebra I textbooks and instructional 75% 50% 50% materials, including ancillary program materials. These materials are implemented (with Key Components materials for universal consideration for blocked periods and semester courses) access. to support the instructional needs of all enrolled students. Instructional Program Materials Teachers use the locally-adopted core Algebra I All students are ___assessed, ___placed, and program and ancillary materials designed for universal ___provided California standards-aligned or CCSS- access/differentiated instruction during core instruction aligned instructional program materials. to meet the assessed needs of students, including strategic learners. Number of Students: If the selected program has been designed with _____ All Students. additional ancillary materials, those materials should _____ ELs. be used with and beyond the core grade-level _____ SWDs. program. The ancillary materials are used for universal access. Universal access is a term that describes Use differentiated instruction that meets the needs of all Identify all that apply: students, including ELs, students with mathematics ____ Core materials are used as designed. difficulties, SWDs, and advanced learners. ____ Ancillary materials are used as designed. SWDs may be appropriately placed in Algebra I but may need special modifications and/or accommodations of curriculum or instruction, as specified in their IEP, to enable them to participate successfully in the core Algebra I classroom.
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District Purchase Date:
School Distribution Date:
Classroom Distribution Date: Attach publisher PO documentation for sets of classroom core materials.
5 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
Essential Implementation Status and Key Components Program Objective Criteria and Clarifications Review and identify which key components apply. Component Circle the most appropriate rating. 1. Instructional 1.5 The school/district provides Full implementation means that all students in grades nine Objective Fully Substantially Partially Minimally Program intervention programs and or ten, including ELs, SWDs, and students with learning 4 3 2 1 materials for students difficulties needing specialized instruction to acquire the 1.5 100% At least At least Less than identified for intensive pre-algebraic skills and concepts necessary to succeed in 75% 50% 50% intervention in grades nine higher mathematics (e.g., Algebra I in a traditional Key Components and ten who need specialized sequence or Mathematics I in an integrated sequence) are instruction to acquire the pre- appropriately assessed and provided the instructional Instructional Program Materials algebraic skills and concepts programs and materials in readiness. These materials are All students are ____assessed, ____placed, and necessary to succeed in provided to all identified students. _____provided SBE-adopted instructional program Algebra I. An appropriate readiness program for higher materials. mathematics is a one-period, stand-alone, intervention program to prepare students to enter into a grade- Number of Intensive Intervention Students level higher mathematics core classroom supported by Grade 9 Grade 10 an additional class of strategic support the following All Intensive learners school year. All Intensive Els SWDs placed in a readiness course may need special All Intensive SWDs modifications and/or accommodations of curriculum or instruction, as specified in their IEP, to enable them to participate successfully in this classroom. Number Provided SBE-Algebra Readiness Grade 9 Grade 10 . Total Students ELs SWDs
Appropriate Use _____ Materials are used as designed.
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District Purchase Date:
School Distribution Date:
Classroom Distribution Date: Attach publisher PO documentation for sets of classroom core materials.
6 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
Essential Implementation Status and Key Components Program Objective Criteria and Clarifications Review and identify which key components apply. Component Circle the most appropriate rating. 2. Instructional 2.1 Through the school’s master Full implementation means that the school’s master Objective Fully Substantially Partially Minimally Time schedule, the school/district schedule allocates for all ninth and tenth grade ELA 4 3 2 1 allocates adequate classrooms adequate instructional time in the current 2.1 100% At least At least Less than instructional time as locally-adopted, core, standards-aligned ELA grade nine 75% 50% 50% recommended on page 290 and ten instructional programs. This provides all students, Key Components of the California including ELs, SWDs, and students with learning Reading/Language Arts difficulties, with adequate instruction and practice to Allocation of Instructional Time (ELA) Framework at master grade-level standards and the skills assessed on _____ Time is given priority and protected from http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr/ the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE). interruptions. cf/documents/rlafw.pdf This time is given priority and protected from [Note, the preceding Web interruptions. Identify the number of instructional minutes link is no longer valid and (length of periods) offered at each grade level: has been moved to http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/r Number of instructional minutes l/cf/elaeldfrmwrksbeadopt at each grade level ed.asp] for the locally- Grade 9 Grade 10 adopted, standards-aligned, All Students basic core programs for ELs RLA/ELD, which may SWDs include CCSS-aligned instructional materials. This time is given priority and protected from interruptions.
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Master Schedule:
Description of Course Content:
Description of Intervention Programs:
7 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
Essential Implementation Status and Key Components Program Objective Criteria and Clarifications Review and identify which key components apply. Component Circle the most appropriate rating. 2. Instructional 2.2Through the school’s master Full implementation means that the school’s master Objective Fully Substantially Partially Minimally Time schedule, the school/district schedule allocates adequate additional time and/or allocates adequate additional periods beyond the basic core to support identified 4 3 2 1 2.2 100% At least At least Less than time, as appropriate and as strategic students, including ELs, SWDs, and students 75% 50% 50% described and recommended with learning difficulties. The district/school uses Key Components on page 290 of the California assessments and placement criteria to determine the ELA Framework at instructional needs of strategic students and the intensity Allocation of Instructional Time http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr/cf/d of support offered to these students. _____ Time is given priority and protected from ocuments/rlafw.pdf [Note, the This time is given priority and protected from interruptions. preceding Web link is no longer interruptions. valid and has been moved to Students identified as in need of strategic support are http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/rl/cf/ defined as students who demonstrate proficiency at elaeldfrmwrksbeadopted.asp] or above the grade six ELA standards but fail to Number of additional instructional minutes for students identified for master grade nine or ten standards and/or pass the (or length of period) at each grade level for strategic support in ELA using English-language arts (ELA) portion of the CAHSEE. Strategic Students the current district- adopted Assessments will determine whether a student’s Grade 9 Grade 10 core ELA instructional program learning difficulties may be addressed by the regular Additional time provided and ancillary materials. classroom teacher with minimal assistance beyond identified strategic . differentiation within the core period or whether the students student’s need will be better met by additional time Additional time provided with targeted instruction. identified strategic ELs The district-adopted core materials and the core Additional time provided ancillary materials will serve as the predominant identified strategic instructional program provided to meet the SWDs instructional needs of identified strategic students so that they can participate in and progress through daily lessons in the core program with their peers.
Documentation Additional Comments
Master Schedule:
Description of Course Content:
Description of Intervention Programs:
8 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
Essential Implementation Status and Key Components Program Objective Criteria and Clarifications Review and identify which key components apply. Component Circle the most appropriate rating. 2. Instructional 2.3 Through the school’s master Full implementation means that the school’s master Objective Fully Substantially Partially Minimally Time schedule, the school/district schedule allocates appropriate instructional time for 4 3 2 1 allocates adequate additional courses that are designated for ELD instruction and 2.3 100% At least At least Less than instructional time within the differentiated for English language-proficiency levels. 75% 50% 50% school day as recommended This time is given priority and protected from Key Components on pages 290-91 of the interruptions. California ELA Framework at ELs are appropriately placed into ELD using Allocation of Instructional Time http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr/cf/ CELDT and all available English proficiency Identify all that apply: documents/rlafw.pdf [Note, measures. _____ Time is given priority and protected from the preceding Web link is no ELs who are also identified as SWDs must interruptions. longer valid and has been receive ELD instruction. _____ ELD instruction is additional time in schedule. moved to http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/rl/ Name of Designated ELD Course(s) by level: cf/elaeldfrmwrksbeadopted. asp] for ELD instruction for Identify number of EL students by CELDT level and identified ELs. This time is number of ELD minutes offered at each CELDT level. given priority and protected Proficiency Levels Level Level from interruptions. Levels 1-2 3 4-5 Number of Students Number of Instructional Minutes in ELD (beyond 2.1 and 2.2)
Documentation Additional Comments
Master Schedule:
Description of Course Content: Description of Intervention Programs:
9 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
Essential Implementation Status and Key Components Program Objective Criteria and Clarifications Review and identify which key components apply. Component Circle the most appropriate rating. 2. Instructional 2.4 Through the school’s master Full implementation means that the school’s master Objective Fully Substantially Partially Minimally Time schedule, the school/district schedule allocates adequate instructional time in 4 3 2 1 allocates adequate uninterrupted blocked classes for all identified intensive 2.4 100% At least At least Less than instructional time for the intervention students, including ELs and SWDs. The locally- 75% 50% 50% locally-adopted ELA high adopted ELA intensive intervention reading program Key Components school intensive intervention materials are utilized to support the needs of all intensive programs and materials. This reading intervention students. Allocation of Instructional Time time is given priority and This time is given priority and protected from _____Time is given priority and protected from protected from interruptions. interruptions. interruptions. Students in need of intensive intervention are defined as students demonstrating proficiency in Indicate total length (minutes) of blocked ELA below grade six standards. periods: The master schedule allocates sufficient instructional Number of instructional minutes at each time for implementation of the intensive intervention grade level programs. Grade 9 Grade 10 The intensive intervention programs in ELA are All intensive learners stand-alone programs that replace the grade-level Intensive ELs core program and provide differentiated support to Intensive SWDs accelerate students’ subsequent successful reentry into the grade-level core program with the addition of a strategic support period. ELs in intensive reading intervention programs designated for ELs also receive embedded ELD instruction as per program design. 2008 Intensive Reading Interventions for ELs (Program 5 or the articulated high school version), or the intensive reading intervention materials designated for ELs from the previous 2002/2005 SBE-adopted materials lists meet the recommended time.
Documentation Additional Comments
Master Schedule:
Description of Course Content: Description of Intervention Programs:
10 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
Essential Implementation Status and Key Components Program Objective Criteria and Clarifications Review and identify which key components apply. Component Circle the most appropriate rating. 2. Instructional 5.2 Through the school’s Full implementation means that the school’s master Objective Fully Substantially Partially Minimally Time master schedule, the schedule allocates for all Algebra I classrooms adequate 4 3 2 1 school/district allocates instructional time in the locally-adopted basic Algebra I 2.5 100% At least At last Less than adequate instructional time core materials for all students, including ELs, SWDs, 75% 50% 50% as recommended on page students with learning difficulties, and advanced learners, Key Components 10 of the California in order to provide sufficient instruction and practice to Mathematics Framework at meet their instructional needs. Allocation of Instructional Time http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr This time is given priority and protected from _____ Time is given priority and protected from /cf/documents/mathfrwk.pd interruptions. interruptions. f [Note, the preceding Web link is no longer valid and Indicate number of instructional minutes offered for has been moved to Algebra I for grades nine and ten: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ ma/cf/mathfwchapters.as Number of instructional minutes for Algebra I p] for the locally-adopted All Students Algebra I program. This ELs time is given priority and SWDs protected from interruptions. .
Documentation Additional Comments
Master Schedule:
Description of Course Content:
Description of Intervention Programs:
11 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
12 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
Essential Implementation Status and Key Components Program Objective Criteria and Clarifications Review and identify which key components apply. Component Circle the most appropriate rating. 2. Instructional 8.2 Through the school’s Full implementation means that the school’s master Objective Fully Substantially Partially Minimally Time master schedule, the schedule allocates adequate additional time and/or 4 3 2 1 school/district allocates periods to support identified strategic students, including 2.6 100% At least At least Less adequate additional ELs, SWDs, and students with learning difficulties. The 75% 50% than 50% instructional time for district/school uses assessments and placement criteria Key Components identified Algebra I to determine the instructional needs of strategic students students needing strategic and the intensity of support offered to these students. Allocation of Instructional Time intervention using the Strategic students are defined as students ____Time is protected from interruptions. locally-adopted, Algebra I demonstrating proficiency at or above the seventh core and ancillary grade mathematics standards but unable to master Identify number of strategic students served and materials Algebra I standards and/or pass the Algebra portion amount of strategic instructional time offered for of the CAHSEE. Algebra I.
13 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level
Describe differentiated support for students not needingAssessments an additional will determine strategic whether period: a student’s learning difficulties may be addressed by the regular Number of grade nine and ten strategic classroom teacher with minimal assistance beyond students differentiation within the core period or whether the All Strategic student’s need will be better met by additional time with targeted instruction. All Strategic ELs The locally-adopted Algebra I basic core materials and core ancillary materials serve as the All Strategic SWDs predominant instructional program provided to meet the instructional needs of identified strategic students Number of additional Instructional Minutes (or so they can participate in and progress through the length of period) for grades nine and ten daily lessons in the core program with their peers. Algebra I strategic students Algebra I Instructional Minutes Additional time provided to all strategic students Additional time provided to identified strategic EL students Additional time provided to identified strategic SWD students
14 California Department of Education May 2016 California Department of Education Academic Program Survey—High School Level