Your make-up Needs for the show!

As you may already know all actors wear make-up. From the most beautiful princess to the grittiest outlaw, every performer on stage and screen wears makeup. Make-up is worn for a number of reasons. For our purposes make-up helps create character as well as allowing clearly defined facial features to appear under the bright stage lights. With this in mind, I expect all the actors on my stage to wear make-up.

For many of my experienced actors this is nothing new, but for my newer performers (especially the boys) this sometimes comes as a shock. To ease the burden I have created a list of make-up essentials below. Additionally, I have provided the names of places one can purchase make-up. As with most products there is a large range of quality when it comes to make-up. While I do recommend the “Stage Make-Up” kits for young actors who intend to continue in the theater, there are many less expensive options to ease the financial stress. Must Have Basics:

All actors should have:

base or foundation that corresponds as closely as possible their natural skin color.

Also, black or dark brown eyeliner is essential.

Finally, lips stick that can double as Blush. The color depends on gender and character. If you are a boy get a natural looking lip color, if you are a girl pink to deeper red that is appropriate for your character will usually do.

These things can be purchased at the Dollar Store, or any place that sells make-up.

Remember that stage make-up is applied much heavier than street make-up so get enough to last the whole run of the show as well as dress rehearsals. More Involved Make-up Kits

A company called Ben Nye makes the theater standard in make-up. While I don’t expect everyone to rush out and buy a Ben Nye make-up kit, I do suggest that you look into to getting one for future shows. Ben Nye Kits come in a variety of configurations that range from the simple kits that include the things listed in the “basics” section of this letter to kits that have everything an actor could ever use. I bought one of the larger kits in high school and used it every year until I lost it three years ago!

If you would like to buy one of these Ben Nye starter make-up kits for the show you can buy it from this Web address.

Also if you do not want to buy online or want to go to a store that has someone who can give you specialist advice on which kit to buy then below is the address for

Party @ Display & Costume

6000 E Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE Ste B, Issaquah, WA 98029-8913

Or (my personal favorite)

PNTA 2414 SW Andover Street C100 Seattle, WA 98106 (800) 622-7850 Toll Free (206) 622-7850 Seattle Area (206) 267-1789 Fax