Unit I V Multiple Choice Coordinator: Laura Precious Morris

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Unit I V Multiple Choice Coordinator: Laura Precious Morris


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 Central Organizer:  Document Based Question coordinator: Felesha Penn Greg Benjamin

 Unit I – V Multiple Choice coordinator:  Essay coordinator: Precious Morris Allen Benson

 Unit VI – X Multiple Choice coordinator: Linhai Zhu UNITED STATES HISTORY SECTION I Time – 55 minutes 80 Questions

Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by five suggested answers or completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet.

1. The colonists who ultimately embraced the d. denying the authority of the civil vision of America as an independent nation government to regulate religious had in common all of the following matters. characteristics except e. demanding oaths regarding a. the desire to create an agricultural religious beliefs. society. b. learning to live lives unfettered by 4. The soldier and explorer whose leadership the tyrannies of royal authority. earned him the title “Father of New France” c. learning to live lives unfettered by was the tyrannies of official religion. a. Samuel de Champlain. d. an unwillingness to subjugate b. Robert de La Salle. others. c. Antoine Cadillac. e. learning to live lives unfettered by d. Des Moines. the tyrannies of social hierarchies. e. Edward Vincennes.

2. Match each item on the left with the correct 5. Mercantilists believed that definition: a. a nation needed to import more A. Predestination goods than it exported. B. Conversion b. power came from a small colonial C. Antinomianism empire. c. the mother country produced raw 1. belief that from the moment of materials and colonies produced the creation some souls were “saved” and finished product. of “damned” d. a country’s economic wealth could 2. belief that faith, good works, and be measured by the amount of gold repentance could earn salvation and silver in its treasury. 3. the sign of receipt of God’s free gift e. colonies drained a country of its of saving grace resources. 4. belief that those whom God had marked for salvation need not obey 6. Before 1763 the Navigation Laws secular laws a. were very effective. b. hurt Great Britain more than the a. A-1, B-3, C-2 American colonies. b. A-3, B-2, C-1 c. were a great burden to only India. c. A-1, B-3, C-4 d. discouraged smuggling by d. A-4, B-l, C-3 American colonial merchants. e. A-2, B-4, C-3 e. were only loosely enforced in the American colonies. 3. Roger Williams’ beliefs included all of the following except 7. Match each act below with the correct a. breaking away from the Church of description. England. A. Sugar Act b. challenging the legality of B. Stamp Act Massachusetts Bay¡¯s charter. C. Declaratory Act c. condemning the taking of Indian land without fair compensation. 1. first British law intended to raise revenues in the colonies 2. asserted Parliament’s absolute b. was far too short and required more power over the colonies detail. 3. required colonists to lodge British c. failed to guarantee property rights. troops in their homes d. failed to provide a mechanism for 4. generated the most protest in the amendment. colonies. e. did not provide guarantees for individual rights. a. A-3, B-2, C-l b. A-1, B-4, C-3 12. The Bill of Rights was intended to protect c. A-1, B-4, C-2 against the potential tyranny of d. A-4, B-1, C-2 . e. A-2, B-1, C-4 a. the prerogatives of Congress, the president 8. Arrange the following events in b. the army and the navy, the national chronological order: (A) fighting at government Lexington and Concord, (B) convening of c. the South, the northern majority the Second Continental Congress, (C) d. individual liberties, a strong central publication of Common Sense, (D) adoption government of the Declaration of Independence. e. civilian authorities, the military a. B, C, A, D b. A, B, C, D 13. The Founding Fathers had not envisioned c. A, C, D, B the existence of permanent political parties d. C, D, A, B because they e. A, B, D, C a. opposed anyone who disagreed with them. 9. Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense b. disliked politics. a. was published before any fighting c. had existed in Britain. took place between the colonists d. saw opposition to the government and the British. as disloyal. b. remained unpopular for several e. all of the above. years before being accepted by the public. 14. Thomas Jefferson’s “Revolution of 1800” c. called for a democratic republic. was remarkable in that it d. called on the British people to a. moved the United States away from overthrow the king. its democratic ideals. e. led to Paine’s arrest. b. marked the peaceful and orderly transfer of power on the basis of 10. As a means of ensuring that legislators stay election results accepted by all in touch with the mood of the people, state parties. constitutions c. occurred after he left the a. were rewritten once every ten presidency. years. d. caused America to do what the b. were rewritten once every five British had been doing for a years. generation regarding the election of c. required yearly visits to the homes a legislative body. of their constituents. e. was in no way a revolution. d. stipulated that ordinary legislation could override the constitution. 15. Thomas Jefferson and his followers opposed e. required the annual election of John Adams’s last-minute appointment of legislators. new federal judges mainly because a. the men appointed were of poor 11. One of the major criticisms of the quality. Constitution as drafted in Philadelphia was b. they believed that the appointments that it were unconstitutional. a. was too long and detailed. c. they did not want a showdown with the Supreme Court. d. the appointment was an attempt by 21. Match each individual below with the a defeated party to entrench itself in correct description. the government. A. Andrew Jackson e. these judges were not needed. B. Henry Clay C. John C. Calhoun 16. Arrange these events in chronological order: D. William Crawford (A) Louisiana Purchase, (B) Chesapeake incident, (C) Burr’s trial for treason, (D) 1. was vice president on the ticket of Embargo Act. two presidential candidates in 1824 a. A, B, D, C 2. received more popular votes than b. C, D, A, B any other candidate in 1824 c. A, C, B, D 3. was eliminated as a candidate when d. D, B, C, A the election of 1824 was thrown into e. B, D, C, A the House of Representatives

17. Thomas Jefferson was conscience-stricken a. A-2, B-3, C-1 about the purchase of the Louisiana b. A-2, B-1, D-3 Territory from France because c. B-1, C-3, D-2 a. the Federalists supported his action. d. A-3, C-2, D-1 b. he believed that the purchase was e. A-1, B-2, D-3 unconstitutional. c. he felt that the purchase was not a 22. John C. Calhoun’s “South Carolina fair deal for France. Exposition” was an argument for d. war with Spain might occur. a. secession. e. he feared the British might use it as b. protective tariffs. an exercise to declare war on the c. majority rule. United States. d. States’ rights. e. trade with England. 18. The War of 1812 was one of the worst- fought wars in United States history because 23. The sentiment of fear and opposition to open a. Native Americans supported the immigration was called British. a. the cult of domesticity. b. too much national anger prevented b. nativism. clear thinking on strategy. c. Unitarianism. c. of the poor state of the economy. d. rugged individualism. d. of a non-existent milita. e. patriotism. e. of widespread disunity. 24. Western road building faced all of the 19. The most devastating defeat suffered by the following problems except British during the War of 1812 took place at a. the expense. the Battle of b. States’ rights advocates opposition. a. New Orleans. c. eastern states’ opposition. b. Horseshoe Bend. d. competition from canals. c. Tippecanoe. e. wartime interruptions. d. the Thames. e. Fallen Timbers. 25. Which one of the following is least related to the other four? 20. John Marshall’s rulings upheld a defense of a. Brigham Young property rights against public pressure in b. William Miller a. McCulloch v. Maryland. c. The Book of Mormon b. Marbury v. Madison. d. Salt Lake City c. Cohens v. Virginia. e. polygamy d. Fletcher v. Peck. e. Gibbons v. Ogden. 26. Neal Dow sponsored the Maine Law of c. 54 degrees 40 minutes 1851, which called for d. 36 degrees 30 minutes a. the abolition of capital punishment. e. 49 degrees b. a ban on war. c. a ban on polygamy. 31. According to the principle of “popular d. woman suffrage. sovereignty” the question of slavery in the e. a ban on the manufacture and sale territories would be determined by of intoxicating liquor. a. the most popular national leaders. b. a national referendum. 27. As a result of the introduction of the cotton c. congressional legislation. gin, d. a Supreme Court decision. a. fewer slaves were needed on the e. the vote of the people in any given plantations. territory. b. short-staple cotton lost popularity. c. slavery was reinvigorated. 32. In the Compromise of 1850, Congress d. Thomas Jefferson predicted the determined that slavery in the New Mexico gradual death of slavery. and Utah territories was e. the African slave trade was a. to be banned. legalized. b. protected by federal law. c. to be decided by popular 28. Match each abolitionist below with his sovereignty. publication. d. to be ignored until either territory A. William Lloyd Garrison applied for admission to statehood. B. Theodore Dwight Weld e. to be decided by the Mormon C. Frederick Douglass Church. D. David Walker 33. Uncle Tom’s Cabin may be described as 1. Appeal to the Colored Citizens of a. a firsthand account of slavery. the World b. a success only in the United States. 2. The Liberator c. a romanticized account of slavery. 3. Narration of the Life of American d. having little effect on the start of Slavery as It Is the Civil War. e. a powerful political force. a. A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2 b. A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1 34. Arrange these events in chronological order: c. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1 (A) Dred Scott decision, (B) Lincoln- d. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4 Douglas debates, (C) Kansas-Nebraska Act, e. A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3 (D) Harpers Ferry raid. a. A, C, B, D 29. Arrange the following in chronological b. B, D, C, A order: (A) annexation of Texas, (B) c. C, A, B, D Webster-Ashburton Treaty, (C) settlement d. D, B, A, C of the Oregon boundary, (D) Aroostook e. A, C, D, B War. a. A, B, D, C 35. In order to persuade the Border States to b. B, D, C, A remain in the Union, President Lincoln c. D, B, A, C a. relied solely on moral appeal. d. C, A, B, D b. used only totally legal methods. e. A, D, C, B c. guaranteed that they could keep slavery permanently. 30. In the Oregon treaty with Britain in 1846, d. never had to use troops. the northern boundary of the United States e. declared martial law where needed. was established to the Pacific Ocean along the line of a. 42 degrees. b. 52 degrees 40 minutes 36. Napoleon III’s attempt to install Maximilian a. Black Laws on the Mexican throne was a clear violation b. Jim Crow Laws of c. Civil Rights a. French neutrality. d. Black Civil Codes b. the Rush-Bagot agreement. c. Spanish sovereignty. 43. W.E.B. Dubois believed in? d. the Monroe Doctrine. a. gradualism e. Pan-American treaties. b. “talented tenth” c. Civil rights 37. Slavery was legally abolished in the United d. Government Help States by the a. Union victory over the 44. After WWI why do Progressives die out? Confederates at Gettysburg. a. Bad party leaders b. surrender terms of Robert E. Lee to b. Everyone is better off Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox. c. Everything is out of order c. Emancipation Proclamation. d. Party plans fold d. statutes of the individual states. e. Thirteenth Amendment to the 45. What caused the great migration of African Constitution. Americans from the south to north? a. Jobs 38. The Civil War resulted in which of the b. Racism following? c. Organizations a. expanded federal powers of d. WWI taxation b. the end of nullification and 46. What was the name of the order which secession forced de-segregation of the armed forces? c. the creation of the first federal a. Truman’s Executive order #9981 social welfare agency b. Kennedy’s Chief Executive Order d. the end of slavery c. Truman’s Executive Chief Order e. all of the above #9981 d. Kennedy’s Executive order #9981 39. The Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed a. citizenship to freed slaves. 47. Which of the following incidents below b. land for former slaves. ended segregation of schools? c. freedom to slaves. a. Little Rock 9 d. freed slaves the right to vote. b. Plessey V. Ferguson e. education to former slaves. c. Brown V. Board of Education d. Truman’s Executive Order 40. Which one of the following is least related to the other three? 48. What was Hoover’s remedy for the Great a. scalawags Depression? b. Ku Klux Klan a. cutting taxes to business c. carpetbaggers b. increasing taxes for everyone d. freedmen c. giving “handouts” to the poor e. Union League d. the “New Deal”

41. What Supreme Court Case stated that 49. What policies do FDR introduce during his segregation was legal as long as it was presidency? equal? a. Square Deal a. Plessey V. Ferguson b. New Deal b. Something c. Sure Deal c. Something d. Real Deal d. Something 50. What makes Eleanor e a great political wife? 42. Black codes became legalized in the 20th a. She was FDR’s legs century and were referred to as what? b. She promoted FDR 58. Who was the only un-elected President of c. She treated FDR well the United States of America? d. She portrayed a modern woman a. Reagan from the “cult of domesticity” b. Nixon c. Johnson 51. What allowed the Civil Rights Bills to be d. Ford passed? a. JFK’s policies 59. Jimmy Carter ______the white house. b. Johnson’s Origin a. Loved c. JFK’s death b. Hated d. The strength of the executive c. Micromanaged d. Dreaded 52. What was most present in “Johnson’s Treatment”? 60. Carter got ______and ______to agree a. dominance on framework for peace. b. sweetness a. Israel , Iraq c. bossiness b. Kuwait , Iraq d. ambivalence c. Egypt, Israel d. Egypt , Kuwait 53. What was Johnson’s policy that was similar to a New Deal for poor people? 61. Reagan was nicknamed the ______in a. Majority Society chief. b. Great Society a. comforter c. Real Society b. sheep d. War Society c. liar d. actor 54. Johnson was great with ______policy, but terrible with ______policy. 62. What president ran on the ticket that he a. foreign, domestic “kept us out of war”, but during his second b. economic, foreign term got us involved in WWII? c. domestic, economic a. Johnson d. domestic, foreign b. Hoover c. Wilson 55. What was the turning point of the Vietnam d. McKinley War? a. When the capital city was attacked 63. Why did Theodore Roosevelt organize the b. When Johnson announced that he Roughriders? was not going to pull troops out a. for war in Spanish America c. When North Vietnam bombed b. to contain terrorism South Vietnam c. as a miltia d. When South Vietnam threw in the d. to harass white flag 64. What effect does the Pullman Strike have on 56. How did Nixon escalade the Vietnam War? America? a. Traveling to China a. Shuts down economy b. Bombing Cambodia b. helps economy c. Watergate c. has no effect d. Invading North Vietnam d. ceased to exist

57. What does SALT stand for? 65. Johnson assumes presidency after what a. Space Aero Limiting Treaty fallen president? b. Sound Area Limiting Treaty a. McKinley c. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty b. Roosevelt d. Strong Arm Limitation Treaty c. Lincoln d. Garfield 66. On what ground was Johnson impeached? a. Tenure Act 73. Which tariff protected American business? b. High Crimes and misdemeanors a. The Great Tariff c. perjury b. McKinley Tariff d. terrorism c. Pendleton tariff d. Standard Tariff 67. Grant followed what system? a. merit 74. Which currency standard did William b. spoils Jennings Bryan favor? c. none of the above a. bimetallism d. both of the above b. gold standard c. silver standard 68. Which election ends reconstruction? d. greenbacks a. Johnson b. Garfield 75. The Gentlemen’s Agreement was an c. Harrison agreement between the U.S. and what other d. Hayes country? a. China 69. Which scandal was Grant NOT involved b. Vietnam with? c. Philippines a. credit mobilier d. Japan b. west ring c. whiskey ring 76. What made cars affordable for everyone? d. Indian ring a. The models b. Ford himself 70. Who was the “lazy” president? c. The booming Economy a. Garfield d. The assembly line b. Harrison c. Arthur 77. What was NOT a cause of rapid d. Grant industrialization? a. unskilled labor 71. Match the below entrepreneur with his b. skilled labor business: c. abundant capital A. Morgan d. market growing B. Rockefeller C. Vanderbilt 78. What type of government does NOT interfere with business? 1. Steel a. laissez faire 2. Railroad b. strict constitutionalist 3. Oil c. moderate constitutionalists 4. Banking d. loose constitutionalists

a. 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c 79. The Knights of Labor was the first: b. 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a a. strikers c. 1d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b b. labor union c. colored labor union 72. Harrison is none in history for what? d. women strikers a. nearly bankrupting our country with a veteran pension 80. The Pendleton Act goes hand in hand with: b. adding to the start of the depression a. the Pendleton Strike c. not believing in government b. Civil Service Reform d. favoring a more centralized c. The KKK government d. Stock Market Crash

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