Go Live Form

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Go Live Form

Launch Plan NOTE to servers: Before starting the launch you must verify that the latest standards patches have been applied to the site, this is a step on the Intranet Projects page to be completed by the lead programmer. Before you start the launch send an email to PM and programmers and have them verify that the site is ready for launch, and that no one is working on the design site This will be filled out by Servers Category Selection Notes

IP Address:

Live Web Server Name:

Live Database Server Name:

This part must be filled out by the Project Manager Category Selection Notes

Project Manager: Samantha Goble

Main domain name wsponton.com Sub Domain Names: wsponton.net (these will be redirected to the media.wsponton.net Main domain name)

Yes No (DNS (We don’t DNS hosted by AE? transfer host DNS- completed) live IP only)

Dedicated servers Yes No (If Yes Please list names of these


Ftp list of users /

passwords / paths:

Create Google Analytics Yes No (If yes, provide the first, last name, and the email address of Google Sign in: the contact to be added to the Email: new account. If customer [email protected] already has a GA account please Password: 26mjr714 provide the code here as well.)

List any additional ports that need to be opened and/or IP address restrictions if any (an example of this is beretta.com where they have integration with outside web services, please coordinate with the programmer on this) This part must be filled out by the Senior Programmer Category Selection Notes Senior Programmer: Amine Belahbib

Launch type: New Site http://wsponton- design.idevdesign.net/ Design Site URL and full \\CL-TOTAL- network location: 4WB02\wwwroot\wspo nton-design.com

.NET Indicate Startup Module (no store) used for the design:

Design Database CL-TOTAL- Server/Database Name: 4SQ02\wsponton_design Archive Design No Folder/Database?

TFS Server/TFS Database

Is this a redesign and does the Yes old TFS/VSS need to be (If yes, No disabled: location of old TFS/VSS info) Yes No Does this website use broadcast module? (if yes please indicate the Lyris, Idev-Mail module used) Secure Certificate? Yes No

List of Secure Pages/Folders:

Payment Processing?: Yes No PayPal Website Payments PRO, Payment processor Name: PayPal PayFlow PRO, (If "Other" specify name and any LinkPoint, components that are required) Authorize .NET, Other(give name in notes) Do we store Credit Card info? Yes No Locations: (database, export files, etc, If yes please provide database table names and file locations) Continued on the next page… Category Selection Notes

Temporary Internal Admin Ali Raissouni Users. Amine Belahbib (please enter employee names Othman Raissouni that you wish to have admin Samantha Goble access to help support the site after launch) Taha Zouhair

How long do we store Credit Card Info? (If it needs to be stored at all, please explain reason for this)(If it has to be stored, then the maximum length of time is 7 days)(If longer, you need to have Ryan’s M. permission.)

No Is search used on this site? (If yes please indicate search solution used:)

Dt-search specification (Any special filters/instructions for the DT-search)

Are there any folders that require the anonymous IIS user to have write access? If so, please list them. The standard folders for this are /assets/, /images/, /uploads/, /userfiles/. (Note: All folders that allow write access to the IUSR_* user must be set up within IIS with execute permissions to "None" rather than the default of "Scripts only")

Is this site setup with FCKEditor/content management tool? Yes No (If yes you can skip the next question) Continued on the next page… Category Selection Notes DTS packages /scripts (if yes indicate the schedules in the "Full text catalogs and No scheduled tasks" section of this document)

List any non-standard components used by the site

Zip Code search? (if yes provide the name of the No DTS package to upload monthly data) Does the site use URL No rewrites? Is the Database setup with Full-Text catalogs? (if yes please indicate tables/columns and schedules in Yes No the "Full text catalogs and scheduled tasks" section of this document)

Does the site use .NET caching? Please give a brief explanation of how it's implemented.(If so please provide as many details as possible) If the database should be cleaned up from test content please put the SQL queries here: If the cachedependancy should be setup for any other tables than assets please list all tables here: Full text Catalogs & Scheduled Tasks

1. Please specify any full-text catalogs used in the database and the times to populate them. Be sure to indicate the schedule for both full and incremental population.

Full Text Catalogs and Times to Populate Them

Database Catalog Table Field(s) Full Population Incremental Name Name Name To Index Schedule Population Schedule

2. List all the tasks to be setup and scheduled.

Scripts and Times To Run Them Task Name Server Name Type Filename Scheduled Times

SQL server DTS Packages and their Schedules Package Name Server Name Scheduled Times Specific Instructions

This section of the document will be specific to each project and needs to be written by the senior programmer and project manager. Below are some guidelines for writing these instructions.

Guidelines 1) Does test site data need to be merged with live site? It's important that no updates being made to the live site are wiped out when the new work is moved live. 2) Does data from the current site need to be imported into the new database structure? 3) Does the current site need to be shut down in order to move the new work live? If so, then the customer needs to be made aware of this shutdown. This includes the time and date that it will occur and the estimated length. A temporary "Upgrades in progress" page also needs to be posted on the site so that users are aware of what is happening no the site. 4) New work should not be moved live on a Friday unless there's no way to avoid it. The reason for this is so that a problem on the new site doesn't occur over the weekend when the primary project staff may be unavailable to immediately help with the issue.

Instructions: For Server Use Only Quality Control checks (all modules) Create /scripts/ virtual folder and link it to f:\inetpub\scripts Setup the database connection so that it is going to the live SQL Server and not DESIGN-SQL. Changes need to be made to global.asa and /includes/global.asp, possibly other places as well, like scheduled tasks. Check live database properties that "Data Files" and "Transaction Log" have “unrestricted file growth setting”. Also, make sure the "By percent" option is selected and it's at 10% value.

If applicable, verify that all secure pages are protected by SSL (login pages, admin sections, credit card entry pages, etc.) Delete all AE employee Amin Users from "ADMINS" or "ADMIN_USERS" table in the database, all AE employees are required to use the Domain login system. (If any AE employee Admin users are found in the tables specified above at the time of site launch, notify Ryan M. ) Check values in the SYSPARAMS table for accuracy - For e-commerce Check the "SaveCreditCardInfo" Sysparam and if this is On and the Senior Programmer section "Save Credit Card" question is not filled out, notify Ryan M. Change all paths in global.asa to account for the path difference in the spellchecker: Ex: Application("cfdev_clx") = "\\designserver\wwwroot\standards\includes\spellcheck\lex\american.clx" Check any scripts and/or DTS packages to point to the live location of the website and database. Follow up with the programmer to make all the changes. Setup Google Analytics Make sure GA code is present on all website pages. Send info to Dan Reno for testing purposes. Setup Google Master tools. Make sure the website is authenticated with Google Master tools. Make sure [email protected] has access to it. If GLOBAL_IS_SESSION_FARM =True in includes/global.asp file- add an entry into the SESSION_FARM_SITES table in the "intranet" database on SQLSERVER4. By doing that, the site will be monitored by our session farm check script. If website has a Secure Certificate set up GLOBAL_VERISIGN_SEAL [host name] correct value.

Make sure the emails, ftp accounts are created If a site already exists on our servers, please check the location of the database by going into /includes/global.asp of the existing site. The new database should be launched on the same SQL Server where the existing database is located. This is important so that no scripts or DTS packages are broken after the launch. Schedule a script to purge credit card info. Script name: purgeccs.vbs. It can be scheduled to run every night after midnight. If LinkPoint payment processing - Set up separate application pool - Set up site scope alert to test-linkpoint.asp script (Ex. http://www.tradewindsintlinc.com/test-linkpoint.asp). Create IIS redirects to the main website Continued on the next page… Quality Control checks (all modules) If the website runs on separate application pool make sure you create the sitescope alert for it. Add the url (if site launched to live IP add the IP) to the SiteScope monitor list, Each of the live servers will have a spearate monitor list, these lists are located here: \\CL-INT- 1SS001\c$\lists\ When adding the URL or IP to the monitor list make sure to specify the the monitor variable for example: http://www.domain.com/default.aspx?monitor=1 Make sure the database is set up with the “full” recovery model instead of “Simple” recovery model. Database Properties -> Options -> Recovery Model = “Full” 1) Set the UseHostName property, follow these steps: a) Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK to open a command prompt. c) Type the following command, c:\cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/x/UseHostName true

2) Set the SetHostName property, follow these steps: a) Open a command prompt. b) Type the following command, where x is your site identifier and hostname is the alternate host name that you want to use: c:\cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/x/SetHostName hostname

Note: The host name should be the full URL (www.site.com) Ensure that the /asstes and /cms folders are inside the /web folder and remove the virtual directories from IIS with these names if they exist Truncate the log4net table upon going live. Please make sure that log4net lines from development/staging are NOT in the log4net table.

Continued on the next page… Quality Control checks (all modules) For the “iis” user of a site, run this command. The first bolded word is the name of the database – the second and third bolded words are the iis user name.

use [database_name]; DENY SELECT ON sysobjects TO [login-iis-000]; DENY SELECT ON syscolumns TO [login-iis-000];

Make sure that the "Integrated Windows Authentication" box is unchecked (see screenshot below)

Execute convert.vbs script – this script will be uploaded to the intranet by senior programmer with the launch plan file, this script will convert all Url's that were inserted into the SQL database manually via the content tool manager from the design site to the live site URL If the website doesn’t have its own ssl certificate, set up the admin section on separate url using: https://websitename.ae-admin.com/admin/ 1. Set up separate iis profile on the same IP as the main website and assign the ssl certificate 2. Create A record for websitename.ae-admin.com 3. Modify app settings in web.config: “GlobalAdminUrl” and “ValidAdminServerNames” that reflect the change. 4. After sending out the announcement update the server info for the website with the admin url. 1) Open web browser and open following URL http://localhost:6162/ 2) Click on the “Log Configuration” and hit the "Add" button and type following : Under “Log Type” select “Microsoft IIS web server logs” Under the Log file Directory, enter the following: "F:\LogFiles\W3SVCXX" where XX is the site ID you just launching

Then click the “Change Configuration” button. Finally when you are done then on the left side menu click on the “Apply the Latest Audit Configuration” link and then from the services console restart the "EPILOG" service Additional Quality Control checks Module 3.0 Modify keepalive.asp file and make sure the file returns “GOOD” status Make sure if cryptographic keys are archived. If not archive them into file: \\amserver_nt\server\websitekeys.xls Create security group under active directory: Active directory->domain->websites->website_group where website-group = website domain name Assign to this group Project Manager, Sr. Programer, all Programmers from this project Add this group to /includes/global.asp in GLOBAL_DOMAIN_GROUP_NAMES varilable. Setup “Session Purge” job on the live Database server to run every 6 hours ASP .NET 2 setup How to switch .NET version please refer to documentation: Servers/Network -> .NET -> Switching .NET version on live site Change default 404 and 500 error IIS mappings to 404.aspx and 500.aspx files: In IIS make sure the Errors for 404 and 500 pages are mapped to the 404.aspx and 500.aspx respectively In the root of the web site open the web.config file and change the --> In web.config in the appender section "AdoNetAppender" and under the line , make sure the following line is present In web.config and tasks.exe.config change smtp hosts as below: In web.config under "AdoNetAppender" Make sure "threshold value" is set to "ERROR" in the web.config as well as all the tasks config files Change the value of "bufferSize" from 10 to 1. Add registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\ [website_key]" "Under that key create the following string value: Name of Value: EventMessageFile String Value: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\EventLogMessages.dll

Change the in web.config comment out all appenders except: Make sure that web.config file uses debug=false setting Here is example: Make sure the “iis” sql user has ‘Execute’ permissions to all Stored Procedures owned by dbo on the SQL database Ensure that the local server user running the application pool has modify permission to: \FCKeditor\fckstyles.xml \FCKeditor\fcktemplates.xml

Multiple-Server setup web.config changes for sites running from multiple servers: If the site will run from multiple servers modify the tag, and add an additional "IP" parameter as below: Where "10.100.XXX.XXX" is the local load balancer IP address. To make sure what IP address should be entered you can set up simple test.aspx page with the following statement (below) and run that page on the server where the Admin site runs. <% Response.write (HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR")) %> Check with the programmers if the site uses ASPSATE ASPSATE setup procedure: 1) From the command prompt type following "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regsql.exe -S SERVERNAME -ssadd -sstype p -U sa -P ***password_for_sa_user***** 2) Create ASP_IIS user and give "owner" access to ASPState database 3) Generate new keys for the site which will use that database, you can use this site http://www.developerfusion.com/tools/generatemachinekey/ 4) Change the web.config of the site, point to new database and change sessionState mode to SQLServer

.NET Tasks setup Schedule tasks.exe and change config file. List of lines need to be changed:

Make sure the email TO is set to "[email protected]", these can be either one or two lines, so make sure to change both;

Make sure the only appender in the tasks config files is the "SmtpAppender"

There should be no other appenders in the config for the tasks. Take down design site (if requested) Delete associated A record from design.americaneagle.com Delete associated IIS profile from design server Archive design folder (if needed) and delete it from design server Backup and delete database from design sql server Delete cryptographic keys from design server

Setup Updates Site Make sure to remove the Google Analytics Code from the updates site

Ver. 32 (11-8-2012)

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