Syllabus: Pre-AP Chemistry
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Physics Syllabus 2014-2015 Robyn Reynolds---Room 307 Tutorials: Wednesday 3:30 PM---4:00 PM [email protected] WELCOME Physics is the study of how matter and energy relate to each other, and how they affect each other over time and through space. The purpose of this course is to prepare students for future advanced classes by building a good foundation of scientific skills and knowledge. 1st Six Weeks 4th Six Weeks Unit 1: Introduction to Physics Unit 9: Waves, Lights, & Sound Unit 2: One Dimensional Motion Unit 3: Two Dimensional Motion 2nd Six Weeks 5th Six Weeks Unit 3: Two Dimensional Motion Unit 10: Electricity Unit 4: Newton’s Laws of Motion & Force Unit 5: Work and Energy
3rd Six Weeks 6th Six Weeks Unit 6: Momentum & Collisions Unit 11: Magnetism & Induction Unit 7: Circular Motion & Gravitation Unit 12: Atomic & Subatomic Physics Unit 8: Heat & Thermodynamics COURSE REQUIREMENTS Students will need to keep notes of class discussion and practice. Notes, a red pen, a blue/black pen, and a pencil should be brought to class each day. Calculators will be provided for in-class use only. Three-ring notebooks will be kept and graded on a regular basis. Resource text: Texas Modern Physics: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt An online version of this text is available at Holt McDougal Online: Students will be given a password to get online. CLASS FORMAT Classes will consist of lectures, group discussion, group activities, laboratory investigations, independent study, computer activities, videos, quizzes, and demonstrations. Starting Class: Each class begins with a warm-up. All warm-ups must be recorded in your notebook with both the question and the answer. These questions may be seen again on tests or quizzes. GRADING PROCEDURES Major Grades: 40%-includes unit tests, projects, presentations, lab reports, book reports, etc. Minor Grades: 40%-includes homework, class work, short quizzes, process records, journal writings, vocabulary tests, etc. Six Weeks Test: 20% Homework assigned on daily basis will NOT be accepted late except for excused absences. Make-up work for a scheduled absence is due on the day the student returns to class. If you are absent on the day a long-term assignment is due, and you know you will be absent, you must turn the assignment in early. Unannounced pop quizzes may be given. An absence the day before a test or quiz will excuse the student from the test or quiz only if they missed new instruction (not a review). A student absent on the day of the test is expected to make up the test during class on the first day they return to class. ACADEMIC HONESTY Where number grades are given, a zero will be given on any assignment where academic dishonesty occurs---including cheating, copying the work of another student (this includes homework), plagiarism (including from the Internet), or unauthorized communication between students during an examination. CLASS RULES 1. Respect To show consideration. 2. Responsibility To perform your duties in a timely manner. 3. Resourcefulness To act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations 4. Success – in EVERYTHING The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted. 5. Come to class prepared to work and with supplies. 6. Absolutely no electronic devices (cell phones, ipods, games) are allowed in this class. Electronic devices will be taken up if seen or heard, and the devices will be turned in to the front office with a referral. Refer to the student handbook in regards to electron devices. 7. You must sign out when leaving class and sign in upon your return. Bathroom breaks will be revoked if they are abused by the student. 8. Class begins when the bell rings and ends when the teacher dismisses you. ASSIGNMENTS READ AND FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS. Every assignment, test, quiz, etc. must be completed in pencil, or blue or black ink ONLY. All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day it is due. Any assignment turned in after class begins or after it is collected is considered late. Late work will receive credit as follows: within the 1st day, 10% reduction; and then an additional 10% reduction per day for three days. Late work will not be accepted after three days and a grade of zero will be given. Exception: no late work will be accepted for problems that have been solved in class on the board. If you are given one or more weeks to complete an assignment and are absent during that time you must still turn in the assignment when due. When you return from an excused absence it is your responsibility to see me for any missed assignments or work. Do not expect to take class time to discuss missed work with me. You should see me on the day you return to school between 3:30 pm and 4:00 pm. Only work due to an excused absence may be made up. You will receive 0% for any work you miss due to an unexcused absence. You are expected to take tests and quizzes on the day they are scheduled unless you have an excused absence on that day or have missed critical work or discussion due to an extended absence. Being absent one or two days during a two week chapter topic does not excuse you from taking the test when scheduled. Special circumstances will warrant special consideration, but you are responsible for communicating with me about your circumstances. Make-up tests and quizzes may be an alternate form. Semester and final exams will be administered on the day and time when scheduled. Don’t ask to take your exam early. Dear Parent(s) /Guardian(s),
It is my pleasure to welcome you and your student into this school year. This will be a challenging year, but it will all be worth the effort. I ask for your help to encourage your student to keep up with the work and discipline required for this class. Please help them to understand the importance of keeping up with the work.
I hope that I will have the opportunity to speak to each and every one of you in the future. If you have any questions about my class please feel free to call or email me at [email protected]. It will be an exciting school year, and I look forward to all it has in store.
Please sign and date below after reading through the syllabus.
Thank you, Ms. Reynolds
Due back on Friday, August 29, 2014.
Student Name: Print
Student Signature: Date:
Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: