Name : Ghada Fahmi Hussein Al-Hayaly

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Name : Ghada Fahmi Hussein Al-Hayaly


Name : Ghada Fahmi Hussein Al-Hayaly Nationality : Iraqi, swedish Sex : Female. Status : Married and have three children. Date of birth : 8th /October/1969. Place of birth : Baghdad-Iraq. Adress : gulsporregatan 10 karlstad, Sweden ,45 653

Personnr. : 19691008-7649 Tel (mobile) : 0046-707190973 E-mail : [email protected]

1 Educational Qualifications :-

 M.B.CH.B. College of Medicine / University of Baghdad. With grade “good” (ranked 19th), graduated on 1993.

 M.Sc. in Physiology/reproductive physiology at a grade “excellent” (average mark 92.2%) from the college of medicine- Baghdad University and Saddam IVF center on 1998. Thesis title: Effect of fluorosis on Male reproductive system: A study on sperm Function Tests.

 Ph.D. in Physiology/reproductive physiology and (ART) Assisted Reproductive Technologies from the college of medicine / University of Baghdad in collaboration with IVF unit of Al-Amal Maternity Hospital in Amman/Jordan where the practical work of the thesis was done. The Ph.D degree was taken on 2002. Thesis title: Effect of Spem Source and Cryopreservation on the Outcome of in Vitro Fertilization.

Languages : - Arabic, is the mother language, - English, spoken and written fluently, - Russian, (little), - Swedish spoken and written fluently.

2 Clinical and Academic Experience :-

1. Resident doctor in Saddam City Medical Office, for the period from 1/10/1993 till 1/10/1995 during which I worked at the following hospitals :- -Baghdad Teaching Hospital. -Al-Shaheed Adnan Hospital for specialized surgeries. -Dar Al-Tamreeth special Hospital. -Al-Mansur Pediatric Hospital. -Saddam Center for Cardiac Surgery (formerly Ibn Al- Betar )

2. Lecturer at the physiology department-college of medicine- Baghdad University, since 18/11/1995.

3. Member of the lecturing board in the physiology Section/ College of medicine – Baghdad University, after I obtained the scientific title (teacher assistant) on 31/12/1998.

4. I joined Saddam IVF center as a clinic doctor, (I worked and completed M.Sc. in the center since 1997-1999).

5. Residant doctor at Al-Wazeria maternity private hospital from 1/1/1994 till 1/7/1995 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ebtihaj Al-Aloosy and the late Prof. Dr. Maad Mahmood Salman.

6. Worked as a doctor in the public medical clinic in Bab-Al-Sharky – Baghdad at which I practiced all gynecological services from 8/11/1997 till 1/7/2000.

7. Working in my private clinic specialized in reproductive medicine and assisted reproduction techniques in Al-Harytheia, Al-Kindy Street.

Experience In ART: 3 October 1997 - October 1999: Andrologist at Saddam IVF center/ IVF Unit. October 1999- December 2000 : Performing Ph.D study and assigned as IVF clinical doctor in Saddam IVF center/ Baghdad. December 2000 - September 2001: Embryologist at Al-Amal Hospital/ART Unit in Amman/ Jordan and performing Ph.D work for the thesis. September 2001- December 2002 : Practicing ART treatments in my own private clinic in Baghdad/Iraq. December 2002 – June 2003: Senior Embryologist and Scientific consultant and researcher at Al-Samarraie Hospital /ART Unit in Baghdad/ Iraq. June 2003 – February 2004: Senior Embryologist at Al-Amal Hospital/ART Unit in Amman / Jordan. February 2004 – till June 2008: Chief embryologist, scientific and clinical Director of IVF lab at Al-Amal hospital from Feb. 2004 till now.

During more than busy five years, I was Performing all IVF relevant work and procedures including:  Media preparation.  Seminal fluid analysis.  Semen examination and preparation for IUI, ICSI, and CIVF.  TESE, MESA, PESA, samples processing.  Methods for X and Y sperm separation.  Oocyte retrieval.  Oocyte dissection (denuding).  Conventional oocyte insemination.  Assessment of fertilization and division of embryos.  Blastocyst culture and assessment.  Establishing a relevant zygote scoring system.  Cryopreservation of human embryos, Blastocysts , semen and testicular tissues.  Vitrification and rewarming of embryos and blastocysts  Preparation of both vitrification and rewarming media manually.  Embryo transfer.  Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection ( ICSI ).  Assisted Hatching using PZD needles, AT and laser system.  Performing 950-1000 cycles/year.  Quality assurance and control of the IVF lab. 4  Blastomere biopsy and fixation for PGD using FISH or PCR.  Ability to establish new highly qualified ART, training new employee as well as organizing workshops.


 Computer skills include Microsoft Word, Excel, Powepoint and many other non- microsoft programs includig the statistical ones.  Using the database managemnet and statistical systems (SPSS) for storing the data of the whole work.  Research work and presentations in international conferences.  Preperation and participation in scientific Journal clubs.  All statistical operations and academic work including continued medical education lectures.

Memberships :- 1. Member of the Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS). 2. member of ESHRE 3. Member of the executive committee of the Iraqi Fertility Society (IFS) previously. 4. Member of the Jordanian doctors union. 5. Member of organizing commette of many national and international scientific conferences.

Conferences attended and participated in :- 1. Middle East fertility society sixth conference that was held in Sharm El Sheikh- Egypt for the period from 24-26/Nov./1999. 2. First scientific conference for Iraqi fertility society that was held in Baghdad for the period from 4-6 April on 2000 as member of the secretarial board . 3. Middle East fertility society seventh conference that was held in Beirut/ Lebanon for the period from 14-16 Nov./2000. 4. First scientific conference for Jordanian-Iraqi fertility societies that was held in Amman/Jordan during 6-8 April on 2001 as Member of the secretarial board.

5 5. Second scientific conference for Iraqi-Jordanian fertility societies that was held in Baghdad for the period from 8-10 March on 2002 as Member of the secretarial board of the. 6. Middle East fertility society eighth conference that was held in Cairo- Egypt for the period from 30th October-2nd November/2002. 7. The fourth Jordanian fertility Congress that was held in Amman- Jordan during 21st-23rd – April 2004. 8. The 4th Jordanian International conference For fertility and genetics that was held in Amman-Jordan during 3-4th June 2004. 9. Round table discussions with Prof. Devroey in Al-Amal Hospital in Amman/Jordan. 10. The 20th Annual meeting of ESHRE that was held in Berlin, Germany in 27th June – 30th June /2004 11. The 1st pan arab federation societies conference that was held in Amman/Jordan during the period from 27th –30th April, 2005. 12. The 6th award of royan institute for reproductive medecine and embryology in Tehran/ Iran that was held during a period from 7-9th of September, 2005. 13. The DIOFCE conference of fertility and OBGYN that was held in Dubai, UAE during the period from 11-13th of September, 2005. 14. The 2nd pan arab federation societies conference that was held in Beirut, Lebanon during the period from 18-20th of May, 2006 as a speaker. 15. The 7th award of royan institute for reproductive medecine and embryology in Tehran/ Iran that was held during a period from 13-15th of September, 2006. 16. Many other local and international conferences as speaker or as attendant from 2006 till now.

Workshops participated in:-

1. Molecular Diagnosis of Genetic and Viral Diseases (including all PCR procedures, FISH technique and Karyotyping). It covered 6o hours, 10 of which 6 theoretical and 50 hours were practical. This workshop was held in collaboration with the ministry of Health at Al-Basheer Hospital, Amman, Jordan; between February 15-22, 2004. 2. Middle east fertility society PGD wokshop in collaboration with King Hussein Cancer Center that was held in Jordan between 29th –30th November, 2004 as a coordenator.

Researches and papers worked :- 1. Studying the reversibility of the effect of high levels of fluoride intake on male reproductive system using pregnancy outcome and duration for its occurrence. Send for the 7th annual meeting of MEFS in Lebanon and published in Iraqi journal of biotechnology, Vol. No. 1: 130-137, 2002. 2. Age–related physiological changes of male reproduction among cigarette smokers and non-smokers. Published in J. Fac. Med. Baghdad Vol. 44 No.3; 2002:538- 545. 3. Motivational derives and factors affecting specialty choice of medical students in Iraq. published in J. Fac. Med. Baghdad 2001. 4. Using computer-simulated patients as a self-instruction method of learning for medical students. Accepted as oral presentation in the medical education conference that was held in Manama/Bahrain 2002 and published in J. Fac. Med. Baghdad. 5. Testing sperm viability after high fluoride intake using hypo-osmotic swelling test. Accepted as poster presentation in the Middle East fertility society sixth conference that was held in Sharm El Sheikh- Egypt during the period from 24th – 26th / Nov./1999. 6. Cigarette smoking and male infertility: The effect of smoking on sperm concentration, motility and integrity of its plasma membrane in non-azospermic infertile patients. Accepted as poster presentation in the first scientific conference

7 for Jordanian-Iraqi fertility societies that was held in Amman/Jordan for the period from 6-8 April on 2001. 7. Is testicular fine needle aspirate sufficient to represent qualitatively the spermatogenic process within the testis of azoospermic infertile men? A paper accepted as oral presentation in Middle East fertility society eighth conference that was held in Cairo- Egypt for the period from 30th October-2nd November/2002. 8. Embryo transfer day and pregnancy rate among azoospermic patients: a comparative study of intracytoplasmic injection using fresh and frozen-thawed testicular spermatozoa. A paper presented orally in second conference of the gynecology and obstetrics that was held in Baghdad in 17-19 October/ 2001, and as poster presentation in Middle East fertility society eighth conference that was held in Cairo- Egypt for the period from 30th October-2nd November/2002. 9. Cryopreservation of Testicular and Ejaculated Spermatozoa: Does it Affect the Outcome of ICSI? A paper presented orally The fourth Jordanian fertility Congress that was held in Amman- Jordan during 21st-23rd – April 2004. 10. Is it worth to pass through IVF in women having single follicle? A paper that was presented orally in the 1st pan arab federation societies conference that was held in Amman/Jordan during the period from 27th –30th April, 2005. 11. Possible Clinical and Laboratory Explanations with Factors Involved in Fertilization Failure After ICSI. A lecture that was presented orally in the 2nd pan Arab Federation Societies conference that was held in Beirut, Lebanon during the period from 18-20th of May, 2006. 12. For the past time in my last period we were coducting a study about the effect of Day 3 blastomere biospy for PGD on in-vitro embro development and blastocyst formation in al-amal hopital IVF lab.

8 References:

. Prof. Wafa Al-Omari F.R.C.O.G, head of department of gynecology and obstetrics in Medical college / Bagdad University in the past. And now in Tawam hospital, Al-Ain. UAE. E-mail: [email protected] . Dr. Falah Khalifa, F.R.C.O.G; F.A.C.O.G. Consultant Gynaecologist and Obs, Al-Amal Hospital. E-mail: [email protected] . Dr. Maher Sarraf, cosultant Gynaecologist and Obs, Al-Amal Hospital. E-mail: [email protected]  Richard Lindgren, consultant gynecologist and Obs, chairman of the department of OBGYN in central hospital of karlstad city.  E –ami : [email protected]


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