1. Charles Consel, Lucile Dupuy, Hélène Sauzéon.Homeassist: an Assisted Living Platform

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1. Charles Consel, Lucile Dupuy, Hélène Sauzéon.Homeassist: an Assisted Living Platform

2016-2013 PhD student in Cognitive Science Title: Conception and validation of an Assistive Platform for elder users at Home – HomeAssist Project Supervisors: Hélène Sauzéon and Charles Consel Phoenix Team, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest – University of Bordeaux 2013-2011 Master degree in Cognitive Science, major in Disability and New Technologies University of Bordeaux With high honour (14.27/20) 2011-2008 Bachelor degree in MASS (Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences), major in Cognitive Sciences, University of Bordeaux 2008 Scientific Baccalaureate (speciality Physics-Chemistry) Camille-Jullian high school (Bordeaux) With high honour (14.34/20)

Feb. 2013 « Need analysis for Assistive Technology for Aging in Place – HomeAssist Project » Jun. 2013 Supervisors: Hélène Sauzéon and Jacques Daniel Phoenix Team, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest

Apr. 2012 « Aging effect on hippocampic and striatal memory in mice » Jun. 2012 Supervisor: Nicole Mons INCIA, CNRS UMR 5287

CONFÉRENCE PAPERS : 1. Charles Consel, Lucile Dupuy, Hélène Sauzéon.HomeAssist: An Assisted Living Platform for Aging in Place Based on an InterdisciplinaryApproach. International Conference on AppliedHumanFactors and Ergonomics July 2017, Los Angeles, United States. 2017 2. Loïc Caroux, Charles Consel, Hélène Sauzéon and Lucile Dupuy, Designing an Accessible and Engaging Email Application for Aging in Place, IEEE Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, August 2017, San Fransisco, United States. 2017 3. Lucile Dupuy, Hélène Sauzéon, Charles Consel. PerceivedNeeds for Assistive Technologies in olderadults and theircaregivers. WomENcourage 15', Sep 2015, Uppsala, Sweden. 2015 4. Charles Consel, Lucile Dupuy, Hélène Sauzéon. A Unifying Notification System To Scale Up Assistive Services. ASSETS‘15, Oct 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Proceedings of the 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers &Accessibility, pp. 77-87, 2015 5. Loïc Caroux, Charles Consel, Lucile Dupuy, Hélène Sauzéon. Verification of Daily Activities of OlderAdults: A Simple, Non-Intrusive, Low-CostApproach. ASSETS’14, Oct 2014, Rochester, NY, United States. Proceedings of the 16th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers &Accessibility, pp.43-50, 2014

JOURNAL ARTICLES: 1. Loïc Caroux, Charles Consel, Lucile Dupuy, Hélène Sauzéon, (2017) TowardsContext- AwareAssistive Applications for Aging in Place via Ecological-Proof ActivityDetection, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (in press) 2. Lucile Dupuy, Charles Consel, Hélène Sauzéon. (2016) Self Determination-Based Design To AchieveAcceptance of Assisted Living Technologies For OlderAdults. Computers in HumanBehavior, 65, 508-521. 3. Maxime Lussier, Lucile Dupuy, Charles Consel, Hélène Sauzéon (2016). Daily routine monitoring on olderadultsthrough a lightweightsensor, non-intrustive infrastructure. Alzheimer’s&Dementia, 12(7), Supplement,793-794. 4. Lucile Dupuy; Charles Consel; Bernard N'Kaoua; Patrick Dehail; Hélène Sauzéon. Role of cognitive functioning on everydayfunctioningamongoldestoldphysicallyfrail. Submitted to Psychologie française 5. Lucile Dupuy, Charlotte Froger, Charles Consel, Hélène Sauzéon. Evaluation of everydayfunctioningbenefitsfrom a long-term use of an assisted living platform for aging in place : a pilot fieldstudyamongstfrailcommunity-dwellingolderadults and theircaregivers. Submitted toJournal of Gerontology, Serie B : Psychological Sciences

ORAL COMMUNICATIONS : 1. Lucile Dupuy, Charles Consel, Hélène Sauzéon. (2016) Self Determination-Based Design To AchieveAcceptance of Assisted Living Technologies For OlderAdults. Journées d’Etude du Vieillissement cognitif 2016, Bordeaux, France. 2. Lucile Dupuy; Charles Consel; Bernard N'Kaoua; Patrick Dehail; Hélène Sauzéon. Role of cognitive functioning on everydayfunctioningamongoldestoldphysicallyfrail. 56ème Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, 2015 3. Lucile Dupuy, Hélène Sauzéon, Charles Consel. Besoins d'assistance technologique par des personnes âgées et leurs aidants. Colloque des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Cognitives, Jun 2015, Compiègne, France. 4. Lucile Dupuy, Hélène Sauzéon, Charles Consel. Besoins d'assistance technologique par des personnes âgées et leurs aidants. Workshop ACCEPT, Jun 2015, Montpellier, France. 5. Lucile Dupuy; Charles Consel; Bernard N'Kaoua; Patrick Dehail; Hélène Sauzéon. Role of cognitive functioning on everydayfunctioningamongoldestoldphysicallyfrail. Journées d’Etudes du Vieillissement 2014, Sept 2014, Caen, France.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS : 1. Lucile Dupuy, Charles Consel, Hélène Sauzéon. Une assistance numérique pour les personnes âgées: le projet DomAssist. Publié dans Interstices, revue de culture scientifique en ligne. 2016 2. Lucile Dupuy, Charles Consel, Hélène Sauzéon. Projet DomAssist. Article diffusé dans la dépêche électronique de la délégation ministérielle à l'accessibilité. 2015.

Teaching 2014-2016–Cognitive Sciences Masters, 1st and 2ndyear, University of Bordeaux – «Cognitive Disabilities » ; « Applied Cognition » ; « Disability and New Technologies » and « Research methodologies » 2015-2016 – Cognitive Sciences Licence, 2ndyear, University of Bordeaux – « Memory and Executive Functions » 2014-2016 – Occupational Therapist School, 2nd and 3rd year, Universitary Hospital of Bordeaux– « Review Methodology for gerontechnologies» , « Assistive Technology for Aging in Place – HomeAssist » ,« Technology Acceptance Models »

Scientific 2013 – Participation to the « Fête de la Science » (French Science Festival), Inria Bordeaux Mediation Sud-Ouest 2013 – Organisation of a french Workshop « Cognitive Disability and Assistive Technology », Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest

Administration 2016-2014 – Member of the PhD student commitee of my Doctoral School, PhD students’ representant

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