Alberta Energy-Capacity Market Framework Engagement

Questions for discussion

The engagement is seeking feedback on the following questions:

 Are there other relevant resource adequacy standards besides those considered?

 Do you agree with the selection of a physical standard?

 Do you agree to proceed with the Loss of Load Hours or the Normalized Expected Unserved Energy? At what levels should they be set?

 Do you prefer the LOLH or the Normalized EUE?

 What do you think of Alberta’s resource adequacy up to now? Should it be higher or lower?

 Do you have additional input?

Resource Adequacy Feedback

In addition to the six questions listed above, stakeholders are asked to evaluate each resource adequacy standard against four criteria:

1. Proposed adequacy level: Is the proposed level of the standard sufficient, too stringent or not stringent enough? Why? Would you recommend a different level? If yes, what level?

2. Comprehensiveness: To what degree does the proposed standard account to different degrees for load shed frequency, duration, and magnitude? Why?

3. Over-procurement risk: To what degree does the proposed standard risk over-procurement? Is this risk acceptable? Why?

4. Ease of implementation: How difficult would the proposed standard be to implement (e.g., procurement, technical analysis, etc.)? How is or is this not advantageous?

A matrix is provided to support your assessment.

Page | 1 Please provide your input on these specific areas in the matrix below, which lists the standards along the rows and the criteria along the columns. Submit your answers to the discussion questions, completed matrix and any additional input on this topic to the Submission Library for the Capacity Market Framework engagement at:

Submissions will be accepted on this topic until November 3, 2017

Page | 2 Standard Proposed adequacy level Comprehensiveness Over-procurement risk Ease of implementation LOLEV proposed level: one event in ten years LOLH Proposed level: 24 hours in ten years NEUE Proposed level: 0.0011% of unserved load Economic/Other

Acronyms: LOLEV (Loss of Load Events): Expected number of load shed events per time period LOLH (Loss of Load Hours): Expected number of load shed hours per time period NEUE (Normalized Expected Unserved Energy): Overall percentage of system load in megawatt-hours that cannot be served

Organization Name: ______

Information submitted to Alberta Energy through this site is being collected for the purpose of the Capacity Market Technical Engagement Process. The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, s. 33 (c) governs Alberta Energy’s collection of personal information which may be included in the submissions. Please direct questions about the collection and use of this information to Alberta Energy,5th Floor, Amec Place Building, 801-6 Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2P 3W2, (403) 592-2766

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