Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on 27Th March 2012 at the Curlew Centre, Sutton s1

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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on 27Th March 2012 at the Curlew Centre, Sutton s1

Sutton Bridge Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on 27th September 2016, at The Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Cllr Grimwood in the Chair. Also in attendance: Cllrs M Booth, S Booth, Brewis, Mrs Canham, Ms Cook, Ms Davies, Dewsberry, Fenton, Scarlett & Mrs Scarlett.

Mrs S England – Parish Clerk Five members of the public.

The Chairman greeted all present. There followed a 15 minute public forum during which two members of the public requested to speak. The following issues were raised;  What was happening concerning new Christmas lighting scheme? The Clerk advised that a reserve was being built up for the project. Savings could possibly be made by purchasing good quality second hand lights.  Thanks were conveyed to the Chairman for monitoring DONG’s activities on the Marsh and sea defence. Concern raised regarding wide channel left on Marsh as a result of cable installation works. Clerk to report concerns to the EA and Natural England, seeking their comments.

215.16 Apologies: None advised.

216.16 Declarations of interest – to receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests not previously notified to the Monitoring Officer and consideration of any written request for dispensation; None reported.

217.16 Signing of the Minutes – Notes of meetings held 26 th July & 30 th August 2016 to be accepted as minutes It was RESOLVED to accept notes of meetings held 26th July 2016 and 30th August 2016 as Minutes.

218.16 Police Matters Report from PCSO Gordon;  There had been two burglaries in SB during past month.  Numerous reports of hare coursing; members of the public requested to be vigilant in reporting all incidents and recording vehicle reg. details where possible.  Posters were available in order to deter people calling at properties on Halloween.  Would it possible for signs to be erected in MP car park stating, ‘No Football Games Permitted’? Councillors responded that several other signs recently installed in the MP area had been removed and destroyed and therefore this would be a pointless exercise. The Chairman and Cllr M Booth confirmed that they would be looking at a wooden ‘football target practice wall’ installed at Terrington [with a view to installing similar structure in MP] and would report their findings at the October meeting.

219.16 Chairman’s Remarks The Chairman advised;  Thanks conveyed to Parish litter picker who was doing a fantastic job.  20-30 flytipped tyres had been removed from River bank; everyone please be vigilant in reporting incidents of flytipping if witnessed.  DONG Energy had completed cable installation although there was damage at section KP16 which would require repair work.  The annual Propeller Service had been well attended.  A new sign was to be installed in order to deter HGV’s accessing the Bakkavor site from Chalk Lane.  Doors at each end of the MP pavilion had been refurbished.

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220.16 Clerk’s Report The Clerk reported;  Exchange of correspondence concerning Council’s request for a safety zone to be created on Bridge Road adjacent to access path to Westmere School was ongoing. Clerk to seek letters of support from School Headmistress and local Police.  Overgrown hedge in Railway Lane North had now been cut back.  Repair to church clock - a quote for £8,300 had been received for installation of scaffolding around the church tower. It had since been confirmed that a louvre window in the tower was accessible and the Chairman would be making arrangements with Rev Oxtoby to view the clock face from this location before any further action was resolved.  Details of opportunity for someone to join the Lincs Police and Crime Panel.  Members of Wingland Foods’ SEF Volunteer Team had cleared an overgrown area off Custom House Street in order to permit access to the ‘In Bloom’ poly tunnel. Letter of thanks had been forwarded.  Bridge Hotel – Latest response from SHDC Building Control had advised; ‘the windows are either boarded or in a safe condition….we cannot help how it looks’.  Western Power had confirmed sum for wayleave at Burial Ground site as £41.65 per annum.  Members of Crowland Parish Council had requested opportunity to visit new Burial Ground site as a fact finding exercise for their project. Date to be confirmed.

221.16 To receive reports from County and District Councillors District Councillor: Cllr M Booth advised;  Issues relating to the level of policing in SB had been raised with Inspector Reeves; she was well aware of the situation.  Exercise Galileo [hare coursing] was continuing during 2016 with a cross border arrangement.  Devolution was still being considered although the majority of people in Lincs were against having a Mayor. County Councillor: Cllr Brewis reported;  Lincs bid for devolution appeared to be positive however the situation was unpredictable.  Trisha Carter [LALC Chief Exec.] was due to retire shortly. Clerk to send letter to Mrs Carter expressing Members’ thanks for her assistance over the years and best wishes in her retirement.  Results from the Peele School were encouraging.  Confirmation that the Bridge Hotel is not a listed building.  Emergency Planning – Operation Grey Seal training exercise would be taking place in the Autumn, scenario would relate to an oil leak in the North Sea.

222.16 Financial Matters a. Schedule of Payments 27.9.16 Chq. Payee Detail No. Net VAT Total BT Calls & Broadband DD 48.46 9.69 58.15 Viking Office Stationary 814 146.45 5.49 151.94 Fenland Catering Services Propeller Service 815 280.00 280.00 Anglian Water Water rates 816 32.55 32.55 Mrs K Croxford Expenses 817 3.30 3.30 Kwik Signs Signs 818 30.00 6.00 36.00 Mr A Floyd Litter Picking 819 252.00 252.00 Tesco Propeller Service CP 24.24 24.24 Dent Security Systems CCTV Maintenance 820 152.50 30.50 183.00 Fraser Dawbarns Legal Services 821 250.00 50.00 300.00 The Crown Estate Land Rent S/O 3375.00 3375.00 CJ & KE Agricultural Parish Mowing 822 280.00 56.00 336.00 CJ & KE Agricultural Parish Mowing " 260.00 52.00 312.00 Ges - Water Ltd Temp Monitoring 823 65.00 13.00 78.00 Ges - Water Ltd Legionella Testing " 40.00 8.00 48.00 Mrs S England Expenses 824 18.50 18.50

53 Sutton Bridge Parish Council

Mrs K Croxford Salary 825 Mrs S England Salary 826 Mr D F Bell Burial Consultancy Fee 827 1567.50 1567.50 Malc Firth Burial Ground 828 59283.80 11856.76 71140.56 Lincs Pension Fund Emp & Emp’ee ctr’s 829 520.42 520.42 HMRC Employees Tax & NI 830 728.66 728.66 D Large MP – post repair 831 40.00 40.00

Members confirmed receipt of the monthly bank reconciliation. The Clerk presented details of cheque number 831 which had been issued in addition to those originally included on the agenda. It was RESOLVED to pay the supplier invoices due in September; details as presented.

Signed ……………………………………….. Date ….. / ….. / 2016 Chairman ------b. Money In £ Allotment rent 844.10 c. To resolve on grant application for Sutton Bridge Bowls Club Cllr Grimwood abstained from the agenda item due to his membership of the Club. It was RESOLVED to approve a £500 grant to SB Bowls Club in support of pavilion roof restoration project. d. To resolve updated Inventory of Assets and appropriate insurance cover taking into account Finance Committee’s recommendation It was confirmed that the Inventory of Assets and insurance schedule now included items installed at the Burial Ground site. In line with Fin. Comm. recommendation it was RESOLVED to approve payment of annual insurance premium for 2016-17 at cost of £1944.17. Renewed policy to take effect from 1st October.

223.16 CORRESPONDENCE (i) Email, PCSO Gordon – request for signs to deter football games in MP car park. Matter discussed and dealt with under ‘Police Matters’ see min. ref. 218.16 (ii) Email, PCSO Gordon – request for wooden wall for football ‘spot’ game. The Chairman & Cllr M Booth to inspect structure at Terrington and report back. (iii) Letter, parishioner – Information relating to area known as Tom’s Wood. Content of letter presented to Council advising – pathways would not be cut; public are welcome to use the Wood; wildlife was becoming well established; flytipping of garden waste at the site was being monitored.

224.16 PLANNING MATTERS (i) Commercial New: H18-0907-16 – Construction of two dwellings, land to rear of 158 Bridge Rd – Chevin Homes Ltd. Council RESOLVED to comment that should permission be granted then a condition needed to be imposed requiring improvements to the side access road which was currently unfit for purpose. Granted: H18-0580-16 – Use of site for caravans, amendment and removal of conditions, Fields Farm, SB – Hargreaves Plants Ltd. Refused: N/A

(ii) Non-Commercial New: H18-0908-16 – Residential development, adjacent to 103 New Road,SB - Mrs S Gerova. Council RESOLVED to comment that the proposed development was located outside the Local Plan area for development. Addendum H18-0909-16 – Extensions and alterations, 170 Guys Head Rd – Mr & Mrs C Powell. Council RESOLVED to support the application. Granted: H18-0658-16 – Extension and alterations, 220 New Rd – Mr Maguire.

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H18-0717-16 – Door frames and doors, Nene Lodge, East Bank – Mr & Mrs Proctor. H18-0584-16 – External materials, land north of Withington St – Mr M Woolfe. Refused: N/A

225.16 HIGHWAYS & FOOTWAYS a. Update on outstanding matters  LCC Highways had confirmed that island located in Bridge Road, [damaged by vehicle collision] would be restored to its former state. b. To report any new matters:  Allotment on West Bank was still flooding due to drain cover set at high level.  Flooding was occurring due to blocked drains. Clerk to request cleaning of all drains in SB.  Roundabout island adjacent to Bridge in a very poor state. Clerk to report.  Street lights along a section of A17 would be switched off as a result of Street Lighting Transformation Project.

226.16 TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM WORKING PARTIES & COMMITTEES A. Church Yard & Playing Fields See report, App. 1. Cllrs Cook, Grimwood, A Scarlett

B. Allotments End of season report in October. Cllrs M Booth, Brewis, Davies, Fenton

C. Personnel Committee Nothing to report Cllrs S Booth, Brewis, Cook, Scarlett D. Footpaths & Bridleways Grass overgrown on a number of footpaths Cllrs M Booth, Cook due to LCC cutbacks. Thanks to Cllr SB who has cut some areas. E. Parish Newsletter Nothing to report. Cllrs Dewsberry, A Scarlett, P Scarlett F. Burial Ground Committee Water connected at site. Turf expected to be Cllrs S Booth, Cook, Grimwood, Scarlett, laid imminently. Hornbeam hedge planted. D Bell (co-opted) Block paving under gazebo and gravel to paths expected to be laid during coming week. G. Pavilion Refurbishment Project Doors refurbished. Cllrs Brewis, Canham, Grimwood, A Scarlett, P Scarlett, D Bell ( co-opted) H.SELLP Nothing to report. Cllrs Davies, P Scarlett (co-opted electors x3)

227.16 To receive reports from outside bodies’ representatives – where appropriate Emergency Planning – Grey Seal exercise to take place in Autumn. LALC – Meeting due this week. Philips & Allen’s – Meeting 12th October to allocate grants. Youth Club – Regretfully closing at end of year due to dwindling numbers and increase in overheads. Thanks to all who have assisted over the years. In recognition of the hard work undertaken in setting up and running the Youth Club it was unanimously RESOLVED to convey thanks an appreciation to Cllr Grimwood [Chair] and Mr Brandon- King. VCS – There would be an increase in fare to passengers of 5p per mile. Further details at November meeting.

228.16 To resolve on response to questions raised concerning Council Tax referendum principles for precepting authorities in Local Gov. Finance Settlement 2017-18 Technical Consultation It was RESOLVED to submit comments as follows;  Cut backs to principal authorities meant that Parish Councils were taking on additional tasks which required funding.  Capping of precepts may prevent larger projects being pursued. 55 Sutton Bridge Parish Council

 The measures would have a huge impact on very small parishes [<£1,000 precept].  Cost of additional staff hours for taking on additional tasks needed to be funded, holding referendums would only add to this burden and increase administration costs further.

229.16 To resolve on PC response to Community Safety, Policing and Justice Plan for Lincolnshire It was RESOLVED to comment as follows;  Raise concern relating to lack of funding and resources – funding in rural counties is disproportionately low.  If SB loses its PCSO, what plans are in place to provide adequate policing in the parish?  Issues relating to internet fraud, social media and phone scams have not been addressed.

230.16 To resolve to contact SHDC in relation to ‘common fencing areas’ Matter resolved with SHDC Legal Dept. No further action required.

231.16 To receive requests from Members for consideration at the discretion of the Chairman (nothing may be resolved under this heading) Cllr Fenton – Weeds on road verges were a problem; Cars were continuing to park on double yellow lines; LCC Highways were not undertaking necessary roadworks. Cllr Brewis – Request made for speed van to visit SB. Cllr S Booth – Need for Parish Tour to be organised. Cllr Scarlett – Could a meeting be arranged with Paul Wheatley in order to discuss finer details of Marina Project. Clerk to arrange. Cllr Grimwood – When would seat in Railway Lane be repaired? Cllr Brewis to chase.

232.16 To resolve on whether the Council should move into closed session for discussion of the following agenda items on the grounds of confidentiality It was proposed to move into closed session. Seconded and RESOLVED.

8.30pm - Members of the public left the meeting. The meeting continued in the absence of Press and Public. (By virtue of Section 100(A) paragraph 4 of the Local Government Act 1972. The items being of a confidential nature).

233.16 To resolve on confidential matters relating to Burial Ground project The Clerk provided an update on progress at the site and advice received from solicitor concerning contractual matters. It was confirmed that the majority of the S106 budget had been reclaimed with just £696 remaining. It was suggested that conditions were not suitable for planting replacement trees. Concerns were raised regarding security of the site – subject to be considered when site is visited during Parish tour.

234.16 To resolve on confidential matters relating to allotment tenancies Cllrs M Booth & S Booth confirmed their interests in the agenda item and withdrew from discussions/voting as appropriate. It was RESOLVED to pass on compensation due to be received from the Drainage Board [£60.20] during 2017-18 to those tenants affected. Cllr Grimwood advised his interest in the following matters and did not take part in discussions/voting. It was RESOLVED to issue a notice of rent review in 2017 for plots at West Bank and Wrights Lane. It was RESOLVED to permit individuals living outside the Parish to take on allotment tenancies; on condition that SB parishioners were given priority. It was RESOLVED to set annual rent of £50 per garden plot per annum for tenants living outside the Parish. It was RESOLVED to approve the division of garden plots into quarters where appropriate.

235.16 To resolve on appropriate action concerning area of parish owned land taking into account advice received from solicitor The Clerk presented details of advice received from solicitor. It was RESOLVED to arrange a meeting with Council’s solicitor in order for issues arising to be clarified. Two Cllrs to attend with Clerk, Cllrs Grimwood, Scarlett, Brewis, S Booth, Mrs Canham & Ms Cook expressed their interest in attending.

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236.16 To resolve on quotes received for maintenance of areas in Memorial Park and car park The Clerk detailed sections of work as follows; 1. Cutting both sides and top of boundary hedge located between MP and church yard. 2. Removing overhanging branches above old toilet block, cutting back vegetation on car park boundary and laying path to side of toilet block. 3. Cutting back vegetation of MP boundary between car park and pavilion. 4. Removal of branches overhanging pavilion and cutting back boundary through to Community Commemorative Wood [CCW]. 5. Clearance of area around CCW. 6. Clearance of elder growing on boundary with Tycho Close. 7. Filling gaps [with turf] between grass and safety surfacing in MP play area – presently causing trip hazard. 8. Removal of metal post and old safety surface adjacent to adult exercise equipment and replacement with turf.

Quotes received were considered. It was RESOLVED to accept quote of £150 for cutting of the hedge between MP and church yard. It was RESOLVED to accept quote of £2,220 for all works described under points 2 to 6 above to be undertaken.

237.16 To resolve on quotes received for building conversion project Tenders received for building conversion project were considered. It was RESOLVED to re-tender for the project once further information had been gathered.

238.16 To resolve on quotes received for painting of picnic benches and table in MP play area Item deferred pending receipt of further quotes.

239.16 To receive update on any confidential staffing and administration matters and resolve appropriately Clerk to circulate Data Protection information to all Cllrs for consideration at October meeting. Format for Staff Annual Appraisals to be considered at October meeting; feedback forms to be distributed.

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 9.30 pm

Signed: ……………………………….. Date...…/…. /…..

Chairman - Sutton Bridge Parish Council


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