Minutes Of The Meeting Of Alford Town Council

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Minutes Of The Meeting Of Alford Town Council



Present: Councillors Rawson, Milson, Hounslow, Quantrell, Allan, Webb, Whitcombe, Deakin and Jarnell.

Mrs L Croft (Clerk) Cllr J Bradley (ELDC) Cllr G Marsh (LCC)

APOLOGIES 58. Apologies and reasons for absence were received from Cllrs Miles and Lithgow. Resolved that the reasons for absence be approved. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. 59. Cllr Webb declared an interest in agenda item 15. NOTES OF LAST MEETING HELD 17 th JULY 2012 TO BE APPROVED AND SIGNED BY THE CHAIRMAN. 60. Proposed Cllr P Milson Seconded Cllr A Whitcombe. Resolved these minutes be signed by the chairman as a true record. CLERK’S REPORT ON MATTERS ARISING FROM THIS MEETING. 61. Item 43 Meeting requested with Practise Manager of Alford Doctors Surgery. Suggested 21st August or 18th September, unable to attend either. He is quite happy to meet with the clerk at a convenient date to answer any questions to be reported back to the Town Council. Clerk to ask for dates/times available for subcommittee of Councillors to meet with him. Chief Constable Rhodes will attend the October Meeting. He would be grateful if we could let him know prior to that date what particular issues/subjects we would like him to discuss. Item 44eTourism sign - The Traffic Signs Manager, Joanne Johnson, is on annual leave this week and she will contact you upon her return. Item 45. Change of contractors. Veolia have confirmed that from July they will charge as per their previous quote for non-box cutting the cemetery, which was ££879 + VAT per month, 3% less than they charged in the previous year 2011/12. Mablethorpe Market –Mablethorpe TC have been finalising their business plan and all being well will take over the running of the market from 1st October. TABLE CORRESPONDENCE. 62. a.) Letter from ELDC – Electronic Consultation on Planning Applications. Parishes where the number of applications notified is less than 10 will not be required to participate in the initiative as have parishes in areas that do not have access to broadband. For all others as there will be a requirement for new equipment to be purchased in some cases the requirement will not take place until May 2013Any large scale major applications which involve a lot of paperwork will still be sent in hard copy. (More than 200 houses (or 4 hectares); wind farms; development of 10,000 sq metres + of floor space; all sites of 2 hectares or more (other than housing which is 4 hectares)). To be budgeted for in next precept. b.) Market Times – August 2012. c.) Letter notifying the council that work by Telefonica 02 Ltd, at unit 2B, Farlesthorpe Road will be taking place to upgrade the existing telecommunications equipment. The installation as currently proposed constitutes a permitted development. d.) Lincolnshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2 – Consultation. All comments to be sent by October 12th. (e-mailed to all councillors) e.) LALC NEWS - Summer 2012 and LALC Annual Report 2011/12. f.) Letter from Chairman of Alford Disability Lincs, who will be having a stall on the Charity Market on Monday 27th August. Who said how lovely the flower tubs and baskets are in and around the market place. Last year and this year the displays have been and are spectacular. Congratulations to the people who planted and maintained them and to the Town Council.

21st August 2012. Minutes 58-73


N/003/02233/11 Lindum Homes, Land at Station Road, Alford – Appeal made to the Secretary of State. All representations to the Planning Inspectorate must be received by 19/9/12. N/003/01051/12 Tothby Manor, Tothby – Erection of an agricultural building for general storage. – Refusal of Planning Permission. VOTE OF THANKS TO CLLR QUANTRELL. 63. Proposed Cllr G Allan Seconded Cllr P Rawson Resolved to thank Cllr Quantrell for his 25 years of service on Alford Town Council. TO RECEIVE SUCH CORRESPONDENCE AS THE CHAIRMAN MAY WISH TO PUT BEFORE THE COUNCIL. 64. Invitation to Councillors from the Trustees of the Sir Robert Christopher’s Almshouses Charity to attend a presentation evening at the Manor House on Wednesday 29th August 6pm to 9pm Cllrs Rawson, Milson, Allan and Bradley indicated that they would attend. REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES. 65. Cllr Marsh reported that he had asked for the Historic Town Sign to be treated separately to tourism attraction signs. Initially Alford’s sign was erected by ELDC who might be asked to pay for the re-vetting. Cllr Marsh has also asked LCC Highways to provide proof of the costs charged to Lincoln Cathedral for their many signs. Cllr Bradley provided the Council with information about Lloyds TSB Foundation funding. FINANCIAL 66. a.) Accounts for Payments. Proposed Cllr G Allan Seconded Cllr P Milson Resolved that the accounts as put before the Council totalling £8379.59 be paid. b.) Consider alternative payment system for staff wages Proposed Cllr R Quantrell Seconded Cllr T Jarnell Resolved that payment remains by cheque and that payment date to all suppliers should be stated as end of the month. SIR ROBERT CHRISTOPHER ALMSHOUSES CHARITY APPEAL. 67. All Councillors supplied with the redevelopment appeal leaflet. £425,000 needed to carry out the work. Bid for a grant of £200,000 was successful and trustees are actively working to raise the balance of £225,000 before March 2013. AGREE MARKET STORAGE COMPOUND LEASE . 68. Proposed Cllr P Milson Seconded Cllr A Whitcombe. Resolved that the lease be signed by the Chairman. DISCUSS ELDC’S DRAFT LICENSING ENFORCEMENT POLICY . 69. No Comments. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 70. a.) Land at Mawthorpe Road, Well – Erection of 500kW wind turbine to a maximum height of 67m and erection of a substation. Proposed Cllr A Whitcombe Seconded Cllr M Deakin Resolved to object to the application on grounds of visual impact. Vote Unanimous. b.) Jorich Farm, Back Lane, Bilsby – Erection of 3 micro scale turbines (maximum height 17.75 metres. Proposed Cllr J Webb Seconded Cllr A Whitcombe Resolved to object to the application on grounds of visual impact. Vote 3 to 1. c.) The Depot, Station Road, Alford – To continue to use former highways depot as a site for the repair and retail of cars. Proposed Cllr G Hounslow Seconded Cllr P Milson Resolved to object on grounds of visual impact and traffic ingress. ANY OTHER MATTERS FOR GENERAL DISCUSSION OR INCLUSION IN THE NEXT AGENDA 71. a.) Need to plan ahead for Mayor/ Deputy for next civic year. b.) Clerk to find out about signs in Horncastle and Louth that have maps and info.

21st August 2012. Minutes 58-73


c.) Memorial Trust will not require the old Bus shelter. d.) Workshop in the park for tunes to be recreated in the ironwork of the bandstand was very successful. A potable forge will be at the Craft Market this Bank holiday weekend when people can bring their designs for motifs for the sides of the bandstand. e.) Cllr Marsh raise concerns as to why there was no longer any police presence at public events. Also why there was an Alford Police Panel and an Alford Rural Police Panel. TO CONSIDER MOVING TO CLOSED SESSION 72. Proposed Cllr P Milson Seconded Cllr G Hounslow Resolved to move to closed session. Cllr Webb left the meeting. Cllrs Bradley and Marsh also left. DISCUSS POSSIBLE COMPENSATION REGARDING CCTV 73. Proposed Cllr P Milson Seconded Cllr Allan Resolved that compensation as discussed should be offered.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.29pm

21st August 2012. Minutes 58-73

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