SDAD Board Meeting

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SDAD Board Meeting

SDAD Board meeting Held at the SDAD Center Friday November 17th, 2006

The SDAD Board meeting came to order at 7:05PM with the following Board members present: President Tom Kober; Vice President Kevin Barber (arrived at 7:06); Secretary David Dahle; Treasurer Jane Souhrada; At-large members Bettie Carlson, Larry Puthoff, Patty Geer, Mark Koterwski and Wayne Hespe

Approximately 12 members and guests were present during the meeting.

Agenda: Jane Souhrada (Wayne Hespe) moved to accept the agenda as read. Passed.

Minutes of previous Board meeting: After discussion, President Kober declared the minutes approved as read.

Public Input: (none)

Treasurer’s Report: The reports for the last two months were passed out, and Jane shared summaries of the reports. Patty Geer (Wayne Hespe) moved to approve the treasurer report. Passed.

Officer and Board reports:

President: SDSD Advisory Board: There was a meeting on Sept. 20 – it was good but there were many people ‘speaking up’ regarding teacher qualifications and recent changes regarding SDSD’s obligations on IEPs and any liability issues arising. An executive session is set for November 29th to discuss this further. SILC / VR boards: There will be meetings at the Ramada Inn in Sioux Falls Dec 11-13 and will be open to the public. The main issues discussed lately have been accountability and transportation issues. Shirts / Outreach Program: Alternate vendors for the shirts continue to be sought out. Education issues: Hearing parents of SDSD students are now awakening to issues within SDSD and are starting to mobilize (the main issues already mentioned in SDSD Advisory Board summary). Parents are also looking at options to pursue during the next Legislative session in January. SDSD has also failed to follow the Deaf Children’s Bill of Rights; should SDAD file suit against SDSD? Interpreting rules: A public hearing was recently held to set up administrative rules pertaining to the updated ASL interpreting laws that were passed by the 2006 SD Legislature. Final decision on these rules will be released in December. Vice President: Thanks to Mark Johnson for hosting the Halloween Party. Also, Thanks to Mark Johnson and Tom Kober for co-hosting the Fall Festival. Reminders of upcoming events: December 10 – SDAD Christmas Dinner – Mark K chairperson December 31 – SDAD New Years’ Party – Dave chairperson February 2007 – SDAD Valentine’s Party – Miss Deaf SD committee March 2007 – SDAD St. Patrick’s party – Bonnie Roberts is chairperson 2007 Schedule meeting: Forgot to hold it in September and is now working on getting it done before January 1 Games Committee has proposal for revised rules for the SDAD games

Secretary: New Years’ flyer is ready for Board review – want to send out flyer twice; once with the last mailing in November and also again with SDAD Christmas Dinner flyer.

Treasurer: 245 members so far for 2006 and members are already sending in renewals for 2007.

Board member-at-large reports:

Mark Koterwski - SDAD Holiday Dinner is coming up. He had 3 bids for catering – after discussion among the Board members, it was decided we would use the same catering service we have the past 2 years – Sunshine in Brandon (formerly Jubilee) and to plan on serving 175 meals.

Larry Puthoff – The latest edition of the SDAD News has been handed over to HandSplash with the goal of having it mailed the first week of December.

President Kober asked for a 5-minute break at 7:50, the meeting resumed at 7:55

Committee reports:

2007 SDAD Conference: (Jennifer Willey) Handouts with progress updates and registration kits were passed out for the Board’s review.

Finance: (Tom Kober for David Soukup) Guidelines for affiliate organizations are being worked on. The Board’s motion to purchase LCD and screen (using money from Darlene’s family and matching funds from SDAD) was also approved.

Law Committee (Larry Puthoff) Reminder - April 21st, 2007 is the deadline for bylaw revisions to be submitted. (60 days before Conference) Technology: (Kevin Barber) Website is being worked on. The screen for the LCD projector has been purchased and is being prepared for installation – LCD will follow soon – it should be ready by Super Bowl time!

SDAD Programs: (Tom Kober / Larry Puthoff) Tom Kober is now in charge of all the SDAD Programs except for the SDAD News which will continue to be handled by Larry Puthoff. Also, there has been a change in snack bar staff – Danielle Billing has decided to resign to focus on school.

Miss Deaf South Dakota (Tom Kober for committee) No report but committee (led by Paula Souhrada) is now starting to gear up for next MDSD pageant.

Unfinished business: (none)

New business:

1. Larry Puthoff (Mark Koterwski) moved to accept the Finance Committee report. Motion carried.

2. Mark Koterwski (Bettie Carlson) moved to purchase up to $100 in treats for SDSD’s Christmas Program upon SDSD’s approval. Motion carried.

3. Dave Dahle (Jane Souhrada) moved to approve the registration packet for the 2007 SDAD Conference. Motion carried.

4. Kevin Barber (Bettie Carlson) moved that SDAD host a “Puppies & Kittens” carnival in May 2007 in conjunction with the Humane Society. Motion carried.

5. Jane Souhrada (Mark Koterwski) moved that SDAD buy a step stool for use when people need to make announcements (instead of standing on a chair). Motion carried.

6. Dave Dahle (Kevin Barber) moved that SDAD purchase a spare bulb for the new LCD projector if necessary. Motion carried.

7. Bettie Carlson (Patty Geer) moved to close New Business. Motion failed. 8. Dave Dahle (Kevin Barber) moved that SDAD wait on any potential lawsuit against SDSD until after the legislative session. Motion failed.

[That motion was introduced for few reasons – to stimulate debate on this issue and to make sure we proceed carefully especially given past results]

9. Mark Koterwski (Wayne Hespe) moved to open the floor for 10 minutes for debate regarding SDSD. Motion carried.

The floor then opened for general debate regarding the ongoing situation at SDSD.

10. Mark Koterwski (Bettie Carlson) moved to call up the Education Committee for options regarding an education forum. Motion carried.

11. Bettie Carlson (Kevin Barber) moved to close New Business. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM. Our next tentative meeting is to be held on January (date?), 2007 at Sioux Falls.

Respectfully submitted,

David Dahle Secretary

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