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University of Indianapolis - College of Arts & Sciences

University of Indianapolis –Shaheen College of Arts & Sciences SPA2 Curriculum Guide for Applied Spanish Teaching Majors: MS/JH/HS Bachelor of Arts updated 05/17

Courses for Secondary Education Majors (51 credit hours)

Freshman Year  EDUC 100 Exploration in Education (2)  EDUC 130 Technology in Education I (2)  ENGL 101 English Composition (3) [Semester I] Sophomore Year  EDUC 203 Psychology of Development, Learning, and Instruction (4) and  EDUC 204 Field Experience (.5)  EDUC 290 Teaching in a Diverse Society (3)  COMM 201 Classroom Communication (3)  ENGL 102 Western World Literature and Composition (3) or  ENGL/ 218 Young Adult Literature: Yesterday to Today (3) EDUC  ENGL 220 Advanced Composition (3) Junior Year  EDUC 300 Social, Political, and Philosophical Foundations of U.S. Education (3)  *EDUC 330 Technology in Education II (1) [Semester II]  *EDUC 360 The Teaching of Literacy in the Content Areas (3) and [Semester I]  *EDUC 365 Middle Level/High School Practicum (1) and  *EDUC 371 Special Needs in the Secondary Classroom (3)  *EDUC 390 Middle Level/High School Content Methods (3) and [Semester II]  *EDUC 391 Middle Level/High School Practicum (1) Senior Year  *EDUC 492 Exit from Program Portfolio (.5)  *EDUC 495 High School Supervised Teaching (6)  *EDUC 496 MS/JH Supervised Teaching (6)

*School of Education (SOE) controlled classes – admission through SOE.  SOE Gateway #1 (end of year two): cumulative GPA 2.75; completion with a C or higher in EDUC 100, 203, COMM 201; passing scores on state required tests  SOE Gateway #2: (end of year three): cumulative GPA 2.75/content GPA 3.0; successful completion of signature assessments  SOE Gateway #3: (end of year four): cumulative GPA 2.75/content GPA 3.0; passing scores on state content and pedagogy tests; successful completion of clinical experience and edTPA.

Required Courses: 28 credits  SPAN 101 Spanish Language and Culture I (4)* (or placement equivalent)  SPAN 102 Spanish Language and Culture II (4) (or placement equivalent)  SPAN 201 Spanish Language and Culture III (4) (or placement equivalent)  SPAN 300 Spanish Writing/Correspondence I (4)  SPAN 310 Spanish Conversation I (4)  SPAN 317 Spanish Culture & Civilization (4)  LANG 321 Introduction to Translation Studies (2)  SPAN 422 Spanish Translation (4) or  SPAN 423 Spanish for the Professions (4)  LANG 485 Capstone Seminar (2) (Year IV)

...... continued on reverse side……………………………………………………….. Electives: Choose at least 4 credits  SPAN 435 Hispanic Literature (4) *Teaching Majors must take SPAN 435  LANG 300 Languages without Borders (1-4)  LANG 324 Masterpieces in Translation (3)  LANG 398 Multilingual Translation/Conversation (3)  LANG 450 Internships in Modern Language (1-8)  LANG 480 Selected Cross-cultural Topics (3)  ST 299 Spring Term Travel to a Spanish Speaking Country (3)

Students MUST select 4 additional elective hours in a Spanish-speaking country OR take LANG 450 as an internship in a Spanish-speaking organization, for a total of 36 hours.

* The 4 hours of SPAN 101 do NOT count toward the Applied Spanish Major. NOTE: The Applied Spanish major requires a minimum of 36 hours, excluding the 4 hours of SPAN 101.

NOTE: A grade of C- (1.7 on a 4.0 scale) or higher is required in all courses applying toward the Spanish Major. The Bachelor of Arts Degree requires a minimum of 120 hours.

This program may require attendance in both day and extended programs classes.

See the General Education Core Guide for additional course requirements.

A student may complete more than one major as long as each major has at least 24 discrete hours. Please see the Academic Catalog for additional details.

REMEMBER: If you have any questions about the Spanish Teaching Major and its requirements, contact the Department of Global Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies Chair: Dr. Dan Briere, (788- 3277, [email protected]) or The Center for Advising and Student Achievement (788-2057, Schwitzer Student Center, Room 206). Courses and requirements sometimes change so keep in contact with your advisor.

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