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University of Indianapolis –Shaheen College of Arts & Sciences SPA2 Curriculum Guide for Applied Spanish Teaching Majors: MS/JH/HS Bachelor of Arts updated 05/17
Courses for Secondary Education Majors (51 credit hours)
Freshman Year EDUC 100 Exploration in Education (2) EDUC 130 Technology in Education I (2) ENGL 101 English Composition (3) [Semester I] Sophomore Year EDUC 203 Psychology of Development, Learning, and Instruction (4) and EDUC 204 Field Experience (.5) EDUC 290 Teaching in a Diverse Society (3) COMM 201 Classroom Communication (3) ENGL 102 Western World Literature and Composition (3) or ENGL/ 218 Young Adult Literature: Yesterday to Today (3) EDUC ENGL 220 Advanced Composition (3) Junior Year EDUC 300 Social, Political, and Philosophical Foundations of U.S. Education (3) *EDUC 330 Technology in Education II (1) [Semester II] *EDUC 360 The Teaching of Literacy in the Content Areas (3) and [Semester I] *EDUC 365 Middle Level/High School Practicum (1) and *EDUC 371 Special Needs in the Secondary Classroom (3) *EDUC 390 Middle Level/High School Content Methods (3) and [Semester II] *EDUC 391 Middle Level/High School Practicum (1) Senior Year *EDUC 492 Exit from Program Portfolio (.5) *EDUC 495 High School Supervised Teaching (6) *EDUC 496 MS/JH Supervised Teaching (6)
*School of Education (SOE) controlled classes – admission through SOE. SOE Gateway #1 (end of year two): cumulative GPA 2.75; completion with a C or higher in EDUC 100, 203, COMM 201; passing scores on state required tests SOE Gateway #2: (end of year three): cumulative GPA 2.75/content GPA 3.0; successful completion of signature assessments SOE Gateway #3: (end of year four): cumulative GPA 2.75/content GPA 3.0; passing scores on state content and pedagogy tests; successful completion of clinical experience and edTPA.
Required Courses: 28 credits SPAN 101 Spanish Language and Culture I (4)* (or placement equivalent) SPAN 102 Spanish Language and Culture II (4) (or placement equivalent) SPAN 201 Spanish Language and Culture III (4) (or placement equivalent) SPAN 300 Spanish Writing/Correspondence I (4) SPAN 310 Spanish Conversation I (4) SPAN 317 Spanish Culture & Civilization (4) LANG 321 Introduction to Translation Studies (2) SPAN 422 Spanish Translation (4) or SPAN 423 Spanish for the Professions (4) LANG 485 Capstone Seminar (2) (Year IV)
...... continued on reverse side……………………………………………………….. Electives: Choose at least 4 credits SPAN 435 Hispanic Literature (4) *Teaching Majors must take SPAN 435 LANG 300 Languages without Borders (1-4) LANG 324 Masterpieces in Translation (3) LANG 398 Multilingual Translation/Conversation (3) LANG 450 Internships in Modern Language (1-8) LANG 480 Selected Cross-cultural Topics (3) ST 299 Spring Term Travel to a Spanish Speaking Country (3)
Students MUST select 4 additional elective hours in a Spanish-speaking country OR take LANG 450 as an internship in a Spanish-speaking organization, for a total of 36 hours.
* The 4 hours of SPAN 101 do NOT count toward the Applied Spanish Major. NOTE: The Applied Spanish major requires a minimum of 36 hours, excluding the 4 hours of SPAN 101.
NOTE: A grade of C- (1.7 on a 4.0 scale) or higher is required in all courses applying toward the Spanish Major. The Bachelor of Arts Degree requires a minimum of 120 hours.
This program may require attendance in both day and extended programs classes.
See the General Education Core Guide for additional course requirements.
A student may complete more than one major as long as each major has at least 24 discrete hours. Please see the Academic Catalog for additional details.
REMEMBER: If you have any questions about the Spanish Teaching Major and its requirements, contact the Department of Global Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies Chair: Dr. Dan Briere, (788- 3277, [email protected]) or The Center for Advising and Student Achievement (788-2057, Schwitzer Student Center, Room 206). Courses and requirements sometimes change so keep in contact with your advisor.