President S Report s1

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President S Report s1

EAU CLAIRE LAKES PROPERTY OWNERS ADVOCATE Property Owners Association Inc. Barnes/Eau Claire Lakes Area June 2007

PRESIDENT’S REPORT Lee Wiesner Annual Meeting- The annual meeting will be held at the Barnes Town Hall on July 21st, 2007 at 8:30 AM. Please take note of the date as it was posted incorrectly in the Town of Barnes Community calendar as July 14th. We are still working on the guest speaker. One possibility is for members of the Bayfield County Lakes Forum to provide information about the organization, their goals and objectives, and recent successes. Another possibility is for Scott Toshner, fisheries biologist for the DNR to discuss fish population dynamics of the Eau Claire Lakes and the latest survey results. After the meeting we are asking all who are interested to stay for a short training session on becoming a volunteer to monitor just your shoreline for any aquatic invasive plant species. This is very simple and not a large time commitment. It is very important to catch invasive species as early as possible to better implement a control plan. Your volunteer hours would be counted as work in kind to help offset the cost of the Town of Barnes Eurasian Water Milfoil grant. Muffins, coffee and juice will be provided as in the past years. Middle Eau Claire Lake Bridge Application Update- Those of you with email have been kept abreast of the application for a 240 foot bridge across a bay of Middle Eau Claire Lake to access a very narrow Peninsula immediately north of where the Eau Claire River exits Middle Eau Claire Lake. There have been two public hearings for public input and a decision will be made soon by the DNR whether to approve or deny the application. I would like to thank everyone who showed up at the hearings, made comments or wrote letters. As your president representing the POA I wrote two letters in opposition and made comments against the application at both hearings. None of the comments by the those attending the hearings were in favor of the bridge. All 4 DNR experts reviewing the permit application recommended denial of the application. We will be using email more often to keep our membership up to date on important issues. If we do not have your email address, please provide it to us so we can serve you better.

New Mission Statement - Board member Jon Harkness volunteered to write a mission statement for our POA. We had a list of purposes for our organization, but no mission statement. It was reviewed and approved by the board of directors at our May 7th meeting. “Our purpose is to protect, preserve and improve the environmental and aesthetic qualities of the Eau Claire Lakes Area Watershed including, the lakes, rivers, shore lands, wetlands and attendant wildlife resources.” Boating Ordinance - The jet ski and waters ski hours are now 10 AM to 5 PM. The change in the ordinance was adopted on October 24th, 2006 by the Town Board. Their decision was based on the fact the majority of people responding to the question on the tax statement wanted the hours changed back to 5PM. The signs at the boat landings and highways will be updated. Panfish Bag Limit Update - Last year I wrote a resolution for the 2006 Spring Conservation Congress Hearing to reduce the daily panfish bag limit on the Eau Claire Lakes from 25 to 10. Recent survey results by the DNR Page 1 of 12 supported the need for a reduced bag limit on Middle and Bony, but not on the other lakes. This year the question appeared as a DNR fisheries question and 1150 voted in favor of the reduced bag limit while 609 voted against it. The county vote was 54 yes and 13 no and 5 tied. The change will not go into effect until next year. Look for the change in next years fishing regulation book or the yellow sign next to the dock at the Middle boat landing. Zoning Issues- Ingemar and Lee testified at a hearing to amend the Bayfield County Zoning ordinance. The amendment would reduce the permitted density of units on Managed Unit Developments, previously called Planned Unit Developments. The proposed amendment for example reduced the density from 4 times to 3 times on a Class 1 lake. Ingemar and I both testified that this was a step in the right direction but 3 units for every 150 feet of shoreline was still too dense. I offered a compromise of 2 times the density instead of the proposed 3 times. The Bayfield County Lakes Forum also met with the zoning administrator for Bayfield County and discussed their concerns with the increase in shore land development density currently permitted by ordinance. The amendment passed and the density levels were not reduced to our satisfaction. At the POA board of directors meeting held on May 7th it was decided that we would work with the Town of Barnes and attempt to get an overlay district for the Town of Barnes, which would not permit increased densities for MUD as compared to single unit developments. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan directs the Planning Commission and the Town Board to “work with Bayfield County to reduce dwelling densities allowed in planned unit developments and other multiple unit developments. Sometimes progress is slow, but we will keep trying. We have not forgotten the results of the comprehensive land use survey question 20, where 322 people out of 438 felt the permitted density for planned unit developments should be 1 per 150 feet, 24 votes for 4, 9 for 3 and 48 for 2. Bayfield County Lakes Consortium Exploratory Conference - John Kudlas and Lee attended a conference in Ashland. There were many agencies represented and we were asked to attend representing our POA. I believe we were the only POA in attendance. The objectives of the meeting, were to share information, assist one another, foster coordination, avoid duplication of effort, collaboration, support each other goals. Those in attendance were quite impressed with what you have accomplished in protecting our lakes, river and shore lands, all with only volunteer effort. Thanks you volunteers! Tax Exempt Status - Last year the POA Board of Directors decided to proceed and apply for tax exempt status in the hope of receiving more support funding from our members to assist in paying back cost share grant money, developing a legal fund, developing a land acquisition fund for purchasing sensitive areas for sale on the market and meeting other needs spelled out in our mission statement. Ruth Sloan, sister to board director Leslie Hall, graciously offered to fill out all the paper work necessary to make application. We are truly grateful for all her hard work. The first response we received back from the IRS did not sound favorable. Paul LaLiberte and I then revised our application two times and we finally received the 501 c (3) tax exempt status in April 2007. See news article on our tax exempt status. Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee - The Barnes Town Board appointed a new Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee. Ingemar Ekstrom is chair and the rest of the membership, except for one member is either on the board of directors of the POA or is a member of the POA. Our charge was to seek a grant to hire people to monitor the boat landings for the summer of 2007 and 2008, We received a grant to hire 3 boat landing monitors and 1 coordinator. The monitors and coordinator will be working 4 hours on Friday, 10 hours on Saturday and 6 hours on Sunday. A substitute was hired to fill in for the monitors or coordinator in their absence. The EWMF Committee is also working with the property owners of Tomahawk and Sandbar Lake to explore different types of action which may help control the EWMF on these lakes. Letters of Support for Grants - Lee was asked to write letters of support for the Upper St. Croix Watershed project, which will involve our lakes and rivers if approved, the Bony Lake Shore land Restoration Project, and the EWMF boat landing monitor project. All 3 letters were written and submitted.

Page 2 of 12 Please Plan to attend the annual meeting on July 21, 2007 at 8:30 a.m. in the Barnes Town Hall.  NORTHWEST WISCONSIN LAKES CONFERENCE This year’s Northwest Wisconsin Lakes Conference will be held on June 21-22 at the Telemark Resort and Convention Center Cable, WI. If you have never attended, it is well worth the time, and if you have attended in the past, you know the quality of the conference. Please plan to attend.

Registration deadline is June 16. The registration fee for Friday’s conference is $40 per person. Fee includes continental breakfast, luncheon and conference materials. Thursday's workshops and the BBQ social have additional fees. Register online: Paper registration form: Call the number listed below Call in your registration at 1-800-542-5253 (in Wisconsin only) or 608-662-0923. If you plan to stay at Telemark, please contact them at the address and phone number listed below. Telemark Resort and Convention Center 42225 Telemark Rd. Cable, WI 54821 (East from Cable on County Road M to Telemark Rd. ) 1-877-798-4718 (toll free) or (715) 798-3999  WATER QUALITY COMMITTEE REPORT John Kudlas One of our stated goals of the Water Quality Committee is: Develop a system of volunteer representatives to monitor water quality (physical, chemical and biological factors) in selected lakes utilizing observation survey forms, Secchi disc measurements, biological sampling and chemical analysis.

There are now thirteen (13) lakes in the Barnes Eau Claire Lakes area being monitored for water chemistry quality. This year there have been several changes in the DNR protocol. The smaller lakes will not be checked for dissolved oxygen yearly, so the lake analysis will be simplified. Please return all small lake oxygen equipment to John Kudlas (may bring it to the annual meeting) ASAP. Also the DNR is encouraging all volunteers to forward lake data via the internet. This will save the state valuable personnel resources. The monthly analysis still includes determining clarity, dissolved oxygen (for larger lakes) and temperatures at five foot increments, surface phosphates, chlorophyll (algae) content and general appearance appeal. Lakes being monitored and volunteers are:

Ellison Lake- Mary Walters 715-795-2170 or 218-729-5336 Robinson Lake- Tom Brovald 715-795-2935 or 651-636-5510 Shunenberg Lake- George Wisdom 715-795-2623/[email protected] Bony Lake- Jim/Rita Johnson [email protected] Carol LeBreck 715-425-6904 Cranberry Lake- Jon Hartness 715-376-2600 (retired) Cranberry Lake-Bill Patza (no phone or email recorded for this volunteer) Cranberry Lake- Bob Hammond 715-376-4400 Page 3 of 12 Lower Eau Claire- Mike Gottwald 715-762-4998 George Lake- John/Donna Kudlas 715-795-2031/[email protected] Island Lake- Jeff Brittan 715-795-2056 Middle Eau Claire- Lee/Sue Wiesner 715-795-3156/[email protected] Pickerel Lake- Don Barnes 715-795-3014/[email protected] Upper Eau Claire- Chuck Rubow 715-795-3278/[email protected] Sandbar Lake- Gerald Gustafson 715-795-3067/[email protected] Tomahawk Lake- Jim/Patti Joswick 715-795-3434/[email protected] Other lakes being Secchi measured are: Birch Lake- Richard Hanson 715-795-3218/[email protected] Breakfast Lake- Steve Kaner (volunteer & lake inactive 906-428-3242) Kelly Lake- Jim Prickett, 715-795-2145/[email protected] Sweet Lake- (inactive) Ole Lake- (inactive) Turtle Lake- Ingemar Ekstrom 715-795-2183/[email protected] Muck Lake- John Kudlas 715-795-2031/[email protected] Devils Lake- (inactive) As one might see, we can use help on several lakes. Interested volunteers should contact John Kudlas (795-2031/[email protected]) as soon as possible. The work is rewarding and the findings are enlightening, interesting and important!. The Barnes Eau Claire Lakes Property Owners Association would like to thank all the volunteers for their efforts in insuring that our lakes and waterways remain a quality resource. 

St. Croix Watershed Alliance John Kudlas Because the Eau Clair River is a major contributor to the St. Croix watershed, the Barnes, Eau Clair Lakes Property Owners Association has been invited to participate with the Upper St. Croix Watershed Alliance (USCWA) and Friends of the St. Croix Headwaters in ascertaining the quality of the water of the river downstream from the Lower Eau Clair Lake and tributaries that feed the Eau Clair lakes. This will be part of a lake protection grant submitted by the USCWA. Recently Paul LaLiberte and John Kudlas attended training sessions and received equipment to analyze the named waterways. Monthly water quality analysis will include:  Biotic Index determination by collecting and classifying macro invertebrates. The diversity of the organisms indicates water quality because some are more tolerant to pollution and other environmental limiting factors.  Habitat Assessment involves checking the stream overview, riparian zone condition, stream bank characteristics, in-stream characteristics and water characteristics.  Water Temperature measurements.  Water Clarity using transparency tube to determine turbidity.  Dissolved Oxygen utilizing the Hack methodology.  Determining Stream Flow in cubic feet per second.  E. coli Bacteria analysis utilizing 3M Petrifilm and incubator methodology.  Biochemical Oxygen Demand determination. All data will be recorded and forwarded as required. Anyone interested in helping to assist Paul/John in this important project should contact John Kudlas (795-2031/[email protected]).


Page 4 of 12 EAU CLAIRE LAKES AREA CBCW STARTS 2007 SEASON ON THE FISHING OPENER Barb Romstad On May 4th, more than 35 area residents attended an appreciation lunch hosted for the Eau Claire Lakes Area Clean Boats Clean Waters volunteers. 2007 will be the third season that the group has monitored local boat landings on weekends and holidays. Since 2004 volunteers have donated over 2,500 man-hours to the project. The mission of the Eau Claire Lakes Area Clean Boats Clean Waters group is to educate those launching watercraft about the threat of spreading aquatic invasive species into the crystal clear waters of local lakes. The most current threat is Eurasian Water Milfoil which was discovered in two area lakes in 2004. In 2005 and 2006 the boat landing monitors were all volunteers. In 2007 the Town of Barnes secured a matching grant that enabled it to hire a staff of five to be the anchor team for the effort. Volunteers will continue to be an integral part of the staff, assisting the paid employees at the busiest times. Inspection of local lakes in fall of 2006 determined that EWM had not spread in the area beyond the two lakes first identified in 2004.

Following the lunch, the newly hired team and volunteers attended a training workshop. Attendees were instructed in identifying Eurasian Water Milfoil, the routine of boat inspection and the manner in which they should approach boaters at landings.

Seated: Ingemar Ekstrom and Lee Wiesner, Clean Boats Clean Waters training for staff Town of Barnes EWM committee poses with and volunteers involved hands-on inspection staff hired for the 2007 season. of a boat, motor and trailer Standing left to right: . Boat Landing Monitors: Charles Corlett and Dave Pederson; Coordinator: Jack Conklin, Substitute: John Kudlas; Boat Landing Monitor: Drew Carlson

 POA ZONING COMMITTEE Jon Harkness President Lee Wiesner appointed a POA Zoning Committee at the May 7, 2007 meeting of the Board of Directors. Board members serving on the committee are Jon Harkness, Chairperson; Carol Kulpa; Leslie Hall; Paul La Liberte; and Lee Wiesner, Ex Officio. The Zoning Committee will monitor zoning policies, practices and activities at both Town and County levels included in the Eau Claire Lakes Area Watershed. Parts of both Bayfield and Douglas Counties are included our watershed area. Jon, Carol, Leslie and Lee will focus on Bayfield County zoning and Paul LaLiberte on Douglas County Zoning. Douglas County is important, since its

Page 5 of 12 borders encompass part of the Lower Eau Claire Lake and all of the Eau Claire River from the Lower Lake to its confluence with the St. Croix River near Gordon. Our survey data show that an overwhelming majority of POA members oppose high-density lakeshore development and instead favor the long-standing zoning standard of allowing only one single-family unit dwelling per 150 feet of shoreline frontage. The POA Board of Directors is committed to oppose high-density development schemes allowed under the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The high-density scheme originally called a "Planned Unit Development (PUD)" has been renamed as a "Multiple Unit Development (MUD)" in a current revision of Bayfield County's zoning ordinance. The POA Zoning Committee will seek ways to minimize or eliminate high-density development on our lakes regardless of the permissive posture toward MUDs by Bayfield County officials. The Bayfield County Zoning Department has announced that zoning rules for trailer parks and campgrounds are scheduled for revision in the near future. Our Zoning Committee has offered to be involved in that revision process.  POA TAX EXEMPT STATUS Paul LaLiberte On April 18, 2007, the Internal Revenue Service approved our association’s application for Tax Exempt Status. This means the association is exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contributions to the Property Owners Association, Inc. Barnes/Eau Claire Lakes Area are tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. Our association is also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under sections 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. We are considered as a public charity under this code. If you wish to make bequests or gifts to the POA, please consult with your tax and financial advisors before making the bequest or gift. As Lee mentioned in his column, the additional contributions and gifts will allow the POA to actively promote environmental education for property owners in the area, work on addressing the concerns of high density development and other zoning questions, obtaining grants and assisting with programs to eradicate or control invasive species, such as Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) and the new invader Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS). Please refer to the News Release that follows.. Our new status requires us to confirm your contributions and gifts during the year and to file a Non-Profit Tax Return, depending upon our level of income. Since we will have more stringent reporting requirements, we have purchased computer software to assist us with this compliance. We are required to report to you all gifts in excess of $250.00; however, it is the association’s intention to notify you of the receipt of your contributions and gifts, regardless of the amount, as you must have documentation for your annual taxes of all contributions. Your annual membership registration contribution will be recorded and considered as a donation that is tax deductible.  Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources News Release The Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia virus (VHS) in Wisconsin A deadly new fish virus that caused huge fish kills in several eastern Great Lakes in 2005 and 2006 is likely already in Lake Michigan and may be in Lake Superior and the Mississippi River. Its presence in northeastern Wisconsin's Little Lake Butte des Morts was announced May 12 by DNR and a special Natural Resources Board meeting was held on Thursday, May 17, 2007 to consider expanding emergency rules, in this area of Wisconsin, to prevent the spread of the disease. Additional sampling has also preliminarily confirmed the virus' presence in Lake Winnebago (refer to DNR News Release - 5/18/2007 ). Map: Lake Winnebago System We need your help to ensure this virus doesn't spread to more inland lakes and rivers. Page 6 of 12 More information on this disease can be found on the Wisconsin DNR internet website at: , or you may contact the following DNR specialists:

Sue Marcquenski Bill Horns Fish Health Specialist Great Lakes Fish Specialist (608) 266-2871 (608) 266-8782 Hemorrhaging (bleeding) in the fins and eye of a freshwater drum believed to be infected with the VHS virus. The fish was collected from Little Lake Butte des Morts. WDNR Photo

External bleeding in fish with the VHS virus

Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia, or VHS virus, is not a threat to people who handle infected fish or want to eat their catch, but it can kill more than 25 fish species. To prevents its spread, new emergency rules prohibit boaters and anglers from moving water and live fish, including minnows, from one waterbody to another. These include many of the same actions DNR has long asked people to take to avoid introducing invasive plants and animals to new waters. New requirements for anglers and boaters to keep fish healthy Emergency rules effect April 2007 and amended May 17 require that boaters, anglers and other recreational users:  Drain all water from your boat, trailer, bait buckets, coolers, and other containers before you leave the landing or shore fishing site location on Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, the Mississippi River, the Lake Winnebago System or their tributaries up to the first dam.  Do not take live fish, including bait fish, away from any Great Lakes, Lake Winnebago or Mississippi River drainage landing or shore fishing location. This includes tributaries up to the first dam.  Do not use "cut" or dead bait from other waters (except when fishing in Lake Michigan, Green Bay, Lake Winnebago, or tributaries).  Do not use minnows unless they were purchased from a Wisconsin bait dealer or you caught the minnows from the place you are fishing. Draining all water from boats and boating and fishing equipment is strongly recommended after boating or fishing on all Wisconsin waters, as is inspecting your boat and trailer and removing all visible plants and animals. These steps will also help prevent the spread of other diseases and invasive species. Additional Information about the VHS virus The VHS virus is a serious pathogen of fresh and saltwater fish that is an emerging disease in the Great Lakes region of the United States and Canada. VHS virus is a rhabdovirus (rod shaped virus) that affects fish of all sizes and ages. It does not pose any threat to human health. VHS causes hemorrhaging of skin, muscle, and internal organs, and death follows. Some fish infected with VHS will develop antibodies to the virus and will survive. However, after a period of time the fish may start shedding virus again and spread the disease to other fish. Page 7 of 12 

TREASURER’S REPORT Paul LaLiberte This report represents the income and expenses of the Property Owners Association, Inc. Barnes/Eau Claire Lakes Area from June 1, 2006 through May 31, 2007. We encourage all members to send in their contributions in June to enable us to continue our active participation in the area environmental programs. As you will note, our financial status has not changed markedly from last year, but we have lost some members. Please encourage your friends and neighbors to join with us to preserve the area we love so much. Please remember that all your contributions this year and in the future are tax deductible.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT June 1, 2006 – May 31, 2007 (Unaudited)

Cash Balance June 1, 2006 $ 2,495.06 INCOME Memberships Total $ 3,350.00 Advertising Total $ 20.00 Interest Income Total $ 62.45 Awards Total $ 5.00 Environmental Preservation Fund (Started May 2007) $ 100.00 Total Income $ 3,537.45 EXPENSES Administrative Expense Total $ 1,079.77 Annual Meeting Total $ 257.94 Annual Dues & Contributions Total $ 430.00 Conferences and Mileage Total $ 961.40 Member Services Total $ 1,006.67 State Bank of Drummond Total $ 1.96 Total Expenses $ 4,217.74 Cash Balance May 31, 2007 $ 1,814.77 INVESTMENTS FINANCIAL INSTITUTION State Bank of Drummond Certificate of Deposit #21682 $ 2,205.66 Renewal: 11/2/2007 State Bank of Drummond Certificate of Deposit #23126 $ 1,156.92 Renewal: 10/29/2007 State Bank of Drummond Total $ 3,362.58 Total Investments $ 3,362.58 Total Cash & Investments $ 5,177.35


Page 8 of 12 GOOD NEWS FOR BARNES AREA LAKES QUALITY Barb Romstad In 2005 we were all happy to hear the report of the team that did the study of invasive species on area lakes. Eurasian Water Milfoil had not spread beyond the two Barnes area lakes where it was first detected. A minor study of the lakes in fall 2006 again indicated that the invasive species had not yet spread to other lakes. Thanks to dozens of volunteers the local boat landings were monitored regularly in the 2005 and 2006 seasons in an effort to educate the public about safe boat launching. Bold signs warning of the presence of invasive aquatic species were placed at key landings to further promote boaters’ awareness. But our volunteer team is growing weary and seems to be thinning out!!

We need your help in keeping our lakes clean. The Town of Barnes EWM Committee was able to secure a grant to fund a paid staff of boat landing monitors and a coordinator for the 2007 and 2008 seasons. However the grant does not provide all of the funds needed for the staffing. The grant provides money and is contingent on “work in kind” from area volunteers and matching funds from the Town of Barnes. The POA hopes to make a donation to the Town of Barnes to help offset these costs. Our goal in keeping volunteers involved and contributing to the funding is to ensure that the program can be ongoing, beyond 2008.

If you are unable to volunteer as a boat-landing monitor, please consider sponsoring a paid attendant. Many of us who now live in Barnes were part-time residents at one time. How we looked forward to Friday afternoon when we’d slip out of work a couple hours early and head to Barnes for the weekend. And those long weekends or vacation weeks that allowed us precious extra hours were so sweet. To volunteer those hours working at a boat landing may be just too much. Yet keeping the lakes free of Eurasian Water Milfoil protects the crystal clear water we enjoy…not to mention the monetary investment we all have in lakeshore ownership. In lieu of working as a volunteer, please consider being a EWM sponsor. Paid boat Landing Monitors earn $9 per hour and work 20 hours per weekend, 4 hours Friday night, 10 hours Saturday and 6 hours Sunday. A Full Weekend Sponsorship is $180, a Day Sponsorship is $90 and a Half-Day Sponsorship is $45. Property Owners Association, Inc. Barnes/Eau Claire Lakes Area now offers different levels of membership Property Owners Association is now non-profit, which means all your donations are tax deductible. You can sign up for EWM sponsorship on the Member ship form included with this newsletter. Thank you for your support. At the Property Owners meeting in July 2006, members passed a resolution allowing the Association Board to establish different levels of membership for 2007. As a follow-up to that resolution, the Board established four levels of membership as listed on the form below. Now that POA is a non-profit organization, all membership fees and contributions are tax deductible. Please use the enclosed form to renew you membership, selecting the level of your choice. You may also use the form to make additional contributions to the organization. You will receive a receipt for your membership and contributions for tax purposes.


Page 9 of 12 Name(s)

Home Residence


City State Zip

Phone Number Email Lake Area Residence

Nearest Lake

Address Zip

Phone Number Email

Membership Level – Check One Basic Membership - $20 Contributing Membership- $100 Sustaining Membership - $50 Patron Membership - $200

CBCW Sponsor Contribution Weekend Sponsor - $180 Half Day Sponsor - $45 Day Sponsor - $90 Other Amount- $______

Environmental Preservation Fund - $______

We are willing to help with these environmental protection projects:

Please make checks out to “Property Owners Association, Inc. Barnes/Eau Claire Lakes Area” and mail to Paul LaLiberte Treasurer Property Owners Association, Inc. Barnes/Eau Claire Lakes Area 13709 S. Fowler Circle Gordon, WI 54838 THANK YOU for your support of the Property Owners Association!

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We welcome your ideas on how the association can provide better services. These comments can be mailed to: Lee Wiesner, President Property Owners Association, Inc. Barnes/Eau Claire Lakes Area 49525 East Shore Road Barnes, WI 54873 or you may contact one of the board members shown below.

Property Owners Association, Inc. Barnes/Eau Claire Lakes Area Board of Directors

Board Member Phone E-Mail Address Number Barnes Don Seasonal 715-795-3014 [email protected] Carlson Ron Secretary Seasonal 715-376-4639 [email protected] Ekstrom Ingemar Vice President Permanent 715-795-2183 [email protected] Hall Leslie Permanent 715-795-2525 [email protected] Harkness Jon Permanent 715-376-2600 [email protected] Kromer Keith Seasonal 715-795-2228 [email protected] Kudlas John Permanent 715-795-2031 [email protected] Kulpa Carol Permanent 715-795-2260 [email protected] LaLiberte Paul Treasurer Permanent 715-376-4126 [email protected] Mueller Bart Seasonal 715-795-2101 [email protected] Romstad Barb Permanent 715-795-2008 [email protected] Wiesner Lee President Permanent 715-795-3156 [email protected]


Page 11 of 12 Return Address: Property Owners Advocate Property Owners Association, Inc. Barnes/Eau Claire Lakes Area 49525 East Shore Road Barnes, WI 54873

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