AGENDA ITEM 9.1.2: DRAFT INTER-AMERICAN PROPOSALS for WRC-15. (Document Submitted by The
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XXIII MEETING OF PERMANENT OEA/Ser.L/XVII.4.2 CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE II: CCP.II-RADIO/doc. 3693r1/14 RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS 3 October 201418 March 2014 INCLUDING BROADCASTING Original: English March 17 to 21, 2014 Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
AGENDA ITEM 9.1.2: DRAFT INTER-AMERICAN PROPOSALS FOR WRC-15 (Item on the Agenda: 3.1 (SGT4)) (Document submitted by the Coordinator)
SGT 4 – FSS and satellite regulatory issues
Coordinator: Mr. Jerry CONNER, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ([email protected])
Alternate Coordinator: Ms. Chantal BEAUMIER, CANADA ([email protected]) Mr. Ramiro ROBLEDO, MEXICO ([email protected])
Rapporteur Agenda Item: Mr. Hugo TRIVINO, COLOMBIA ([email protected])
Alternate Rapporteur Agenda Item: Ms. Chantal BEAUMIER, CANADA ([email protected])
0ec79ed0c33836ab4d733b1a62e33cad.doc 04.10.14 3 AGENDA ITEM 9.1 to consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since WRC-12;
AGENDA ITEM 9.1.2 Studies on possible reduction of the coordination arc and technical criteria used in application of No. 9.41 in respect of coordination under No. 9.7
[DOC 3484] WRC-12 reduced the coordination arc requirements in the 6/4 GHz and 14/10/11/12 GHz frequency bands under RR No. 9.7 for GSO FSS networks. As many administrations felt that additional reductions were warranted, WRC-12 adopted Resolution 756 (WRC-12), which invites the ITU-R to study whether additional reductions in the coordination arcs in Appendix 5 (Rev.WRC-12) are appropriate for the 6/4 GHz and 14/10/11/12 GHz frequency bands, and whether it is appropriate to reduce the coordination arc in the 30/20 GHz band. The results of studies at ITU-R WP 4A demonstrate that it is technically feasible to reduce the 6/4 GHz and 14/10/11/12 GHz coordination arc from 8º to 6º and 7º to 5º, respectively, while affording protection to satellite networks in at least 80% of all cases, which is the same technical criteria that was used for adopting the WRC-2000 coordination arcs. The results of these studies also indicate that a 2º reduction in the coordination arcs for the 6/4 GHz and 14/10/11/12 GHz frequency bands would reduce the number of networks identified by a coordination arc under RR No. 9.7 by 50% and 29%, respectively. Therefore, it is proposed that the coordination arcs in the 6/4 GHz and 14/10/11/12 GHz frequency bands be reduced from 8º to 6º and 7º to 5º, respectively.
APPENDIX 5 (Rev. WRC-1215)
Identification of Administrations with which coordination is to be effected or agreement sought under the provision of Article 9
TABLE 5-1 (REV.WRC-1215) Technical conditions for coordination (see Article 9)
MOD DIAP/ 9.1.2/1
Argentine Republic, Canada
[Antigua and Barbuda], [Bahamas (Commonwealth of the)], [Barbados], [Belize], [Bolivia (Plurinational State of)], [Brazil (Federative Republic of)], [Chile], [Colombia (Republic of)], [Costa Rica], [Dominica (Commonwealth of)], [Dominican Republic], [Ecuador], [El Salvador (Republic of)], [Grenada], [Guatemala (Republic of)], [Guyana], [Haiti (Republic of)], [Honduras (Republic of)], [Jamaica], [Mexico], [Nicaragua], [Panama (Republic of)], [Paraguay (Republic of)], [Peru], [Saint Lucia], [Saint Vincent and the Grenadines], [Saint Kitts and Nevis (Federation of)], [Suriname (Republic of)], [Trinidad and Tobago], [United States of America], [Uruguay (Eastern Republic of)], [Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)] Frequency bands Reference Calcula (and Region) of the service for of Case Threshold/condition tion Remarks which coordination Article 9 method is sought No. 9.7 A station in a satellite 1) 3 400-4 200 MHz i) Bandwidth overlap, and With respect to the space GSO/GSO network using the 5 725-5 850 MHz (Region 1) ii) any network in the fixed-satellite service services listed in the geostationary-satellite and (FSS) and any associated space operation threshold/condition column orbit (GSO), in any space 5 850-6 725 MHz functions (see No. 1.23) with a space in the bands in 1), 2), 3), 4), radiocommunication 7 025-7 075 MHz station within an orbital arc of 86° of the 5), 6), 7) and 8), an service, in a frequency nominal orbital position of a proposed administration may request, band and in a Region network in the FSS pursuant to No. 9.41, to be where this service is not included in requests for subject to a Plan, in 2) 10.95-11.2 GHz i) Bandwidth overlap, and coordination, indicating the respect of any other 11.45-11.7 GHz ii) any network in the FSS or broadcasting- networks for which the satellite network using 11.7-12.2 GHz satellite service (BSS), not subject to a value of T/T calculated by that orbit, in any space (Region 2) Plan, and any associated space operation the method in § and radiocommunication 12.2-12.5 GHz functions (see No. 1.23) with a space 3.2 of Appendix 8 exceeds service in a frequency (Region 3) station within an orbital arc of 75° of the 6%. When the Bureau, on band and in a Region 12.5-12.75 GHz (Regions 1 and nominal orbital position of a proposed request by an affected where this service is not 3) 12.7-12.75 GHz (Region 2) network in the FSS or BSS, not subject to administration, studies this subject to a Plan, with the and a Plan information pursuant to exception of the 13.75-14.5 GHz No. 9.42, the calculation coordination between method given in § earth stations operating in and 3.2 of Appendix 8 shall the opposite direction of be used transmission
0ec79ed0c33836ab4d733b1a62e33cad.doc 04.10.14 4 Reasons: Studies at ITU-R WP 4A have demonstrated that the proposed (2º) reductions will significantly reduce coordination requirements in the 6/4 GHz and 14/10/11/12 GHz bands, and will continue to provide protection for an acceptable number of satellite networks.
0ec79ed0c33836ab4d733b1a62e33cad.doc 04.10.14 4