The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the 5TH of March 2015 in the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Mayor Dale Sellers, C. Dennis Ekker, C. Celeste Sellers, and C. Chylene Whipple Employees: Maintenance Jeff Pei, Clerk Lisa Wells, and Treasurer Jessica Alvey Public in Attendance: Michael Naser and Curtis Nielson both with Ensign Engineering

Meeting to Order: Mayor Dale Sellers Pledge: Dale Sellers Prayer: Jessica Alvey

Approval of minutes: Motion to approve minutes of Jan 28th 2015 council meeting C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Celeste Sellers. Aye: All in attendance

Report of Officers:

Councilmember Chylene Whipple:

There was discussion regarding amending the budget to allow for the cost of putting a new roof on building #3 at the Affordable Housing. Council agreed to go ahead with plans to advertise for the roof repair. Approval was given to schedule the annual testing of the fire hydrants at all the town buildings. Supplies have been purchased for the Easter Egg Hunt. Travel Council will have the tear-off sheets ready for distribution in May. The oven needs to be repaired in apt #3. Also pricing will be looked at for a new washer and dryer for the additional laundry room, since the facility is at capacity. Draining of the water heater will be added to Jaron Jackson’s list of duties, done semi-annually. Councilmember Celeste Sellers: Nothing to report Councilmember Dennis Ekker: Nothing to report Mayor Dale Sellers: There was some discussion regarding economic development; possibility of a fly-in later this year. Also the mayor has heard some talk that Lyman wants one of Hanksville’s fire trucks. They will have to go through proper channels if that is there desire. Maintenance Jeff Pei: Bromide Mining’s meter has been installed and they will be billed for the cost of materials. Cows are on the park lawn again this year. The Pearson boys have requested service hours and Jeff will use them at the park if they show up. The equipment will be here next week, the trailer is already been delivered. The purchase of about 5 to 10 trees to replace the dead trees at the park was discussed. Treasurer Jessica Alvey: Revenue from the Affordable Housing is over budget so budget could be amended to allow for the expense of the new roof for apt #3. Jessica invited Nycole Durfey, Wayne County Travel Council and Michelle Coleman, Wayne County Economic Development to look at the old Sinclair with the intent to have a full-time information specialist hired by Wayne County. They did not respond to that request but she will continue to push

Page 1 of 2 that. Michelle Coleman gave Jessica information regarding a grant that is available to towns to help clean-up the town if it can be tied to economic development; such as sidewalks or flower planter boxes. Clerk Lisa Wells:  Bills were presented (see attached spreadsheet) There was discussion regarding a bill submitted for 16 hours of backhoe work. Council requested for Jeff Pei to get prior approval before hiring a backhoe operator or laborer to help with any job beyond his ability by himself.  Motion to approve bills for payment C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Dennis Ekker Aye: All in attendance.  Moving forward with a website for the town, hanksvilleutah.gov will be the web address. A letter was presented to the mayor for signature to make the request for a dotgov website. Freedom Kezos is working with the clerk to get the town site up and running and will charge us $15/hr.  Motion to accept the application from Charity Jackson for vacant council member seat C. Celeste Sellers; Second C. Dennis Ekker Aye: All in attendance. She will be sworn in at the April council meeting.  The hiring date was extended for the part-time maintenance worker until next council meeting since there were no applications submitted. Tabled items: NONE

New issues and Public Comments: (This agenda item was moved to first item) Ensign Engineering summary of comments: They are working on the application to submit to the Division of Drinking Water for grant money. This application will include the cost of increasing the water storage capacity by installing a new ½ million gallon tank to be filled from the Navajo Well and eliminate the need to depend on the 2 wells in town that are producing a higher level or arsenic than is acceptable, upgrade any 6” lines to 8” lines, repair the 1991 well house, and install new radio telemetry system. Funding from Division of Drinking Water could possibly approve at a minimum 50% grant 50% loan with 0% interest. There are other possibilities if the funding that is approved is not acceptable to the Town of Hanksville. They will provide a finished copy of GIS mapping of the water/sewer lines and eventually Ensign Engineering will provide an I pad with the software to access all the water/sewer lines, meters, etc. and will be able to be updated in the field and keep the system information current. Public Comment: NONE

MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Celeste Sellers; Second C. Chylene Whipple Aye: All in attendance

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm