Message from the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer 3
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Front page image: Celebrating 100 years of Maternal and Child Health service at Council’s Norwood Family and Children’s Hub
2 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 Message from the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer
On behalf of Maroondah City Council, we are pleased to present the proposed 2017/18 Budget to the Maroondah community.
The community’s vision as outlined in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together is the foundation from which Council shapes its long term plans for the municipality. Following extensive community and key stakeholder consultation this long term vision for the future of Maroondah was adopted in late 2014. The community aspirations and priorities are grouped into eight broad outcome areas that provide the structure for the new Maroondah City Council Plan 2017-2021 (Council Plan).
The Council Plan has been developed based on the community directions in Maroondah 2040 and a range of community consultation activities undertaken in recent months. The Council Plan sets the key directions and priority actions for the medium term to work towards the aspirations of the Maroondah community looking ahead to the year 2040. The community outcomes areas (Strategic Objectives) and 35 priority actions (Major Initiatives and Initiatives) are detailed in Section 1 of this document.
The Maroondah City Council budget for 2017/18 links to the achievement of the Council Plan as part of an integrated planning framework. The 2017/18 budget outlines the provision of financial resources for the next 12 months and details how these resources will be applied to meet the actions and initiatives detailed in the Council Plan, as well as delivering the more than 120 services and the extensive range of programs and activities that Council provides to the Maroondah community.
Budget Highlights
The 2017/18 budget contains 35 initiatives, including 15 major initiatives, as identified in the Council Plan. These initiatives will contribute to the achievement of the four-year Council Plan key directions and ultimately the preferred outcome as outlined in Maroondah 2040.
These actions are detailed in Section 1 as major initiatives or initiatives. Some major initiatives include:
• Commence construction to redevelop both the HE Parker Sporting Pavilion in Heathmont and the Silcock Sporting Pavilion in Croydon;
• Complete the design works, undertake operational readiness planning, and construct the new
HE Parker Multi Sports Complex;
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 3 • Create a new Croydon Town Square, including community engagement, completion of detailed design and construction;
• Continue the upgrade of drainage including flood mitigation works in Acacia Court catchment in Ringwood and the Scenic Avenue catchment in Ringwood East;
• Develop a climate change and risk mitigation strategy; and
• Work in partnership to implement intersection improvement works at the corner of Maroondah Highway and Dorset Road in Croydon North.
An extensive Capital Works Program of $24.254 million will be undertaken in 2017/18. This capital investment is funded by $1.774 million from external grants $0.160 million from contributions and $1.267 million from asset sales, and $23.953 million from Council operations and cash holdings.
Highlights of the 2017/18 Capital Works Program include:
Program $ Details (millions) Buildings $7.843 Community Facilities Building renewal ($1.898 million) – Council continues to maintain assets at a high standard to ensure our community has access to safe and appropriate facilities. The 2017/18 program includes work at Kurboroo Kindergarten, Maroondah Preschool, East Ringwood Senior Citizens Centre, Benson’s Pavilion, Wyreena Community Arts Centre, Bedford Park Scout Hall, and Quambee Sporting Pavilion. Commencement of construction of the HE Parker Multi Sports Complex 2017/18 ($1.00 million) and 2018/19 ($12.50 million) Renewal of ventilation systems at Community Facilities ($0.55 million) Upgrade and renewal of Sporting Facilities ($0.32 million) Community Facilities Improvements ($0.20 million) – to improve accessibility to Council facilities for people with disabilities
Roads $3.807 Road reseal works ($1.680 million) Reconstruction of Caroline Street Ringwood ($0.27 million) Kerb and channel replacement works ($0.64 million) Local area traffic management ($0.27 million)
Footpaths & $2.845 Footpath replacement works ($1.43 million) Cycleways Footpath construction program ($0.73 million)
4 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 Taralla Creek Trail improvement works ($0.10 million) Disability footpath access ($0.22 million)
Carparks $0.445 Carpark resealing ($0.26 million)
Drainage $2.440 Stormwater drainage infrastructure renewal including water sensitive urban design and streetscape works in Acacia Catchment Stage 5 in Ringwood ($0.55 million), Dublin Road drainage works ($0.13 million) and bank stabilisation and erosion protection works in Landau Drive Warranwood ($0.10 million).
Recreational, $2.346 Sports fields surface renovations – Jubilee Oval ($0.8 Leisure and million) Community Renewal of sports field lighting ($0.20 million) Facilities Netball and Tennis courts surfacing, including surfaces, lines, nets and fencing ($0.20 million)
Parks and Open $2.121 Playground renewal ($0.48 million) Space Croydon Town Square ($1.00 million) Reserve bridge replacement works ($0.20 million) Renewal of sports field lighting ($0.20 million)
The Local Government (Fair Go Rates) Act was passed by the Victorian Parliament in November 2015. The Act introduced a rate cap based on CPI plus or minus any adjustment, and allows for multiple caps to be set by the Minister for Local Government and variations to the cap should Councils obtain approval to raise rate revenue by a greater amount than that imposed by the cap.
The Minister for Local Government has determined that for 2017/18 the average property rate will rise by 2%. Maroondah City Council will not be seeking a variation to the rate cap.
As this is not a revaluation year, valuations will be as per the General Revaluation dated 1 January 2016 (as amended by supplementary valuations). The waste service charge incorporating kerbside collection and recycling will increase by 4%.
Further information on Rates and Charges can be found in Item 7 of this document.
Rate Cap Impact
Council will continue to manage the challenge of a rate capped environment through a discipline and thorough budget preparation process. The identification of savings and continuous review of services, combined with supplementary rate growth will assist in managing the challenges of rate capping. Council has aimed to manage this challenge without impacting the capital works program significantly, as it aims to continue meeting its annual asset renewal targets as well as providing a funding base that allows for new infrastructure delivery to the community.
In addition to the issue of a cap on rates, Maroondah also faces a range of other challenges, which include:
• Funding the renewal of infrastructure and community assets;
• Continued cost shifting from the Victorian State Government
• Continued population growth within the municipality;
• Funding expectations of enhanced service provision; and
• Reduction in funding from the Victorian Grants Commission.
Financial Sustainability
To ensure financial sustainability into the longer term, Council has aimed to generate sufficient revenue from operations to meet its financial obligations and to fund asset replacement and asset acquisitions.
6 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 The Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) has identified six financial sustainability risk indicators (over a five-year period) to assess the potential financial sustainability risks of Council’s. These ratios are outlined in Section 14.
In reviewing the input and assumptions in its Long Term Financial Strategy, Council was mindful of the outcomes in relation to the financial sustainability risk indicators. The predicted outcomes for Council indicate that the risk assessment criteria as advised by VAGO show favourable results across all indicators.
The 2017/18 budget sets the scene for Council’s continued long-term viability. One of the key measures of Council’s financial sustainability is the ability to maintain an underlying surplus over the longer term. Despite some significant external financial influences over which Council has no influence or control, Council has been able to achieve annual operating surpluses throughout the strategy period. This budget projects a surplus of $6.57 million for 2017/18, and the adjusted underlying result is a surplus of $4.57 million after adjusting for capital grants and contributions.
External Influences
In preparing the 2017/18 budget, several external influences have been taken into consideration because they will impact significantly on the services delivered by Council in the budget period when compared to the 2016/17 budget. These include:
• The Victorian State Government has introduced a cap on average property rate increases from 2016/17. The cap for 2017/18 has been set at 2% (2016/17: 2.5%);
• Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Victoria is forecast to be 2% for the 2017/18 year (Victorian Department of Treasury & Finance 2016/17 Budget update);
• The Victorian Wage Price Index is projected to be 2.5% in 2017/18;
• Increase of 2% (or $1.24 per tonne) in the levy payable to the Victorian Government upon disposal of waste into landfill. The levy has increased from $9 per tonne in 2008/09 to $63.27 per tonne in 2017/18 (703% increase in 9 years) and has added an estimated $1.14 million to Council’s costs
• The Fire Services Property Levy will continue to be collected by Council on behalf of the Victorian Government under the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012;
• An overall increase in total capital grants & contributions to be received of $0.51 million, including Federal funding for HE Parker Multi Sports Complex of $1.0 million and a decrease in the Roads to Recovery program of $0.47 million;
• The Federal Government announced in its 2014/15 Budget that it would pause indexation of the total national pool of financial assistance grants to local government for three years (2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17). This indexation pause and changes to expectations regarding population growth mean a reduction of $0.73 million in financial assistance grants is anticipated for the 2017/18 period.
• Ongoing cost shifting. This is where Local Government provides a service to the community on behalf of the State/Federal Government. Over time the funds received by local governments either reduce, disappear, or do not increase in line with real cost increases.
• Utility costs (electricity, gas and water) continue to increase higher than CPI;
• Public Open Space contributions are forecast to remain at 2016/17 levels of $3.2 million.
As well as external influences, there are also several internal influences which are expected to have a significant impact on the 2017/18 budget. These are set out below:
• Depreciation is a major influence on the budget as it appears as a cost against the Comprehensive Income Statement. Depreciation for 2017/18 is $21.08 million;
• Development of the Croydon Town Square, including community engagement, completion of detailed design and construction works;
• Preparation and implementation of a new Maroondah Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017- 2021;
• A municipal wide review of Council’s neighbourhood character and heritage controls
• Continuation of the construction of Lincoln Road, Croydon, east of Dorset Road;
• Development of a Female Participation Strategy for physical activity $0.01 million.
This budget has been developed through a rigorous process of consultation and review and Council endorses it as a balanced, sustainable and responsible platform to ensure enhanced services, protection of Council’s $1.5 billion in net assets, the delivery of extensive capital projects, a surplus of $6.57 million, and a financially prudent future for our community.
Cr Tony Dib Mr Steve Kozlowski Mayor Chief Executive Officer
10 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 Section 1 – Budget Reports
The following reports include all statutory disclosures of information and are supported by the analysis contained in section 8 to 15 of this report.
This section includes the following reports and statements in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989 and the Local Government Model Financial Report.
1. Links to Council Plan
2. Services and Service Indicators
3. Financial Statements
4. Financial Performance Indicators
5. Grants and Borrowings
6. Detailed List of Capital Works
7. Rates and Charges
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 11 1. Link to the Council Plan
This section describes how the Annual Budget links to the achievement of the Council Plan as part of an integrated planning framework. This framework guides the Council in identifying community needs and aspirations over the long term (Maroondah 2040 Community Vision), medium term (Council Plan 2017-2021) and short term (Service Delivery Plans and Annual Budget) and then holding itself accountable (Annual Report and Audited Statements).
1.1 Council Planning and Performance Framework
Council’s strategic documents are linked to an Integrated Planning Framework. Council’s Integrated Planning Framework ensures that all of Council’s activities and financial resources are aligned in order to meet the aspirations, needs and expectations of the Maroondah community. The framework ensures a clear linkage between community needs and aspirations, vision, strategies, policies and the day-to-day activities of Council.
Figure 1: Maroondah City Council’s Integrated Planning Framework
12 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 This framework is underpinned by the shared long term community vision outlined in Maroondah 2040: Our Future Together, which was developed and then adopted in 2014 in conjunction with the community. The community aspirations and priorities for the future of Maroondah have been grouped into eight broad outcome areas that provide the structure for the Council Plan 2017-2021 (Council Plan). These community outcome areas comprise:
A safe, healthy and active community A prosperous and learning community A vibrant and culturally rich community A clean, green and sustainable community An accessible and connected community An attractive, thriving and well-built community An inclusive and diverse community A well governed and empowered community
The strategic direction through Maroondah 2040, the Council Plan, and the Long Term Financial Strategy has resulted in detailed service delivery plans across each of Council’s service areas. These plans are reviewed annually to meet community needs and expectations.
The framework both feeds into and is supported by a number of other key planning documents – in particular Council’s annual budget, legislated plans and strategies and a broad range of supporting strategies and policies adopted by Council.
To ensure Council has the capacity to work towards the achievement of the Maroondah 2040 Community Vision, a Long Term Financial Strategy has been prepared to guide the financial resources of Council over the next 10 years. This strategy is updated annually.
In response to the Long Term Financial Strategy, a medium-term strategic resource plan is included within the Council Plan to provide a framework for Council’s financial, physical and human resources over the next four years. This Strategic Resource Plan outlines the allocation of resources to work on the key directions and priority actions outlined in the Council Plan.
From the Strategic Resource Plan evolves an Annual Budget that provides specific targets in relation to financial resources for the next financial year and a framework to ensure strategies and commitments are transformed into ‘on the ground’ results. The Annual Budget specifies goals against which Council can measure its progress and performance whilst also articulating sources of revenue and how that revenue is spent in delivering services to the community.
Our Community Vision Maroondah will be a vibrant and diverse city with a healthy and active community, living in green leafy neighbourhoods, which are connected to thriving and accessible activity centres contributing to a prosperous economy within a safe, inclusive and sustainable environment.
Organisational vision To deliver on our Maroondah 2040 Community Vision, Maroondah City Council should be an organisation that: • Applies best practice in all that we do. We should be aware of how other organisations conduct their business and ensure we adopt the most practicable approaches/methods that are possible. • Is a recognised leader in the local government sector. We should strive to set an example to others in innovation, service delivery, governance, performance and advocacy. • Easily retains and attracts high quality employees. We should ensure that our reputation and employee practices are second to none. • Fosters continuous improvement and innovation. We should encourage new ideas and changes to processes that are capable of improving our efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery and outcomes. • Is transformational. We should acknowledge that by striving to meet the aspirations of Maroondah 2040, our organisation's work will change the look and feel of the Maroondah community. • Is nimble, flexible and sustainable. We should ensure that we are proactive in identifying and planning for change and implement actions that endure. • Is outwardly focused. We should focus on community outcomes, working together in partnership with State and Regional bodies, local stakeholders and the Maroondah Community.
Our Mission Maroondah City Council will be an effective and dynamic leader, working in partnership with the community, business and other spheres of government to foster quality, accessible and sustainable lifestyles for the community.
Our Workplace Values Co-operation Working together and sharing knowledge to achieve common goals and agreed outcomes.
Commitment Leading by example to achieve the best results for the community and the organisation.
Communication Sharing information and ideas at all levels, the community and the Council.
Continuous Improvement and Innovation Consistently finding better ways of delivering service and value.
14 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 1.3 Community Outcome Areas (Strategic Objectives)
The Council Plan articulates eight community outcome areas (strategic objectives), each with a set of four-year key directions (strategies), annual priority actions, Council Plan indicators (strategic indicators) and supporting strategies and plans. The priority actions (major initiatives) work towards the achievement of the key directions, and ultimately the outcome areas and vision outlined in Maroondah 2040.
Council delivers services and initiatives under 13 major service areas. Each contributes to the achievement of the future outcome areas as set out in Maroondah 2040 and Council Plan. The Annual Budget converts these services and initiatives into financial terms to ensure that there are sufficient resources for their achievement. The following table lists the eight community outcome areas as described in the Council Plan.
Outcome Area Vision Statements
1. A safe, healthy and In 2040, Maroondah is a safe, healthy and active community with local active community opportunities provided for people of all ages and abilities to have high levels of social, emotional and physical wellbeing. 2. A prosperous and In 2040, Maroondah is a thriving centre of economic activity and learning community opportunity within the eastern region where the sustainability and growth of local businesses is supported. All community members, groups, education providers and local businesses have access to a wide range of quality learning resources and facilities. 3. A vibrant and In 2040, Maroondah is a creative cosmopolitan community recognised culturally rich for its celebration and promotion of arts and culture. There are a broad community range of engaging entertainment options, diverse cultural activities and the creation and display of contemporary and traditional forms of art. 4. A clean, green and In 2040, Maroondah is a leafy green community with high levels of sustainable waste diversion and sustainable approaches to infrastructure community development, urban design and management of natural resources. Our community is resilient and has the knowledge, capacity and resources to make sustainable lifestyle choices. 5. An accessible and In 2040, Maroondah is an accessible community for all ages and connected abilities with walkable neighbourhoods, effective on and off-road community transport networks, and access to a range of sustainable transport options. 6. An attractive, thriving In 2040, Maroondah is a leafy green community with high quality urban and well built form and infrastructure that meets the needs and aspirations of all community ages and abilities. A diverse range of housing options are available and thriving activity centres provide a broad range of facilities and services to meet community needs. The character of local neighbourhoods continues to be maintained while also accommodating population growth. 7. An inclusive and In 2040, Maroondah is an inclusive community where social diverse connections are strong across generations and diversity is embraced community and celebrated. 8. A well governed and In 2040, Maroondah is an effectively empowered community that is empowered actively engaged in Council decision making through processes that community ensure their voice is heard and considered. Council provides strong and responsive leadership, ensures transparent processes and works
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 15 with the community to advocate and champion their needs.
16 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 2. Services and Service Performance Indicators
Working towards the Vision outlined in Maroondah 2040 and the achievement of the future outcomes (strategic objectives), we will continue to plan, deliver and improve high quality, cost effective, accessible and responsive services. The services, initiatives, major initiatives (priority actions) and service performance indicators for each service area are described in the following section.
2.1 Outcome Area (Strategic Objective) 1: A safe, healthy and active community
Area Description of services provided Expenditure (Revenue) Net Cost $'000 Children’s Services Council provides a range of Children’s Services including 1,688 Family Day Care, Occasional Care and Vacation Care (851) programs. Council also owns 19 kindergarten facilities 837 that are leased to local committees of management with some sites operated by a Kindergarten Cluster Manager (Best Chance) to deliver programs for three and four- year-old children living in Maroondah. Council also funds a central enrolment scheme for children attending kindergarten and the Children's Services team is involved in many events and capacity building activities for educators in the municipality. Community Health The City of Maroondah has a comparatively healthy 1,824 Services community, residing in a clean and safe environment. (591) 1,233 Council plays an instrumental role protecting and promoting the health and wellbeing of the community through education and prevention strategies while supporting sustainable safe environments. A broad range of proactive and reactive activities are undertaken to reduce public health risks that include the registration and assessment of food and health businesses, statutory food and water sampling, communicable disease investigations, preventative health services and advice that include Immunisation Services and general health promotion activities. Council manages emergencies in accordance with the legislation in the Emergency Management Act and the Emergency Management Manual of Victoria. Council is responsible for the planning, preparation, training and exercising of emergency processes and works collaboratively across the region to improve consistency in operations. Community Planning This team facilitates community planning and community 1,280 and Development development activities across the city. Areas covered (133) include: community wellbeing, disability advocacy, social 1,147 research, community safety, and on-the-ground community development activities.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 17 18 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 Area Description of services provided
Maroondah Leisure This area provides a broad range of services, activities and facilities to meet the needs of Maroondah’s diverse community. The service area provides support, management and operation of Council’s major leisure facilities, including Aquahub, Aquanation, Croydon Memorial Pool, Dorset and Ringwood Golf and The Rings. The service area also has a strong focus on service co-ordination and policy development. Maternal and Child Health Services The Maternal and Child Health service is a state-wide universal service for families with children from birth to school age. The service is delivered at seven Maternal and Child Health centres across the municipality and is provided in partnership with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Council also provides an enhanced service focusing on children, mothers and families at risk of poor health and community wellbeing outcomes. In addition, the Maroondah program includes, a lactation service, early parenting program, a dad’s program, a Burmese families program, and an extensive needs- based parenting education group program. Sport and Recreation This service area supports and encourages community involvement in physical activity via direct and indirect service provision through: Casual and Seasonal allocation of sports fields and pavilions; Community Facilities Tenancy agreement development and management; Events and Festivals; Direct service provision, support and advice for community based events; Community sporting liaison and advocacy; Capital works project planning and co-ordination; Promotion of participation in physical activity; Information dissemination and direct liaison with leisure groups; Leisure planning and policy development; Facility management of 72 community buildings and Club development initiatives. Sports and Projects This function provides maintenance of Council parks and gardens, sports fields and playgrounds which includes grass mowing and maintenance of landscaped areas within the municipality
Major Initiatives (Priority Actions)
1) Commence construction of the Jubilee Sporting Pavilion redevelopment (Subject to external funding)
2) Commence construction of the $2.0m HE Parker Sporting Pavilion redevelopment
3) Complete the design works, undertake operational readiness planning, and construct the $13.5m HE Parker Multi Sports Complex
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 19 4) Prepare and commence implementation of a new Maroondah Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017- 2021
5) Commence construction of the $2.5m Silcock Sporting Pavilion redevelopment in Croydon
6) Develop a Gender Equity Policy/Statement
7) Finalise a new Gaming Policy and commence preparation of a planning scheme amendment to incorporate the policy into the Maroondah Planning scheme
8) Undertake works to implement CCTV in Croydon Town Centre, including detailed design and documentation, along with the supply and installation of cameras
9) Participate in the South East Melbourne Council’s Alliance (SEMCA) Alcohol Density Project to strengthen decision making capabilities of Councils regarding packaged liquor outlets
10) Commence sportsfield reconstruction works at Jubilee Park in Ringwood
Service Performance Indicators
Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation Aquatic Utilisation Utilisation of aquatic facilities (the Number of visits to aquatic Facilities number of visits to aquatic facilities facilities / Municipal population per head of municipal population) Food Health Critical and major non-compliance Number of critical and major Safety And outcome notifications (percentage non-compliance outcome Safety of critical and major non- notifications about a food compliance outcome notifications premises followed up / Total that are followed up by Council) number of critical and major non-compliance outcome notifications about food premises Maternal Participation Defined as the percentage of Number of children who and Child children enrolled who participate in attend the MCH service at Health the MCH service least once (in the year) / Number of children enrolled in the MCH service Maternal Participation Defined as the percentage of Number of Aboriginal children and Child Aboriginal children enrolled who who attend the MCH service at Health participate in the MCH service least once (in the year) / Number of Aboriginal children enrolled in the MCH service
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 21 2.2 Outcome Area (Strategic Objective) 2: A prosperous and learning community
Services Expenditure (Revenue) Area Description of services provided Net Cost $'000 Business Support The business support function of Council incorporates 862 business support, employment development, business (186) investment and local business capacity building. Business 676 support assists businesses with their development by providing workshops, networking and training opportunities. Employment development seeks to promote an environment where employment opportunities are stimulated and more jobs are created through linkages and initiatives with key local stakeholders (employment providers, training organisations, businesses and community organisations). The team also seeks to encourage and facilitate business investment, and enhance the capability of existing businesses to grow and expand locally. BizHub also provides many opportunities to collaborate and network as part of the activated co-working space. Major Projects The major projects function delivers specialist planning, 97 architectural, project management, urban design, (0) communications and engagement services. The major 97 projects function serves to steward responsible, sustainable, environmental and social improvements for the Ringwood Metropolitan Activities Centre and other key locations across Maroondah. Libraries Maroondah City Council provides two library facilities – 2,715 one in Ringwood and one in Croydon. The library (0) service is delivered under a regional partnership model 2,715 by Eastern Regional Libraries Corporation.
Realm Realm - The Ringwood Library Learning and Cultural 793 Centre is Council’s flagship civic building incorporating a (55) Council service centre, library, an art space, the Centre 738 for Regional Knowledge and Innovation and BizHub business resource centre. REALM is an integral and key element to the Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre and is integrated with the Eastland development Town Square and is connected to the Ringwood Station public transportation hub. The facility focusses on the creative, educational and prosperous development of Maroondah by strengthening the Eastern regions’ knowledge base, inspiring lifelong learning, encouraging cultural and civic participation and promoting innovation and entrepreneurial excellence.
22 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 Major Initiatives (Priority Action)
11) Work in partnership to finalise development of the Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre Masterplan
12) Undertake pedestrian and vehicle access improvement works at Heathmont Shopping Precinct - Canterbury Road, Heathmont
13) Commence Regional Service Partnerships at Realm
14) Work in partnership to implement the Bayswater / Bayswater North Industrial Precinct Strategy
15) Work in partnership to facilitate appropriate development within the Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre and Croydon Activity Centre
Service Performance Indicators
Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation Libraries Participation Number of active library Number of active library members (percentage of the members / Total municipal municipal population that are population active library members)
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 23 2.3 Outcome Area (Strategic Objective) 3: A vibrant and culturally rich community
Services Expenditure (Revenue) Area Description of services provided Net Cost $'000 Arts and Cultural Arts and Cultural Development leads a wide range of 1,354 Development creative opportunities across Maroondah, ensuring it is (313) culturally rich and vibrant in line with the community's 1,041 aspirations. The unit develops, presents and promotes dynamic and exciting arts programming for all ages and abilities within high calibre arts venues including ArtSpace at Realm, Maroondah Access Gallery and Wyreena Community Arts Centre. All art forms are included, from visual arts to music, from performance to digital media. Nationally significant art exhibitions and the McGivern Painting Prize valued at $25,000 bring highly skilled artists and a wide range of visitors to Maroondah from across the eastern region and beyond. Workshops, classes, events and networking programmes respond to local community needs, while the Grants program supports a diverse range of community initiatives. The Unit manages the Maroondah City Art Collection and the Public Art Program, which enhance Council's facilities and add value to the outdoor and built environment. Karralyka Centre Karralyka is a premier theatre and function centre in 2,626 Melbourne's eastern suburbs and the only such facility of this (2,409) size in Maroondah. The theatre has a seating capacity of 430 217 and delivers a season of theatre for the community, including Morning Melodies, children's theatre and drama workshops, comedy, musical and dramatic performances. Karralyka partners with local theatre groups to promote and develop performing arts in the community. The theatre generates positive demand as a ‘venue for hire’, and regularly hosts local school and corporate performances and seminars. Karralyka is a flexible function and conference venue with a total capacity for 550 seated guests. Karralyka manages its food and beverage operations in-house. The kitchen facilities at Karralyka are also used to prepare food for Council’s Meals on Wheels service.
Major Initiatives (Priority Actions)
16) Create a new Croydon Town Square, including community engagement, completion of detailed design and construction
17) Implement innovative and engaging arts events and outcomes in Ringwood Town Square arts precinct
24 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 2.4 Outcome Area (Strategic Objective) 4: A clean, green and sustainable community
Services Expenditure (Revenue) Area Description of services provided Net Cost $'000 Bushland and Weed This function maintains over 50 bushland reserves, which 2,012 Management involves proactively supporting biodiversity and maintaining (0) appropriate fire breaks. The team also works closely and 2,012 proactively with Council’s bush reserves ‘Friends of Groups’ to support and assist with the maintenance of Bushland Reserves. Tree and Park The tree and park maintenance team maintains Council 5,681 Maintenance managed parks and gardens including proactive and reactive (20) maintenance of landscaped areas, grass mowing, 5,661 programmed tree planting in streets and reserves, and power lines clearance management. Waste Management The waste management team provides residential and 12,195 commercial waste services to the Maroondah community, (450) including public recycling bins, street litter bins, parks and 11,745 reserves bins and Council facilities bins. The team manages the contracts for kerbside collection, receipt and sorting, green organics, land fill supply and hard waste contracts. Services also include on-call hard waste collection, a schools and community waste education program, and planning to meet future waste management needs.
Major Initiatives (Priority Actions)
18) Develop a Climate Change and Risk Mitigation Strategy
19) Finalise the Maroondah Vegetation Review
20) Commence implementation of the Eastern Organics Contract
21) Undertake preliminary works to rehabilitate the waterway and infrastructure at Yanggai Barring in Warranwood
22) Undertake a major upgrade of the playground at Ringwood Lake Park
Service Performance Indicators
Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation Waste Waste Kerbside collection waste Weight of recyclables and green Collection Diversion diverted from landfill (percentage organics collected from kerbside of garbage, recyclables and bins / Total weight of garbage, green organics collected from recyclables and green organics kerbside bins that is diverted to collected from kerbside bins landfill)
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 25 2.5 Outcome Area (Strategic Objective) 5: An accessible and connected community
Services Expenditure (Revenue) Area Description of services provided Net Cost $'000 Asset Management This team provides a range of functions including strategic 2,074 asset management; implementation and development of (46) Council’s corporate asset and works management system; 2,028 management of all corporate data relating to Council’s assets; and cyclical proactive inspections of Council’s assets in accordance with Council’s Road Management Plan. The team also develops Council’s annual capital works program relating to roads, car parks, laneways, shared paths, stormwater drainage and building assets. Engineering Services The team delivers the engineering related component of 13,507 Council’s Capital Works Program including management of (276) design consultants, the tendering and contract process, and 13,231 the supervision of construction works. Engineering Services also provides professional advice and technical expertise in the areas of traffic investigations and strategic transportation issues, stormwater drainage investigations and flood management strategy, and private subdivisions and developments, including approval of engineering plans for developments and supervision of works relating to all developments.
Major Initiatives (Priority Actions)
23) Work in partnership to implement intersection improvement works at the corner of Maroondah Highway and Dorset Road in Croydon North
24) Advocate for grade separation of the Lilydale railway line at Coolstore Road in Croydon
25) Commence Hughes Park carpark improvement works
26) Accelerate Council's footpath construction program
27) Advocate to the Commonwealth and Victorian Government for provision of new and upgraded major transportation infrastructure in Maroondah; including freeway connections, upgrade to arterial roads and intersections, and major public transport enhancements
26 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 2.6 Outcome Area (Strategic Objective) 6: An attractive, thriving and well built community
Services Expenditure (Revenue) Area Description of services provided Net Cost $'000 Building Services This team ensures compliance of existing and proposed 1,222 buildings with the Building Act and regulations, and also (359) provides advice on variations to Building Regulations and 863 swimming pool/spa safety barriers, building permits and inspections. Construction This team provides pro-active and reactive maintenance of 7,268 Maintenance Council’s infrastructure assets including roads, footpaths and (272) drains. Construction maintenance provides pro-active 6,996 cleaning of all drainage pits within road reserves and programmed street sweeping. Statutory Planning Council has the responsibility for delivering town planning 2,585 land use and development advice and assessments to (4,389) diverse residential and commercial communities. These (1,804) residential and commercial land uses are set in a unique urban environment with high levels of amenity protected by various landscape and environmental controls as set out in the Maroondah Planning Scheme. The role of statutory planning is to manage and consult with the community on changes and ensure that such changes are to the social, environmental and economic betterment of the City. $3.2m income is restricted for Public Open Space. Strategic Planning and This function carries oversight of the Maroondah Planning 1,738 Sustainability Scheme and associated land use controls. It influences the (440) physical development of Maroondah to secure the most 1,298 efficient and effective use of land in the public interest and to ensure facilities such as roads, schools and libraries are built where they are needed. This function also assists with the development and implementation of strategic transport policies and strategy with a focus on sustainable transport services and the travel needs of the community. This area also includes the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA) which is a formal collaboration of seven Councils in Melbourne’s east, working together on regional programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and facilitate regional adaptation.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 27 Major Initiatives (Priority Actions)
28) Continue the upgrade of drainage including flood mitigation works in Acacia Court catchment in Ringwood and the Scenic Avenue catchment in Ringwood East
29) Upgrade Lincoln Road, east of Dorset Road
30) Undertake a municipal wide review of Council’s neighbourhood character and heritage controls
31) Develop a Council policy on affordable and social housing
Service Performance Indicators
Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation Statutory Decision Council planning decisions upheld Number of VCAT decisions that Planning making at VCAT (percentage of planning did not set aside council's application decisions subject to decision in relation to a planning review by VCAT and that were application / Number of VCAT upheld in favour of Council) decisions in relation to planning applications Roads Satisfaction Satisfaction with sealed local Community satisfaction rating roads (community satisfaction out of 100 with how Council has rating out of 100 with how performed on the condition of Council has performed on the sealed local roads condition of sealed local roads)
28 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 2.7 Outcome Area (Strategic Objective) 7: An inclusive and diverse community
Services Expenditure (Revenue) Area Description of services provided Net Cost $'000 Aged and Disability Services provided by Council include the Home and 7,636 Services Community Care Program (HACC), which includes Intake (5,925) and Assessment; Domestic Assistance (home care); 1,711 Personal Care; Respite Care; Food Services (Meals on Wheels); Supported Residential Services program; Planned Activity Group; and Property Maintenance services to HACC eligible residents. The HACC program aims to support frail older people, and people with a disability and their carers, to maximise their independence by supporting them to remain at home and stay connected to their community. Aged and Disability Services also provide Social Support activities, facilitate Carer Support Groups and provide support to Senior Citizens and Older Persons Groups. Youth Services Youth Services’ mission is to empower and support 845 Maroondah’s young people to reach their full potential. Youth (170) Services provides a wide range of high quality services to 675 young people aged 12-25 years and also plays an important role in improving outcomes through facilitation and advocacy. Youth Services works closely with service providers, schools and specialist youth services, such as mental health, drug & alcohol, housing and family services to improve outcomes for young people. Direct services provided by Youth Services include youth participation; personal development; social and recreation programs; youth events; and information, support and referral via EV's Youth Centre in Croydon and elsewhere throughout the community. Youth Services also provides a range of resources for young people including the Maroondah Youth Services website and social networking pages and the Maroondah Youth Card. Youth Services also plays a key role in the development and co-ordination of the Maroondah youth service system, by facilitating networks, coordinating or participating in sector projects, providing funds for programs through School Focused Youth Service, and providing resources for workers.
Major Initiatives (Priority Actions)
32) Monitor the federal National Disability Insurance Scheme and My Aged Care reform agenda and implement transitional arrangements for relevant areas of Council service delivery
33) Develop a Female Participation Strategy for physical activity
34) Investigate and implement additional female changing facilities at local sporting venues
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 29 2.8 Outcome Area (Strategic Objective) 8: A well governed and empowered community
Services Expenditure (Revenue) Area Description of services provided Net Cost $'000 Communications and This team has both a corporate and an operational 1,741 Marketing responsibility for the management of public relations, (0) communications and marketing for Maroondah City Council 1,741 to promote the work and achievements of Council and keep the community informed and engaged. It provides a range of services including publications, advertising and newsletters; communication and advocacy campaigns; management of Council’s e-Communications, including website, intranet and social media; Council branding, corporate identity and marketing; internal communications; and development of style guides and related policies. This area also includes the Elected Representatives being the Mayor and Councillors. Contracts and This function assists Council’s Service Areas in the 332 Purchasing purchasing of goods and services through the strategic (0) development and co-ordination of the purchasing, tendering 332 and contract management processes.
Council Planning This function oversees the integrated planning and delivery of 206 Council activities in accordance with organisational goals, (0) objectives and budgets. In particular, the Council Planning 206 function coordinates the preparation of the Council Plan, the Annual Report, the service delivery planning process and the development, monitoring and review of the Maroondah 2040 Community Vision. Customer Service The customer service team manages and operates 1,976 Council’s 1300 Call Centre and three service centres: in (0) Braeside Avenue Ringwood, Croydon Civic Square, and 1,976 REALM adjacent to the Town Square as part of Eastland. The team provides information and referral on Council services, booking services for a number of local facilities and Council services, referral of customer requests, and cash receipting for payment of accounts and fees.
30 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 Expenditure (Revenue) Area Description of services provided Net Cost $'000 Executive Office The Chief Executive Officer is in charge of total 505 management of the Council and responsible for high (0) level decisions regarding policy and strategy and is the 505 main point of communication between Council and corporate operations. This area also provides support for the Eastern Regional group of Councils. Facilities Maintenance This function provides Council with a centralised approach to 5,886 all issues relating to Council buildings, including programmed (10) maintenance and capital works. In addition, the team works 5,876 closely with the users and managers of Council facilities on all aspects of buildings, including risk management. Financial Services This team provides sound financial management that 1,983 complies with legislative requirements, and also ensures that (104) planning and budgeting activities meet Maroondah’s vision 1,879 and the long term financial sustainability of Council. The core services include: accounts payable, financial accounting (including reconciliations, financial accounts and statutory returns), management accounting (including annual budget, monitoring and reporting) and strategic project analysis. Governance & This team provides administration and civic support to 1,683 Corporate Information Councillors, develops Council agendas and minutes, (83) organises citizenship ceremonies, ensures Council-wide 1,600 statutory compliance and provides governance advice to Council. The team also manages hall-keeping, meeting rooms and catering at the Council offices. This function is responsible for the practical application of the full range of services associated with the corporate recordkeeping system which include mail processing, systems management and file movement, archival and retrieval.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 31 Expenditure (Revenue) Area Description of services provided Net Cost $'000 Human Resources The service provides organisational employee support 2,921 including employee selection and recruitment; induction; job (3) design and analysis; remuneration and benchmarking; 2,918 employment contracts management; and advisory services for both internal and external candidates seeking employment opportunities within Council. Management of Council’s safety management system includes; reviewing and updating OH&S policies; OH&S training; hazard identification; inspections and reporting; and OH&S consultative processes; and advisory services for the community, particularly relating to OH&S requirements for Council’s facilities and buildings. Employee engagement, workforce planning, corporate change management and process improvement activities are also undertaken. The Payroll team manages payroll systems and processes, remuneration services, reporting and policy development and review. Workcover and Injury management involves management of rehabilitation and the return to work program, management of the employee assistance program, management of employees’ health and wellbeing initiatives, and development of associated policies. Workplace relations manage enterprise agreement negotiation and award interpretation; provides employee and industrial relations advice; and supports employment contract management. Information This team provides most of its support and services to 3,745 Technology internal Council employees. It provides indirect benefits to the (0) community by providing information technology infrastructure 3,745 and systems to all Council teams to enable efficient and effective service delivery. Also provided is the back-end technical support for Council’s websites; provides the ability for electronic transactions to take place through Council’s eServices; and a public online mapping system for the community to access via Council’s website. Local Laws The Local Laws team provides a broad range services to 3,761 ensure the amenity, function and safety of the City is (2,341) maintained to a high standard. The activities include the 1,420 registration and management of domestic animals; ensuring the management of safe and accessible car parking; protection of resident and business amenity and safety; ensuring fire preparedness and prevention; and managing the City’s school crossings.
32 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 Expenditure (Revenue) Area Description of services provided Net Cost $'000 Revenue, Property This team provides, develops and implements revenue 1,749 and Valuations policy and strategy development, the annual rating (594) strategy, statutory declarations and notices, and rate 1,155 and charge generation. The function undertakes general property valuations, supplementary rating valuations, non-rating valuations, and reviews of the rateability of properties. The team also issues rate notices, develops revenue projections, manages concessions, leads Council’s debt recovery and manages the property database. Risk Management This team oversees the implementation of the risk 1,129 framework across Council, the development of risk (4) treatment plans and administration of the risk register. 1,125 The function also provides risk management advice and training to Council service areas. Mitigation of Council’s liability is achieved through effective claims management. This team also maintains appropriate insurance cover for insurable assets and liabilities.
35) Progress Council’s innovative digital services transformation
Service Performance Indicators
Service Indicator Performance Measure Computation Governance Satisfaction Satisfaction with Council decisions Community satisfaction (community satisfaction rating out rating out of 100 with the of 100 with how Council has performance of Council in performed in making decisions in making decisions in the the interest of the community) interest of the community Animal Health and Animal management prosecutions Number of successful Management Safety (number of successful animal animal management management prosecutions) prosecutions
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 33 2.9 Performance Statement
The service performance indicators detailed in the preceding pages will be reported on within the Performance Statement which is prepared at the end of the year as required by Section 132 of the Act and included in the 2017/18 Annual Report. The Performance Statement will also include reporting on prescribed indicators of financial performance (outlined in section 4) and sustainable capacity, which are not included in this budget report. The full set of prescribed performance indicators are audited each year by the Victorian Auditor General who issues an audit opinion on the Performance Statement. The major initiatives (priority actions) detailed in the preceding pages will be reported in the Annual Report in the form of a statement of progress in the report of operations.
2.10 Reconciliation with budgeted operating result
Net Cost Expenditure Revenue $’000 $’000 $’000 A safe, healthy and active community 11,310 31,840 20,530 A prosperous and learning community 4,226 4,467 241 A vibrant and culturally rich community 1,258 3,980 2,722 A clean, green and sustainable community 19,418 19,888 470 An accessible and connected community 15,259 15,581 322 An attractive, thriving and well built community 7,353 12,813 5,460 An inclusive and diverse community 2,386 8,481 6,095 A well governed and empowered community 24,478 27,617 3,139 Total services and initiatives 85,688 124,667 38,979 Other non-attributable 93 Deficit before funding sources 85,781 Funding sources Rates and charges 84,801 Funding Assistance 4,608 Capital grants 1,934 Interest 1,028 Total funding sources 92,371 Surplus for the year 6,590
(Note: This reconciles to the budgeted Comprehensive Result from Operations as shown on the Comprehensive Income Statement included in Section 3)
34 | MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 3. Financial Statements
This section presents information regarding the Budgeted Financial Statements. The budget information for the years 2017/18 to 2020/21 has been extracted from the Long Term Financial Strategy. A Statement of Human Resources is also included for the years 2017/18 to 2020/21.
At the end of each financial year Council is required to report back to the community a comparison of actual financial results against these Budgeted Financial Statements and provide an explanation of significant variances. The Financial Statements together with the Performance Statement provide a clear, concise and understandable report of Council’s activities for the year from both a financial and non-financial perspective, particularly for those users who do not have a financial background.
The section includes the following budgeted information:
Comprehensive Income Statement Balance Sheet Statement of Changes in Equity Statement of Cash Flow Statement of Capital Works Statement of Human Resources
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 35 Comprehensive Income Statement For the period 2016/17 - 2020/21 Forecast Budget Forecast Forecast Forecast Actual 2016/17 2017/1 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 8 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Income Rates and charges 81,980 84,848 87,546 90,155 92,683 Statutory fees and fines 4,109 4,019 4,040 4,111 4,349 User fees 22,714 23,710 24,533 24,859 25,703 Contributions - monetary 4,708 4,084 3,329 3,188 3,343 Grants - Operating 11,935 11,770 11,436 7,862 7,950 Grants - Capital 6,565 1,934 13,019 519 519 Interest Received 1,006 981 862 891 1,018 Net gain (loss) on disposal of property, infrastructure, plant and equipment (91) (93) (93) (93) (93) Total income 132,927 131,254 144,671 131,492 135,472
Expenses Employee costs 50,963 53,078 53,665 54,758 55,987 Materials and services 48,819 49,477 50,343 47,346 48,966 Depreciation and amortisation 20,298 21,078 21,740 22,441 23,162 Borrowing costs 1,091 1,031 968 901 832 Total expenses 121,171 124,664 126,717 125,447 128,947 Surplus (deficit) for the year 11,756 6,590 17,955 6,046 6,526
Other Comprehensive Income Items that will not be reclassified to surplus of deficit in future periods Net asset revaluation increment/ (decrement) 0 0 0 0 0
Total Comprehensive result 11,756 6,590 17,955 6,046 6,526
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 36 Balance Sheet Forecast Budget Forecast Forecast Forecast For the period ending 30 June Actual 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Assets $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 9,893 10,257 10,628 10,103 10,745 Trade and other receivables 7,742 7,107 7,318 8,397 8,671 Other Financial Assets 23,083 23,755 24,550 23,277 24,724 Inventories 292 297 303 308 313 Other assets 859 874 889 905 920 Total current assets 41,869 42,291 43,689 42,989 45,373
Non-current assets Trade and other receivables 407 407 407 407 407 Investments in associates and joint ventures 2,862 2,862 2,862 2,862 2,862 Property, infrastructure, plant & 1,465,99 equipment 1,461,182 8 1,483,555 1,488,025 1,491,744 Intangible assets 495 495 495 495 495 Total non-current assets 1,464,946 1,469,76 1,487,319 1,491,789 1,495,508 2 Total assets 1,506,815 1,512,05 1,531,008 1,534,778 1,540,881 2
Liabilities Current liabilities Trade and other payables 9,349 8,440 10,010 8,320 8,499 Trust funds and deposits 3,336 3,336 3,336 3,336 3,336 Provisions 11,572 12,319 13,000 13,725 14,496 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 1,271 1,334 1,401 1,470 1,543 Total current liabilities 25,528 25,430 27,747 26,851 27,874
Non-current liabilities Provisions 1,129 1,208 1,292 1,383 1,479 Trust funds and deposits 208 208 208 208 208 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 20,011 18,677 17,276 15,806 14,263 Total non-current liabilities 21,348 20,093 18,776 17,397 15,950 Total liabilities 46,875 45,522 46,523 44,247 43,824 Net assets 1,459,940 1,466,53 1,484,485 1,490,531 1,497,057 0
Equity Accumulated surplus 480,644 485,234 502,189 507,235 512,761 Reserves 979,296 981,296 982,296 983,296 984,296 Total equity 1,459,940 1,466,53 1,484,485 1,490,531 1,497,057 0
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 37 Statement of Cash Flows For the period 2016/17 - 2020/21 Forecast Budget Forecast Forecast Forecast Actual 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Inflows Inflows Inflows Inflows Inflows (Outflows) (Outflow (Outflows) (Outflows) (Outflows) s) Cash flows from operating activities Rates and charges 81,851 85,637 87,479 89,143 92,593 Statutory fees and fines 4,109 4,019 4,040 4,111 4,349 User fees 22,162 23,556 24,390 24,792 25,519 Contributions - monetary 5,262 4,244 3,489 3,348 3,503 Grants - operating 11,935 11,770 11,436 7,862 7,950 Grants - capital 6,011 1,774 12,859 359 359 Interest received 1,006 981 862 891 1,018 Trust funds and deposits taken 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Net GST refund / payment 0 0 0 0 0 Employee costs (50,292) (52,251) (52,900) (53,943) (55,119) Materials and services (49,397) (50,406) (48,794) (49,056) (48,808) Trust funds and deposits repaid (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) Net cash provided by operating activities 32,648 29,325 42,859 27,507 31,365
Cash flows from investing activities Payments for property, plant and equipment (36,170) (27,254) (40,658) (28,299) (28,301) Proceeds from sale of property, plant and 3,269 1,267 1,267 1,295 1,327 equipment Payments for investments (128,194) (130,672 (130,795) (128,727) (131,447) ) Proceeds from sale of investments 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 Net cash used in investing activities (31,095) (26,659) (40,186) (25,731) (28,421)
Cash flows from financing activities Finance costs (1,091) (1,031) (968) (901) (832) Proceeds from borrowings 0 0 0 0 0 Repayment of borrowings (1,211) (1,271) (1,334) (1,401) (1,470) Net cash provided by (used in) financing (2,302) (2,302) (2,302) (2,302) (2,302) activities Net (decrease) increase in cash & cash (749) 364 372 (526) 642 equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the 10,642 9,893 10,257 10,629 10,103 financial year Cash and cash equivalents at end of the 9,893 10,257 10,629 10,103 10,745 financial year
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 38 Budgeted Statement of Changes in Equity For the period ending 30 June Accumulated Revaluation General Total Surplus Reserve Reserve $’000 $’000 $’000 2018 1,459,9 Balance at beginning of the financial year 480,644 973,296 6,000 40 Comprehensive result 6,590 6,590 - - Transfer to General Reserve - (2,000) - 2,000 1,466,5 Balance at end of the financial year 485,234 973,296 8,000 30
2019 1,466,5 Balance at beginning of the financial year 485,234 973,296 8,000 30 Comprehensive result 17,955 17,955 - Transfer to General Reserve - (1,000) - 1,000 1,484,4 Balance at end of the financial year 502,189 973,296 9,000 85
2020 1,484,4 Balance at beginning of the financial year 502,189 973,296 9,000 85 Comprehensive result 6,046 6,046 - - Transfer to General Reserve - (1,000) - 1,000 1,490,5 Balance at end of the financial year 507,235 973,296 10,000 31
2021 1,490,5 Balance at beginning of the financial year 507,235 973,296 10,000 31 Comprehensive result 6,526 6,526 - - Transfer to General Reserve - (1,000) - 1,000 1,497,0 Balance at end of the financial year 512,761 973,296 11,000 57
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 39 Statement of Capital Works For the four years ending 30 June 2021
Forecast Budget Strategic Resource Plan Actual 2016/17 2017/ 2018/1 2019/2 2020/2 18 9 0 1 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Land Land 380 0 0 0 0 Land improvements 0 0 0 0 0 Total land 380 0 0 0 0 Buildings Buildings 10,435 7,843 19,961 7,975 7,670 Total buildings 10,435 7,843 19,961 7,975 7,670 Roads and Drainage Roads 6,050 4,632 4,319 4,614 4,209 Footpaths and cycleways 2,037 2,795 3,043 3,093 3,305 Carparks 359 445 460 480 460 Drainage 3,056 2,490 3,517 3,060 3,450 Waste management 66 50 50 50 50 Other Capital Roads and Drainage 1,512 0 0 0 0 Total Roads and Drainage 13,080 10,412 11,389 11,297 11,474 Recreational Improvements Recreational, leisure and community facilities 3,252 2,346 3,206 2,835 2,605 Parks and open space 3,710 2,121 1,260 1,280 1,370 Total Recreational Improvements 6,962 4,467 4,466 4,115 3,975 Plant and equipment Fixtures, fittings and furniture 69 60 60 60 70 Plant, machinery and equipment 3,665 3,552 3,852 3,902 4,142 Computers and telecommunications 1,579 920 930 950 970 Total plant and equipment 5,313 4,532 4,842 4,912 5,182
Total capital works expenditure 36,170 27,254 40,658 28,299 28,301
Represented by: New asset expenditure 5,963 3,489 14,998 2,518 1,598 Asset renewal expenditure 21,131 20,269 20,969 21,865 22,524 Asset expansion expenditure 0 0 0 0 0 Asset upgrade expenditure 9,076 3,496 4,691 3,916 4,179 Total capital works expenditure 36,170 27,254 40,658 28,299 28,301
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 40 Statement of Human Resources For the four years ending 30 June 2021
Forecas Budget Strategic Resource Plan
t Actual Projections 2016/1 2017/ 2018/ 2019/2 2020/21
7 18 19 0 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Employee expenditure Employee costs - operating 50,963 53,078 53,665 54,758 55,987 1,02 1,0 1,0 Employee costs - capital 465 990 3 57 92 Total employee expenditure 51,428 54,068 54,688 55,815 57,079
EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT Employee numbers 565. 564. 56 564 Employees (EFT*) 564.8 3 3 4.3 .3 * EFT represents the full-time equivalent number of employees
A summary of human resources expenditure categorised according to organisational structure of Council is detailed below:
Comprises Budget Permanent Permanent Department 2017/18 Full Time Part Time $'000 $'000 $'000 Operations, Infrastructure & Leisure 19,702 14,127 5,575 Planning & Community 17,020 9,544 7,476 Corporate Services 8,861 6,943 1,918 Executive's Office 1,366 1,276 90 Total permanent employee expenditure 46,949 31,890 15,059 Casuals and other expenditure* 6,129 Capitalised labour costs 990 Total expenditure 54,068 *Seasonal employees ($5.43 million), other expenditure relates to Overtime, Travel Allowance, Performance Recognition, Training etc.
A summary of the number of full time equivalent (EFT) Council employees in relation to the above expenditure is included below: Comprises Department Budget Permanent Permanent EFT Full Time Part Time Operations, Infrastructure & Leisure 222.4 152.1 70.3 Planning & Community 160.9 86.5 74.5 Corporate Services 85.8 63.5 22.3 Executive's Office 10.5 9.5 1.0 Total 479.7 311.6 168.1 Casuals and other 76.2 Capitalised labour 9.4 Total Employees 565.3
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 41 4. Financial performance indicators
The following table highlights Council’s current and projected performance across a range of key financial performance indicators. These indicators provide a useful analysis of Council’s financial position and performance and should be used in the context of Council’s future outcomes and priority actions.
N Forecast Strategic Resource Plan Tren ot Actual Budget Projections d es 2016/17 2017/1 2018/1 2019/2 2020/20 +/o/ Indicator Measure 8 9 0 21 - Operating position
Adjusted Adjusted 1 4.73% 4.10% 4.22% 4.61% 4.86% + underlying underlying surplus result (deficit) / Adjusted underlying revenue Liquidity
Working Capital Current assets / 2 164.02% 166.30 157.45 160.11 162.78% o current liabilities % % % Unrestricted Unrestricted cash / 60.85% 65.50 63.29% 51.54% 55.34% + cash current liabilities % Obligations Loans and Interest bearing 3 25.96% 23.58 21.33% 19.16% 17.05% + borrowings loans and % borrowings / rate revenue Loans and Interest and 2.81% 2.71% 2.63% 2.55% 2.48% + borrowings principal repayments / rate revenue Indebtedness Non-current 19.46% 17.71 16.06% 14.51% 12.90% + liabilities / own % source revenue Asset renewal Asset renewal 4 149.53% 112.75 117.98 114.88 115.29% o expenditure / % % % depreciation Stability
Rates Rate revenue / 5 74.72% 74.78 74.90% 75.18% 74.95% o concentration adjusted % underlying revenue Rates effort Rate revenue / 0.26% 0.26% 0.25% 0.25% 0.24% o property values (CIV) Efficiency
Expenditure Total expenditure / $2,484 $2,525 $2,538 $2,486 $2,528 - level no. of assessments Revenue level Residential rate $1,587 $1,622 $1,656 $1,687 $1,716 + revenue / No. of residential assessments Workforce No. of resignations 10.62% 9.73% 9.75% 9.75% 9.75% o turnover & terminations / average no. of employees Key to Forecast Trend: + Forecasts improvement in Council's financial performance/financial position indicator
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 42 o Forecasts that Council's financial performance/financial position indicator will be steady - Forecasts deterioration in Council's financial performance/financial position indicator
Notes to indicators
Indicators of the long term financial sustainability of Council are detailed in section 14 Long Term Financial Strategy
1 Adjusted underlying result – An indicator of the sustainable operating result required to enable Council to continue to provide core services and meet its objectives. There is an improvement in financial performance expected over the period, although Council's cash reserves are decreasing as a result of the debt repayment.
2 Working capital – The proportion of current liabilities represented by current assets. Working capital is forecast to increase from 2016/17 to 2017/18. This trend is forecast to remain stable in later years with the ratio at a very healthy level.
3 Debt compared to rates - Trend indicates Council's reducing reliance on debt against its annual rate revenue through redemption of long term debt.
4 Asset renewal - This percentage indicates the extent of Council's renewals against its depreciation charge (an indication of the decline in value of its existing capital assets). A percentage greater than 100 indicates Council is maintaining its existing assets.
5 Rates concentration - Reflects extent of reliance on rate revenues to fund all of Council's on- going services. Trend indicates Council will have a steady reliance on rate revenue compared to all other revenue sources.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 43 5. Other budget information (grants and borrowings)
This section presents other budget related information required by the Regulations
This section includes the following statements and reports:
5.1.1 Grants Operating
5.1.2 Grants Capital
5.1.3 Statement of Borrowings
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 44 5.1.1 Grants – operating ($0.17 million decrease) Operating grants include all monies received from State and Federal sources for the purposes of funding the delivery of Council’s services to ratepayers. Overall, the level of operating grants has decreased by 1.4% or $0.17 million compared to 2016/17. Significant movements in grant funding are summarised below:
Forecast Actual Budget Operating Grants 2016/201 2017/20 Varianc 7 18 e $’000 $’000 $’000 Recurrent - Commonwealth Government Aged and Disability Services 3,189 3,248 60 Children’s Services 392 362 (30) Community Health Immunisation 66 66 0 Recurrent - State Government Aged and Disability Services 1,862 1,926 65 Maternal Child Health 989 989 0 Youth Services Programs 69 47 (23) Victorian Grants Commission 4,834 4,608 (226) Meals on Wheels 16 18 1 Other 166 164 (3) Total recurrent grants 11,583 11,427 (156) Non-recurrent - Commonwealth Government Children’s Services 0 1 1 Other 0 3 3 Non-recurrent - State Government EAGA 300 300 0 Youth Services Programs 38 38 0 Other Grants 14 1 (13) Total non-recurrent grants 352 343 (10) Total Operating Grants 11,935 11,770 (166)
5.1.2 Grants - capital ($7.054 million decrease) Capital grants (recurrent and non-recurrent) include all monies received from State, Federal and community sources for the purposes of funding the capital works program. Overall the level of capital grants has decreased by 70.5% or $4.237 million compared to 2016/17 as specific funding to be received in 2016/17 for some large capital works projects; the East Ringwood Pavilion extension $0.75 million, CCTV East Ringwood, Croydon and RMAC $0.64 and Realm $3.00 million. Section 12 “Analysis of Capital Budget” includes a more detailed analysis of the grants and contributions expected to be received during the 2017/18 year. Significant movements in capital grant funding are summarised below:
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 45 Forecast Actual Budget Capital Grants 2016/201 2017/201 7 8 Variance $’000 $’000 $’000 Recurrent - Commonwealth Government Roads to Recovery 836 724 (112) Recurrent - State Government Total recurrent grants 836 724 (112) Non-recurrent - Commonwealth Government Realm 3,000 0 (3,000) East Ringwood Pavilion 500 0 (500) CCTV East Ringwood, Croydon & RMAC 635 0 (635) HE Parker Indoor Stadium & Sporting Pavilion Redevelopment 450 1,050 600 Non-recurrent - State Government East Ringwood Pavilion 250 0 (250) AC Robertson Pavilion at Proclamation Park 65 0 (65) Bedford Great Ryrie Road Signalisation 250 0 (250) Other 25 0 (25) Total non-recurrent grants 5,175 1,050 (4,125) Total Capital Grants 6,011 1,774 (4,237)
5.1.3 Statement of Borrowings
The table below shows information on borrowings specifically required by the Regulations.
2016/17 2017/18 $’000 $’000 These borrowings are related to the construction of Aquanation.
Total amount borrowed as at 30 June of the prior year 22,493 21,282 Total amount to be borrowed 0 0 Total amount projected to be redeemed (1,211) (1,271) Total amount proposed to be borrowed as at 30 June 21,282 20,010
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 46 6. Detailed List of Capital Works
This section presents the four-year capital expenditure program for the period 2017/18 to 2020/21. Council has already made prior budget commitments to a number of projects to ensure timely completion consistent with expectations.
The capital projects are grouped by class and include detail of both Council and Other contributions to individual projects. Further detail is also provided on asset renewal, new assets, asset upgrade and asset expansion projects.
Budget 2018/19
Others Asset Grant Council Cash Contrib' Renewa New Work s n l $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 BUILDINGS BUILDINGS Capital improvements to Council facilities managed by others 60 30 Capital improvements to sporting facilities and community 160 160 160 groups on Council land managed by others Community facilities - Access & inclusion 200 160 HE Parker Pavilion Improvements 1,000 50 800 HE Parker Multi Sports Complex 1,000 1,000 Proclamation Park Pavilion Redevelopment Public Toilet improvement program 250 250 Croydon Memorial Pool renewal works 50 50 Community Facilities-Heating, Ventilation and Air 550 550 Conditioning and Building Management System Replacement of existing community buildings 800 640 Building Renewal-Bedford Park Scout Hall 220 220 Carbon Neutral-Energy Revolving Fund 75 Project Management 150 75 Design Fees 55 Leisure Facilities-Plant Replacement Former Education Department land upgrade improvements from Public Open Space Non Programmed Emergency Renewal 515 515 Community Facilities Building Renewal from Condition Audit 1,898 1,718 Buildings Occupational Health & Safety and Regulatory 650 325 works TOTAL BUIDINGS 6,633 1,050 160 5,493 1,000 TOTAL BUILDINGS 6,633 1,050 160 5,493 1,000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE PROGRAM 2017/18 TO 2020/21
Budget 2017/18
A s s e Total t New Counci Grant Expenditur R Upgrade Wor l Cash s e e k n e w al $000 $000 $000 $ $000 $00 0 0 0 0 ROADS AND DRAINAGE ROADS 5 Roads to recovery funding of local road improvements by the 724 724 7 145 Federal Government 9 Ford Street Ringwood road reconstruction Road Reconstruction
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 48 1 Local Area Traffic Management 200 200 0 100 0 7 Local Area Traffic Management-Renewal 70 70 0 7 Traffic lights and Pedestrian crossings 70 70 0 1, 6 Road Reseal Works 1,680 1,680 8 0 1 Dublin Rd East Ringwood between Mt Dandenong Rd and 150 150 5 Patterson St Reconstruction 0 2 Caroline Street Ringwood Reconstruction 273 273 7 3 6 Kerb & channel replacement works 640 640 4 0 3 , TOTAL ROADS 3,807 3,083 724 5 245 0 6 2 FOOTPATHS AND CYCLEWAYS Bicycle path upgrade - To upgrade and extend pathway 50 50 50 system in accordance with AusRoads Guidelines Taralla Creek Trail Improvement Works (Public Open Space) 100 100 100 3 Bike path overlays/reseals 320 320 2 0 1, 4 Footpath replacement works 1,430 1,430 3 0 Footpath construction Program 730 730 730 1 Disability Footpath Access 215 215 7 43 2 1 , TOTAL FOOTPATHS AND CYCLEWAYS 2,845 2,845 0 9 193 730 2 2 CARPARKS Seal Carparks 190 190 190 2 Car park resealing 255 255 5 5 2 445 445 0 5 190 0 TOTAL CARPARKS 5 DRAINAGE 5 North west drainage scheme projects 100 100 50 0 6 Ringwood Metropolitan Activities Centre -Drainage 600 600 0 Infrastructure 0 1 Retarding basins reinstatement works 120 120 2 0 1, 2 Stormwater drainage infrastructure renewal 1,620 1,620 324 9 6 2 , 2,440 2,440 0 0 374 0 6 TOTAL DRAINAGE 6
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 49 WASTE MANAGEMENT Waste vehicles turning points 50 50 50 TOTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT 50 50 0 0 50 0
Budget 2017/18
N e w Total Others Asset Upgrad Expenditur Grants Contrib' Renewa e W Expenditure e n l o r k $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $ 0 0 0 ROADS AND DRAINAGE Continuation… OTHER Commercial Centres - Upgrade program 110 55 55 Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre 200 200 2 Bus Shelters 20 0 Carbon Neutral-Greenpower 75 75 5 Sustainable Maroondah Fund 50 0 Street furniture renewal program 70 70 Street lighting Improvements-Energy Efficiency 300 300 7 825 0 0 425 330 TOTAL OTHER 0 8 TOTAL ROADS AND DRAINAGE 10,412 724 0 8,230 1,382 0 0 RECREATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS RECREATIONAL, LEISURE AND COMMUNITY
FACILITIES Sports fields surface renovation program (17/18 Jubilee Oval) 800 800 Quambee Reserve Surface Renovation Renewal Sports Field Lighting 200 160 40 Oval irrigation system replacement program 65 65 Golf Courses - Sealed Pathways 66 66 Golf Courses-Tee Renewal 62 62 Golf Courses- Fairway drainage improvements 75 60 15 Golf Courses-renewal of major irrigation components 90 73 17 Golf Courses track sealing replacement 80 80 Golf Courses - Renew fairways 35 35 5 Golf Courses- Travel Pathways 150 100 0 Dorset Golf -Compliance with EPA requirements 200 200 Golf Courses-Perimeter Fencing 50 50 Dorset Golf-Desilting of dam Golf courses -renew bunkers 43 43 Ringwood Golf-Renew Eastlink Fence Sports Ovals - goal post replacement (ongoing) 40 40 Sports Oval Fence replacement (ongoing) 50 50 Sports infrastructure renewal-cricket nets, coaches boxes and 100 100 scoreboards Netball and Tennis courts surfacing including court surfaces, 200 200 lines, nets and fencing Aquahub-Crèche Outdoor Playspace 40 40 TOTAL RECREATIONAL, LEISURE AND COMMUNITY 5 2,346 0 0 1,818 478 FACILITIES 0
Budget 2017/18
As se Total t Council Grant New Expenditur Re Upgrade Cash s Work e ne w al $000 $000 $000 $0 $000 $000 00 RECREATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS Continuation… PARKS AND OPEN SPACE 40 Reserves - Playgrounds renewal 480 480 80 0 Park development program 50 50 50 Reserves Signage Program 20 20 20 Reserves footpath lighting (ongoing program) 32 32 32 Ongoing program of providing new and upgraded paths in 40 40 20 20 new and existing parkland Park inventory & signage replacement program (continuing 162 162 96 24 42 program) 20 Reserve Bridge Replacement Works 200 200 0 Croydon Town Centre-Town Square 1,000 1,000 1,000 Signage 50 50 50 Ringwood Lake Management Plan Implementation 87 87 87 69 2,121 2,121 0 231 1,194 TOTAL PARKS AND OPEN SPACE 6 2, TOTAL RECREATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS 4,467 4,467 0 51 709 1,244 4 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT FIXTURES, FITTINGS AND FURNITURE Furniture and Equipment 30 30 15 15 Art in Public Places 30 30 30 TOTAL FIXTURES, FITTINGS AND FURNITURE 60 60 0 0 15 45 PLANT, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Karralyka & Federation Estate-Renew equipment 80 80 40 40 3,1 3,172 1,905 Plant & Fleet 72 30 300 300 Leisure Facilities-Equipment Replacement 0 3, 3,552 2,285 0 51 40 TOTAL PLANT, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 2 COMPUTERS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS 52 Information Technology 920 920 400 0 52 920 920 0 0 400 TOTAL COMPUTERS AND TELECOMMNUNICATIONS 0 4, TOTAL PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 4,532 3,265 0 03 55 445 2 2 0, 24,05 1,77 3,48 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 27,254 2 3,496 3 4 9 6 9
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 52 7. Rates and Charges
In developing the Strategic Resource Plan (referred to in Section 14.), rates and charges were identified as an important source of revenue, accounting for 65.6% of the total revenue received by Council annually. Planning for future rate increases has therefore been an important component of the Strategic Resource Planning process. The State Government have introduced the Fair Go Rates System (FGRS) which sets out the maximum amount councils may increase rates in a year. For 2017/18 the FGRS cap has been set at 2.0%. The cap applies to general rates and is calculated on the basis of council’s base average property rate. The formulae provided by the Essential Services Commission (ESC) and agreed by the State Government is:
2016/17 Adopted General Rate Income + 2016/17 Annualised Supplementary Rate Income No. of Assessments 2016/17 = Base Average Rate x 2.0% = maximum allowable Capped Average Rate
The level of required rates and charges has been considered in this context, with reference to Council's other sources of income and the planned expenditure on services and works to be undertaken for the Maroondah community.
In order to achieve the levels set out in the Strategic Resources Plan which maintains services and service levels and a strong capital expenditure program, the average general property rate will increase by 2.0% in line with the rate cap formulae and the waste collection charges will increase by 4.0%. This will raise total rates and charges for 2017/18 of $84.85 million, which includes $0.74 million generated from supplementary rates.
7.1 The rate in the dollar to be levied as general rates under Section 158 of the Act for each type or class of land compared with the previous financial year
2016/17 2017/18 Type or class of land cents/$CIV cents/$CIV Change General Rate 0.2209 0.2253 2.0% Differential Rate: Vacant Land 0.3314 0.3380 2.0%
7.2 The estimated total amount to be raised by general rates in relation to each type or class of land, and the estimated total amount to be raised by general rates, compared with the previous financial year
2016/17 2017/18 Change Type or class of land $ $ $ 71,773,88 2,416,803 General Rate 69,357,086 9 Differential Rate: Vacant Land 819,938 724,711 (95,227) Amounts in Lieu of Rates:
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 53 Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 21,123 21,535 412 72,520,13 2,321,988 Total amount to be raised by general rates 70,198,147 5
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 54 7.3 The number of assessments in relation to each type or class of land, and the total number of assessments compared with the previous financial year
2016/17 2017/18 % Type or class of land Number Number Change General Rate 48,439 49,103 1.4% Differential Rate: Vacant Land 339 286 (15.6%) Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 3 3 0% Total number of assessments 48,781 49,392 1.3%
7.4 The basis of valuation to be used is the Capital Improved Value (CIV)
7.5 The estimated total value of each type or class of land, and the estimated total value of land, compared with the previous financial year
2016/17 2017/18 Change Type or class of land $ $ % General Rate 31,404,635,847 31,861,586,291 1.46% Differential Rate: Vacant Land 247,416,444 214,411,444 (13.34%) Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 14,710,000 14,710,000 0% Total value of land 31,666,762,291 32,090,707,735 1.34%
7.6 The rate or unit amount to be levied for each type of service rate or charge under Section 162 of the Act compared with the previous financial year
Per Rateable Per Rateable Property Property Type of Charge 2016/17 2017/18 Change $ $ % Residential 80 Litre Bins 207.50 213.00 2.7% Residential 120 Litre Bins 248.50 255.50 2.8% Second and Subsequent Bins* 264.00 272.00 3.0% Additional Residential 120 Litre Bin* - 200.00 - Additional Residential Garden Organics* - 200.00 - Commercial 240 Litre Service One per week # 485.00 502.00 3.5% Three times per week # 1025.00 1060.00 3.4% Additional Recycling-Non-Residential # 100.00 103.00 3.0% Commercial & Industrial Garden Organics#* 0.00 180.00 - Industrial 120 Litre Service # 278.00 288.00 3.6% Industrial 80 Litre Service # 235.00 243.00 3.4% #These figures include GST which applies to these services. * Approval of additional waste service is subject to Council assessment.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 55 7.7 The estimated total amount to be raised by each type of service rate or charge, and the estimated total amount to be raised by service rates and charges, compared with the previous financial year
2016/17 2017/18 Change Type of Charge $ $ % Residential 80 Litre Bins 1,935,975 2,023,500 4.5% Residential 120 Litre Bins 8,489,690 8,801,980 3.7% Second and Subsequent Bins* 182,160 150,000 (17.7%) Additional Residential 120 Litre Bin* - 25,000 - Additional Residential Garden Organics* - 25,192 - Commercial Service # 433,977 456,144 5.1% Additional Recycling-Non-residential # 5,000 5,993 19.9% Commercial & Industrial Garden Organics#* 0 500 - Industrial Service # 97,198 101,692 4.6% Total 11,144,000 11,590,000 4.0% #These figures exclude GST on Industrial, Commercial and second bin Residential Services. * Approval of additional waste service is subject to Council assessment.
7.8 The estimated total amount to be raised by all rates and charges compared with the previous financial year
2016/17 2017/18 Change $ $ $ General rates 70,198,157 72,520,135 2,321,978 Service (Garbage) Charges # 11,144,000 11,590,000 446,000 Total Rates and charges 81,342,157 84,110,135 2,767,978 #These figures exclude GST on Industrial, Commercial and additional recycling-non-residential Services.
7.9 Any significant changes that may affect the estimated amounts to be raised by rates and charges
There are no known significant changes which may affect the estimated amounts referred to in Regulation 10(2).
Differential rates
The Capital Improved Value rating system includes a differential rate for vacant land properties throughout the municipality. It has been in place since the 2003/04 rating year when Council moved from Site Value rating to Capital Improved Value rating. The vast majority of Victorian Local Government Authorities have CIV as their rating methodology.
This levy ensures that all rateable properties make an equitable financial contribution to the cost of carrying out the functions of Council and at the same time is applied locally to encourage development within the municipality.
There are 286 vacant land properties that will contribute $724,711.00 to the total of rates, or 1.0% of total rate revenue.
The level of the differential rate is reviewed annually to ensure ongoing equity within the rating framework.
The following reports provide detailed analysis to support and explain the budget reports in the previous section.
This section includes the following analysis and information:
8. Summary of financial position
9. Budget influences
10.Analysis of operating budget
11.Analysis of budgeted cash position
12.Analysis of capital budget
13.Analysis of budgeted cash position
8. Summary of financial position
This section considers the long term financial projections of the Council. The Act and Regulations require a Strategic Resource Plan to be prepared covering both financial and non-financial resources, and including financial performance indicators for at least the next four financial years to support the Council Plan. Council prepares the long term financial strategy for the next ten years from which the financial statements are derived.
Key budget information is provided below about the rate and charges; comprehensive result; cash and investments; capital expenditure; financial position (working capital) and financial sustainability of the Council.
8.1 Total Rates & Charges
A = Actual F = Forecast B = Budget LTFS = Long Term Financial Strategy estimates Source: Section 3
It is proposed that rates will increase by 2.0% (as applied to the Base Average Property Rate in accordance with ESC formulae) and waste charges will increase by 4.0% for the 2017/18 year in line with contract obligations, raising total rates and charges of $84.848 million, which includes $0.74 million generated from supplementary rates. This rate increase is in line with Council’s rating strategy. Future years (2019/19 to 2020/21) rates are estimated to increase by 1.75% (as
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 58 applied to the Base Average Property Rate in accordance with ESC formulae) and waste charges are estimated to increase by 4.0%.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 59 8.2 Comprehensive result
Source: Section 3
The expected comprehensive result for the 2017/18 year is a surplus of $6.59 million, which is an increase of $3.54 million over 2016/17 Adopted Budget. It is anticipated that a surplus result will be achieved throughout the strategy period. (The forecast comprehensive result for the 2016/17 year is a surplus of $11.76 million which is better than the adopted budget provision $5.52 million due to the inclusion of carried forward grants, unbudgeted new grants, higher than anticipated public open space contributions and organisational savings achieved).
8.3 Cash and investments
Source: Section 3
Cash and investments are expected to increase by $1.03 million during the year to $34.01 million (Cash and cash equivalents $10.26 million and Financial Assets $23.75 million) as at 30 June 2018. The increase in cash and investments is in line with Council's Long Term Financial Strategy. Cash and investments are forecast to be $32.98 million as at 30 June 2017. Notional provision has been made for potential Defined Benefits Superannuation call should international equity markets fall, as well as provision of a cash backed reserve for new major capital projects as yet undefined.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 60 8.4 Capital expenditure
Source: Section 3
The capital works program for the 2017/18 year is expected to be $27.254 million of which $1.774 million will come from external grants and contributions and $1.267m will be funded by sale of plant and equipment and the balance internally through general rates and cash holdings. The priorities for the capital expenditure program have been established through a rigorous process of consultation that has enabled Council to assess community needs and develop sound business cases for each project. Council has a 10-year capital program at the strategic level with specific projects identified for years one to four.
8.5 Financial Position (Working Capital)
Source: Section 3
The working capital ratio calculated as Current Assets divided by Current Liabilities is a key indicator to assess Council’s ability to meet current commitments. The expected working capital ratio for 2017/18 is 1.66 which means that Council can meet its short term obligations and has sufficient cash or operating liquidity remaining to meet fluctuating cash levels during the year. Refer section 14 Long Term Financial Strategy.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 61 8.6 Financial Sustainability
Source: Section 3
A Long Term Financial Strategy for the years 2017/18 to 2026/27 has been developed to assist Council in adopting a budget within a longer term prudent financial framework. The key objective of the strategy is financial sustainability in the medium to longer term, while still achieving Council’s future outcome areas (strategic objectives) as specified in the Council Plan. The adjusted surplus result, which is a measure of financial sustainability, shows an increasing surplus over the ten-year period of the strategy. Notional provision has been made for potential Defined Benefits Superannuation call should international equity markets fall, as well as provision of a cash backed reserve for new major capital projects as yet undefined.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 62 8.7 Strategic objectives
Source: Section 2
The Annual Budget includes a range of services and initiatives to be funded that will contribute to achieving the strategic objectives specified in the Council Plan. The above graph shows the level of funding allocated in the budget to achieve the strategic objectives as set out in the Council Plan for the 2017/18 year.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 63 8.8 Council net expenditure allocations per $100.
The above chart provides an indication of how Council allocates its expenditure across the main services that it delivers. It shows how much is allocated to each service for every $100 that Council spends.
This budget has been developed through a rigorous process of consultation and review and management endorses it as financially responsible. More detailed budget information is available throughout this document.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 64 9. Budget influences
This section sets out the key budget influences arising from the internal and external environment within the Council operate.
9.1 Snapshot of Maroondah City Council
The City of Maroondah was formed on 15 December 1994 by the amalgamation of the former Cities of Croydon and Ringwood, and parts of the former Shire of Lilydale and the former City of Doncaster and Templestowe. The term ‘Maroondah’ is named after an aboriginal word meaning ’leaf’ which symbolises the green environment of the city.
Our location The City of Maroondah covers a land area of 61.4 square kilometres in Melbourne’s outer east, 22 kilometres from the Central Business District (CBD). The area is a substantially developed peri-urban residential municipality, with an estimated population of 113,944 residents and 44,227 households with an average of 2.58 people per household.
The City of Maroondah includes the suburbs of Bayswater North, Croydon, Croydon Hills, Croydon North, Croydon South, Heathmont, Kilsyth South, Ringwood, Ringwood East, Ringwood North and Warranwood. The City also includes small sections of Kilsyth, Park Orchards, Vermont, and Wonga Park.
With little remaining land available for greenfield residential development, future population growth will be mainly stimulated by housing consolidation and medium density development.
Maroondah has the strategic advantage of being located at the north-eastern junction of the Eastern Freeway - EastLink corridor. There are two train lines and a large number of bus routes linking the City with other regions. Our sustainable transport links continue to expand, with on-road cycling paths and 35km of shared trails, including the Mullum Mullum Creek Trail, the EastLink Trail, Taralla Creek Trail and the Dandenong Creek Trail.
Our community Maroondah has an estimated population of 113,944 residents and 44,227 households with a similar age structure to the State’s average. Compared with metropolitan Melbourne, Maroondah has a slightly higher proportion of residents aged between 45 to 69 years and a lower proportion of residents aged between 20 to 35 years.
Cultural diversity in Maroondah is increasing, with the highest numbers of recent overseas immigrants arriving from Burma, China, Malaysia, India, Thailand and Iran. Maroondah is now home to the largest Burmese community in Melbourne’s eastern region.
There is a strong sense of community participation within Maroondah embodied by a large number of committed volunteers. More than two thirds of parents in
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 65 Maroondah are actively involved in their local schools and one third of Maroondah’s residents are members of organised community groups.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 66 Our economy Almost 9,000 businesses operate within the City with small business comprising over 96 percent of these organisations. The majority of businesses are in the construction, property and business services, finance and insurance, retail trade and manufacturing sectors.
The largest industry employers are the manufacturing, retail trade and health care sectors. In total, businesses in Maroondah provide employment for 35,898 people and the municipality has a gross regional product (GRP) of $5.12 billion.
Maroondah has two major retail centres at Croydon and Ringwood, with Ringwood being one of the largest in Melbourne. In addition, a range of key service and retail precincts are clustered along the Maroondah Highway corridor and 21 neighbourhood shopping centres are spread throughout the municipality.
Maroondah is well positioned to take advantage of Victoria’s future growth. Ringwood is identified as a Metropolitan Activity Centre within Plan Melbourne, the Victorian Government’s metropolitan planning strategy. Croydon is also identified as a key activity centre with concentrated retail opportunities and medium density housing development continuing to strengthen its thriving town centre.
The Bayswater North Employment Precinct is a major industrial and economic hub where many national and international firms have established their headquarters. The area offers diverse and flexible business accommodation with strategic access to EastLink, the Eastern Freeway and other major arterial roads.
Our environment Maroondah has 42 bushland reserves that offer residents and visitors the enjoyment of wildflowers, wildlife, bush walks and wetlands. There are more than 750,000 trees (mostly native species) in parks and reserves providing shade and shelter, helping to control water runoff, evaporation and erosion and providing a home for wildlife. During 2015/16, Council planted over 3,000 additional street trees and plants in parks and reserves with Friends Groups.
There are many areas of recreational open space in Maroondah. The City has 450 parks and reserves with 48 sports ovals. Open space areas include two golf courses, 128 public playgrounds, three skate areas, three BMX dirt jump sites and fives outdoor exercise equipment locations.
Maroondah’s residents and businesses are great recyclers: over 24,260 tonnes of recycling and green waste diverted from landfill in 2015/16. Maroondah has the one of the highest diversion rates amongst Victoria’s 79 Councils.
Budget Implications
In framing the 2017/18 Budget Council has not only focussed on its key directions (strategies) and priority actions (major initiatives and initiatives) as contained in the Council Plan but has also accommodated significant external influences on its
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 67 planned levels of revenue and expenditure. In particular, Council operates in a highly regulated environment and decisions by other levels of government and the private sector can have major impacts locally. Whilst such influences are outside the control of Council, others arise as a result of decisions taken and policies adopted in response to community priorities, the drive for continuous improvement, innovation and the requirement for ongoing sound financial management. The major influences are listed on the next few pages.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 68 Notwithstanding their effect, Council’s Budget will deliver outcomes that: provide for the ongoing maintenance of its wide range of quality services to the community; build on its existing firm financial base to continue its strategy to improve its long term financial viability; strike an appropriate balance between today’s and future generations in respect of the funding of its operations and the development and maintenance of its long term assets; and support an organisational and administrative framework that will assist in ensuring the provision of continued good governance.
9.2 External Influences
In preparing the 2017/18 budget, a number of external influences have been taken into consideration, because they will impact significantly on the services delivered by Council in the budget period when compared to the 2016/17 budget. These include:
The Victorian State Government cap on the average property rate increase for 2017/18 has been set at 2.0%;
Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases on goods and services of 1.4% through the year to the September quarter 2016 (ABS release 25 October 2016). State-wide CPI is forecast to be 2.0% for the 2017/18/ year (Victorian Budget Papers 2016/17);
The Victorian Wage Price index is projected to be 2.50% in 2017/18 increasing to 3.0% and 3.5% in subsequent two years (Victorian Budget papers 2016/17);
Reduction of $0.78 million in Victoria Grants Commission funding compared to the prior year.
Increase of 2.0% (or $1.24 per tonne) in the levy payable to the State Government upon disposal of waste into landfill. The levy has increased from $9 per tonne in 2008/09 to $63.27 per tonne in 2017/18 (703% increase in 9 years) and has added and estimated $1.14 million to Council’s costs;
The Fire Services Property Levy will continue to be collected by Council on behalf of the State Government with the introduction of the Fire Services Levy Act 2012 which is not included in Council’s budget;
An overall increase in total capital grants & contributions to be received of $0.51 million mainly relating to the HE Parker Multi Sports Complex of $1.00 million however a decrease in the Roads to Recovery program of $0.47 million is anticipated;
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 69 Utility costs (electricity, gas and water) continue to increase higher than CPI; and
Public Open Space contributions are forecast to remain at 2016/17 levels of $3.2 million.
9.3 Internal Influences
As well as external influences, there are also a number of internal influences which are expected to have a significant impact on the 2017/18 budget. These matters and their financial impact when compared to the 2016/17 budget are set out below:
Depreciation is a major influence on the budget as it appears as a cost against the Comprehensive Income Statement. Depreciation for 2017/18 is $21.08 million. Council must ensure its capital renewal program at minimum keeps pace with this figure to ensure adequate maintenance of Council’s $1.46 billion Infrastructure;
The inclusion of 35 Council Plan Priority Actions (Major initiatives and initiatives). Some of the initiatives include:
o Commence construction of the $4.0 million Jubilee Sporting Pavilion redevelopment;
o Commence construction of the $2.0 million HE Parker Sporting Pavilion;
o Develop the Croydon Town Centre, including community engagement, completion of detailed design and construction works;
o Prepare and commence implementation of a new Maroondah Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021;
o A municipal wide review of Council’s neighbourhood character and heritage controls $0.15 million;
o Continuation of the construction of Lincoln Road Croydon, east of Dorset Road; and
o Develop a Female Participation Strategy for physical activity $0.01 million.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 70 9.4 Budget Principles
In response to these influences, guidelines were prepared and distributed to all Council officers with budget responsibilities. The guidelines set out the key budget principles upon which the officers prepare their budgets.
The principles included:
The outcomes of Councils’ Long Term Financial Strategy will drive the 2017/18 budget process. The primary direction for the 2017/18 Budget is to ensure Council’s continued long term financial sustainability and that the requirements of the State Government in relation to Rate Capping are met; Service levels to be maintained at 2016/17 levels with the aim to use fewer resources with an emphasis on innovation, productivity and efficiency enhancements; Grants to be based on confirmed funding levels; New initiatives or new employee proposals which are not cost neutral to be justified through a business case; Existing fees and charges to be increased at a minimum of the Rates & Charges % increase or market levels for unit costs and volume; New revenue sources such as partnerships and shared services to be identified where possible; Salaries and wages to be increased in line with estimated Enterprise Bargaining outcomes; and Operating revenue and expenses arising from completed 2016/17 capital projects to be included.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 71 9.5 Legislative requirements
Under the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act), Council is required to prepare and adopt an annual budget for each financial year. The budget is required to include certain information about the rates and charges that Council intends to levy as well as a range of other information required by the Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2014 (the Regulations) which support the Act. Refer appendix B.
The 2017/18 budget is for the year 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 and is prepared in accordance with the Act and Regulations. The budget includes Budgeted Financial Statements being a budgeted Comprehensive Income Statement; Balance Sheet; Statement of Changes in Equity; Cash Flows; and Capital Works and a Statement of Human Resources. These statements have been prepared for the year ended 30 June 2018 in accordance with the Act and Regulations. The budget information for the years 2017/18 to 2020/21 have been extracted from the Strategic Resource Plan. It also includes detailed information about the rates and charges to be levied, the capital works program to be undertaken and other financial information, which Council requires to make an informed decision about the adoption of the budget.
The budget includes consideration of a number of long term strategies to assist Council in considering the budget in a proper financial management context. These include:
. Long Term Financial Strategy for the years 2017/18 to 2026/27 (Section 14); . Rating Strategy (Section 9); . Borrowings Strategy (Section 16); and . Infrastructure and Other Assets (Section 17).
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 72 10. Analysis of operating budget
This section analyses the operating budget including expected income and expenses of the Council for the 2017/18 year.
10.1 Budgeted income statement
Forecast Actual Budget Variance Ref 2016/17 2017/18 $’000 $’000 $’000 Total income 10.2 132,927 131,254 (1,674) (124,664 Total expenses 10.3 (121,171) ) (3,493) Surplus (deficit) for the year 11,756 6,590 (5,166) Grants – capital non-recurrent 10.2.6 6,011 1,774 (4,237) Capital Contributions - other sources 10.2.4 553 160 (393) Adjusted underlying surplus (deficit) 10.1.1 5,192 4,656 (536)
10.1.1. Adjusted underlying Surplus (deficit) for the year ($0.536 million decrease) The adjusted underlying result is the net surplus or deficit for the year adjusted for non-recurrent capital grants, non-monetary asset contributions and capital contributions from other sources. It is a measure of financial sustainability and Council’s ability to achieve its service delivery objectives as it is not impacted by capital income items which can often mask the operating result. The adjusted underlying result for the 2017/18 year is a surplus of $4.656 million which is a decrease of $0.536 million from the 2016/17 year. In calculating the adjusted underlying result, Council has excluded grants received for capital purposes which are non-recurrent and capital contributions from other sources.
10.2 Income
Forecast Actual Budget Variance Ref 2016/17 2017/18 $’000 $’000 $’000 Rates and charges 10.2.1 81,980 84,848 2,868 Statutory fees and fines 10.2.2 4,109 4,019 (90) User fees 10.2.3 22,714 23,710 996 Contributions - monetary 10.2.7 4,708 4,084 (624) Grants - Operating 5.1.1 11,935 11,770 (165) Grants – capital 5.1.2 6,011 1,774 (4,237) Capital Contributions - other sources 554 160 (394) Net gain/(loss) on disposal of property, infrastructure, plant and equipment (91) (93) (2) Interest Received 10.2.5 1,006 981 (25) Total income 132,927 131,254 (1,673)
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 73 MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 74 Budgeted Income (Source: Section 3)
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 75 10.2.1 Rates and charges ($2.87 million increase) It is proposed that rates and charges income be increased by 3.5% or $2.87 million over 2016/17 to $84.85 million. Supplementary rates are forecast to increase by $0.50 million above 2016/17 to $0.74 million. Section 15 “Rating Information” includes a more detailed analysis of the rates and charges to be levied for 2017/18. Information on rates and charges specifically required by the Regulations is included in Section 7.
10.2.2 Statutory fees and fines ($0.09 million decrease) Statutory fees relate mainly to fees and fines levied in accordance with legislation and include animal registrations, Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 registrations, local laws and parking fines and statutory planning application fees. Increases in statutory fees are made in accordance with legislative requirements.
Statutory fees and fines are forecast to decrease by 2.19% or $0.09 million compared to 2016/17.
10.2.3 User fees ($1.00 million increase) User fees relate mainly to the recovery of service delivery costs through the charging of fees to users of Council’s services. These include use of Maroondah Leisure facilities: Aquahub; Aquanation; Croydon Memorial Pool; The Rings; and the Ringwood and Croydon Golf courses, Karralyka Centre and other community facilities. In addition, the provision of services such as home care, meals on wheels, family day care, occasional care and holiday programs are included in user fees.
User fees are projected to increase by 4.38% or $1.00 million over 2016/17. The main areas contributing to the increase are Aquanation ($0.375 million) and Aquahub ($0.225 million). Council plans to increase user charges for all areas in line with expected inflationary trends and increase service use over the budget period to maintain parity between user charges and the costs of service delivery.
10.2.4 Capital Contributions – other sources ($0.393 million decrease) Capital Contributions are projected to decrease by $0.393 million or 71.07% compared to 2016/17 due mainly to once off contributions for large Capital projects in 2016/17 (Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre Drainage renewal $0.09 million, Mullum Reserve Pavilion $0.06 million and Aquanation $0.05 million).
10.2.5 Interest received ($0.025 million decrease) Interest received relates largely to interest on investments and penalty rate interest.
Total interest received is forecast to decrease by 2.49% or $0.025 million compared to 2016/17. Interest on investments is also forecast to decline by 8.8% or $0.07 million compared to 2016/17. This is due mainly to a reduction in current estimated rate returns combined with the maturity of longer term investments held that may be reinvested at the lower rate regimes as predicted by equity markets. Interest on unpaid rates is forecast at $0.24 million - the same as in 2016/17.
10.2.6 Grants – Capital non-recurrent ($4.237 million decrease)
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 76 Capital grants (non recurrent) include all monies received from State, Federal and community sources for the purposes of funding the capital works program. Overall the level of capital grants has decreased by 70.49% or $4.237 million compared to 2016/17 as specific once off funding was in 2016/17 for some large capital works projects; Realm $3.00 million, East Ringwood Pavillion $0.75 million, CCTV Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre, East Ringwood and Croydon $0.64 million and the HE Parker Sporting Pavilion redevelopment $0.45 million. Section 12 “Analysis of Capital Budget” includes a more detailed analysis of the grants and contributions expected to be received during the 2017/18 year.
10.2.7 Contributions - monetary ($0.624 million decrease) Contributions relate to monies paid by developers in regard to public resort and recreation, drainage and car parking in accordance with planning permits issued for property development. Contributions are projected to decrease by 13.25% or $0.624 million compared to 2016/17.
10.3 Expenses
Forecast Actual Budget Variance Expense Types Ref 2016/17 2017/18 $’000 $’000 $’000 Employee costs 10.3.1 50,963 53,078 2,115 Materials and services 10.3.2 48,819 49,477 658 Depreciation and amortisation 10.3.3 20,298 21,078 780 Borrowing Costs 10.3.4 1,091 1,031 (60) Total expenses 121,171 124,664 3,492
Budgeted Expenses (Source: Section 3)
10.3.1 Employee costs ($2.115 million increase) Employee costs include all labour related expenditure such as salaries and on-costs (employer superannuation, long service leave and workcover), allowances, overtime and annual leave loading etc.
Employee costs are forecast to increase by 4.15% or $2.115 million compared to 2016/17. This increase relates to a number of factors:
Employee costs are aligned with the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) outcomes for 2017/18, together with projected movement of employees within employment bands.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 77 A summary of human resources expenditure categorised according to the organisational structure of Council is included below: Comprises Budget Permanent Permanent Department 2017/18 Full Time Part Time $'000 $'000 $'000 Operations, Infrastructure & Leisure 19,702 14,127 5,575 Planning & Community 17,020 9,544 7,476 Corporate Services 8,861 6,943 1,918 Executive's Office 1,366 1,276 90 Total permanent employee expenditure 46,949 31,890 15,059 Casuals and other expenditure* 6,129 Capitalised labour costs 990 Total expenditure 54,068
*Seasonal employees ($5.43 million), other expenditure relates to Overtime, Travel Allowance, Performance Recognition, Training etc.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 78 A summary of the number of full time equivalent (EFT) Council employees in relation to the above expenditure is included below:
Comprises Department Budget Permanent Permanent EFT Full Time Part Time Operations, Infrastructure & Leisure 222.4 152.1 70.3 Planning & Community 160.9 86.5 74.5 Corporate Services 85.8 63.5 22.3 Executive's Office 10.5 9.5 1.0 Total 479.7 311.6 168.1 Casuals and other 76.2 Capitalised labour 9.4 Total Employees 565.3
10.3.2 Materials and services ($0.658 million increase) Materials and services include the purchases of consumables, payments to contractors for the provision of services, utility costs, annual contribution for the provision of library services to the Eastern Regional Libraries (this has increased 2.0% for the 2017/18 year), contributions to community groups, software maintenance, insurances, advertising, motor vehicle running costs, fuel and registrations and other miscellaneous expenditure items. Materials and services are forecast to increase by 1.35% or $0.658 million compared to 2016/17. Utility costs relating to water, gas and electricity and are forecast to increase by 4.5% or $0.16 million compared to 2016/17 resulting from increased prices from suppliers. Contractors include payments for the provision of services which have been tendered under section 186 of the Local Government Act including external contracts for services such as waste collection, home care, road maintenance, street tree pruning etc. and are forecast to increase by 1.2% or $0.28 million compared to 2016/17. The increase in contractors is mainly due to tendered costs associated with Home Care and Waste Management.
10.3.3 Depreciation and amortisation ($0.780 million increase) Depreciation is an accounting measure which attempts to allocate the value of an asset over its useful life for Council’s property, plant and equipment including infrastructure assets such as roads and drains. The increase of 3.84% or $0.780 million for 2017/18 is due mainly the full year effect of depreciation on the 2016/17 capital works program. Refer to section 12 ‘Analysis of Capital Budget’ for a more detailed analysis of Council’s capital works program for the 2017/18 year.
10.3.4 Borrowing costs ($0.060 million decrease) Borrowing costs relate to interest charged by financial institutions on funds borrowed. The increase in borrowing costs results from the full year affect of the loan repayments on 2014/15 borrowings. Refer to section 16 ‘Borrowings’ for a more detailed analysis of Council’s borrowing commitments for the 2017/18 year.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 79 11. Analysis of budgeted cash position
This section analyses the expected cash flows from the operating, investing and financing activities of Council for the 2017/18 year. Budgeting cash flows for Council is one of the key factors in setting the level of rates and providing a guide to the level of capital expenditure that can be sustained.
The analysis is based on three main categories of cash flows: Operating activities - Refers to the cash generated or used in the normal service delivery functions of Council. Cash remaining after paying for the provision of services to the community may be available for investment in capital works, or repayment of debt. Investing activities - Refers to cash generated or used in the enhancement or creation of infrastructure and other assets. These activities also include the acquisition and sale of other assets such as vehicles, property and equipment. Financing activities - Refers to cash generated or used in the financing of Council functions and include borrowings from financial institutions and the repayments of borrowings. These activities also include repayment of the principal component of loan repayments for the year.
11.1 Budgeted cash flow statement
Forecast Actual Budget Variance 2016/17 2017/18 Ref $’000 $’000 $’000 Cash flows from operating activities 11.1.1 Receipts Rates and charges 81,851 85,637 3,786 User fees and fines 26,271 27,575 1,304 Grants - operating 11,935 11,770 (166) Grants - capital 6,011 1,774 (4,237) Interest 1,006 981 (25) Trust funds and deposits taken 1,800 1,800 0 Contributions - monetary 5,262 4,244 (1,017) 134,137 133,781 -355 Payments Employee costs (50,292) (52,251) (1,959) Other payments (51,197) (52,205) (1,008) (104,45 (101,489) 6) (2,967) Net cash provided by operating activities 32,648 29,325 (3,323)
Cash flows from investing activities 11.1.2 Proceeds from sales of property, infrastructure, plant and equipment 3,269 1,267 (2,002) Payments for investments & Proceeds from sale of investments 1,806 (672) (2,478) Payments for property, infrastructure, plant and equipment (36,170) (27,254) 8,916 Net cash used in investing activities (31,095) (26,659) 4,436
Cash flows from financing activities Finance costs (1,091) (1,031) 60 Proceeds from borrowings 0 0 0 Repayment of borrowings (1,211) (1,271) (60) Net cash used in financing activities (2,302) (2,302) 0 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (749) 364 1,114
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 80 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 10,642 9,893 (749) Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 11.1.3 9,893 10,257 365 Source: Section 3
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 81 11.1.1 Operating activities ($3.32 million decrease) The decrease in cash inflows from operating activities is due mainly to a $4.2 million decrease in capital grants from the previous year which were primarily one off in nature relating mainly to Realm, CCTV Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre, East Ringwood and Croydon and East Ringwood Pavillion redevelopment. A $1.0 million increase in materials and services and a $2.0 million increase in employee costs.
The net cash flows from operating activities does not equal the surplus (deficit) for the year as the expected revenues and expenses of the Council include non-cash items which have been excluded from the Cash Flow Statement. The budgeted operating result is reconciled to budgeted cash flows available from operating activities as set out in the following table.
Forecast Actual Budget Variance 2016/17 2017/18 $’000 $’000 $’000 Surplus (deficit) for the year 11,756 6,590 (5,166) Depreciation 20,298 21,078 780 Net gain/(loss) on disposal of property, infrastructure, plant and equipment (91) (93) (2) Finance costs 1,091 1,031 (60) Net movement in current assets and liabilities (588) (533) 1,121 Cash flows available from operating activities 32,648 29,325 (3,323)
11.1.2 Investing activities ($4.4 million increase) The increase in payments for investing activities represents a decrease in capital works expenditure between 2016/17 and 2017/18 as Council used its own cash reserves during this period.
11.1.3 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year ($0.04 million increase) Overall, total cash and investments are forecast to increase by $0.04 million to $10.26 million as at 30 June 2018. Council is using some of its cash holdings to fund capital expenditure in 2017/18 which is within acceptable sector practice. This is consistent with Council’s Long Term Financial Strategy.
11.2 Restricted and unrestricted cash and investments Cash and cash equivalents held by Council are restricted in part and not fully available for Council’s operations. The budgeted cash flow statement above indicates that Council is estimating at 30 June 2018 it will have cash and investments of $34.01 million, which are partly restricted as shown in the following table.
Forecas t Budge Varianc Actual t e Ref 2017 2018 $’000 $’000 $’000 Total cash and investments including financial 34,01 assets 32,976 2 1,036 Restricted cash and investments 11.2.1 - Trust funds and deposits (3,544) (3,544 0
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 82 ) (1,000 - Unexpended grants and contributions (1,000) ) 0 (4,964 - Unexpended specific purpose investments other (10,274) ) 5,310 (8,000 - Cash backed reserve (6,000) ) (2,000) 16,50 Unrestricted cash and investments 11.2.2 12,158 4 4,346
11.2.1 Restricted cash and investments ($17.51 million) Council has cash and cash equivalents that are subject to restrictions, Council has restrictions in relation to unexpended specific purpose investments other which relate mainly to monies received by Council for Public Open Space and Waste, trust funds and deposits, unexpended grants and contributions and cash backed reserves.
11.2.2 Unrestricted cash and investments ($16.50 million) These funds are free of all specific Council commitments and represent funds available to meet daily cash flow requirements, unexpected short term needs and any budget commitments which will be expended in the following year such as grants and contributions. Council regards these funds as the minimum necessary to ensure that it can meet its commitments as and when they fall due without borrowing further funds.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 83 12. Analysis of capital budget
This section analyses the planned capital works expenditure budget for the 2017/18 year and the sources of funding for the capital budget.
12.1 Capital works expenditure
Forecast Budget Variance Capital Works Area Ref Actual 2017/18 2016/17 $'000 $'000 $'000 Land Land Improvements 380 0 (380) Total Land 380 0 (380) Buildings 12.1.1 Buildings 10,435 7,843 (2,592) Total Buildings 10,435 7,843 (2,592) Roads and Drainage 12.1.2 Roads 6,050 3,807 (2,243) Footpaths and Cycleways 2,037 2,845 808 Carparks 359 445 86 Drainage 3,056 2,440 (616) Waste Management 66 50 (16) Other Capital Roads and Drainage 1,512 825 (687) Total Roads and Drainage 13,080 10,412 (2,668) Recreational Improvements 12.1.3 Recreational, Leisure and Community Facilities 3,252 2,346 (906) Parks & Open Space 3,710 2,121 (1,589) Total Recreational Improvements 6,962 4,467 (2,495) Plant and Equipment 12.1.4 Fixtures, Fittings and Furniture 69 60 (9) Plant, Machinery and Equipment 3,665 3,552 (113) Computers and Telecommunications 1,579 920 (659) Total Plant and Equipment 5,313 4,532 (781)
Total Capital Works Expenditure 36,170 27,254 (8,916)
Represented by: New asset expenditure 12.1.5 5,963 3,489 (2,474) Asset renewal expenditure 12.1.5 21,131 20,269 (862) Asset expansion expenditure 12.1.5 0 0 0 Asset upgrade expenditure 12.1.5 9,076 3,496 (5,580) Total Capital Works Expenditure 36,170 27,254 (8,916) * Forecast actual 2016/17 includes $8.4 million of carried forward works from 2015/16, future year projects brought forward into this year and projects related to new capital grants received during the year.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 84 Source: Section 12.
A more detailed listing of the capital works program is included in Section 6.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 85 12.1.1 Buildings ($7.84 million) This area comprises building renewal from the Condition Audit and building improvements for community facilities, municipal offices, sports facilities and pavilions.
For the 2017/18 year, $7.84 million will be expended on building renewal and building improvement projects. The more significant projects include the construction of the HE Parker Multi Sports Complex ($1.0 million) HE Parker Pavilion improvements ($1.05) million and building renewal projects including: Kurboroo Kindergarten, Maroondah Preschool, East Ringwood Senior Citizens Centre, Benson’s Pavilion, Wyreena Community Arts Centre, Bedford Park Scout Hall and Quambee Sporting Pavilion.
12.1.2 Roads and drainage ($10.41 million)
Roads and drainage includes local roads, footpaths and cycleways, carparks, bridges and drainage.
For the 2017/18 year, $10.41 million will be expended on roads and drainage. The more significant road works include; reseal works ($1.680 million), footpath construction program ($0.73 million); footpath replacement works ($1.43 million); kerb and channel replacement works ($0.64 million); and local area traffic management treatments ($0.27 million). Stormwater drainage infrastructure renewal ($1.62 million) is planned as well as significant drainage works in the Ringwood Metropolitan Activity Centre ($0.6 million).
12.1.3 Recreational improvements ($4.47 million) Recreational improvements include recreation, leisure and community facilities, parks and open space.
$4.47 million will be spent on recreational improvements in 2017/18. The more significant of these include; Croydon Town Centre Town Square ($1.0 million); the sports field surface renovation of Jubilee Oval ($0.8 million); renewal of sports field lighting ($0.20 million); playground renewal in reserves ($0.48 million); reserve bridge replacement works ($0.20 million); park inventory and replacement signage program ($0.16 million).
12.1.4 Plant and equipment ($4.53 million) Plant and equipment includes plant, machinery and equipment, computers and telecommunications.
For the 2017/18 year, $4.53 million will be expended on plant, equipment and other projects. The more significant projects include ongoing cyclical replacement of the plant and vehicle fleet ($3.25 million); upgrade and replacement of information technology ($0.92 million); and equipment replacement at the Maroondah Leisure Facilities ($0.30 million).
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 86 12.1.5 Asset renewal ($20.27 million), new assets ($3.49 million) and upgrade ($3.50 million) A distinction is made between expenditure on new assets, asset renewal, upgrade and expansion. Expenditure on asset renewal is expenditure on an existing asset, or on replacing an existing asset that returns the service of the asset to its original capability. Expenditure on new assets does not have any element of expansion or upgrade of existing assets but will result in an additional burden for future operation, maintenance and capital renewal.
The major projects included in the above categories, which constitute expenditure on renewing assets are the renewal of roads and drainage ($8.23 million), building renewal ($5.49million) and information technology purchases ($0.5 million). The remaining capital expenditure represents new assets and upgrades of existing assets. No funds have been allocated for expansion in 2017/18.
12.2 Funding sources
Forecast * Budget Variance Actual 2017/18 Sources of Funding 2016/17 $’000 $’000 Ref $’000 New works Current year funding Grants 12.2.1 6,011 1,774 (4,237) Contributions 6.2.2 619 160 (459) Borrowings 6.2.3 0 0 0 Council cash 6.2.4 26,271 24,053 (2,218) Proceeds on sale of assets 6.2.5 3,269 1,267 (2,002) Total funding sources 36,170 27,254 (8,916)
* Forecast actual 2016/17 includes $8.4 million of carried forward works from 2015/16, future year projects brought forward into this year and projects related to new capital grants received during the year. Source: Section 6
12.2.1 Grants ($1.774 million) Capital grants include all monies received from State and Federal sources for the purposes of funding the capital works program. Significant grants include Roads to Recovery program ($0.72 million) and funding from the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development for HE Parker Multi Sports Complex ($1.00 million).
12.2.2 Contributions ($0.16 million) Contributions include all monies received for the purposes of funding capital improvements to sporting facilities and facilities used by community groups on Council land managed by others. Contributions of ($0.16 million) are budgeted in 2017/18.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 87 12.2.3 Council cash ($24.053 million) Council generates cash from its operating activities, which is used as a funding source for the capital works program. It is forecast that $24.053 million will be generated from operations and council cash holdings to fund the 2017/18 capital works program.
12.2.4 Proceeds from sale of assets ($1.267 million) Proceeds from sale of assets include motor vehicles and other items of plant sales in accordance with Council’s fleet renewal policy of $1.267 million.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 88 13. Analysis of budgeted financial position
This section analyses the movements in assets, liabilities and equity between 2016/17 and 2017/18. It also considers a number of key performance indicators.
13.1 Budgeted balance sheet
Forecast Actual Budget Variance 2017 2018 Ref $’000 $’000 $’000 Current assets 13.1.1 Cash and cash equivalents 9,893 10,257 364 Trade and other receivables 7,742 7,107 (635) Financial assets 23,083 23,755 672 Inventories 292 297 5 Other assets 859 874 15 Total current assets 41,869 42,291 422
Non-current assets 13.1.1 0 Trade and other receivables 407 407 0 Investments in associates 2,862 2,862 0 1,465,99 Property, infrastructure, plant & equipment 1,461,182 8 4,816 Intangible assets 495 495 0 1,464,94 1,469,76 Total non-current assets 6 2 4,816 1,506,81 1,512,05 Total assets 5 2 5,238
Current liabilities 13.1.2 Trade and other payables 9,349 8,440 908 Trust funds and deposits 3,336 3,336 0 Provisions 11,572 12,319 (748) Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 1,271 1,334 (63) Total current liabilities 25,528 25,430 98
Non-current liabilities 13.1.2 Provisions 1,129 1,208 (79) Trust funds and deposits 208 208 0 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 20,011 18,677 1,334 Total non-current liabilities 21,348 20,093 1,255 Total liabilities 46,875 45,522 1,353 1,459,94 1,466,53 Net assets 0 0 6,590
Equity 13.1.4 Accumulated surplus 480,644 485,234 4,590
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 89 Reserves 979,296 981,296 2,000 1,459,94 1,466,53 Total equity 0 0 6,590 Source: Section 3 13.1.1 Current Assets ($0.42 million increase) and Non-Current Assets ($4.82 million increase)
Cash and cash equivalents include cash and investments such as cash held in the bank and in petty cash and the value of investments in deposits or other highly liquid investments with short term maturities of three months or less. These balances are projected to increase by $0.36 million during the year in line with the rise and fall of Council’s operations.
Trade and other receivables are monies owed to Council by ratepayers and others. Minimal change is expected in the level of debtors in the budget.
Other financial assets include the value of investments held in deposits with a maturity of greater than three months at the time of initial investment. These balances are projected to increase by $0.67 million during the year in line with the rise and fall of Council’s operations.
Other assets includes items such as prepayments for expenses that Council has paid in advance of service delivery and inventories or stocks held for sale or consumption in Council’s services. Minimal change is expected in the budget.
Property, infrastructure, plant and equipment is the largest component of Council’s worth and represents the value of all the land, buildings, roads, vehicles, equipment, etc. which has been built up by Council over many years. The net increase in this balance is attributable to the net result of the capital works program ($27.3 million of new assets); depreciation of assets ($21.1 million); and the sale of property, plant and equipment ($1.3 million).
13.1.2 Current Liabilities ($0.98 million decrease) and Non-Current Liabilities ($1.26 million decrease)
‘Trade and other payables’ are those to whom Council owes money as at 30 June. These liabilities are budgeted to reduce which is consistent with 2017/18 reduced levels of expenditure on materials and services relating to capital projects.
Provisions include accrued long service leave, annual leave and time in lieu to employees. These employee entitlements are only expected to increase marginally in line with EBA outcomes.
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings are borrowings of Council. As detailed in Section 16 Council borrowed $24.2 million in 2014/15 and repayment of loan principal of $1.27 million will be made during the year.
13.1.3 Working Capital ($0.519 million increase)
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 90 Working capital is the excess of current assets above current liabilities. This calculation recognises that although Council has current assets, some of those assets are already committed to the future settlement of liabilities in the following 12 months and are therefore not available for discretionary spending.
The expected working capital ratio for 2017/18 is 1.66:1 which means that Council can meet its short term obligations and has sufficient cash or operating liquidity remaining to meet fluctuating cash levels during the year.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 91 13.1.4 Equity ($6.590 million increase)
Total equity always equals net assets and is made up of the following components: Asset revaluation reserve which represents the difference between the previously recorded value of assets and their current valuations. Accumulated surplus which is the value of all net assets less Reserves that have accumulated over time. The increase in accumulated surplus of $6.590 million results directly from the surplus for the year. Council has introduced a general reserve to fund future capital projects and unexpected contingencies such as a call on unfunded Superannuation. The reserve will increase by $2.0 million in 2017/18.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 92 Section 3 – Strategies
This section includes the following analysis and information:
14.Long Term Financial Strategy
15.Rating Strategy
16.Borrowing Strategy
17.Infrastructure and other assets
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 93 14. Long term financial strategy
14.1 Strategy Development
Council has prepared a long term financial strategy for the 10-year period 2017/18 to 2026/27 as part of its ongoing financial planning to assist Council in adopting a Budget within a longer term framework. The long term financial strategy takes the outcome areas (strategic objectives) and key directions (strategies) as specified in the Council Plan and is required to express them in financial terms for the next four years at minimum i.e. the Strategic Resource Plan. Council reports the upcoming ten years.
The key objective in developing the Strategy is financial sustainability in the medium to long term, whilst still achieving Council’s objectives as specified in the Council Plan. The key financial objectives, which underpin the long term financial strategy, are:
Achieve operating statement surpluses after adjustments for one-off (non- recurring) events; Maintain a strong cash position; Maintain long term financial sustainability indicators within the low to medium risk levels as defined by the Victorian Auditor General’s Office (VAGO); Invest in a capital expenditure program that addresses Council’s infrastructure requirements and ensures that renewal of assets at least matches depreciation;
In preparing the strategy, Council has also been mindful of the need to comply with the following principles of sound financial management as contained in the Act:
Prudently manage financial risks relating to debt, assets and liabilities Provide stability in the level of rate burden Consider the financial effects of Council decisions on future generations Provide full, accurate and timely disclosure of financial information.
The Strategy is updated annually through a rigorous process of consultation with Councillors after Council’s service areas, followed by a detailed sensitivity analysis to achieve the key financial objectives.
14.2 Assumptions
The first year of the long term financial strategy is the proposed 2017/18 budget figures, whilst the remaining years 2018/19 to 2026/27 are based on a number of broad assumptions combined with known major influences.
The most significant of the assumptions contained in the Strategy are:
All current services and service levels are maintained, while retaining the capacity to respond to emerging service demands;
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 94 Annual general rate revenue results after applying the predicted rate cap formulae increases each year in accordance with the legislation introduced last year; Waste charges are based on full cost recovery of providing the service; Employee costs will align with estimated Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) outcomes; Containment of increases in non-discretionary expenditure for materials and contracts to no more than CPI with the exception of committed contracts; All other discretionary expenditure to remain at 2016/17 budget levels e.g. no increase; Interest rates on investments to continue at an average of current rate regimes; Asset renewal expenditure to be at least as great as depreciation each year; No new borrowings; Provision of a capped cash backed defined benefits superannuation fund reserve of $5 million; and Provision of a growing cash backed major capital projects reserve to fund yet unidentified and new major projects.
Many of these assumptions are heavily dependent on forces outside the control of Council and as such are reviewed and updated annually in the Long Term Financial Strategy (refer section 9 Budget Influences).
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 95 14.3 Financial Resources
The following table summarises the key financial results for the next ten years as contained in the Strategic Resource for years 2017/18 to 2026/27. Section 3 includes a more detailed analysis of the financial resources to be used over the next four-year period.
Forecas Tren t Strategic Resource Plan Long Term Financial Plan d Actual Budget Projections 2016/1 2017/ 2018/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ 2022/ 2023/ 2024/ 2025/ 2026/ +/o/ Indicator 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 - $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Surplus/(deficit) for the year 11,756 6,590 17,955 6,046 6,526 6,747 7,375 7,534 7,310 7,979 8,596 + Adjusted underlying result 5,191 4,656 4,936 5,527 6,007 6,228 6,856 7,016 6,791 7,461 8,077 + Cash and investments balance 32,976 34,012 35,179 33,380 35,469 36,462 38,323 40,003 41,112 42,880 45,754 + Cash flow from operations 32,648 29,325 42,859 27,507 31,365 32,566 33,781 34,870 35,589 36,867 38,565 +
Capital works expenditure 36,170 27,254 40,658 28,299 28,301 30,630 30,977 32,247 33,538 34,156 34,748 o
The following graph shows the financial indicators over the ten-year period.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 96 The key outcomes of the plan are as follows:
Financial Sustainability The Long Term Financial Strategy portrays positive outcomes in terms of net surplus comprehensive results for the entire ten- year period outlook (2017/18 to 2026/27). This can be achieved after absorbing the impact of borrowing to cover the building of Aquanation, the freezing of the Funding Assistance Grant from the Federal Government and the graduated increase in the superannuation guarantee by the Federal Government.
Further indicators of the long term financial sustainability of Councils are the financial sustainability risk indicators as defined by VAGO. Council is in a sound position financially with all indicators showing results within acceptable low to medium risk levels. The following table show these indicators over the ten-year period, shading green for low risk and yellow for medium risk.
Forecast Strategic Resource Plan Long Term Financial Plan Measures Actual Budget Projections 2016/1 2017/1 2018/1 2019/2 2020/2 2021/2 2022/2 2023/2 2024/2 2025/2 2026/2 Indicator 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Net Result % > 0% 9.1% 5.0% 13.5% 4.6% 4.8% 4.8% 5.1% 5.1% 4.8% 5.1% 5.3% Liquidity Ratio > 1.0% 1.64 1.66 1.57 1.60 1.63 1.60 1.61 1.61 1.58 1.58 1.61 115.1 > 100% Internal financing % 108.3% % 154.2% 98.5% 112.2% 107.6% 110.3% 109.4% 107.3% 109.1% 112.1% Indebtedness % ≤ 40% 19.5% 17.7% 16.1% 14.5% 12.9% 11.4% 9.8% 8.3% 6.8% 5.3% 3.8% Capital replacement > 1.5% ratio 1.78 1.29 1.87 1.26 1.22 1.28 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.25 1.23 Renewal gap ratio > 1.0% 1.50 1.13 1.18 1.15 1.15 1.21 1.18 1.18 1.19 1.17 1.16
Rating levels Annual rate revenue results are derived after applying the predicted rate cap increases each year in accordance with the legislation introduced last year.
Borrowings Borrowings are forecast to reduce from $21.3 million to $ 5.3 million over the ten-year period. This reflects repayments for borrowings in 2014/15 of $24.2million to partly fund the building of Aquanation in Ringwood (refer Section 16 – Borrowing Strategy). There are no further loan commitments anticipated for the life of the Long Term Financial Strategy.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 97 Infrastructure and Other Assets Council’s capital policy and procedural framework incorporates a strategy to meet the challenges of the ageing infrastructure by steadily increasing expenditure on asset renewal. Capital expenditure over the four-year period will total $124.5 million and $320.8 million over the 10-year period (refer Section 17 – Infrastructure and other assets Strategy). The long term Capital Works Outlook can be seen in the table on the next page.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 98 Statement of Capital Works For the ten years ending 30 June 2027
Forecast Actual Strategic Resource Plan
2016/17 2018/19 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ 2023/24 2024/ 202 2026/27 20 21 22 25 5/2 6 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’00 $’000 0 Land Land 380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Land improveme nts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total land 380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Buildings Buildings 10,435 19,961 7,975 7,670 8,000 8,426 8,730 8,840 9,090 Total 10,435 19,961 7,975 7,670 8,000 8,426 8,730 8,840 9,090 buildings Roads and Drainage Roads 6,050 4,319 4,614 4,209 4,914 4,734 5,054 5,214 5,397 Footpaths and 2,037 cycleways 3,043 3,093 3,305 3,572 3,785 3,905 3,990 3,990 Carparks 359 460 480 460 500 520 540 560 590 Drainage 3,056 3,517 3,060 3,450 4,062 5,075 5,435 5,580 5,570 Waste manageme 66 nt 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Other Capital 1,512 Roads and Drainage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 15,39 Roads and 13,080 11,389 11,297 11,474 13,098 14,164 14,984 15,597 4 Drainage Recreatio nal Improvem ents Recreationa 3,252 3,206 2,835 2,605 2,760 2,900 2,965 2,977 3,040
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 99 l, leisure and community facilities Parks and 3,710 1,260 1,280 1,370 1,470 1,530 1,595 1,595 1,645 open space Total Recreatio nal 6,962 4,466 4,115 3,975 4,230 4,430 4,560 4,572 4,685 Improvem ents Plant and equipmen t Fixtures, fittings and 69 furniture 60 60 70 70 80 80 80 110 Plant, machinery 3,665 and equipment 3,852 3,902 4,142 4,242 4,147 4,184 4,210 4,236 Computers and 1,579 telecommu nications 930 950 970 990 1,000 1,000 1,010 1,030 Total plant and 5,313 4,842 4,912 5,182 5,302 5,227 5,264 5,300 5,376 equipmen t
Total capital 34,10 works 36,170 40,658 28,299 28,301 30,630 32,247 33,538 34,748 6 expenditu re
Represent ed by: New asset 5,963 expenditure 14,998 2,518 1,598 1,773 1,971 2,022 2,057 2,143 Asset renewal 21,131 26,86 expenditure 20,969 21,865 22,524 24,113 25,374 26,414 0 27,180 Asset expansion 0 expenditure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 100 Asset upgrade 9,076 expenditure 4,691 3,916 4,179 4,744 4,902 5,102 5,239 5,425 Total capital 34,15 works 36,170 40,658 28,299 28,301 30,630 32,247 33,538 34,748 6 expenditu re
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 101 15. Rating Strategy
This section considers the Council’s rating strategy including strategy development and assumptions underlying the current year rates and charges increase and rating structure.
15.1 Strategy development
In forming the 2017/18 Budget, Council gave careful consideration to the structure of its rating system and is committed to consider the prospect of introducing a differential rate for Commercial and Industrial properties prior to the preparation of the 2018/19 Budget.
Council has adopted a rating strategy built around five equity, sustainability and transparency parameters. These parameters commit Council to:
* adherence to the direction from The Minister for Local Government that rate capping will continue for the 2017/18 financial year and subsequent years;
* progressively increase funding for infrastructure renewal to approximately equate the wear, tear and obsolescence on existing assets ensuring longevity and the provision of community accepted levels of service for its entire asset portfolio;
* continue to maintain equity for all rate payers within Maroondah’s rating system;
* deliver maximum benefit from the economies and productivity generated from continually improving organisational performance;
* provide transparency in the rating process; and
* continue to recover separately the full cost of Council’s waste management services.
Council has maintained the optimum possible rating structure within the context of these parameters balancing services, programs and projects with the Community’s needs, aspirations and expectations.
The key features of this rating structure in 2017/18 include:
maintenance of equity for all rate payers in the rating system through the use of a capital improved rating system; and
an increase in general rates of 2.0% (as applied to the Base Average Rate in accordance with the Essential Services Commission’s formulae) and waste collection charges of 4.0% over the 2016/17 rating level.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 102 15.2 Rating context
The Local Government (Fair Go Rates) Act has entered its second year of affect having been passed by Parliament in 2015. The Act adopted the bulk of the recommendations from the Essential Services Commission (ESC) in its local government rating review report. The Act introduces a rate cap based on CPI plus or minus any adjustment and allows for multiple caps to be set by the Minister and variations to the cap should Councils obtain approval to raise rate revenue by a greater amount than that imposed by the cap.
The Minister subsequently determined the rate cap for 2017/18 to be set at an increase of 2.0% over the average property rate of Council. The average property rate is derived by dividing total rate revenue adjusted for the annualisation of supplementary rate income by the number of rateable properties as at 30 June. The increase under the cap applies to rate revenue after growth in the previous year has been taken into account as demonstrated by the formulae following:
2016/17 Adopted General Rate Income + 2016/17 Annualised Supplementary Rate Income No. of Assessments 2016/17 = Base Average Rate x 2.0% = maximum allowable Capped Average Rate
15.3 Current year rates and charges
The general rate revenue and garbage charge revenue that Council will levy in the 2017/18 rating year is as follows:
General Service Charge Total Rate (Garbage) Revenue Revenue $000 $000 $000 Total Declared 2016/17 $70,198,157 $11,144,000 $81,342,157 Plus Supplementary Revenue $900,025 $0 $900,025 2016/17 # $71,098,182 $11,144,000 $82,242,182 Increase/(Decrease) in 2017/18 $1,421,953 $446,000 $1,867,953 Total for 2017/18 $72,520,135 $11,590,000 $84,110,135 #This represents annualized supplementary valuations estimated for the 2016/17 financial year.
The total revenue target for 2017/18 of $84,110,135 represents a 2.3% Municipal wide increase in rates and charges levels. For general rates the percentage increase is based on the ESC formulae referred to above and the service charges increase is in line with contract obligations.
15.4 General revaluation of properties 2016
Council is required to conduct a two yearly General Property Valuation. The most recent General Valuation was carried out with levels of value set as at 1 January 2016. The General Valuation was undertaken in accordance with best practice standards set by the State Valuer-General.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 103 These valuations are used for rating purposes to equitably spread the total of Council’s own source revenue across Maroondah’s total assessment base. Hence, the higher the property value the higher the associated individual property general rates; the lower the property value, the lower the associated individual property general rates.
The next General Valuation will be conducted in 2018 and will be carried out with levels set as at 1 January 2018.
15.5 Rating of cultural and recreational lands
Council has three (3) properties that are deemed to be subject to the provisions of the Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963.
This legislation allows Council to set an amount as rates in respect of properties that are covered by this legislation.
Such properties are vested in bodies which: exist for cultural or sporting purposes and which apply their profits in promoting their objectives;
prohibit the payment of dividends to their members; and
are used for outdoor sporting, recreational, cultural or similar purposes.
Council is required to set an amount which is to be paid as rates having regard to the services provided by Council and having regard to the benefit to the community derived from such lands. Having taken account of all the required factors Council has historically formed the view that a 35% reduction in the general rate otherwise applying is a fair and reasonable measure of these factors.
Hence in 2017/18 the following amounts will be payable in respect to the properties affected, viz: * Heathmont Club Inc. $6,112.20 * Bayswater North Tennis Club $1,742.15 * Eastwood Golf Club $13,681.05
The amount to be paid as rates on the three (3) Cultural and Recreational properties will generate income of $21,535.40 in 2017/18.
15.6 Differential rating
The Capital Improved Value rating system includes a differential rate for vacant land properties throughout the municipality. It has been in place since the 2003/04 rating year when Council moved from Site Value rating to Capital Improved Value rating.
This levy ensures that all rateable properties make an equitable financial contribution to the cost of carrying out the functions of Council and at the same time is applied locally to encourage development within the municipality.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 104 There are 286 vacant land properties that will contribute $724,711 to the total of rates, or 1.0% of total rate revenue. The number of vacant land properties continues to reduce in line with Council’s strategy.
The level of the differential rate is reviewed annually to ensure ongoing equity within the rating framework. Refer section 7.1.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 105 15.7 Rating Structure
After consideration of all the foregoing issues, the following rating structure has been approved for 2017/18:
1. In respect to properties subject to the Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963 Council sets an amount which is to be paid as rates having regard to the services provided by Council and having regard to the benefit to the community derived from such lands, and taking into account all the required factors, Council has formed the view that a 35% reduction in the general rate otherwise applying is a fair and reasonable measure of these factors.
2. A differential rate will be struck in respect to all vacant land to ensure the levy of an equitable financial contribution to the cost of carrying out the functions of Council.
3. The balance of general rate revenue that is to be raised in 2017/18 will be raised by the application of a single general rate in the dollar applied across the Municipality.
In summary, the following rating structure will therefore be applied for the 2017/18 rating year:
RATE TYPE RATE IN THE $ RATE IN THE $ (Capital Improved (Capital Improved Value) Value) 2016/17 2017/18 General Rate 0.2209¢ 0.2253¢ Differential Rate:
Vacant Land 0.3314¢ 0.3380¢
Rating Yield
When the rating structure is applied to the total valuation the following total revenue yields are generated for 2017/18:
Capital Improved Revenue Rate in $ Value ($) Yield ($)# General Rate $31,861,586,291 0.2253 $71,773,889 Differential Rate: Vacant Land $214,411,444 0.3380 $724,711 Amounts In Lieu of Rates: Cultural and Recreational Lands Act $14,710,000 $21,535 Total $32,090,707,735 $72,520,135 # These figures are rounded on individual properties and therefore are not an exact extension of the total valuation by the rate in the dollar.
Council provides a comprehensive waste collection service for residents consisting of a 120 or 80 litre garbage bin, a 240 litre organic bin and a 240 litre recycling bin. The following table sets out the charge scales: GARBAGE CHARGES
Service Charges in Charges in Change 2016/17 2017/18 $ % Residential 120 Litre Bins $248.50 $255.50 $7.00 2.8% Residential 80 Litre Bins $207.50 $213.00 $5.50 2.7% Second and Subsequent Bins* $264.00 $272.00 $8.00 3.0% Additional Residential 120 Litre Bin* - $200.00 $200.00 - Additional Residential Garden Organics* - $200.00 $200.00 - Commercial 240 Litre service, once per week # $485.00 $502.00 $17.00 3.5% Commercial 240 Litre service, three times per week # $1,025.00 $1,060.00 $35.00 3.4% Additional Recycling-Non-Residential # $100.00 $103.00 $3.00 3.0% Commercial & Industrial Garden Organics#* $0.00 $180.00 $180.00 - Industrial 120 Litre service# $278.00 $288.00 $10.00 3.6% Industrial 80 Litre service# $235.00 $243.00 $8.00 3.4% #These figures include GST that applies to these services. * Approval of additional waste service is subject to Council assessment.
Residents are encouraged to contact Council on 1300 88 22 33 should they wish to move from a 120 litre bin to an 80 litre bin which is cheaper and/or if they wish an additional recycling bin free of charge to meet their needs. A pro-rata adjustment effective from the change date will be included in any outstanding rates.
The landfill waste levy will continue to be collected on behalf of the State Government and represents 11.9% of the total Garbage Charges.
Victorian State Government Charges in Charges in Change Landfill Levy 2016/17 2017/18 $ % Municipal Waste $ per tonne $62.03 $63.27# $1.24 2.0% Total cost to ratepayer $1,320,000 $1,380,000 $60,000 4.5% #Estimated increase based on 2.0%.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 107 16. Borrowings
16.1. Borrowing Strategy
Context Borrowings are recognised as an important funding source for firstly creating infrastructure assets and secondly for one off significant expense burdens that may arise. An estimate of future borrowing requirements is incorporated into the Long Term Financial Strategy if and when required.
Budget 2017/2018 In 2014/15 Council constructed a new regional aquatic and leisure centre in Ringwood known as Aquanation. The facility was opened in August 2015, with borrowings to fund a portion of this project. The total cost was $52.2 million, and has been funded by Federal and State Government grants to a total of $13.0 million. The remaining funding came from a combination of loan borrowings by Council ($24.2 million), budgeted capital expenditure, public open space contributions and cash reserves. Council market tendered for the provision of the loan in August 2014 and the loan was drawdown in November 2014 with repayment of principal and interest over 15 years and at a fixed rate for the term of the loan of 4.91% interest per annum. The budget for 2017/18 provides for repayment of loan principal and interest per the agreed schedule. The following table sets out Council’s known and anticipated loan borrowing commitments over the life of the loan:
New Borrowing Loan Loan Balance Year s Principal Interest 30 June $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000
2014/15 24,200 555 594 23,645 2015/16 0 1,152 1,147 22,493 2016/17 0 1,209 1,090 21,284 2017/18 0 1,268 1,030 20,016 2018/19 0 1,332 967 18,684 2019/20 0 1,39 900 17,286 8 2020/21 0 1,468 831 15,818 2021/22 0 1,541 758 14,277 2022/23 0 1,617 681 12,660 2023/24 0 1,698 601 10,962 2024/25 0 1,782 517 9,180 2025/26 0 1,871 428 7,309 2026/27 0 1,963 335 5,346 2027/28 0 2,061 238 3,285 2028/29 0 2,163 135 1,122 2029/30 0 1,122 28 -
There are no further loan commitments anticipated for the life of the Long Term Financial Strategy.
The table below shows information on borrowings specifically required by the Regulations.
2016/17 201718 $’000 $’000 Total amount borrowed as at 30 June of the prior year 22,493 21,282 Total amount to be borrowed 0 0 Total amount projected to be redeemed (1,211) (1,271) Total amount proposed to be borrowed as at 30 June 21,282 20,011
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 110 17. Infrastructure and other assets
Maroondah City Council (Council) has established a Total Life Cycle Asset Management (TLCAM) framework that is aimed at ensuring asset longevity and the continued provision of services to the community. The TLCAM framework has evolved over time, in conjunction with Council’s knowledge of its asset portfolio which has increased through cyclical asset condition/performance assessments and the establishment of strategic asset management plans. This framework facilitates the optimisation of Council’s capital renewal, capital upgrade and maintenance expenditure associated with its assets.
To place the importance of this framework in a financial context, it is noted that as part of Council’s net assets as at 30 June 2016 totalling $1,448 million, physical assets including infrastructure, property, plant and equipment totalled $1,449 million. The net value of the assets represents the valuation of the assets less applicable accumulated depreciation. A breakdown of this $1,449 million into categories shows:
Category Net Value $m % Property (Land and Buildings) 841 58.0 Infrastructure 598 41.3 Plant, Equipment & Work in Progress 10 0.7 Total 1,449 100.0
Council’s TLCAM framework is based on its commitment to a best practice ‘whole of life’ approach to the management of the community’s assets. Council believes that such an approach, combined with the principles of sustainability, will provide enhanced service delivery outcomes for the community. The TLCAM framework incorporates the combined application of financial, economic, technical, social and environmental factors with the objective of providing a required level of service in the most cost effective manner over the lifecycle of each asset.
17.1 Applying the Framework to the Annual Budgeting Process
Council’s policy and procedural framework for the management of its physical assets is linked to its Council planning and budgeting processes.
The TLCAM framework is continuing to be refined, to facilitate advanced life cycle cost projections for up to twenty (20) years into the future. The TLCAM framework is based on a minimum ten (10) year planning cycle which sets out the capital expenditure requirements of Council by class of asset and is a key input to the Service Resource Plan. This is supported by the 10-year capital program at the strategic level with projects identified for years one to four. This allows time to properly plan for the projects and deliver them in an efficient manner. This program is continually reviewed based on the knowledge obtained through the cyclical reviews and the updating of the asset management plans.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 111 17.2 Budget 2017/18
The 2017/18 capital works program has been developed in accordance with the above policy and procedural framework for the management of Council’s physical assets. The outcomes of the program and its associated funding for the next four years are tabled below:
Sources of funding Year Total Capital Program Grants Contributions Council Cash
$000 $000 $000 $000 2017/18 $1,774 $1,427 $24,053 $27,254 2018/19 $12,862 $1,427 $26,369 $40,658 2019/20 $362 $1,455 $26,482 $28,299 2020/21 $362 $1,502 $26,437 $28,301
The detailed program that lists each project to be undertaken over the next four (4) years is included in Section 6. The projects included in the program are as a direct result of community needs and service requirements.
17.3 Long Term Financial Strategy
Council has developed a ten (10) year rolling Long Term Financial Strategy (LTFS), of which the first four-year period is included in Section 3. The Strategy incorporates capital expenditure that includes extrapolations based on the above policy and procedural framework, and which demonstrates achievement of the targeted growth of asset renewal and upgrade spending. In 2017/18 and 2018/19 the renewal expenditure is 96% of Council’s annual depreciation increasing to 97% in 2019/20. Council continues to fund its renewal gap in a responsible manner within its economic constraints.
The contents of the appendices following are summarised below:
Appendix Nature of information Page A Budget process 95 B Statutory disclosures 97 C Fees and charges schedule 100
Appendix A - Budget Process
The preparation of the budget begins with Council’s employees preparing the annual budget in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act) and Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2014 (the Regulations) and submitting the “proposed” budget to Council for approval “in principle”. Council is then required to give “public notice” that it intends to “adopt” the budget. It must give a minimum 28 days notice of its intention to adopt the proposed budget and make the budget available for inspection at its offices. A person is able to make a submission on any proposal contained in the budget and Council must consider any submission before adoption of the budget. The final step is for Council to adopt the budget after receiving and considering submissions from interested parties. The budget is required to be adopted by 31 August 2017 and a copy submitted to the Minister within 28 days after adoption. This section lists the budget processes to be undertaken in order to adopt the Budget in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act) and Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2014 (the Regulations).
Under the Act, Council is required to prepare and adopt an annual budget for each financial year. The budget is required to include certain information about the rates and charges that Council intends to levy as well as a range of other information required by the Regulations which support the Act.
The 2017/18 budget is for the year 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 and is prepared in accordance with the Act and Regulations. The budget includes financial statements being a Comprehensive Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows and Statement of Capital Works. These statements have been prepared for the year ending 30 June 2018 in accordance with the Act and Regulations, and consistent with the annual financial statements which are prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and the Local Government Model Accounts. The budget also includes information about the rates and charges to be levied, the capital works program to be undertaken, the human resources required, and other financial information Council requires in order to make an informed decision about the adoption of the budget.
A ‘proposed’ budget is prepared in accordance with the Act and submitted to Council in May for approval ’in principle’. Council is then required to give ’public notice’ that it intends to ’adopt’ the budget. It must give 28 days notice of its intention to adopt the proposed budget and make the
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 113 budget available for inspection at its offices and on its web site. A person has a right to make a submission on any proposal contained in the budget and any submission must be considered before adoption of the budget by Council.
With the introduction of the State Governments Rate Capping legislation in 2015 Councils are now unable to determine the level of rate increase and instead must use a maximum rate increase determined by the Minister for Local Government which is announced in December for application in the following financial year.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 114 If a Council wishes to seek a rate increase above the maximum allowable it must submit a rate variation submission to the Essential Services Commission (ESC). The Commission will endeavour to notify councils of its decision in respect of an application within two months of receipt of application. In many cases this will require Councils to undertake ‘public notice’ on two separate proposed budgets simultaneously, i.e. the Ministers maximum rate increase and the Council’s required rate increase. The final step is for Council to adopt the budget after receiving and considering any submissions from interested parties. A copy of the budget is required to be submitted to the Minister within 28 days after adoption.
This 2017/18 Budget has been prepared in compliance with the Act and the Regulations that set out the required preparation process. Council is not seeking a rate increase above the maximum allowable by the ESC. The key dates for the budget process are summarised in the table below:
Timetable - Budget Process Submit Proposed Budget to Council for “Approval in Principle” at a 1. 8 May Special Council meeting 2. Public Notice advising intention to adopt budget 11 May
3. Budget placed on exhibition for minimum 28 days 12 May
4. Submission period closes (at 5.00pm) 9 June Consideration of submissions and report prepared by Sub 5. 14 June Committee of Council Council considers report from Sub Committee and Adopts Budget 6. 26 June at a Council meeting Within 28 days 7. Council submits Budget to Minister after adoption
Community Consultation
Section 129 of the Act provides that Council follows a public consultation process prior to formal Budget adoption. This commences with a public notice by Council announcing the preparation of the Proposed Budget. Copies of the Budget are made available on Council’s website and for inspection at Council’s service centres and libraries and the public may obtain further information on the Budget content from Council Officers by appointment. The public notice invites submissions to be made to Council under Section 223 of the Act. This Section also gives those making submissions the right to speak to their submission before a sub- committee of Council. The legislation also requires Council to formally respond to any submissions in writing and to provide reasons for such response. The timetable provided above incorporates this community consultation process.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 115 Appendix B - Statutory Disclosures
This appendix presents information which the Act and the Regulations require to be disclosed in the Council’s annual budget.
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL – ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 116 Statutory Disclosures
Under Section 127 of the Local Government Act 1989, Council must prepare a budget for the financial year and ensure that the budget contains information as detailed in the Act and the Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2014. The Regulations, supporting the Act also specify further information to be included in the Budget. The following tables provides where in this document information is available to the reader.
Budget Act & Requirement Document Regulations Reference Financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, changes in equity, Section 127(2)(a) 1. cash flows, capital works) in the form set out in the Local Government Model Section 3 Regulation 9 Financial Report 2. Services and initiatives to be funded in the budget Section 127(2)(b) Section 2 Statement as to how the services and initiatives will contribute to achieving 3. Section 127(2)(c) Section 2 the strategic objectives specified in the Council Plan Major initiatives, being initiatives identified by Council as priorities, to be 4. Section 127(2)(d) Section 2 undertaken during the financial year
For services to be funded in the budget, the prescribed indicators of service Section 127(2) 5. performance that are required to be reported against in the performance Section 2 (da)-(db) statement, and the prescribed measures relating to those indicators
6. Details of the rates to be declared Section 158(1) Section 7
7. Details of differential rates Section 161(2) Section 7 A detailed list of capital works expenditure in relation to non-current assets classified in accordance with the model statement of capital works in the Local Regulation 10(1) 8. Section 6 Government Model Financial Report, and set out according to asset (a) expenditure type
A summary of the funding sources in relation to the capital works expenditure, Regulation 10(1) 9. Section 6 classified separately as to grants, contributions, Council cash and borrowings (b)
10. Regulation 10(1) A statement of human resources Section 3 (c) A summary of human resources expenditure and the number of full time 11. equivalent Council employees referred to in the statement of human Regulation 10(1) Section 3 resources, categorised according to the organisational structure of the Council (d-e) and classified separately as to permanent full time or permanent part time A list of grants by type and source, classified as recurrent grants to be used to 12. Regulation 10(1) fund operation expenditure and capital expenditure, and non-recurrent grants Section 5 (f) to be used to fund operation and capital expenditure 13. Total amount borrowed as at 30 June of the financial year compared with the Regulation 10(1) Section 5 previous financial year (g) 14. Total amount to be borrowed during the financial year compared with the Regulation 10(1) Section 5 previous financial year (h)(i) 15. Total amount projected to be redeemed during the financial year compared Regulation 10(1) Section 5 with the previous financial year (i) 16. Regulation 10(2) Rate in the dollar for each type or class of land Section 7 (a) 17. Percentage change in the rate in the dollar for each class or type of land Regulation 10(2) Section 7 compared with the previous year (b) 18. Estimated amount to be raised by general rates in relation to each type of Regulation 10(2) Section 7 class of land compared with the previous financial year (c) 19. Estimated total amount to be raised by general rates compared with the Regulation 10(2) Section 7 previous financial year (d) 20. Number of assessments for each class or type of land compared with the Regulation 10(2) Section 7 previous financial year (e) Budget Requirement Act & Regulations Document Reference 21. Number of assessments compared with the previous Regulation 10(2)(f) Section 7 financial year 22. Basis of valuation to be used Regulation 10(2)(g) Section 7
23. Estimated value of each type or class of land compared Regulation 10(2)(h) Section 7 with the previous financial year 24. Estimated total value of land rated compared with the Regulation 10(2)(i) Section 7 previous financial year 25. Municipal charge compared with the previous financial Regulation 10(2)(j) Not Applicable year 26. Percentage change in the municipal charge compared Regulation 10(2)(k) Not Applicable with the previous financial year 27. Estimated amount to be raised by municipal charges Regulation 10(2)(l) Not Applicable compared with the previous financial year 28. Rate or unit amount to be levied for each type of service Regulation 10(2)(m) Section 7 rate or charge compared with the previous financial year 29. Percentage change for each type of service rate or charge Regulation 10(2)(n) Section 7 compared with the previous financial year 30. Estimated amount to be raised by each type of service Regulation 10(2)(o) Section 7 rate or charge compared with the previous financial year 31. Estimated total amount to be raised by service rates and Regulation 10(2)(p) Section 7 charges compared with the previous financial year 32. Estimated total amount to be raised by all rates and Regulation 10(2)(q) Section 7 charges compared with the previous financial year 33. Any significant changes that may affect the estimated Regulation 10(2)(r) Section 7 amounts referred to in Regulation 10(2)
34. Councils applying to the Essential Services Commission Local Government Amendment Not Applicable for a rates variation must meet disclosure requirements (Fair Go Rates) Act 2015 Appendix C - Fees and Charges Schedule
This appendix presents the fees and charges schedule Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory
GST Incl. (Where
Business & Development Business Training & Seminars/Fee Fee Training courses D Business Events/Fee Fee Business breakfast series D
Business Week/Fee Fee Business Week events D
Realm Room Hire Fee D Realm -Training & Seminars/Fee Fee D Engineering & Building Services Issue of Legal Point of Discharge, Fees in accordance Legal Point of Discharge Fee with Statutory Building Regulations S Road Opening Permit Fee Road Opening Permit D Flood/Overland Flow Info Fee Build on flood prone land S Vehicle Crossing Permit Fee Vehicle Crossing Inspections / User charges Fees & Fines D Occupation Road Reserve Permit Fee Permit to occupy road reserve D Containers on Road Reserve Permit Fee Permit to occupy road reserve (short term occupation) D Traffic Management Plan Approval Permit Fee Traffic Management Plan Approval D Development Plan Checking Fee - Residential Residential Development Plan Checking 2 Lot Development Development Plan development with common property D Development Plan Checking Fee - Residential Residential Development Plan Checking 3-4 Lot Development Development Plan development with common property D Development Plan Checking Fee - Residential Residential Development Plan Checking 5-8 Lot Development Development Plan development with common property D Development Plan Checking Fee - Residential Residential Development Plan Checking 9-12 Lot Development Development Plan development with common property D Development Plan Checking Fee - Residential Residential Development Plan Checking 13-19 Lot Development Development Plan development with common property D Development Plan Checking Fee - Residential Residential Development Plan Checking 20+ Lot Development Development Plan development with common property D Development Plan Checking Fee - Unit Apartment Unit / Apartment Development Plan Checking Up to 20 Development Development Plan unit apartment building D Development Plan Checking Fee - Unit Apartment Unit / Apartment Development Plan Checking 20-60 unit Development Development Plan apartment building D Development Plan Checking Fee - Unit Apartment Unit / Apartment Residential Development Plan Checking Development Development Plan 60+ unit apartment building D Development Plan Checking Fee - Commercial Commercial Development Plan Checking Small Development Development Plan commercial development (<500m2) D Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory
GST Incl. (Where
Development Plan Checking Fee - Commercial Commercial Development Plan Checking Medium Development Development Plan commercial development (500-2000m2) D Development Plan Checking Fee - Commercial Development Development Plan Commercial Large development (2000m2+) D Development Plan Checking Fee - Industrial / Factory / Development Warehouse Development Plan Single industrial/factory/warehouse development D Development Plan Checking Fee - Industrial / Factory / Commercial 2-5 industrial/factory/warehouse Development Warehouse Development Plan developments D Development Plan Checking Fee - Industrial / Factory / Development Plan Checking 6+ Development Warehouse Development Plan industrial/factory/warehouse developments D Development Construction Management Plan Fee Construction Management Plan Checking D
Development Subdivision Supervision Fee Subdivisions Supervision, Fee set by Subdivision Act S Engineering Services Build Over Easement Application Fee Build Over Easement Application S Engineering Services Drainage Information Drainage Fee - Stormwater Flood Modelling Information D Building Service Permit Fees: Garages/Sheds/Carports Building Services Fee 0 - $30,000 D 430.00 + (0.99%) of Building Services Fee $30,001 - $50,000 D $250.00 + (2.20%) Building Services Fee $50,001 - $100,000 D $100,000 + Building Services Fee (Price on Application POA) D Swimming Pools and Spas Building Services Fee Temporary Pool Barrier 780.00 + (0.1%) of Building Services Fee $12,001 - $20,000 780.00 + (1.20%) of Building Services Fee $20,001 - $40,000 780.00 + (1.80%) of Building Services Fee $40,001 - $60,000 $60,001 + Building Services Fee (Price on Application POA) Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Building Services Fences/Ret Walls/Masts/Poles Building Services Fee 0 - $30,000 $540.00 Yes 1.9% Building Services Fee $30,001 - $50,000 $610.00 Yes 6.6% Building Services Fee $50,001 - $100,000 $850.00 Yes 4.7% $100,000 + Building Services Fee (Price on Application POA) POA Yes 0.0% Demolitions Building Services Fee Domestic D $750.00 Yes 0.7% $1800 + $675 per Building Services Fee Commercial D storey Yes 6.0% Building Services Dwellings Building Services Fee 0 - $12,000 including 3 inspections D $980.00 Yes 4.1% - $12,000 - $25,000 Cost of Construction including 4 $780.00 + (2.20%) of Building Services Fee inspections D building works Yes 1.0% - $25,001 - $50,000 Cost of Construction including 4 $880 + (2.20%) of Building Services Fee inspections D building works Yes 1.0% - $50,001 - $100,000 Cost of Construction including 4 $1180 + (0.80%) of Building Services Fee inspections D building works Yes 1.0% - $100,001 - $150,000 Cost of Construction including 5 $1080 + (0.81%) of Building Services Fee inspections D building works Yes 0.0% - $150,001 - $200,000 Cost of Construction including 6 $1280 + (0.80%) of Building Services Fee inspections D building works Yes 0.0% - $200,001 - $250,000 Cost of Construction including 7 $1080 + (0.90%) of Building Services Fee inspections D building works Yes 1.0% - $250,001 - $300,000 Cost of Construction including 7 $1480 + (0.99%) of Building Services Fee inspections D building works Yes 1.0% - > $300,000 unit development Building Services Fee (Price on Application POA) D POA Yes N/A Building Services Class 2 to 9 Buildings: $1000 + (2.20%) of Building Services Fee 0 - $12,000 D building works Yes 10.0% $1150 + (0.99%) of Building Services Fee $10,001 - $50,000 D building works Yes 9.0% $1505 + (0.3%) of Building Services Fee $50,001 - $350,000 D building works Yes 7.0% $1100 + (0.4%) of Building Services Fee $350,001 - $650,000 D building works Yes 9.0% $1425 + (0.35%) of Building Services Fee $650,001 - $1,000,000 D building works Yes 7.0% Building Services Fee $1,000,001 + D POA Yes N/A
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 122 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Building Services Additional Inspection Fees: Additional Inspection required for Building Permits & Building Services Fee Lapsed Permits D $250.00 Yes 2.0% Building Permit Amendments: Building Services Fee - Class 1 or 10 Amendments D $350.00 Yes 1.4% Building Services Fee - Class 2 - 9 Amendments D $550.00 Yes 18.2% Building Services Extension of Time for Permits: Building Services Fee - Class 1 or 10 D $210.00 Yes 4.8% Building Services Fee - Class 2 - 9 D $280.00 Yes 25.0% Building Services Lodgement Fee: Building Services Fee-Building Lodgement fee Lodgement Fee: S $37.40 No 2.5% Consent & Reports: (Dispensations) Building Services Fee-Consent & Report Dispensations S $250.65 No 2.5% Building Services Fee-Consent & Report Advertise for Owner - First property D $145.00 Yes 0.0% Building Services Fee-Consent & Report Advertise for Owner - subsequent properties D $53.00 Yes 7.5% Building Services Fee-Consent & Report Permit issued or work commenced - first clause D $380.00 Yes 1.3% Building Services Fee-Consent & Report Permit issued or work commenced - subsequent clauses D $255.00 Yes 2.0% Building Services Fee-Consent & Report Hoarding Permit S $250.65 No 2.5% Building Services Fee-Consent & Report Hoarding Occupation Domestic - per week D $55.00 Yes 9.1% Building Services Fee-Consent & Report Hoarding Occupation Activity - m2 per week D $4.60 Yes 1.1% Building Services Fee-Consent & Report Hoarding Occupation Non-Activity - m2 per week D $3.10 Yes 1.6% Building Services Fee-29A Process 29A Process S $62.56 No 2.5% Reg 326 (1), (2) & (3). Owner or mortgagee of building or land or prescribed building practitioner requesting information in respect to building Building Services Fee-Property Info/Reg326 or land S $49.91 No 2.5% Copy of plans - Class 1 or 10, including copy of any Building Services Fee-Copy of Plans associated documentation D $135.00 No 0.0% Copy of any Certificate or any information requiring file Building Services Fee-Copy of Plans search D $80.00 No (18.8%) Copy of plans - Class 2 - 9, (Commercial Plans - up to Building Services Fee-Copy of Plans 10 pages, more pages POA) D $265.00 No 0.0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 123 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Planning, Health & Local Laws Community Health Community Health Education Food Handling Seminar (2 Hours) Per person 2016/17 / Min grp Community Health Fee-Health Education 10 people 2017/18 D $25.00 Yes N/A Refresher Food Handler Training (At Premises per person) Per Community Health Fee-Health Education person 2016/17 / Min grp 10 people 2017/18 D $25.00 Yes N/A Refresher Food Handler Training (At Premises per person over minimum) D $25.00 Yes 0.0% Food Premises Renewal Fees Community Health Fee-Registration Very Large Manufactures & Supermarkets D $2,185.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Very Large Restaurants/Cafes/Hotels/Clubs (>100 seats) D $645.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Class 1 Premises D $545.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Class 2 Premises D $455.00 Yes 3.3% Community Health Fee-Registration Class 3 Premises D $340.00 Yes 3.0% Food Premises Renewal Fees continued… Community Health Fee-Registration Community Clubs/School Canteens/Food Events/Fetes D $210.00 Yes N/A Community Health Fee-Registration Class 2 Street trader Temporary Mobile Premises D $0.00 Yes N/A Community Health Fee-Registration Class 3 Street trader Temporary Mobile Premises D $0.00 Yes N/A Community Health Fee-Registration Class 2 Additional Premises D $0.00 Yes N/A Community Health Fee-Registration Class 3 Additional Premises D $0.00 Yes N/A Community Health Fee-Registration Follow Up Inspection D $155.00 Yes 6.5% Community Health Fee-Registration Food Premises Transfer (Class 1,2 & 3) D $200.00 Yes 5.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Plans Assessment (Optional) D $135.00 Yes 14.8% Community Health Fee- Application Wastewater Application - Permit to Install/alter D $0.00 Yes N/A Community Health Fee- Application Wastewater Application - Permit to Use D $0.00 Yes N/A Community Health Fee - Application Wastewater Application - Additional Compliance Inspection D $0.00 Yes N/A This fee has been superseded by a pre-application fee New Premises Registration Fees - Health (Listed below) Community Health Fee-Registration Health Registration - Low Risk Activities D $170.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Health one-off Registration - Low Risk Activities D $225.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Health Registration - Medium Risk Activities D $220.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Health Registration - High Risk Activities D $270.00 Yes 3.0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 124 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Health Premises Renewal Fees Community Health Fee-Registration Health Registration - Low Risk Activities D $170.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Health one-off Registration - Low Risk Activities D $225.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Health Registration - Medium Risk Activities D $220.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Health Registration - High Risk Activities D $270.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Follow Up Inspection D $90.00 Yes 5.6% Community Health Fee-Registration Health Premises Transfer Inspection D $125.00 Yes 4.0% New Premises Pre-Application Fees Community Health Fee-Registration Very Large Manufactures & Supermarkets D $390.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Very Large Restaurants/Cafes/Hotels/Clubs (>100 seats) D $300.00 Yes 3.3% Community Health Fee-Registration Class 1 Premises D $300.00 Yes 3.3% Community Health Fee-Registration Class 2 Premises D $300.00 Yes 3.3% Community Health Fee-Registration Class 3 Premises D $205.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Class 2 Premises - Community/Sports Groups D $205.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Class 3 Premises - Community/Sports Groups D $185.00 Yes 2.7% Community Health Fee-Registration Community Clubs/School Canteens/Food Events/Fetes D $185.00 Yes N/A Community Health Fee-Registration Health Registration - Low Risk Activities D $155.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Health Registration - Medium Risk Activities D $155.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Health Registration - High Risk Activities D $155.00 Yes 3.0% Official Report Charges Community Health Fee-Registration Requested Transfer Report 5 < Days Notification D $220.00 Yes 1.9% Community Health Fee-Registration Requested Transfer Inspection Report (food & health) D $195.00 Yes 5.1% Accommodation/Rooming House Charges Community Health Fee-Registration Prescribed Accommodation 4 - 20 Beds D $272.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Prescribed Accommodation 21 - 40 Beds D $400.00 Yes 3.0% Community Health Fee-Registration Prescribed Accommodation 41 -60 Beds D $550.00 Yes 3.0% All Infringements/Fines/Prosecution Income Community Health Fines Late Fee Payment after 31 December will incur 25% D
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 125 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Immunisation Charges Head Lice Education Service Recoupment (no longer Community Health-Head Lotion Fee in use 2017/18) D $55.00 Yes N/A Vaccines Immunisation Influenza per dose D $25.00 Yes 3.0% Vaccines Immunisation Influenza per dose - Corporate Programs D $0.00 Yes N/A Vaccines Immunisation Meningococcal C per dose D $95.00 Yes N/A Vaccines Immunisation Chicken Pox "Varilrix" per dose D $65.00 Yes 3.0% Vaccines Immunisation Hepatitis A D $75.00 Yes N/A Vaccines Immunisation Hepatitis A & B D $90.00 Yes N/A Vaccines Immunisation Hepatitis B D $20.00 Yes 3.0% Vaccines Immunisation HPV - Gardasil D $155.00 Yes N/A Vaccines Immunisation Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis ADACEL D $48.00 Yes 3.0% Vaccines Immunisation IFX HEXA D $120.00 Yes N/A Vaccines Immunisation Rotateq D $100.00 Yes N/A Vaccines Immunisation Prevenar 13 D $155.00 Yes N/A Vaccines Immunisation MMR D $37.00 Yes N/A Vaccines Immunisation IFX IPV D $37.00 Yes N/A Local Laws Fines Fines - Litter Environmental Protection Act Local Laws Fines(NT) 1974 regulates amount S $303.00 No 2.6% Fines - Dept. Justice Value one penalty Local Laws Fines - Dept. Justice unit S $152.00 No 2.3% Permits Local Laws Permit Income Permit to sell goods i.e. Street Stalls - per annum D $2,116.50 Yes 4.0% Local Laws Permit Income Permit to sell goods i.e. Street Stalls - temporary $278.00 Yes 4.0% Local Laws Permit Income 1 year Permit to keep animals on area <0.5Ha. D $42.00 Yes N/A Local Laws Permit Income 1 year Permit to keep more than 2 dogs D $42.00 Yes N/A Local Laws Permit Income 1 year Permit to keep more than 5 fowls D $42.00 Yes N/A Local Laws Permit Income Permit to keep additional animals (annual renewal) D $42.00 Yes 2.4% Local Laws Permit Income Permit to burn off D $141.50 Yes 4.2% Local Laws Permit Income Permit to conduct party on Council land D $217.00 Yes 4.1% Local Laws Permit Income Permit for Footpath Trading -1 category D $100.00 Yes 4.0% Local Laws Permit Income Permit for Footpath Trading - 2 categories D $177.00 Yes 4.0% Local Laws Permit Income Permit for Footpath Trading - 3 categories D $278.00 Yes 4.0% Permit for Footpath Trading - single category (per Local Laws Permit Income 6m2) - SMOKE FREE (MAX 40% DISCOUNT) D $60.00 Yes 4.2% Permit for Footpath Trading - 2 categories (per 6m2) Local Laws Permit Income - SMOKE FREE (MAX 40% DISCOUNT) D $107.00 Yes 3.7%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 126 Permit for Footpath Trading - 3 or more categories Local Laws Permit Income (per 6m2) - SMOKE FREE (MAX 40% DISCOUNT) D $167.00 Yes 4.2% Footpath Trading area in excess of 6m2 (per square Local Laws Permit Income metre) D $28.00 Yes 3.6%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 127 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Permit for Commercial Waste Bin to be stored on Local Laws Permit Income Council land D $178.00 3.9% Permit for waste bin to be left on nature strip Local Laws Permit Income (Contractor not individual person) 1 to 3 days D $64.00 Yes 3.9% Permit for waste bin to be left on nature strip Local Laws Permit Income (Contractor not individual person) 4 to 8 days D $107.00 Yes 3.7% Permit for waste bin to be left on nature strip Local Laws Permit Income (Contractor not individual person) 9 + days D $142.00 Yes 4.2% Local Laws Permit Income Street Performance D $33.00 Yes 0.0% Local Laws Permit Income Real Estate Multiple Boards D $321.00 Yes 4.0% Fire Hazards Fines(NT) Fines - Fire Hazards Local Law S $500.00 No N/A Parking (Road Safety Act) "Green Sign" Offence Codes 701 - 714 Road Safety Act Traffic Fines(NT) Regulates this amount S $76.00 No 2.6% Statutory Offences Fine prescribed in Road Traffic Fines(NT) Rules Victoria S $152.00 No 2.0% Parking (Road Safety Act) Offence Codes 715 - 808 Traffic Fines(NT) Road Safety Act Regulates this amount S $91.00 No 2.2% Traffic Fines(NT) Derelict vehicles Local Law S $200.00 No N/A Traffic Permit Income RCAD Permit Visitor D $29.50 No 5.1% Traffic Permit Income RCAD Permit Vehicle 1 D $35.00 No 4.3% Traffic Permit Income RCAD Permit Vehicle 2 D $59.00 No 3.4% Traffic Permit Income RCAD Permit Vehicle 3 D $93.50 No 3.7% Traffic Permit Income RCAD Permit builder/Contractor Vehicle Weekly D $12.50 No 4.0% Traffic Permit Income Croydon Traders Vehicle 6 months D $67.00 No 4.5% Traffic Permit Income Croydon Traders Vehicle 12 months D $134.00 No 3.7% Animal Registrations Note there are no pro Note: Registration period 10 April to 9 April the rata fees applicable for following year the 16/17 animal period Animals Fee-Animal Business Rego Fee-Animal Business Rego S $189.00 No 4.0% Dogs: Animals Fee-Registration - Dogs Desexed & Microchipped S $45.00 No 4.4% - Dogs kept for breeding by the proprietors of a domestic animal business conducted on a registered Animals Fee-Registration premise S $64.50 No 3.9% Animals Fee-Registration - Dogs that are eligible for discount trained, aged, VCA S $45.00 No 4.4% Animals Fee-Registration - All other dogs to which a reduced fee does not apply S $135.00 No 3.7% Dangerous Dog. Includes dogs declared menacing & all Animals Fee-Registration restricted breeds S $214.00 No 4.0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 128 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges % GST Incl. (Where increas applicable) GST Yes/No e Cats: Animals Fee-Registration - Desexed & Microchipped Cats S $35.00 No 4.3% - Cats kept for breeding by the proprietors of a domestic Animals Fee-Registration animal business conducted on a registered premise S $64.00 No 3.9% Animals Fee-Registration - Cats that are permanently microchipped. S $106.00 No 3.8% Animals Fee-Registration - All Other Cats to which the reduced fee does not apply. S $99.00 No 7.1% Pensioner/Concession Animals Fee-Registration Pensioner/Concession - Dogs Desexed & Microchipped S $22.50 No 4.4% Animals Fee-Registration Pensioner/Concession - Cats Desexed & Microchipped S $17.50 No 2.9% Animals Fee-Registration Pensioner/Concession - Dogs Entire S $67.50 No 3.7% Animals Fee-Registration Pensioner/Concession - Cats Entire S $53.00 No 3.8% Animals Fee-Registration Pensioner/Concession - Cats - Microchipped S $49.50 No N/A Fines - Dog at large (Day time) Domestic (Feral and Animals Fines(NT) Nuisance) Animals Act 1994 regulates amount S $228.00 No 2.2% Fines - Dog at large (Night time) Domestic (Feral and Animals Fines(NT) Nuisance) Animals Act 1994 regulates amount S $303.00 No 2.6% Release of impounded animals Current charges Animals Fines(NT) applicable at Council's Pound S $216.00 No N/A Animals Fines(NT) Release of impounded animals that are not registered S $0.00 No N/A Goats/Sheep Current charges applicable at Animals Fines(NT) Council's Pound S $96.00 No N/A Release of impounded animals that are registered under Animals Fines(NT) 3 days S $0.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Statutory Planning Fee-Extensions Permits (NT) Extension of Permit/Time, P/E Act Fee D $255.00 Yes 5.9% $130 Additional $8.00 charge per Statutory Planning Fee-Public Notices Public Notices D letter of notification Yes 10.0% Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Change of Use Only, P/E Act Fee S $502.00 No N/A 1 Dwelling $10,000 To $100,000 Or Ancillary Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Development, P/E Act Fee S $239.00 No N/A 1 Dwelling > $100,001 Or Ancillary Development, P/E Act Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Fee S $490.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Other Development < $10,000, P/E Act Fee S $102.00 No N/A Fee-Planning Application Other Development: P/E Act Fee Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - > $10,000 To $250,000 S $604.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - > $250,000 To $500,000 S $707.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - > $500,000 To $1,000,000 S $815.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - > $ 1,000,000 To $7,000,000 S $1,153.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - > $7m to $10m S $4,837.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - > $10m to $50.0m S $8,064.00 No N/A
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 129 MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 130 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges % GST Incl. (Where increas applicable) GST Yes/No e Subdivision: P/E Act Fee Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - Subdivide existing building S $386.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - Subdivide into 2 lots S $386.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - Boundary realignment S $386.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - Subdivide into 3 or more lots S $781.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - Remove Restriction(Covenant)-no adv req S $249.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - Create/Vary/Remove Restriction(Covenant) S $541.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application - Create, Vary or Remove an Easement S $404.00 No N/A Tree removal Permit Fees: P/E Act Fee Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application 1 S $95.00 Yes 15.8% Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application 2 S $120.00 Yes 12.5% Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application 3 S $145.00 Yes 10.3% Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application 4 S $170.00 Yes 8.8% Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application 5 S $195.00 Yes 7.7% Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application 6+ S $220.00 Yes 6.8% Statutory Planning Fee-Permit Histories Single Dwelling Residential Information request D $95.00 Yes 4.2% Statutory Planning Fee-Permit Histories General Planning Information request D $150.00 Yes 6.7% Single dwelling (Residential Zone) requests (First 2 Statutory Planning Fee-Permit Histories permits $30 each thereafter) D $100.00 Yes 10.0% Statutory Planning Fee-Permit Histories Permit Requests (First 2 permits $80 for each thereafter) D $250.00 Yes 20.0% Statutory Planning Fee-Subdivisions - Per Allotment, P/E Act Fee S 100 plus 20 per lot No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Subdivisions - All Other Applications, P/E Act Fee S $100.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Subdivisions Other subdivision fee: re-cert (second time), P/E Act Fee S $100.00 No N/A Other subdivision fee: consol/e'ment(second time), P/E Statutory Planning Fee-Subdivisions Act Fee S $100.00 No N/A Statutory Planning Infringements Infringements-Individual, P/E Act Fee S $722.00 No 0.0% Statutory Planning Infringements Infringements-Company, P/E Act Fee S $1,444.00 No 0.0% $0.25 black and 20% - Statutory Planning Photocopying Income - A4 Size D white $1.10 colour Yes 36% $1.50 black and Statutory Planning Photocopying Income - A3 Size D white $3 colour Yes 3.0% $20 black and white Statutory Planning Photocopying Income - A1 Size D $45 colour Yes 5% - 4% Statutory Planning Neighbourhood Character Fee-Consent & Report Siting, Act S $250.65 No 2.5% Fences, Act S $125.00 No 2.4% Statutory Planning New Fee Subdivide Fee-Subdivisions Subdivision - Alteration of a plan S Act No N/A Statutory Planning New Fee Subdivide Fee-Subdivisions Subdivision - Amend a certified plan S Act No N/A
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 131 MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 132 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges % GST Incl. (Where increas applicable) GST Yes/No e Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Use of land (includes car parking and liquor licence applications) S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Amendment to a permit to change the permit S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Single dwelling up to $10,000 S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Single dwelling more than $10,000 to $100,000 S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Single dwelling more than $100,000 to $500,000 S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Single dwelling more than $500,000 to $1M S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Single dwelling more than $1M to $2M S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application VicSmart up to $10,000 S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application VicSmart more than $10,000 S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application VicSmart application to subdivide or consolidate land S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application All other development up to $100,000 S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application All other development more than $100,000 to $1M S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application All other development more than $1M to $5M S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application All other development more than $5M to $15M S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application All other development more than $15M to $50M S New Fee PE Act No N/A All other development more than $50M (50% discount to Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application this fee applies until 12/10/2017) S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application A permit not otherwise provided for in the regulation S New Fee PE Act No N/A Determination to the satisfaction of Council (Includes Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application secondary consent amendment applications S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Certificate of compliance S New Fee PE Act No N/A Statutory Planning Fee-Planning Application Amend or end a section 173 agreement S New Fee PE Act No N/A Revenue, Property & Customer Service Revenue Fee-Dishonoured Cheques D $35.00 No 0.0% Revenue Fee-Dishonoured Cheques D $25.00 No 0.0% Inspection of Field Cards by registered Valuer/sales Revenue Property Information Information D $20.00 No 0.0% Revenue Land Info Certificate Fees Land Information Certificate Fees S $24.80 No 4.4% Revaluations Fee Supplementary Valuations Fee (Yarra Valley Water) D $26.89 Yes 0.0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 133 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Civic Support - A4 Colour printing, single sided- Paper Supplied by Civic Support Photocopying Income User D $0.25 No 0.0% - A4 Council paper, single sided- Paper Supplied by Civic Support Photocopying Income User D $0.02 No 0.0% - A4 Council paper coloured, single sided - Paper Civic Support Photocopying Income Supplied by Council D $0.03 No 0.0% - A4 Community Group's own paper, single sided - Civic Support Photocopying Income Paper Supplied by Council D $0.01 No 0.0% - A4 Colour printing, double sided - Paper Supplied by Civic Support Photocopying Income Council D $0.50 No 0.0% - A4 Council paper, double sided - Paper Supplied by Civic Support Photocopying Income Council D $0.03 No 0.0% - A4 Council paper coloured, double sided - Paper Civic Support Photocopying Income Supplied by Council D $0.04 No 0.0% - A4 Community Group's own paper, double sided - Civic Support Photocopying Income Paper Supplied by Council D $0.02 No 0.0% Election Fine S Operations Asset Protection Program Fee-Asset Protection $200.00 No 12.5% Service Authority Inspections 7 Varies per Inspection D Varies No N/A CP Marveloo Income D Varies Yes N/A Leisure Service Varies depending on if they are a community Group or Commercial Maroondah Festival Community Sites D business Varies depending on if they are a community Group or Commercial Maroondah Festival Commercial Sites D business
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 134 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type Account D=Discretionar Activity Description Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fe es & Ch ar ge s GS T In cl. (W he re ap pli ca Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where ble % applicable) ) GST Yes/No increase Community Facilities Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit Quambee Res Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e Nth Ringwood Res Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Ref Council Website er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 135 bsit e Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit Jubilee Park Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit Proclamation Park Inco Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit Heathmont Res Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 136 Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit Manson Res Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit HE Parker Res Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit East Ringwood Res Inco Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e HE Parker Netball Comp Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Ref Council Website er to poli
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 137 cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We bsit e Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit Mullum Res Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit Belmont Res Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e Arrabri Oval Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Ref Council Website er to poli cy on the Ma
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 138 roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We bsit e Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit Cheong Park Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit Eastfield Park Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e Glen Park Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Ref Council Website er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 139 y Co unc il We bsit e Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit Gracedale Park Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit Ainslie Park Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e Hughes Park Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Ref Council Website er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 140 We bsit e Ref er to poli cy on the Ma roo nda h Cit y Co unc il We Refer to policy on the Maroondah City bsit Lipscombe Park Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Council Website e
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 141 MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 142 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type Account D=Discretionar Activity Description Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST GST % Incl. (Where Yes/N increas applicable) Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where applicable) o e Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Griff Hunt Res Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Barngeong Res Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Silcock Res Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Town Park Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Croydon Park Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Dorset Complex Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Sundry Parks Res Income Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Ringwood & Glen Frost Room Fee Ringwood room & Glenn Frost room D Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah Rent Rec- City Council Occupancy Payments Commission Tennis Club Rentals D Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Sporting Clubs Income D Website Refer to policy on the Maroondah City Council Website Community Events
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 143 Varies depending on if they are a community Group or Commercial Varies depending on if they are a community Group or Carols by Candlelight Fee Seasonal & casual use of council facilities D business Commercial business Varies depending on if they are a community Group or Commercial Varies depending on if they are a community Group or Run Maroondah Fee D business Commercial business Varies depending on if they are a community Group or Commercial Varies depending on if they are a community Group or Tri Maroondah Fee D business Commercial business
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 144 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Federation Estate Lifestyle Centre Equipment Hire D $10.00 - $55.00 Yes 0.0% Lifestyle Centre Facility Hire Community Casual Hire of Lifestyle Centre rooms D $29.00 - $38.00 Yes 3% - 3% Community Regular hire of Lifestyle Centre Lifestyle Centre Facility Hire rooms D $17.50 - $26.50 Yes 9% - 2% Ex. Community or Government Casual Hire of Lifestyle Centre Facility Hire Lifestyle Centre rooms D $37.00 - $47.00 Yes 3% - 0% Ex. Community or Gov. Regular hire of Lifestyle Lifestyle Centre Facility Hire Centre rooms D $26.00 - $36.00 Yes 8% - 3% Private or Commercial Casual Hire of Lifestyle Lifestyle Centre Facility Hire Centre rooms D $47.00 - $59.00 Yes 6% - 2% Private or Commercial Regular hire of Lifestyle Lifestyle Centre Facility Hire Centre rooms D $36.00 - $47.00 Yes 6% - 2% Private or Commercial Friday and Public Holiday Lifestyle Centre Facility Hire Hire of Lifestyle Centre Rooms D $55.00 - $70.00 Yes 2% -1% Private or Commercial Saturday Hire of Lifestyle Lifestyle Centre Facility Hire Centre Rooms D $55.00 - $70.00 Yes 2% -1% Private or Commercial Sunday to Thursday Hire Lifestyle Centre Facility Hire of Lifestyle Centre Rooms D $55.00 - $70.00 Yes 2% -1% Cultural Centre Facility hire - Tenants Per month D $288.40 - $703.00 Yes 0.0% Cultural Centre Facility hire - Tenants Hire of Studio 1 D $8.00 - $34.00 Yes 13% -3% Cultural Centre Facility hire - Tenants Hire of Studio 3 D $252.00 per year Yes 5.0% Cultural Centre Facility hire - Tenants Hire of Studio 4 D $14.00 - $56.00 Yes 21% - 0% Maroondah Leisure Marketing & Sales Maroondah Leisure Marketing & Sales Joining fee for all memberships $59.00 Yes 0.0% Maroondah Leisure - Corporate Membership Fee Individual Lifestyle Fortnightly D $42.40 Yes 3.1% Maroondah Leisure - Corporate Membership Fee Swim Lifestyle Concession Fortnightly D $26.40 Yes 3.0% Maroondah Leisure - Corporate Membership Fee Councillor All Venues Fortnightly D $42.40 Yes 3.1% Maroondah Leisure - Family Membership Fee Lifestyle fortnightly D $95.50 Yes 3.9% Maroondah Leisure - Family Membership Fee Lifestyle concession fortnightly D $81.20 Yes 3.9% Maroondah Leisure - Family Membership Fee Mates Lifestyle x 2 - fortnightly D $90.80 Yes 3.9% Maroondah Leisure - Family Membership Fee Mates Lifestyle x 3 - fortnightly D $136.20 Yes 3.9% Maroondah Leisure - Family Membership Fee Mates Lifestyle x 4 - fortnightly D $181.60 Yes 3.9% Maroondah Leisure - Individual Membership Fee Lifestyle Fortnightly D $49.90 Yes 3.9% Maroondah Leisure - Individual Membership Fee Lifestyle Concession Fortnightly D $42.45 Yes 3.9%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 145 Maroondah Leisure - Individual Membership Fee Lifestyle Off peak D $32.80 Yes 4.0% Maroondah Leisure - Golf Fee Fortnightly D $46.70 Yes 3.0% Maroondah Leisure - Golf Fee Concession D $39.70 Yes 3.0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 146 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2017/2018
Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where applicable) % increase Maroondah Leisure - Aquatics Fee Swim Lifestyle Fortnightly D $32.05 3.1% Maroondah Leisure - Aquatics Fee Swim Lifestyle Concession Fortnightly D $27.20 3.0% Maroondah Leisure - Aquatics Fee Teen Lifestyle Fortnightly D $23.60 4.0% Aquahub Aquahub-Casual Fitness Fee Health Club Casual D $21.60 0.0% Aquahub-Casual Fitness Fee Health Club Casual Concession D $17.80 7.2% Aquahub-Casual Fitness Fee Health Club Casual Senior D $19.45 5.7% Aquahub-Casual Fitness Fee Health Club Casual Teen D $0.00 N/A Aquahub-Group Fitness Fee Group Fitness Casual D $18.00 2.9% Aquahub-Group Fitness Fee Group Fitness Casual Concession D $14.40 7.5% Aquahub-Group Fitness Fee Group Fitness Casual Senior D $15.70 6.8% Aquahub-Group Fitness Fee Group Fitness 30mins D $12.00 0.0% Aquahub-Group Fitness Fee Group Fitness Virtual D $7.00 N/A Aquahub-Group Fitness Fee EACH D $8.00 0.0% Aquahub-Group Fitness Fee GF 10 Visit Pass D $162.00 2.9% Aquahub-Group Fitness Fee GF 10 Visit Pass Concession D $129.60 7.5% Aquahub-Group Fitness Fee GF 10 Visit Pass Senior D $141.30 6.8% Aquahub-Corporate Membership - Dry Fee Fortnightly D $0.00 N/A Aquahub-Corporate Membership - Dry Fee Concession Fortnightly D $0.00 N/A Aquahub-Personal Training Fee Start Up Trial - 3 sessions (30mins) D $99.00 11.2% Aquahub-Personal Training Fee 30mins 1:1 D $47.00 4.4% Aquahub-Personal Training Fee 60mins 1:1 D $75.00 0.0% Aquahub-Personal Training Fee 30mins 2:1 D $65.00 0.0% Aquahub-Personal Training Fee 60mins 2:1 D $90.00 0.0% Aquahub-Personal Training Fee 30mins 3:1 D $75.00 0.0% Aquahub-Personal Training Fee 60mins 3:1 D $105.00 0.0% Aquahub-Personal Training Fee 30mins 4:1 D $80.00 0.0% Aquahub-Personal Training Fee 60mins 4:1 D $120.00 0.0% Aquahub-Personal Training Fee 5 Pass 30mins 1:1 D $235.00 9.8% Aquahub-Personal Training Fee 5 Pass 60mins 1:1 D $375.00 5.3% Aquahub-Personal Training Fee 10 Pass 30mins 1:1 (1 free session) D $425.00 4.9% Aquahub-Personal Training Fee 10 Pass 60mins 1:1 (1 free session) D $675.00 0.0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 147 MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 148 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Aquahub-Live Longer Live Stronger Fee Per fortnight (membership) D $34.90 Yes N/A Aquahub-Live Longer Live Stronger Fee Casual Active Adults programs D $6.70 Yes 4.5% Aquahub-Live Longer Live Stronger Fee Fortnightly D $33.20 Yes N/A Aquahub-Live Longer Live Stronger Fee Dry Fortnightly D $32.30 Yes N/A Aquahub-Gymnastics term 1 Fee Per fortnight (m/ship) D $35.20 Yes 2.3% Aquahub-Netball Fee Netball-Players/Spec D $10.80 Yes 1.9% Aquahub-Netball Fee-Registration Netball-Registration Fees D $59.50 Yes 0.8% Aquahub-Room hire Facility Hire stadium hire per hr D $140.00 Yes 3.6% Aquahub-Stadium Casual Fee single court per hour D $46.50 Yes 3.2% Aquahub-Volleyball Fee per month - Contracted D $4,140.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Hoops Fee Casual Hoops D $4.50 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Creche Member - 1 Session D $8.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Creche Non Member - 1 Session D $10.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Creche Member - 2 Sessions D $16.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Creche Non Member - 2 Sessions D $20.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Creche Family Member (3 children) D $20.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Creche Family Non Member (3 children) D $25.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Creche 5 Pass Member D $38.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Creche 5 Pass Non Member D $47.50 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Creche 10 Pass Member D $72.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Creche 10 Pass Non Member D $90.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Creche 20 Pass Member D $144.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Creche 20 Pass Non Member D $180.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Occasional Care 1 session D $12.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Creche Fee Occasional Care non member D $0.00 Yes N/A Aquahub-Creche Fee Occasional Care 2 sessions D $24.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Corporate Membership Fee Fortnightly D $32.65 Yes N/A Aquahub-Adults Fee Adult Swim D $7.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Juniors Fee Child Swim D $5.50 Yes 7.3% Aquahub-Pensioner/Health Care Card Fee Concession Swim D $5.50 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Senior Card Fee Seniors Swim D $6.00 Yes 5.0% Aquahub-Family Fee Family Swim (2 adults, 1Child) D $19.50 Yes 2.1%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 149 Aquahub-Adults Fee 10 Visit Adult Swim D $63.00 Yes 0.0% Aquahub-Pensioner/Health Care Card Fee 10 Visit Child/Concession Swim D $49.50 Yes 7.3% Aquahub-Senior Card Fee 10 Visit Seniors Swim D $54.00 Yes 5.0% Aquahub-Family Fee 10 Visit Family D $175.50 Yes 2.1%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 150 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary Activity Description Account Description Charges Description , S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Aquahub-Adults Fee Swim Spa Sauna Adult D $9.90 Yes 1.0% Aquahub-Pensioner/Health Care Card Fee Swim Spa Sauna Concession D $8.00 Yes 6.3% Aquahub-Senior Card Fee Swim Spa Sauna Senior D $8.90 Yes 1.1% Aquahub-Adults Fee 10 Pass Swim Spa Sauna D $89.10 Yes 1.0% Aquahub-Pensioner/Health Care Card Fee 10 Pass Swim Spa Sauna Concession D $72.00 Yes 6.3% Aquahub-Senior Card Fee 10 Pass Swim Spa Sauna Senior D $80.10 Yes 1.1% Aquahub-Sauna & Spa Fee Spa/Sauna Upgrade D $2.90 Yes 3.4% Aquahub-Learn to Swim Fee per fortnight m/ship D $35.20 Yes 2.3% Aquahub-School LTS Fee per fortnight m/ship D $35.20 Yes 2.3% Aquahub-Water Aerobics Fee D $17.50 Yes 2.9% Aquahub-Access for all abilities Fee per fortnight m/ship D $35.20 Yes 2.3% Aquahub-Inflatable Fee D $3.00 Yes N/A Aquahub-Lane Hire Fee D $35.00 Yes 4.3% Aquahub-Hydrotherapy Hire Fee D $140.00 Yes 3.6% Aquanation Aquanation - Casual Aquatics Fee Adult swim D $8.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Casual Aquatics Fee Child/Concession swim D $6.80 Yes 0% Aquanation – Casual Aquatics Fee Pensioner/Health Care Card D $6.80 Yes (7.4%) Aquanation - Casual Aquatics Fee Seniors D $7.20 Yes 0% Aquanation - Casual Aquatics Fee Family swim D $22.50 Yes 2% adult (unlimited slides 4-7pm weekdays, 10am-2pm and Aquanation - Waterslide Fee 2pm-6pm weekends, school holidays and public holidays D $7.80 Yes 0% child (unlimited slides 4-7pm weekdays, 10am-2pm and Aquanation - Waterslide Fee 2pm-6pm weekends, school holidays and public holidays) D $6.20 Yes 0%
Aquanation - Waterslide Fee FAMILY swim & slide PASS D $0.00 Yes N/A Aquanation -Casual spa, sauna & steam room Fee Adult D $11.70 Yes 0% Aquanation -Casual spa, sauna & steam room Fee Concession D $10.00 Yes 0% Aquanation -Casual spa, sauna & steam room Fee Seniors D $10.50 Yes 0% Aquanation - Aquatic 10 Visit Pass Fee adult swim D $72.00 Yes 0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 151 Aquanation - Aquatic 10 Visit Pass Fee child/concession swim D $61.20 Yes 0% Aquanation - Aquatic 10 Visit Pass Fee Family swim D $202.50 Yes 0% Aquanation-Swim, spa, sauna 10 visit pass Fee Adult D $105.30 Yes 0% Aquanation-Swim, spa, sauna 10 visit pass Fee Concession D $90.00 Yes 0% Spa sauna upgrade Fee D $3.70 Yes 0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 152 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Aquanation - Waterslide 10 Visit Pass Fee Adult D $70.20 Yes 0% Aquanation - Waterslide 10 Visit Pass Fee Child/Concession swim D $55.80 Yes 0% Aquanation - Lockers Fee D $3.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Aquatic Education Fee membership (48 weeks) D $38.00 No N/A Aquanation - Aquatic Education Fee Private 1:1 D $65.00 Yes N/A Aquanation - Schools Fee lessons D $10.00 No N/A Aquanation - Birthday Parties Fee includes catering (Min 10) D $35.50 Yes N/A Aquanation - Birthday Parties Fee includes non-catering (Min 10) D $24.00 Yes N/A Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire 50m pool booking - peak D $430.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire 50m pool booking - off peak D $290.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire 50m lane hire - peak D $75.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire 50m land hire - off peak D $50.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire 25m pool booking - peak D $270.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire 25m pool booking - off peak D $175.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire 25m lane hire - peak D $54.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire 25m lane hire - off peak D $35.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Warm water pool booking - peak D $170.50 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Warm water pool booking - off peak D $115.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Warm water pool - half pool booking - peak D $67.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Warm water pool - half pool booking - off peak D $45.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire LTS pool booking - peak D $190.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire LTS pool booking - off peak D $140.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire LTS lane hire - peak D $40.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire LTS lane hire - off peak D $30.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Waterslide hire (hire cost only, excludes employee costs) D $185.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Dive pool hire D $160.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Half dive pool hire D $100.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Crèche hire D $70.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Group fitness room hire D $70.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Multipurpose (room 2) hire D $80.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Group Fitness Room Hire plus Classes D $80.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire RSC Room Hire D $80.00 Yes 0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 153 Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Cycle Studio Hire D $80.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Dry Dive Hire D $130.00 Yes 0% Aquanation - Facility Hire Facility Hire Half Dry Dive D $78.00 Yes 0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 154 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Aquanation - Creche Fee Member - One Child D $8.00 No 0% Aquanation - Creche Fee Non-member - One Child D $10.00 No 0% Aquanation - Creche Fee Member - Two Children D $16.00 No 0% Aquanation - Creche Fee Non-member - Two Children D $20.00 No 0% Aquanation - Creche Fee Member - Three Children D $20.00 No 0% Aquanation - Creche Fee Non-member - Three Children D $25.00 No 0% Aquanation - Creche Fee Occasional Day Care- member D $12.00 No 0% Aquanation - Creche Fee Occasional Day Care- non member D $12.00 No 8% Aquanation - Creche 10 Visit Passes Fee Member 10 visit pass D $72.00 No 0% Aquanation - Creche 10 Visit Passes Fee Non-member 10 visit pass D $90.00 No 0% Aquanation - Creche 10 Visit Passes Fee Occasional Day Care- member 10 pass D $0.00 No N/A Aquanation - Creche 10 Visit Passes Fee Occasional Day Care- non-member 10 pass D $0.00 No N/A Living Longer Living Stronger Fee D $6.70 Yes 4% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Start-up Trial - 3 sessions D $99.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Member 30 mins - 1:1 D $45.00 Yes 4% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Member 60 mins - 1:1 D $75.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Non-member 30 mins - 1:1 D $55.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Non-member 60 mins - 1:1 D $85.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Member 30 mins - 2:1 D $65.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Member 60 mins - 2:1 D $90.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Non-member 30 mins - 2:1 D $75.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Non-member 60 mins - 2:1 D $100.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Member 10 pass 30 mins - 1:1 D $405.00 Yes 5% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Member 10 pass 60 mins - 1:1 D $675.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Non-member 10 pass 30 mins - 1:1 D $495.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Personal Training Fee Non-member 10 pass 60 mins - 1:1 D $765.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Casual Health Club Fee Adult D $21.60 Yes 0% Aquanation- Casual Health Club Fee Concession D $18.40 Yes 0% Aquanation- Casual Health Club Fee Seniors D $16.60 Yes 17% Aquanation- Casual Health Club Fee Teen D $16.60 Yes 0% Aquanation- Casual Health Club Fee 10 visits Adult D $0.00 Yes N/A Aquanation- Casual Group Fitness Fee Adult D $18.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Casual Group Fitness Fee Concession D $15.30 Yes 0% Aquanation- Casual Group Fitness Fee Seniors D $16.20 Yes 0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 155 Aquanation- Casual Group Fitness Fee Fitness 30 min class Adult D $12.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Group Fitness Fee 10 visits Adult D $162.00 Yes 0% Aquanation- Group Fitness Fee 10 visits Concession D $137.70 Yes 0% Aquanation- Group Fitness Fee 10 visits Adult - 30 minute sessions D $0.00 Yes N/A
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 156 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Aquanation - Members Dry Fee Fortnightly D $43.90 Yes N/A Aquanation - Members Dry Fee Concession fortnightly D $37.35 Yes N/A Aquanation - Members Dry Fee Foundation - stage 1 (35 % discount) Fortnightly D $28.55 Yes N/A Aquanation - Members Dry Fee Foundation - stage 2 (30 % discount) Fortnightly D $30.60 Yes N/A Aquanation - Members Dry Fee Foundation - stage 3 (25 % discount) Fortnightly D $32.60 Yes N/A Aquanation - Members Dry Fee Foundation - stage 4 (18 % discount) Fortnightly D $35.80 Yes N/A Aquanation - Members Dry Fee Foundation - stage 5 (6.99 % discount) Fortnightly D $40.80 Yes N/A Aquanation - Corporate Membership - Dry Fee Fortnightly D $37.30 Yes N/A Croydon Memorial Pool Croydon Memorial Pool Carnival Fee Carnival Hire - per hour, exclusive use D $267.30 Yes 1.0% Croydon Memorial Pool Carnival Fee Aqua Safe D $10.50 Yes 0.0% Croydon Memorial Pool Schools General Use Fee Schools D $3.60 Yes 0.0% Croydon Memorial Pool Inflatables Fee D $3.00 Yes N/A Croydon Memorial Pool Concession Fee Pensioners D $4.60 Yes 8.7% Croydon Memorial Pool Juniors Fee Juniors D $4.60 Yes 8.7% Croydon Memorial Pool Family Concessions Fee Family Concessions D $16.60 Yes 2.4% Croydon Memorial Pool Adults Fee Adults D $6.00 Yes 0.0% Croydon Memorial Pool Senior Card Fee Senior Card D $5.10 Yes 5.9% Ringwood Golf Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee - Adult M/W 9 Holes D $22.00 Yes 4.5% Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee - Junior m/w 9 D $14.50 Yes 3.4% Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee - Pension m/w 9 D $15.50 Yes 3.2% Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee - Senior Card m/w 9 D $17.50 Yes 2.9% Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee Weekend: Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee - Adult W/E 9 Holes D $25.00 Yes 4.0% Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee - Junior w/e 9 D $15.00 Yes 0.0% Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee 18 Hole Mid-Week: D Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee - Adult M/W 18 Holes D $29.00 Yes 3.4% Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee - Junior m/w 18 D $18.00 Yes 0.0% Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee - Concession m/w 18 D $19.50 Yes 2.6% Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee - Senior Card m/w 18 D $21.00 Yes 4.8% Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee 18 Hole Weekend: Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee - Adult W/E 18 Holes D $33.00 Yes 3.0% Ringwood Golf Course Fees Fee - Junior w/e 18 D $20.00 Yes 0.0% Ringwood Golf Corporate Membership Fee Per fortnight D $39.70 Yes N/A Ringwood Golf Membership Concession Fee D $39.70 Yes N/A
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 157 Ringwood Golf ML Golf Membership Fee Per fortnight D $46.70 Yes N/A Ringwood Golf Equipment Hire Sales - Others Buggy Hire D $6.00 Yes 0.0% Ringwood Golf Equipment Hire Sales - Others Club hire 18 holes D $15.00 Yes 0.0% Ringwood Golf Equipment Hire Sales - Others Club hire 9 holes D $10.00 Yes 0.0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 158 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges % GST Incl. (Where increas applicable) GST Yes/No e The Rings The Rings Ringwood Basketball Association Lease Income Annual Court Hire D $45.00 Yes 2.5% Vic Churches Netball The Rings Thursday Ladies Fee - Team Scoresheet D $64.00 Yes 3.1% The Rings Sunday Mixed Fee - Team Scoresheet D $64.00 Yes 3.1% Baptist Basketball The Rings BB Monday Senior Fee - Team Scoresheet D $64.00 Yes 3.1% Junior Development The Rings Biddy Ball Skills Fee Term Fee 2016/17 / Weekly Fee 2017/18 D $86.00 Yes N/A The Rings Biddy Ball Play Fee Term Fee 2016/17 / Weekly Fee 2017/18 D $86.00 Yes N/A The Rings Net Set Go Fee Term Fee 2016/17 / Weekly Fee 2017/18 D $86.00 Yes N/A The Rings Biddy Ball Into Fee Term Fee 2016/17 / Weekly Fee 2017/18 D $67.00 Yes N/A The Rings Basketball Holiday Program Fee Full Week 2016/17 / Daily Rate 2017/8 D $156.00 Yes N/A The Rings Netball Holiday Program Fee 3 days D $103.00 Yes N/A The Rings Multi Sports Holiday Program Fee Participation Fee D $51.00 Yes (5.9%) The Rings 3 on 3 Program Fee Participation Fee D $0.00 Yes 0.0% The Rings Soccer Holiday Fee Participation Fee D $39.00 Yes 2.6% The Rings All Rounders Fee Participation Fee D $64.00 Yes N/A General The Rings Schools Court Hire Fee Per Hour D $34.90 Yes 5.4% The Rings Court Hire Fee D $34.90 Yes 5.4% The Rings General Income Per Hour D $4.40 Yes 4.5% The Rings Open Days Fee - Team D $8.00 Yes 5.0% Dorset Golf Mid-Week: Dorset Golf - Golf Course Fees Fee - Adult D $22.00 Yes 5.4% Dorset Golf - Golf Course Fees Fee - Pensioners (old concession) D $15.50 Yes 5.4% Dorset Golf - Golf Course Fees Fee - Seniors D $17.50 Yes 4.5% Dorset Golf - Golf Course Fees Fee - Junior D $14.50 Yes 5.0% Weekend; Dorset Golf - Golf Course Fees Fee - Adult D $25.00 Yes 4.0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 159 Dorset Golf - Golf Course Fees Fee - Junior D $15.00 Yes 0.0% Mid-Week: Dorset Golf - Golf Course Fees Fee - Adult D $29.00 Yes 3.4% Dorset Golf - Golf Course Fees Fee - Pensioners (old concession) D $19.50 Yes 2.6% Dorset Golf - Golf Course Fees Fee - Seniors D $21.00 Yes 4.8% Dorset Golf - Golf Course Fees Fee - Junior D $18.00 Yes 0.0% Weekend: Dorset Golf - Golf Course Fees Fee - Adult D $33.00 Yes 3.0% Dorset Golf - Golf Course Fees Fee - Junior D $20.00 Yes 0.0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 160 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. % (Where increas applicable) GST Yes/No e Dorset Golf ML Golf Membership Fee Per fortnight D $46.70 Yes N/A Dorset Golf Corporate Membership Fee Per fortnight D $39.70 Yes N/A Dorset Golf - Golf membership Concession Fee Per fortnight D $39.70 Yes N/A Dorset Golf Equipment Hire Sales - Others Buggy Hire D $6.00 Yes 0.0% Dorset Golf Equipment Hire Sales - Others Club hire 18 holes D $15.00 Yes 0.0% Dorset Golf Equipment Hire Sales - Others Club hire 9 holes D $10.00 Yes 0.0% Karralyka Centre Not for Profit Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Rehearsal Mon - Fri, Per Hour D $171.00 Yes 10.5% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Performance Mon - Fri, Per hour D $196.00 Yes 1.8% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Rehearsal Saturday, Per Hour D $183.00 Yes 7.1% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Performance Saturday, Per hour D $208.00 Yes 1.0% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Rehearsal Sunday & Public Holiday, Per Hour D $195.00 Yes 4.1% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Performance Sunday & Public Holiday, Per hour D $219.00 Yes (2.5%) Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Karralyka Employee requirements, Per Hour, Min 4 hour call D $42.00 Yes 2.4% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Karralyka TECH Employee requirements, Per Hour, Min 4 hour call D $44.00 Yes 2.3% Community Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Rehearsal Mon - Fri, Per Hour D $202.00 Yes 6.9% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Performance Mon - Fri, Per hour D $226.00 Yes 0.9% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Rehearsal Saturday, Per Hour D $203.00 Yes 10.3% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Performance Saturday, Per hour D $239.00 Yes 0.4% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Rehearsal Sunday & Public Holiday, Per Hour D $214.00 Yes 8.4% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Performance Sunday & Public Holiday, Per hour D $241.00 Yes 1.2% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Karralyka Employee requirements, Per Hour, Min 4 hour call D $42.00 Yes 2.4% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Karralyka TECH Employee requirements, Per Hour, Min 4 hour call D $44.00 Yes 2.3%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 161 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Commercial Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Rehearsal Mon - Fri, Per Hour D $259.00 Yes 4.2% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Performance Mon - Fri, Per hour D $274.00 Yes 4.0% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Rehearsal Saturday, Per Hour D $269.00 Yes 4.1% Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Performance Saturday, Per hour D $286.00 Yes 4.9% Rehearsal Sunday & Public Holiday, Per Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Hour D $277.00 Yes 4.7% Performance Sunday & Public Holiday, Per Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others hour D $292.00 Yes 4.5% Karralyka Employee requirements, Per Hour, Min 4 Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others hour call D $42.00 Yes 2.4% Karralyka TECH Employee requirements, Per Hour, Karralyka Theatre Hire Sales - Others Min 4 hour call D $44.00 Yes 2.3%
Karralyka Theatre Tickets Administration Services D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Theatre Tickets Sales - Others D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Theatre Tickets Sales - Program D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Theatre Sundry Sales - Others D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Theatre Sundry Sales - Merchandise D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A Karralyka Theatre Equipment Sales - Others D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Theatre labour Sales - Others Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Morning Music Sales - Others D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Morning Music Sales - Food D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Functions-Other Equipment Hire D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Functions-Other Events D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Functions-Other Income D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 162 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Not for Profit Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Mt. Dandenong Room D $410.00 Yes 0.5% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Mullum Room D $410.00 Yes 0.5% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Maroondah Room D $820.00 Yes (3.0%) Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Mt Dandenong & Mullum Rooms D $820.00 Yes (3.0%) Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Maroondah & Mullum Rooms D $1,080.00 Yes 4.6% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Banquet Room (all 3 rooms) D $1,375.00 Yes 0.7% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Full Day - Mt. Dandenong Room D $500.00 Yes 5.4% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Full Day - Mullum Room D $500.00 Yes 5.4% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Full Day - Maroondah Room D $1,000.00 Yes 7.0% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Full Day - Mt Dandenong & Mullum Rooms D $1,000.00 Yes 7.0% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Maroondah & Mullum Rooms D $1,435.00 Yes 2.1% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Full Day - Banquet Room (all 3 rooms) D $1,815.00 Yes 2.2% Commercial Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Mt. Dandenong Room D $510.00 Yes 4.3% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Mullum Room D $510.00 Yes 4.3% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Maroondah Room D $980.00 Yes 4.6% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Mt Dandenong & Mullum Rooms D $980.00 Yes 4.6% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Maroondah & Mullum Rooms D $1,400.00 Yes 4.3% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Banquet Room (all 3 rooms) D $1,710.00 Yes 4.4% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Full Day - Mt. Dandenong Room D $650.00 Yes 4.6% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Full Day - Mullum Room D $650.00 Yes 4.6% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Full Day - Maroondah Room D $1,320.00 Yes 4.5% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Full Day - Mt Dandenong & Mullum Rooms D $1,320.00 Yes 4.5% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Half Day - Maroondah & Mullum Rooms D $1,815.00 Yes 4.4% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Full Day - Banquet Room (all 3 rooms) D $2,290.00 Yes 4.6% Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Expo Hire - Corporate D $0.00 Yes N/A Karralyka Functions-Other Room Hire Expo Hire - Not for Profit D $0.00 Yes N/A Breakfast Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Grazing Breakfast 2-3 Hours D $26.00 Yes 3.8% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Plated Breakfast 2-3 Hours D $36.75 Yes 6.1% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Plated Breakfast 2-3 Hours D $40.00 Yes 5.0% Morning/Afternoon Tea Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Orange Juice D $2.50 Yes 4.0% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Tea and coffee D $4.80 Yes 4.2% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Continuous Tea and coffee D $12.50 Yes 5.6%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 163 Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Tea and Coffee and chocolate biscuit D $8.30 Yes 6.1% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Tea and coffee and one option D $10.00 Yes 6.0% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Tea and coffee and 1 substantial option D $11.45 Yes 6.6% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Tea and coffee and 4 point sandwiches D $13.50 Yes 7.4%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 164 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable increas ) GST Yes/No e Sporting Club Function - Food Only Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Main & Dessert D $52.50 Yes 4.8% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Soup, Main & Dessert D $65.00 Yes 4.6% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales – Food Entrée, Main & Dessert D $71.50 Yes 4.9% Sporting Club Function - Dining with Soft Drinks Karralyka Functions-Other Sales – Food Main & Dessert D $65.00 Yes 3.1% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales – Food Soup, Main & Dessert D $73.00 Yes 4.1% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales – Food Entrée, Main & Dessert D $80.00 Yes 5.0% Sporting Club Function - Dining with Classic Beverage Karralyka Functions-Other Sales – Food Main & Dessert D $78.50 Yes 4.5% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Soup, Main & Dessert D $89.00 Yes 3.4% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Entrée, Main & Dessert D $97.50 Yes 4.6% School Function - Dining for less than 350 Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Soup, Main & Dessert D $63.00 Yes 4.8% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Entrée, Main & Dessert D $69.00 Yes 4.3% School Function - Dining for more than 350 Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Soup, Main & Dessert D $61.00 Yes 4.9% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Entrée, Main & Dessert D $67.00 Yes 4.5% Lunch Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Working Lunch 3 hours D $36.00 Yes 5.6% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Working Lunch Buffet 3 hours D $63.00 Yes 3.2% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Plated Lunch 4 Hours Main & Dessert $51.00 Yes 5.9% Plated Lunch 4 Hours Entrée, Main & Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Dessert D $62.00 Yes 6.5% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Bev Lunch Beverage Package D $19.00 Yes 5.3% Corporate Dinner 2-3 Course - Dinner with Classic Beverage Package Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Main & Dessert or Entrée & Main D $78.00 Yes 6.4% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Soup, Main & Dessert D $88.00 Yes 5.7% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Entrée, Main & Dessert D $96.00 Yes 6.3% Corporate Dinner 2-3 Course - Dinner with Continuous supply of Soft Drinks Package Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Main & Dessert or Entrée & Main D $65.00 Yes 6.2% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Soup, Main & Dessert D $73.00 Yes 5.5% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Entrée, Main & Dessert D $80.00 Yes 6.3%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 165 Conference Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Half Day - 5 Hours D $50.00 Yes 6.0% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Full Day - 8 Hours D $55.00 Yes 7.3% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Full Day - 8 Hours- NO HOT LUNCH D $55.00 Yes 0.0%
Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Theatre Package/Cabaret Dinner D $73.50 Yes 2.0% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Pre Theatre Dinner D $48.00 Yes 4.2%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 166 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Cocktail Party Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Celebration Package D $35.00 Yes 8.6% Wedding Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Classic - 100 guests & less D $105.00 Yes 6.7% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Classic - greater than 100 guests D $115.00 Yes 6.1% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Premium - 100 guests & less D $120.00 Yes 5.8% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Premium - greater than 100 guests D $130.00 Yes 3.8% Classic Beverage Package Karralyka Functions-Other Sales Liquor 2 Hours D $17.50 Yes 8.6% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales Liquor 3 Hours, only available with food D $19.50 Yes 12.8% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales Liquor 4 Hours, only available with food D $23.50 Yes 10.6% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales Liquor 5 Hours, only available with food D $26.50 Yes 9.4% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales Liquor Cash bar to be available, only with food D $180.00 Yes 5.6%
Karralyka Functions-Other Sales Bar & Kiosk D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Functions-Other Security D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Cabaret-Functions Income D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Cabaret-Functions Sales - Food D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A
Karralyka Cabaret-Functions Sales - Liquor D Prices vary per quote Yes N/A COCKTAIL PLATTERS Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Antipasto platter D $85.00 Yes 5.9% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Sandwiches D $110.00 Yes 9.1% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Cheese platter D $85.00 Yes 5.9% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Fruit platter D $60.00 Yes 50.0% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Sushi Platter D $85.00 Yes 5.9% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Asian platter D $85.00 Yes 5.9% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Australian Platter D $85.00 Yes 5.9% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Indian Platter D $85.00 Yes 5.9% Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Seafood D POA Yes N/A Karralyka Functions-Other Sales - Food Small Bowls D $7.50 Yes 6.7%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 167 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges % GST Incl. (Where increas applicable) GST Yes/No e Community Halls Community Hall East Ringwood Hall Hall Hire East Ringwood Hall NFP casual hour rate D $22.00 Yes N/A Community Hall East Ringwood Hall Hall Hire East Ringwood Hall NFP regular hour rate D $17.00 Yes N/A Community Hall East Ringwood Hall Hall Hire East Ringwood Hall NFP Night Hire D $235.00 Yes N/A Community Hall East Ringwood Hall Hall Hire East Ringwood Hall Community casual hour rate D $25.00 Yes N/A Community Hall East Ringwood Hall Hall Hire East Ringwood Hall Community regular hour rate D $20.00 Yes N/A Community Hall East Ringwood Hall Hall Hire East Ringwood Hall Community Night Hire D $250.00 Yes N/A Community Hall East Ringwood Hall Hall Hire East Ringwood Hall Corporate casual hour rate D $30.00 Yes N/A Community Hall East Ringwood Hall Hall Hire East Ringwood Hall Corporate regular hour rate D $25.00 Yes N/A Community Hall East Ringwood Hall Hall Hire East Ringwood Hall Corporate Night Hire D $270.00 Yes N/A Community Hall East Ringwood Hall Hall Cleaner Casual Cleaner 3 hours D $95.00 Yes 0.0% Community Hall Brushy Creek Hall Hall Hire Brushy Creek Hall NFP casual hour rate D $22.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Brushy Creek Hall Hall Hire Brushy Creek Hall NFP regular hour rate D $17.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Brushy Creek Hall Hall Hire Brushy Creek Hall NFP Night Hire D $285.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Brushy Creek Hall Hall Hire Brushy Creek Hall Community casual hour rate D $25.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Brushy Creek Hall Hall Hire Brushy Creek Hall Community regular hour rate D $20.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Brushy Creek Hall Hall Hire Brushy Creek Hall Community Night Hire D $380.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Brushy Creek Hall Hall Hire Brushy Creek Hall Corporate casual hour rate D $30.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Brushy Creek Hall Hall Hire Brushy Creek Hall Corporate regular hour rate D $25.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Brushy Creek Hall Hall Hire Brushy Creek Hall Corporate Night Hire D $400.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Brushy Creek Hall Hall Cleaner Casual Cleaner 3 hours D $95.00 Yes 0.0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 168 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Community Hall Croydon Swim Club Hall Hire Croydon Swimming Club NFP casual hour rate D $22.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Croydon Swim Club Hall Hire Croydon Swimming Club NFP regular hour rate D $17.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Croydon Swim Club Hall Hire Croydon Swimming Club Hall NFP Night Hire D $235.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Croydon Croydon Swimming Club Community casual hour Swim Club Hall Hire rate D $25.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Croydon Croydon Swimming Club Community regular hour Swim Club Hall Hire rate D $20.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Croydon Croydon Swimming Club Hall Community Night Swim Club Hall Hire Hire D $250.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Croydon Croydon Swimming Club Corporate casual hour Swim Club Hall Hire rate D $30.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Croydon Croydon Swimming Club Corporate regular hour Swim Club Hall Hire rate D $25.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Croydon Swim Club Hall Hire Croydon Swimming Club Hall Corporate Night Hire D $270.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Croydon Swim Club Hall Cleaner Casual Cleaner 3 hours D $95.00 Yes 0.0% Community Hall Belmont Pavilion Hall Hire Belmont Park Hall NFP casual hour rate D $22.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Belmont Pavilion Hall Hire Belmont Park Hall NFP regular hour rate D $17.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Belmont Pavilion Hall Hire Belmont Park Hall NFP Night Hire D $185.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Belmont Pavilion Hall Hire Belmont Park Hall Community casual hour rate D $25.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Belmont Pavilion Hall Hire Belmont Park Hall Community regular hour rate D $20.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Belmont Pavilion Hall Hire Belmont Park Hall Community Night Hire D $200.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Belmont Pavilion Hall Hire Belmont Park Hall Corporate casual hour rate D $30.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Belmont Pavilion Hall Hire Belmont Park Hall Corporate regular hour rate D $25.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Belmont Pavilion Hall Hire Belmont Park Hall Corporate Night Hire D $220.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Belmont Pavilion Hall Cleaner Casual Cleaner 3 hours D $95.00 Yes 0.0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 169 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionary, Activity Description Account Description Charges Description S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Community Hall Keystone Hall Hall Hire Keystone Hall NFP casual hour rate D $22.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Keystone Hall Hall Hire Keystone Hall NFP regular hour rate D $17.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Keystone Hall Hall Hire Keystone Hall NFP Night Hire D $285.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Keystone Hall Hall Hire Keystone Hall Community casual hour rate D $25.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Keystone Hall Hall Hire Keystone Hall Community regular hour rate D $20.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Keystone Hall Hall Hire Keystone Hall Community Night Hire D $300.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Keystone Hall Hall Hire Keystone Hall Corporate casual hour rate D $30.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Keystone Hall Hall Hire Keystone Hall Corporate regular hour rate D $25.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Keystone Hall Hall Hire Keystone Hall Corporate Night Hire D $320.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Keystone Hall Hall Cleaner Casual Cleaner 3 hours D $95.00 Yes 0.0% Community Hall Parkwood Hall Hall Hire Parkwood User Total Annual Hire D $6,669.00 Yes N/A Community Hall Glen Frost Room Hall Hire Glen Frost Registered Charity hour rate D $13.75 Yes N/A Community Hall Glen Frost Room Hall Hire Glen Frost Community Group hour rate D $13.75 Yes N/A Community Hall Glen Frost Room Hall Hire Glen Frost All other businesses hour rate D $27.50 Yes N/A
CH Glen Frost Room Hall Hire Glen Frost NFP casual hour rate D $22.00 Yes N/A
CH Glen Frost Room Hall Hire Glen Frost NFP regular hour rate D $17.00 Yes N/A
CH Glen Frost Room Hall Hire Glen Frost NFP Night Hire D $185.00 Yes N/A
CH Glen Frost Room Hall Hire Glen Frost Community casual hour rate D $25.00 Yes N/A
CH Glen Frost Room Hall Hire Glen Frost Community regular hour rate D $20.00 Yes N/A
CH Glen Frost Room Hall Hire Glen Frost Community Night Hire D $200.00 Yes N/A
CH Glen Frost Room Hall Hire Glen Frost Corporate casual hour rate D $30.00 Yes N/A
CH Glen Frost Room Hall Hire Glen Frost Corporate regular hour rate D $25.00 Yes N/A
CH Glen Frost Room Hall Hire Glen Frost Corporate Night Hire D $220.00 Yes N/A
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 170 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Youth Services Fees for entry to events. Offset by expenditure in 66408 Freeza Events 3040 D $5 - $20 per event Yes 0.0% Parkour program Fee-Holiday Program per week D $5.00 Yes 40.0% Wyreena Wyreena admin Facility Hire - Tenants D varies Yes N/A Wyreena admin Facility Hire - Casual D varies Yes N/A Wyreena Open Day: Wyreena Special Event Fee Music Café D $30.00 Yes 0% - 7% Wyreena Course Fees: Wyreena Course Fees Term 1 Fee 2.5X8weeks Adults Classes D $192.00 Yes 8.9% Wyreena Course Fees Term 2 Fee Life Drawing D $258.00 Yes N/A Wyreena Course Fees Term 3 Fee 2hrx8weeks Adult Classes D $170.00 Yes 7.6% Wyreena Course Fees Term 4 Fee Special Needs D varies Yes N/A Wyreena Course Fees Term 5 Fee Various Workshops D Varies Yes N/A Wyreena Course Fees 10% - Term 6 Fee - After Schools Classes D $120 - $142 Yes 3% Wyreena Course Fees Term 2 Fee Life Drawing D $269.00 Yes N/A Wyreena Course Fees Term 2 Fee 2hrx8weeks Adult Classes D $178.00 Yes 2.8% Wyreena Course Fees Term 2 Fee After School Classes D $125.00 - $148 Yes 6% - 1%- Wyreena Course Fees Term 2 Fee Various Workshops D varies Yes N/A Wyreena Course Fees Term 2 Fee Special Needs D varies Yes N/A Wyreena Course Fees Term 2 Fee 2.5X8weeks Adults Classes D $192.00 Yes 8.9% Wyreena Course Fees Term 3 Fee 2hrx8weeks Adult Classes D $178.00 Yes 2.8% Wyreena Course Fees Term 3 Fee 2.5hr 8weeks Adult Classes D $200.00 Yes 4.5% Wyreena Course Fees 6% - Term 3 Fee After School Classes D $125.00-$148.00 Yes (1%) Wyreena Course Fees Term 3 Fee Special Needs D varies Yes N/A Wyreena Course Fees Term 3 Fee Various Workshops D varies Yes N/A Wyreena Course Fees Term 3 Fee - Life drawing D $270.00 Yes N/A Wyreena Course Fees Term 4 Fee 2hrx8weeks Adult Classes D $178.00 Yes 2.8%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 171 Wyreena Course Fees Term 4 Fee Life Drawing D $269.00 Yes N/A Wyreena Course Fees Term 4 Fee 2.5X8weeks Adults Classes D $200.00 Yes 4.5% Wyreena Course Fees Term 4 Fee Various Workshops D varies Yes N/A Wyreena Course Fees Term 4 Fee After School Classes D $125.00- $142.00 Yes 6% - 3% Wyreena Course Fees Term 4 Fee Special Needs D varies Yes Wyreena School Holiday Fee Wyreena School Holidays Fees D $23.00-$50.00 Yes 4% - 2% Wyreena Arts Lounge Facility Hire Rental hire fees for Gallery D $0.00
35% commission Wyreena Arts Lounge Sales - Other Commission on Sale of items in Gallery D plus GST Wyreena Kiln Firing Fee Wyreena Kiln Firing Fees D $5.00 Yes 20.0% Wyreena conservatory Rent Rec - Commission Rent paid for licence Conservatory Café D $25,000.00 Yes 8.0%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 172 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges GST Incl. (Where % applicable) GST Yes/No increase Federation Estate Federation Estate Gallery Facility Hire Fees for Hire of the Gallery 1 For 8 week blocks D $880 x 3 exhibitions Yes 0.0% Age & Disability Kindergarten Rent Rec-Commission Annual fee per Kinder D $269.50 Yes N/A Kindergarten Rent Rec-Commission Annual fee per Kinder D $7,353.50 Yes N/A Norwood Multipurpose Room Room Hire Not for profit - Hourly casual rate D $22.00 Yes 2.3% Norwood Multipurpose Room Room Hire Not for profit - Hourly regular rate D $17.00 Yes 2.9% Norwood Multipurpose Room Room Hire Not for profit - Night hire D $185.00 Yes 2.2% Norwood Multipurpose Room Room Hire Community - Hourly casual rate D $25.00 Yes 2.0% Norwood Multipurpose Room Room Hire Community - Hourly regular rate D $20.00 Yes 2.5% Norwood Multipurpose Room Room Hire Community - Night hire D $200.00 Yes N/A Family Day Care Fee-Family Day Care D $11.40 No (2.2%) Family Day Care Levy D $4.71 No (10.6%) 2.1% - Holiday Program Fee-Parents D $56.80 & $67.00 No 2.9% 4.5% - Occasional Day Care Parent Fees D $38.20 & $69.00 No 2.8% HACC Home Care Fee low fee D $5.90 No 3.4% HAC C Home Care Fee medium fee D $14.80 No 3.4% HACC Home Care Fee high fee D $45.00 No 3.3% HACC Personal Care Fee low fee D $4.40 No 4.5% HACC Personal Care Fee medium fee D $8.90 No 3.4% HACC Personal Care Fee high fee D $45.00 No 3.3% HACC Respite Care Fee low fee D $3.00 No 6.7% HACC Respite Care Fee medium fee D $4.40 No 4.5% HACC Respite Care Fee high fee D $45.00 No 3.3% HACC Property Maintenance Fee low fee D $11.80 No 4.2% HACC Property Maintenance Fee medium fee D $17.70 No 4.0% HACC Property Maintenance Fee high fee D $46.70 No 3.6% HACC Allied Health Fee OT fee low fee D $9.60 No 3.1% HACC Allied Health Fee OT fee medium fee D $14.80 No 3.4% HACC Allied Health Fee OT fee High Fee/ Per Hour D $97.50 No 3.6%
MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 173 MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - ADOPTED BUDGET 2017/18 | 174 Fees & Charges 2017 - 2018 Fee Type D=Discretionar Activity Description Account Description Charges Description y, S=Statutory 2016/17 2017/2018 Fees & Charges % GST Incl. (Where increas applicable) GST Yes/No e Social Support Fee(NT) Shopping/library Return Trip D $4.30 No 4.7% Social Inclusion & Well Low Fee - Program/Transport Only PAG CORE/MENS Being Fee SHED/HACC PAG HIGH D $7.40 No 4.1% Social Inclusion & Well Low Fee - Program/Transport plus Meal PAG CORE/MENS Being Fee SHED/HACC PAG HIGH D $15.30 No 3.9% Social Inclusion & Well High Fee - CORE PER HOUR PAG CORE/MENS Being Fee SHED/HACC PAG HIGH D $21.30 No 3.8% Social Inclusion & Well High Fee - HIGH PER HOUR PAG CORE/MENS Being Fee SHED/HACC PAG HIGH D $26.60 No 3.8% Social Inclusion & Well Being Fee - Full Fee - Full D $26.60 Yes 3.8% MCH Norwood Room Hire Not for Profit - hourly rate D $0.00 Yes N/A MCH Norwood Room Hire Others - hourly rate D $0.00 Yes N/A Maroondah Police Seniors Register Fee D $30.00 No 0.0% Meals on Wheels Fee low fee D $7.90 No 3.8% Meals on Wheels Fee High fee D $13.90 No 3.6% Meals on Wheels Fee Community Meals Community Meals D $8.20 No 0.0%