Dept. of IT, Anurag Group of Institutions
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III B. Tech II Semester
Academic Dairy For
Faculty: Mr. A. Sriram Asst. Prof Dept. of IT, Anurag Group of Institutions
INTRODUCTION TO WEB: Understanding Internet and Web, Web Architecture, Web servers, protocols: HTTP, TCP/IP, SMTP, POP3, Introduction HTML: History of HTML, WWW, HTML Basics: Elements, Attributes, Tags, Tables, Forms, Frames.
The major objectives of this unit are to learn:
1. Web page design by html
2. How to prepare tables, forms and linking images
3. How css gives new look to the web page
Lecture Plan:
S. No Name Of The Topic No Of lectures
INTRODUCTION TO WEB : Understanding 1 1. Internet and Web
2. Web Architecture, Web servers 1
3. protocols: HTTP, TCP/IP 1
4. SMTP, POP3 2
5. Introduction HTML: History of HTML 1
6. HTML Basics : Elements 1
7. Attributes, Tags 1
8. Tables 1
9. Forms, Frames 1 Total Classes 10
2 Dept. of IT, Anurag Group of Institutions
Assignment Questions:
1) How HTML is useful in Web Designing? And Explain its Uses
2) Explain HTML forms and Table tags with an example?
3) Write the advantages of CSS over HTML and explain various types of CSS?
1. Create a web page that displays grade of a student?
2. Create a web page that displays clouds.jpg image stored in Windows directory of C drive. First display image 200 pixels as width and 150 pixels as height. Then make it 100% size. And again make it to 50% size. Finally display original image.
3. Create a web page for displaying Student Admission Form. With the following fields SNO,SNAME,PASSWORD(password),GENDER((RADIO, (Male or Female)),Request Hostel Facility(Checkbox),Address(text area),Course Name(combo box),submit and reset buttons.
4. Create a web page to display result of various relational operators by comparing values 35 and 45 and display the result in a tabular form
5. Create a webpage for displaying result and the form should contain four buttons with labels ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, and DIVIDE. Perform the respective arithmetic operation and display the result in the third text box page to display a form with three text fields, two for accepting numbers and third one is for characters.
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DHTML: Introduction to cascading style sheet, Types of style sheets, page layout, selectors, pseudo classes and elements.
JAVA SCRIPT: Introduction to scripting, control structures, conditional statements, Arrays functions, objects, HTML DOM: Predefined object (Window, Location, History, Navigator). Events, DOM Node methods, Navigation, creating nodes, adding nodes, inserting nodes, removing & Replaces Nodes, Form object and Elements, DHTML with Java Script.
The major objectives of this unit are:
1. To introduce the Java Scripting.
2. How to design pages using Java Script.
3. Various DHTML tags.
4. Write Differences between DHTML and JavaScript.
Lecture Plan:
S. Name Of The Topic No Of No lectures
1 DHTML : Introduction to cascading style sheet 1
2 Types of style sheets, page layout, selectors 2
3 Pseudo classes and elements. 1
4 JAVA SCRIPT: Introduction to scripting 1
5 control structures, conditional statements 1
6 Arrays functions, objects 2 HTML DOM: Predefined object (Window, Location, 2 7 History, Navigator)
4 Dept. of IT, Anurag Group of Institutions
8 Events, DOM Node methods, Navigation, 1 creating nodes, adding nodes, inserting nodes, 2 9 removing & Replaces Nodes
10 Form object and Elements 1
11 DHTML with Java Script 1 Total Classes 15
Assignment Questions:
1) Describe the primitive data types that JavaScript uses. 2) List and Explain JavaScript objects?
3) What is event model? Write a script to demonstrate ONCLICK ( ) event?
Case Studies:
1.Write a script that uses relational and equality operators to compare two strings input by the user through an HTML form, output in a HTML text area to check whether the first string is less than or equal to second string.
2. Use four different functions for accepting data, finding sum, average calculation and to find largest among them. Every time display the data along with output. Use four buttons to call the respective functions
3. Use the screen object to get the users screen, and then use information to place an image in the middle of the page
4. Is JavaScript supports error handling? If it supports describe the mechanisms to handle them
XML: Basics of XML, Elements, Attributes, validation, Name space.
5 Dept. of IT, Anurag Group of Institutions
XML Scheme Languages: Introduction to DTD, internal and external DTD, Elements of DTD, DTD Limitations, XML Schema, Schema structure, Elements, parsing XML: XML DOM, Document node, element node, Text node, Java and DOM, Navigating DOM Tree.
The major objectives of this unit are:
1. To introduce the extensible Markup Language
2. Difference between various other Markup Languages compared to XML
3. DOM and SAX parsers
Lecture Plan:
S. No Name Of The Topic No Of lectures
2 1 XML : Basics of XML, Elements
2 Attributes, validation, Name space 1
3 XML Scheme Languages : Introduction to DTD 1
4 internal and external DTD, Elements of DTD, DTD Limitations 2
5 XML Schema, Schema structure 1
6 Elements, parsing XML : XML DOM 2
7 Document node, element node, Text node 1
8 Java and DOM 1
9 Navigating DOM Tree 1 Total Classes 12 Assignment Questions:
1) Explain the basic structure of an XML document and highlight the advantages of XML over HTML. 2) Explain the following terms related to Document Type Definition: i. elements ii. Attributes & entities
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iii. Internal & external entities. 3) Explain the usage of the following XSL elements: i. apply-templates ii. Attribute iii. Eval. iv. Template v. value- of vi. Choose.
3) Explain about XML Processors.
4) Discuss in detail about Document Object Model.
1. Create a DTD for a catalog of four-stroke motor bikes, where each motorbike has the following child elements-make, model, year, engine, chasis number and accessories. The engine element has the child elements engine number, number of cylinders, type of fuel. The acceeories element has the attributes like disc brake, auto-start and radio, each of which is required and has the possible values yes and no. Entities must be declared for the names of the popular motor makes
AJAX: Introduction, Environment, Asynchronous communication, process steps, sending and Retrieving Information, Ajax with XML.
Servlets : Introduction, Lifecycle, Generic and HTTP servlet, passing parameters to servlet, HTTP servlet Request & Response interfaces, Deploying web Applications, Session Tracking: Hidden form fields, cookies, URL- Rewriting, session.
The major objectives of this unit are:
1. To introduce web servers and servlets.
2. Servlet Life cycle and API.
3. The Javax Http package and cookies.
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Lecture Plan
S.No Name Of The Topic No Of lectures
1 AJAX : Introduction, Environment 2
2 Asynchronous communication, process steps 1
3 sending and Retrieving Information 1
4 Ajax with XML 2 Servlets : Introduction, Lifecycle, Generic and HTTP 3 5 servlet, passing parameters to servlet
6 HTTP servlet Request & Response interfaces 2
7 Deploying web Applications 2
8 Session Tracking: Hidden form fields 1
9 cookies, URL- Rewriting, session 1 Total Classes 15
Assignment Questions:
1) Explain in detail about servlet Lifecycle.
2) Explain about servlet parameters.
3) What is cookie and explain about session tracking.
4) Explain about javax.servelet HTTP package.
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1. Create a HTML form with three input fields first name, last name and e-mail. Pass these values to a servlets. In the servlets, verify all input fields are not null and display them back to client
JSP: Introduction, Difference Between servlets & JSP, Anatomy of JSP page, JSP elements: Directives, comments, Expressions, scriptlets, Declaration, Implict JSP objects, using Action elements, Bean elements.
JDBS: Introduction, JDBC Drivers, Loading Driver, establishing connection, Executing SQL statement Introduction to EJB: Session Beans : Stateless, statefull, Entity beans, message Driven beans.
The major objectives of this unit are:
1. To introduce to Java Server Pages.
2. MVC
3. Installation of Tomcat and Apache, JDK
Lecture Plan:
9 Dept. of IT, Anurag Group of Institutions
S.No Name Of The Topic No Of lectures
2 JSP : Introduction, Difference Between servlets & JSP, 1 Anatomy of JSP page
1 2 JSP elements: Directives, comments, Expressions
2 3 scriptlets, Declaration, Implict JSP objects
1 4 using Action elements, Bean elements.
JDBC: Introduction, JDBC Drivers, Loading Driver, 3 5 establishing connection
1 6 Executing SQL statement
2 7 Introduction to EJB: Session Beans : Stateless, state full
1 8 Entity beans, message Driven beans
Total Classes 13
Assignment Questions:
1) Explain about anatomy of a JSP page.
2) Explain in detail about MVC architecture.
3) Explain about JSP processing.
4) Difference between JSP and servlet.
5) Write in detail about Javax.sql.* package.
6) Discuss the four types of JDBC drivers.
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7) Discuss briefly about Deploying JAVA Beans in a JSP Page.
8) Discuss about statement class.
9) Give a note on popular JDBC driver names.
1. Develop a JSP to keep track number of users and display a message “You are nth visitor where n is number of user.
2. Write a java program to create a table for a Banking System which contains the following information: Customer account number, customer name, customer address, credit, debit and balance. Create the table with suitable data and explain how to update the table entries.