BACHELOR OF LIBERAL ARTS DEGREE WORKSHEET for 5/02 Division of Continuing Education Furman University (864-294-2154)

I. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS (41 semester hours minimum): CREDITS TRANSFERRED FROM: Sem. Hrs. (A) English Composition (1 of the following): English 11 Successful completion of English Competency Exam and three semester hours of transfer credit in composition Six semester hours of transfer credit in composition

(B) Fine Arts (1 course): Art 26 Theatre Arts 11 Music 20 IDS (Interdisciplinary Studies) 30

(C) Humanities (4 courses, one from each of 4 areas): Literature: English 12 ____ 21 ____ 22 ____, French 31 ____ 32 ____, German 31 ____ 32 ____, Spanish 31 ____ 32 ____ 37 ____, * Official Transcript required Classics 32 ____ 33 ____, MLL A34 ____ A38 ____, THA 32 ____ 33 ____ History: 11 ____ SAT: V M Foreign Language: Any course numbered 11 or above Philosophy: Any course numbered 20 or above HS RANK: Religion: 12 ____ 13 ____ 14 ____

(D) Mathematics (1 course): Math 11 ____ Math 15 ____ Math 16 ____ NOTES: A student must earn: 1. A minimum of 45 semester hours of credit at Furman. (E) Natural Sciences (2 courses): 2. The last 28 hours of credit at Furman. Biology 11 ____ or 16 ____ 3. A minimum of 15 hours in the major at Furman. Chemistry 11 ____ 12 ____ 16 ____ 4. A minimum of 125 hours for graduation. Earth/Environmental Sciences 11 ____ 16 ____ 18 ____ 21 ____ 5. A minimum of 2.0 GPA in courses taken at Furman Physics 11 ____ 12 ____ 14 ____ 15 ____ 17 ____ at the time of graduation. 6. A minimum of 2.0 GPA in major courses at the (F) Social Sciences (4 courses representing at least 3 different departments): time of graduation. Economics 21 ____ 22 ____ 7. A maximum of 64 hours transferable from a two- Education 20 ____ year school. Political Science 11 ____ 12 ____ Psychology 21 ____ 23 ____ Need advising? Call 294-2155 or E-mail: [email protected] Sociology 11 ____ 24 ____, Ant 11 ____ 12 ____

II. MAJOR - Business Administration (48 sem hrs minimum): + Taken as part of GER CS 16 (Intro to Computing)

ECN 21+ (Macro) BA 32 (Operations Mgt)

ECN 22+ (Micro) BA 35 (Law I)

ECN 25 (Statistics) BA 37 (Mrkt)

ACC 26 (Acc’t I) BA 51 (Finance)

ACC 27 (Acc’t II) BA 76 (Sr. Sem)

PLUS 5-7 EBA Electives:

III. ELECTIVES (36-42 semester hours)

Total sem. hrs. transferred

Num. sem. hrs. earned at FU

Min. sem. hrs. yet to be earned at FU Date/Advisor’s Initials