Instructor: Lisa Honz Phone: (636) 464-4429 ext. 4526 Room: 123 E-mail: [email protected] Contact period: 11:59-12:46 p.m.

Required Course Materials:  Une Fois Pour Toutes Hale Sturges II, Linda Cregg Nielsen, Henry L. Herbst  Le Mystère du Jeune Pharaon G. Robert McConnell, Yves Bouchereau  Les Monstres du Lac Champlain G. Robert McConnell, Yves Bouchereau  Destination Mars G. Robert McConnell, Yves Bouchereau  Café des Rêves movie (5 episodes)

Course Description and Objectives:

French III is a one-credit yearlong course offered to students in grades 11 and 12. This honors course further advances the basic skills with special emphasis on speaking as a form of communication and reading. Activities include grammar review, oral comprehension with videotapes, guided composition, and reading of edited material. The successful student will be highly motivated and self-disciplined. Students with a “C” or better will be able to earn college credit (5 hours) through UMSL, if they have paid the fees on time.

Prerequisite for Honors French III: Successful completion of French I and II with a minimum grade average of “C.”

Prerequisite for advanced college credit through UMSL: Missouri Department of Education requires that high school juniors or seniors that enroll must have a 3.0 or higher GPA (on an un-weighted scale) and a signature of high school counselor or teacher to verify eligibility. Upon enrollment students must adhere to the University’s Student Conduct Code.

Instructional Strategies: The focus in class will be on fluency in French through reading, writing, listening and speaking activities. Good attendance is essential for success since the majority of the work will be done in class.

Cooperative Learning techniques as well as differentiated instruction are an integral part of the learning environment.

Classroom Expectations: Be on time. Be prepared. Be food, drink, candy, gum and cell phone free. Be a positive participant. Grading System: Each semester grade is based on the following: 80 % course work 20 % Semester final—listening, speaking and written performance event

The final course grade for UMSL is determined by the average of both semester grades.

Course work for each semester is based on the following: 75% Summative assessments (4) (10 points each) Performance events (4) (100 points each) Projects/Compositions (4) (15 points each)

25% Daily class participation (500 points)

The final course grade for UMSL is determined by the average of both semester grades.

Grades are updated regularly on the Windsor SISk12 information system.

GRADING SCALE: 100-93% A 82-80% B- 69-67% D+ 92-90% A- 79-77% C+ 66-63% D 89-87% B+ 76-73% C 62-60% D- 86-83% B 72-70% C- 59% or less F

Assessment: (based on Ken O’Connor’s Assessment for Learning strategies)

 Summative assessments are multiple choice, short answer “snap shots” of a unit of study.

 Performance events are divided into 3 parts: listening, speaking and written. These exams assess a student’s grammatical knowledge as well as his/her oral skills.

 Projects/compositions include power point presentations and creative writing assignments.

 Quizzes are given frequently throughout a unit and are marked with an “M” for mastery (80% or above) or “P” for passing (60-79%) or “F” for failing (below 59%) in the grade book.*

 Homework and classwork will not be assigned points but instead will be marked as “C” complete or “I” incomplete in the grade book.*

 Final exam is a comprehensive exam based on the semester’s summative assessments.

*These marks/ letters cannot be entered in the Windsor SIS k12 information system and therefore do not affect the actual semester grade.

Standards Based Grade Card

Students will be responsible for completing a standards based grade card and keeping it in a French folder. “I can” standards and unit concepts will be individually listed. Students are to keep track of mastery and completion of quizzes and assignments. French III

The following French III lessons address proficiency in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Quarter 1  I can use both “to know” verbs. Lesson 1: le verbe savoir (to know) Project: children’s book

 I can use avoir and faire expressions. Lesson 2: les expressions d’avoir et de faire Composition (cartoon character)

Quarter 2  I can use determiners correctly. Lesson 3: les articles Presentation: Recipe

 I can define and conjugate regular er verbs. Lesson 4: les verbes en ER book study of Le Mystère du Jeune Pharaon (nonfiction) Composition (ER verbes)

Quarter 3  I can form the past tense of verbs. Lesson 5: les verbes irréguliers et le passé book study of Les Monstres du Lac Champlain (fiction) Cooperative Learning activity “A Night in the Museum” (Une nuit dans un musée sans être guillotiné!) Writers, artists, composers, historical figures Power point presentation: Famous French person

 I can use regular and irregular “ir” verbs. Lesson 6: les verbes en IR (régulier et irrégulier) Composition (IR verbes) book study of Destination Mars

Quarter 4  I can use regular and irregular “re” verbs. Lesson 7: les verbes en RE (régulier et irrégulier) Composition (RE verbes) book study of either fiction or nonfiction book of choice

 I can use 2 verbs correctly in a sentence. Lesson 8: deux verbes ensembles Composition (vouloir, pouvoir, devoir)

Activities Field trip to St. Louis Art Museum and City Coffeehouse and Creperie Field trip to Chicago Art Institute (odd years)