Goole Town Council

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Goole Town Council



Minutes of meeting held on 7 th February, 2013 commencing at .

PRESENT: Councillors S. Harrison (In the Chair), G Boatman, M Boatman, Blackburn, Duffy, Flynn, Frost, Head, Huntington, Marshall, Moore, O’Neil, Rust and Taylor . OFFICERS: Mr. B. Robertson (Town Clerk)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M Harrison, South and Young.

The Chair (Councillor S. Harrison) reminded the public that under Standing Order 13A any elector of Goole will be afforded time at the beginning of this session to raise any matters of concern. A time limit of 5 minutes per person will be allowed.

No member of the public wished to speak.


Councillor Huntington declared an interest in Minute GTC2377 as a resident in that area.

Councillor O’Neil declared an interest in Minute GTC2373 as Secretary to Goole Development Trust.


The Chair welcomed Mr McLean, the Chair of the Goole and Howden branch of the Royal British Legion, who thanked the Council for their continued financial support of Remembrance Sunday and presented the Council with a certificate of appreciation.

Councillor O’Neil paid tribute on behalf of the Council to the work done by Mr McLean over many years.

Mr McLean left the meeting at this point.


The Chair welcomed Roger Millar, General Manager of Goole Development Trust, who outlined the work of the Trust and its achievements.

Mr Millar thanked Members for the opportunity to update them with some of the recent developments at the Trust.

He explained that the Trust had been established in 1997 as the legal exit vehicle for SRB Round 2 and that it is a company limited by guarantee and owned by the community of Goole. This is reflected in the composition of its board, which includes representatives from the public, private and voluntary sectors.

One of the key aims of the Trust is to support businesses in the area in the creation of and protection of jobs. The Trust is part of a consortium, which means that it has access to European Regional Development Funds of £1.2m over the next three years, which will allow loans of up to £50,000 to local businesses.

The Trust is also party to another consortium bid under the New Enterprise Allowance scheme, which offers start up loans for up to 5 years for 18-30 year olds with business ideas. First year’s payment can be interest only with a favourable rate of 6%. The scheme also provides mentoring and support for applicants. Funds amount to £1m for this financial year, £2m in 2013/14 and £4m in 2014/15.

1 Mr Millar added that the Trust has helped local businesses with staff training and assisted with the establishment of new social enterprises. He estimated that the Trust has brought in £12m to the local economy in the last 12 years.

Mr Millar also highlighted the Trust’s success in securing a £3.25m Future Jobs Fund contract for Yorkshire and the Humber, which had resulted in 493 long term unemployed young people securing employment for a 6 months period. He added that 50 of these placements were in Goole and that 24 of these had gone on to find full time employment.

Mr Millar also highlighted the potential to secure £3m from the Regional Growth Fund to support new businesses. He added that the Trust has to be self sustaining and has to make a margin from each contract in order to cover its core costs.

Mr Millar explained that the Trust had also started the Goole and District Lottery 5 years ago with all proceeds (minimum 20%) going to support local community groups in the form of grants and to new start up businesses in the form of interest free loans with the emphasis on young people.

Mr Millar also outlined the Trust’s role in respect of Community First, which provides funding of £8,000 per year for projects in Goole South and is mathc funded by the lottery good causes pot.

Councillor Head asked whether loans and support could only be offered to 18-30 year olds.

Mr Millar explained that this was only in respect of start up loans and that all other funds are open to anyone.

Councillor Head also asked about the number of failed business ventures and recovery of money from these.

Mr Millar explained that the Trust uses a company of reputable debt collectors but much prefers to recover money by agreement and will offer companies time and support. He added that the amount of debt written off over the last 13 years is just under 15%, which is very favourable in comparison to banks.

Councillor M Boatman congratulated Mr Millar on the amount of money brought into the local economy and paid tribute to the hard work that he had undertaken to achieve this.

Mr Millar responded that Goole Town Council Members and officers had and still provide enormous support and help to the Trust, which is greatly appreciated.

Councillor Head asked whether the Trust receives any support from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Mr Millar confirmed that the Trust does not.

Councillor Duffy asked whether loan applicants are expected to submit a business plan.

Mr Millar explained that a detailed business plan, cash flow forecast, accounts from existing companies and credit report all form part of the application process. He added that applicants are not precluded by a poor credit history providing that they are honest about it. He explained that applications then go before the Trust’s board for a decision.

The Chair thanked Mr Millar for his attendance, who then left at this point.


Members were in receipt of a list of Mayoral appointments for the month of January, 2013.

It was RESOLVED to NOTE the Mayor’s Announcements.


Councillor Head referred to Minute GTC2369 and pointed out that Councillor Taylor had also collaborated in the preparation of the Independent group’s budget. 2 Councillor G Boatman referred to Minute GTC2367 and pointed out that she had signed the minutes as Chair and not Councillor S Harrison.

Councillor Moore PROPOSED that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 10th January, 2013 be signed as a true record subject to the above amendments.

This was SECONDED by Councillor Frost.

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 10th January, 2013 be signed as a true record by the Chair (Councillor S. Harrison).


It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the under- mentioned meetings be received and the recommendations contained therein be approved and adopted subject to any resolution contained below.

Councillor Marshall referred to Minute PL959 and asked whether there had been any response to the Council’s letter to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council on this matter.

The Town Clerk confirmed that there had been no response to date.

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 10th & 24th January, 2013 be approved.

Councillor Head referred to Minute PR1336 and stated that she had requested that details on the Council’s precept be published in the local press.

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee meeting held on 24th January, 2013 be approved subject to the above amendment.


Members were in receipt of a report of the Town Clerk detailing the outcome of a recent consultation process undertaken by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council with regard to the installation of play equipment at St George’s Green play area.

In order for the scheme to progress Members were asked to support expenditure of around £70,000 from Commuted Sums, the securing of approval from ERYC’s Asset Department for the future maintenance of the equipment and consultation with young people regarding the type of equipment required.

Councillor S Harrison commented on the enthusiasm of those parents attending the consultation, 88% of whom were in favour of the scheme.

Councillor Huntington thanked North ward Members for their work on the scheme and paid tribute to the professionalism of East Riding of Yorkshire Councillors in dealing with objectors. He highlighted the safety issues surrounding children having to cross busy roads in order to access play provision at Western Road.

It was RESOLVED to support the above proposals.

The Full Council meeting concluded at 7.50pm **********************************************END**********************************************


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