General Education Assistant (Freelance)
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General Education Assistant (Freelance)
Thank you for requesting information for the post of General Education Assistant at Camden Arts Centre. Please find enclosed the following documents:
Camden Arts Centre information Job description, person specification and terms and conditions of employment Equal opportunities statement
The job description describes the main responsibilities of the post; the person specification relates directly to the job description and is a list of the skills and experience that we consider necessary for the post. Please read these documents carefully. The applicants who fit the person specification most closely will be shortlisted for interview so please make sure you tell us everything relevant to your application and that you complete all the sections of the application form. Please do not send CV’s.
Camden Arts Centre is committed to a policy of equal opportunities and we ensure that all applicants are treated fairly and equally. We should be grateful if you would complete the enclosed monitoring form to help us check that we are carrying out our policy of equal opportunities for all people. The information will be kept confidential and will be separated from your application upon receipt. It may be referred to after initial shortlisting in order to choose between candidates of equal merit, in order to support our aim to diversify our workforce for individuals with protected characteristics.
Camden Arts Centre is committed to meeting the needs of applicants with disabilities. The refurbished building is fully accessible to all.
Please send a copy of your completed application form by 9.30am on Tuesday 7 November 2017 to: Camden Arts Centre Arkwright Road London NW3 6DG
or email it to [email protected]
Please make sure you write ‘General Education Assistant’ in the subject line if submitting by email.
Interviews will be held on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 November 2017.
Please note that we are unable to consider any applications which are received after the deadline. Please note that if you cannot make an offered interview time we may not be able to give you an alternative. If you have not heard from us by this date, please assume that you have been unsuccessful on this occasion.
Information provided by you as part of your application will be used in the recruitment process. Any data about you will be held securely with access restricted to those involved in dealing with your application and in the recruitment process. Once this process is completed the data relating to unsuccessful applicants will be stored for a maximum of 6 months and then destroyed. If you are the successful candidate, your application form will be retained and form the basis of your personnel record. Information provided by you on the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form will be used to monitor the equal opportunities policy. By signing and submitting your completed application form you are giving your consent to your data being stored and processed for the purposes of the recruitment process, equal opportunities monitoring and your personnel record if you are the successful candidate (Data Protection Act 1998)
General Education Assistant (Freelance) October 2017 May we take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in Camden Arts Centre and for your time in considering applying to work with us. Background and Further Information
Camden Arts Centre is a place for world-class contemporary art exhibitions and education. With artists at the core of the programme, Camden Arts Centre strives to involve members of the public in the ideas and processes of today's artists, and the artists who inspire them. In addition to gallery spaces, the building includes studios which schools can use free of charge and in which people of all ages and abilities can learn skills in ceramics, painting, drawing and writing as part of the courses programme. We were delighted to maintain our status as an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation for 2018-22.
Director Jenni Lomax OBE joined Camden Arts Centre in 1990, and has established an internationally acclaimed programme of exhibitions, residencies, education projects, and public events. Over the past 27 years the Centre has introduced London audiences to significant artists from abroad; Karin ‘Mamma’ Andersson, Mary Heilmann, Hilma af Klint, Kerry James Marshall, and Kara Walker are among those whose exhibitions at Camden Arts Centre were the first in the UK. We move into an exciting new chapter for Camden Arts Centre as Martin Clark, previously Director of Bergen Kunsthall has joined us as Director from September 2017.
Learn more about our previous exhibitions and projects on our online archive.
2 Mission Statement
Camden Arts Centre is a venue for contemporary visual art and education. Placing the artist at the core of the programme, Camden Arts Centre strives to involve members of the public in the ideas and processes of today’s artists, and the artists who inspire them.
The exhibition and education programmes are developed with equal importance and are continually intertwined. The year-round programme includes exhibitions, artist residencies, talks and events, school and artists’ projects, courses and off-site activities, ensuring Camden Arts Centre remains a dynamic place for seeing, making and talking about art.
Exhibitions feature emerging artists, international artists showing for the first time in London, significant historic figures who have inspired contemporary practice, and artist selected group shows relevant to current debate. Residencies develop artists’ practices with practical support, resulting in new work and public participation. Projects are initiatives to encourage people of all ages, abilities and areas of interest to engage with contemporary art. Events engage audiences in a regular series of talks and discussions, film screenings and live art performances. Courses teach creative and technical skills to people of all ages and abilities, in a range of specialist mediums.
3 Job Description
General Education Assistant (Freelance)
Client: Camden Arts Centre
Place of work: Camden Arts Centre
Reports to: Head of Education
Place of work: Camden Arts Centre, Arkwright Road London NW3 6DG Offsite venues as required
Terms: Freelance position, fixed term for 12 months You will be responsible for your own tax and National Insurance
Salary: £12.60 per hour This fee is inclusive of VAT (if applicable), national insurance, income tax, professional indemnity, public liability insurance and travel expenses.
Camden Arts Centre is an internationally renowned contemporary art venue with an ambitious programme characterised by discovery and risk-taking. We excel in projects that empower and engage communities, inspire children and young people and deliver a critically acclaimed combination of exhibitions, artists’ projects and educational activity.
Our Education programme remains at the core of our aim to make art inclusive and accessible. We offer a varied programme of projects, courses and workshops through which people of all ages and experiences can engage in the arts. Working closely with contemporary artists and unravelling their processes, we offer multiple entry points to our programme by developing creative responses and ideas, experimenting with materials, and through critical thinking and debate.
Purpose of job
The primary function of this position is to support the lead artists in delivering a range of creative arts workshops for children and families in our drawing studio, as part of Camden Arts Centre’s education programme. This role has a focus on working with children aged 5 – 11 years old, encouraging and supporting them in their making during our children’s courses. Courses for key stage 1 and 2 take place during school holidays and focus on a variety of processes such as drawing, film, photography, performance, sculpture. The role also involves working on our family programme as part of our regular family takeover sessions. This role requires experience and confidence in working across a range of media and processes.
As part of this role the General Education Assistant (Freelance) will have the opportunity to receive mentoring and advice from the Camden Arts Centre Education Team as part of professional development and progression during the 12 months.
This opportunity is subject to successful completion of an Enhanced DBS check with Camden Arts Centre.
4 Key Tasks and Responsibilities
1. Assist the Education Coordinator with general administration including the collection of evaluation and registration forms. 2. Set-up and clear down of workshop spaces before and after sessions. 3. Supporting the lead artist in the delivery of activities. 4. Registering children on arrival and departure for courses. 5. Supervising children during break times for courses. 6. Identifying participants who are struggling to take part independently and offering them extra support. 7. Reporting any issues that arise during the sessions to designated staff.
Person Specification
General Education Assistant (Freelance)
Essential Skills / Experience / Qualities An interest in contemporary visual art and art education Some previous experience of working on education projects and workshops with children, young people and/or families Confidence in working across a range of media and processes Available to work flexible hours, including evenings and weekends Positive and supportive behaviour in the workplace Ability to work on own initiative, with a proactive attitude Honest, reliable, punctual
Outline Conditions of Service
General Education Assistant (Freelance)
Contract This post is a freelance contract for a fixed term of 12 months.
The contractor is not entitled to any paid leave of absence for reasons of sickness, injury, holiday or for any other reason from the organisation.
The contractor is not entitled to any of the statutory rights extended to an employee as defined by Section 230 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 and set out in that Act as a whole.
Salary £12.60 per hour You will be responsible for your own tax and National Insurance. This fee is inclusive of VAT (if applicable), national insurance, income tax, professional indemnity, public liability insurance and travel expenses.
Working hours This role is flexible. A pool of General Education Assistants will be recruited to work on the education programme. Depending on individual availability we estimate around 70 - 90 working hours each per annum.
5 Equal Opportunities Policy and Monitoring
1. Introduction
1.1 Camden Arts Centre (CAC) is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity in its employment practices and in the provision of services to users. 1.2 The Sex Discrimination, Race Relations and Disability Discrimination Acts protect job applicants, employees, self employed people and contract workers alike and accordingly the word “employee” in this policy includes all such people who are protected by the Acts. 1.3 Senior management fully supports this policy. All employees are responsible for its implementation and should request special training if they have any doubts about its application. An employee should address any questions in relation to the policy or any requests for special training to the Director. 1.4 Employees who feel that they have suffered such discrimination should raise the matter with the Director.
2. A Statement of Policy
2.1 As an employer CAC aims to ensure that no potential or actual employee receives more or less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, ethnic or national origins, disability, marital status, gender, sex, sexual orientation, age, class, responsibility for dependants or religious beliefs. 2.1.1 Selection procedures and criteria are reviewed to ensure that individuals are selected on the basis of their relevant merits, abilities, experience and qualifications. 2.1.2 All employees must accept their personal responsibility for the practical application of the Policy but at the same time CAC acknowledges that specific responsibilities fall upon management, supervisory staff and individuals professionally involved in recruitment and employee administration. 2.1.3 To ensure this Policy in consistently applied and monitored co-ordinating responsibilities have been assigned to the Administrator who will monitor the operation of the Policy for both employees and job applicants.
2.2 As a service provider, CAC aims to ensure that its artistic programme reflects the cultural diversity of the community in which it is based. In particular it aims to ensure that audiences and users are not denied access to the programme on grounds of race, ethnic or national origins, disability, marital status, gender, sex, sexual orientation, age, class, responsibility for dependants or religious beliefs. The artistic programme also aims to challenge and explore issues around identity and society’s response to identity and ‘difference.’ 2.2.1 The exhibition and education programme is reviewed to ensure that it reflects the needs and interests of the whole community. 2.2.2 Targeted activities will be integrated into the programme in order to encourage increased use of the Centre by members of the community who ‘traditionally’ feel excluded from art spaces. 2.2.3 All employees must accept their personal responsibility for the practical application of the Policy but at the same time CAC acknowledges that specific responsibilities fall upon management, supervisory staff and individuals professionally involved in programming and service provision. 2.2.4 To ensure this Policy is consistently applied and monitored co-ordinating responsibilities have been assigned to the Director who will monitor the operation of the Policy within the artistic programme and other services.
6 3. Recruitment procedures
3.1 Job descriptions and person specifications are regularly reviewed to ensure that they accurately reflect the responsibilities of the post and contain no indirect discrimination. 3.2 The person specification provides the basis for the objective criteria for selection of candidates for short listing and appointment. 3.3 Applicants receive a job description, person specification, and an equal opportunities form for details of sex, disability and race that will be used for monitoring purposes only. 3.4 Interview panels will be kept to a minimum size and panel members will be briefed on the application of the policy and the inadmissibility of discriminatory questions. 3.5 Candidates selected for interview will be asked the comparable questions. Candidates required to sit recruitment tests will be set the same tests.
4. Grievances
Anyone who believes that there has been any breach of this equal policy or has a grievance in respect of any act of sexual or racial harassment or any other discrimination should raise the grievance in accordance with CAC’s Grievance Procedure. Anyone who doesn’t feel able to do this should raise it with the Director or if that is inappropriate, the Chair.
5. Discipline
An employee who harasses or discriminates against any other employee or CAC users or visitors on grounds of race, ethnic or national origins, disability, marital status, gender, sex, sexual orientation, age, class, responsibility for dependents or religious beliefs will be dealt with under CAC’s Disciplinary Procedure. Such harassment or discrimination will normally be regarded as gross misconduct so that, on completion of the investigation and the relevant stage of the Disciplinary Procedure, the employee will be summarily dismissed.