Alvarado Intermediate School
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Alvarado Intermediate School
Teacher: White GradeWeek of: Unit & Essential Questions: & 11/3-7/2014 Subje The Writing Process / Personal Narratives ct: 4th 1. What would you recommend to a peer who said they could not think of anything to write about when Writin addressing a prompt? g 2. What are some examples of authentic writing in everyday life? 3. What are some things from the world around us that can inspire our writing? TEKS/Learning On-going TEKS/Activities: Objectives: MONDAY: Editing/Revising Passage “Tiny Houses” 4.22(A) We will . Peer Collaboration using strategies to determine answers, self-check learn to spell words with more advanced FRIDAY: Spell Check Unit 11 patterns and rules. Spelling Lesson Unit 13 . Spelling Strategy (ir, ur, er, ear, eer) 4.15 We will learn . Spelling Lesson Unit 113 Word Sort (Hands-on and Written) to use the . Discuss Distractor Factors elements of the . Handwriting Lesson Letters (r,s,p,j / i,t,u,w) writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text.
4.21(A) We will learn to use written conventions in our compositions.
4.20(A)(i) We will use and understand the function of irregular verbs.
4.20(A)(ii) We will Academic Vocabulary Customized Learning: of Instruction: Supplementary Support: Introduction, Peer tutoring Conclusion, Setting, Visuals (Graphic Organizer & Sentence Stems for PN) Sensory Shortened Assignments Language, Word Choice, Developed Writing, Small group Transitions, Object Extended time for completing assignments Placement, Possessive Dictionary, Thesaurus, Word Choice Lists, Question Stems Noun, Plural Noun, Irregular Verb Language Support: Peer interaction (Tiny Houses) 1. Introduction-Provides Manipulatives (Graphic Organizer & Sentence Stem for PN) an interesting Side by Side Materials (Spelling List)(Irregular Verb List) beginning to a piece of writing Grade Level Texts (Samples of effective Personal Narratives) 2. Conclusion-Provides Grade Level Writing a thoughtful end to a piece of writing Champion Support: 3. Setting-When or where something takes place 4. Sensory Language- When the author uses details that appeal to the five senses. 5. Word Choice- Author’s thoughtful use of precise vocabulary to full convey meaning to the reader. 6. Developed Writing- Each sentence builds off the sentence before it to extend a thought or topic. 7. Transitions-They link
A Enga Explore Explain EEvaluate/Assess ge l a b o r a t e / E x t e n d EssenInstruction Guided Practice: I tial and Mini- (I do, we do, you do) n QuestLesson d ion(s) e & p Hook e n d e n t P r a c ti c e MONDAY Quest Revising and Editing Peer Collaboration: “Tiny Houses” ( ions: (Choice of work area/seating) C What T is the ) import ance of I revisin g and editing your rough draft? (3)
TUESDAY Questi 1 (CT) ons: . I will classify the type of introduction 1. S What and conclusion my shoulder partner t criteria used in his/her composition. (2) will you u use to d evaluat e e your n compo t sition? s (3) w 2. In ri your t opinion e , what a are the P four e most r import ant s feature o s in a n person a al l narrati N ve? (3) Can a you rr prioritiz a e these ti feature v s? (3) e : 3. Did you W develo ri t e a b o u t a ti m e w h e n y o u d i d s o p the m body of e your t compo h sition? i What n exampl es can g you s find in p your e compo c sition i to a justify your l answer w ? (3) it h a fr i e n d . ”
2 . T e a c h e r w a lk s a r o u n d t o s t u d e n t s i n b ri e f i n t e r v a ls u si n g t h e F . A . R . M . t e c h n i q u e o f c o n f e r e n ci n g . ( F - F o c u s , A - A ff ir m , R - R e t h i n k , M - M o v e O n )
3 . A v a il a b l e R e s o u r c e s : D ic ti o n a r y , T h e s a u r u s , C r e a ti v e T r a n si ti o n a l D e vi c e s , I n n o v a ti v e I n tr o d u c ti o n s , M e m o r a b l e C o n cl u si o n s , A d v a n c e d W ri ti n g F o l d e r s , C h e c k L is t, F i n a l D r a ft L i n e d P a p e r, R e d / G r e e n D o t s , W I P F o l d e r s WEDNESDAY Questi Activities/Stations: (CT) ons: (Students will participate and interact with peers to I will create three sentences using an 1. Can complete various activities about irregular verbs.) irregular verb in the past, present, and you future tense. (3) disting STATION 1: uish an “I have…who has?” (Set #1) irregul Students will conduct a read-around activity utilizing cards ar verb containing questions and answers about irregular verbs. from a STATION 2: “regula “Irregular Verbs Verb Sort Game” r verb”? (2)
Hook: Teach er will display the irregul ar verb past tense poem, ”Drink- Students will do a hands-on verb sort according to headers, Drunk” (Base Verb, Simple Past Verb, Past Participle). When they ,on the complete the sort, they will fill in a graphic organizer sort screen. chart using the same verbs. (Students self check.) Studen STATION 3: ts will “Irregular Verb Crossword Puzzle” take Students will complete a crossword puzzle using irregular turns verb clues. (Students self check.) readin STATION 4: g the “Three Ring Circus” (TWA) stanza Student will sort sentences containing irregular verbs into s three categories, present, past, past participle. (Students orally. self check.) THURSDAY Quest Activities/Stations: (CT) ions: (Students will participate and interact with peers to I will determine the answers for three 1. complete various activities about irregular verbs.) What STATION 1: sentences containing possessive is a “Possessive Nouns Scavenger Hunt” nouns, and Iwill check my answers with plural Students will search for cards hidden around the room that a peer to see if they are matching. noun? contain possessive nouns. They will record their answers (1) on a log. (Students self check.) STATION 2: 2. “Possessive Noun Review Game” What Students will fold a piece of manila paper so that they have are eight boxes in which to record their answers. They will singula solve problems containing possessives. (Students self r and plural posses sive nouns? (1)
3. Can you make a distinct ion betwee n plural check.) and STATION 3: posses “Concentration/Matching Game Possessive Nouns” sive Students will take turns reading and matching sentences in nouns? the boxes containing singular and possessive nouns. (2) (Students self check.) STATION 4: Hook: “Singular and Possessive Nouns Task Cards” Teach Students will sort singular and plural possessive nouns er will onto the Task Cards Sorting Mat. (Students self check.) display STATION 5: Posses “Find the Fly Possessive Noun Game” sive One student will read sentences to their group. As Nouns, students finishes the sentence, reader will announce, p.118, “SWAT!”. Students must swat the fly (with a flyswatter) that on the contains the correct possessive noun. Reader will check screen. for correct answers.
FRIDAY Spell Check Unit 11 Handwriting Practice
I will circle one cursive letter and word on my handwriting practice sheet and Spelling Unit share it with my tablemates. 13