James 1:5 Sermon #3June 10, 2012

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James 1:5 Sermon #3June 10, 2012

James 1:5 Sermon #3June 10, 2012

James 1:5 KJV 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. Praise The Lord! The biblical definition of wisdom may be applied in many ways but following James’ opening verses the definition that applies here is-- the knowledge and practice of the requisites for godly and upright living. Notice it says Knowledge and Practice. We have worked with this before –Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge gained. Verse 5 in James applies directly to verses 2-4.  The Knowledge gained is that you will be tested. You have trials and tribulations to pass through in this life.  You can count them all joy as you grow spiritually closer to God with every step through each test.  You are being perfected, and completed by the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in you.  You will lack nothing that will keep you from glorifying God as you grow in Christ.

Knowledge without wisdom is like confession without repentance. Think about it!

Unfortunately this is where most Christians are today. A general knowledge of scripture is as far as most Christians go. Knowledge; is knowing who we are and what we have in Christ. Wisdom is putting the power of that knowledge to work by faith. James 1:5 Sermon #3June 10, 2012

As we finished our sermon last week we looked at the lesser and the greater purpose for the trials that we are to go through. The lesser is the good work that God will continue in us from the moment of salvation to the moment of glorification. This is what is to happen to us—the lesser portion. Glorifying God through sanctification is the greater. Count it all joy that you have been set apart to glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 5 If any of you lack wisdom; that is if you do not understand how you can glorify God while He sanctifies us. Ask. Ask of God, Some may think they should ask their pastor or teacher first but the bible says Ask of God, He will open the truth of His word to you whether it is in your study or through someone else but always ask God first! If you are being taught to ask God for the strength and direction to get through each test then why would you not ask God for the wisdom that is to come from each test? Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge gained. Wisdom is what glorifies God. Not just your knowledge. Wisdom is; believing you will, then seeking to glorify God with each test. Wisdom walks through the battle armed with Gods’ word. Wisdom knows how to use the sword of the Lord. Proverbs is the book of wisdom. Every Hebrew boy was taught to know Proverbs. James 1:5 Sermon #3June 10, 2012 If we turn to Proverbs 8 we will see the personification of wisdom. Wisdom is spoken of as a living being that is calling out to us. Now turn to Job 28 -----Job’s Discourse on Wisdom Job is sometimes difficult to understand but following Hebrew writing patterns we look to the center of the chapter to find the subject. Verse 12-- “But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? And Verse 20-- “From where then does wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding? The answer is clearly stated by Job; wisdom only comes from God. Proverbs 3:7 says what? 7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. Job 28:28 28 And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the LORD, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. Proverbs 8:35-36 35 For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD. 36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.

Here are 3 basic instructions that we need to examine.

1. Do not be wise in your own eyes; James 1:5 Sermon #3June 10, 2012 Are you living your life by the book? Are you searching the scriptures to find the answers to every facet, every directive, and every promise? Do you treat the Bible like a repair manual or a builder’s guide? Or maybe you don’t even know you could be living Gods promise of abundance at this moment because you don’t really know God? Be(ing) wise in your own eyes; is the fruit or evidence of the unsaved or the untaught. This is why we at Cornerstone stress; study your Bibles. Read your commentaries, ask of God.

2. And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,

To know God is to have total reverence for His omniscient’s, His omnipotents, and His omnipresence. That is living with His ever present, all knowing, and all powerful Holy Spirit in us. Oh---- now I want you to stop and soak this in. God is in you! If you believe everything that the Bible tells you about God. Not just in knowledge of what is written about Him, but in truth; that He was, is and always will be what is written and He lives in you, why would you not throw yourself into doing and living what His holy word instructs!

And to depart from evil is understanding.’” Then you are walking in the fear of the Lord. James 1:5 Sermon #3June 10, 2012 Now for those who think evil means cruelty or blatant sinfulness; you are wrong. Not looking into the scriptures, not putting God in front of everything you do, and not walking with and working for God in all that we do ---is evil. Look back at Adam and Eve. What was it that they did in the Garden of Eden? (Gen 2:15; Gen 3:8-9) They tended and kept the Garden and Walked with God, but when they lost their fear of God, their awe and reverence for Him and His commands they turned from wisdom to evil.

3. For whoever finds me (wisdom) finds life, And obtains favor from the LORD; Wisdom is only from God. The wisest man that ever lived was still the simplest fool without God. Solomon was in Gods most gracious favor but he turned aside to idol worship with his abundant wives. True life in everlasting abundance starts with salvation through Jesus Christ. Confessing with ones mouth and believing with ones heart is not a onetime event. It’s for Life! Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge gained. The Bible says, that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  Did you believe the Word you heard about salvation?  Did you follow the instructions?  Have you stopped believing and confessing?

 Then why do we not take the rest of the Word of God just as serious? Why do we not apply the Word of God to our everlasting Lives? James 1:5 Sermon #3June 10, 2012  Why do we Stand with boldness in salvation and grovel with, make excuses for and back away from trials that test our faith? Because we lack true wisdom! But 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.  The first wisdom that men receive is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Proof that wisdom only comes from God.  The second Wisdom that men receive is the Holy Spirit without whom you will never understand the deep things of God. The third wisdom is the fear of the Lord. Knowing He is the source of true wisdom, 36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. Romans 11:36 This brings glory to Him through reverence and praise. God promises to give His wisdom to anyone that asks. Beginning with the Gospel and never ending with an abundant life that Glorifies Him! James 4:2 Yet you do not have because you do not ask. But; 5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. who gives to all--- Not some, not just a few, not those who believe you must pray different or worship a certain way. The Bible says who gives to all. Now let’s keep this in context---James is talking to the Brethren. James 1:5 Sermon #3June 10, 2012 Verse 2 states this, and it does not change. He is talking to blood bought born again Spirit filled Christians. Mostly Messianic Jews. liberally and without reproach, We think of liberally as freely, but the Greek Definitions are---- simply, openly, frankly, sincerely Simply—no strings attached. Openly---- Nothing hidden; for all to see. Frankly--- In a direct manner. Sincerely---He wants to give you everything without reproach, This is God’s mercy toward all who seek His face. God will not beat you over the head with all that you have done or the time you have wasted on self. When you earnestly study and come before the Throne of Grace for His blessing of wisdom, He casts all your wrong doings as far as the east from the west. You have at your access God’s wisdom laid out for you in measures that you can receive and grow in. All True Believers who lack wisdom have only to ask of God,----- and it will be given to him.

Let’s Pray,

Our most Gracious Heavenly Father, We come humbly before the Throne of Grace, Praising you for your Word of James 1:5 Sermon #3June 10, 2012 Promise and instruction. Teach us Lord to take every word to heart that we would not only know but live your Word. Forgive us when we are slow to seek you first for everything. Forgive us when we put ourselves ahead of You. Increase our desire to study and pray that we may tend and keep Your Kingdom on Earth as you ordained Adam. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Allow us to walk in the footsteps of Christ as we draw nearer to you. Amen! Thank You From Cornerstone Independent Church Please Feel Free to Join Us on Sunday Mornings for Praise, Worship And the Teaching of God’s Word, Sunday School— 10.00am Service— 11.00am Wednesday Bible Study---7:00pm For more information please call Pastor Steven Freede 304-643-2760 Or Join us on our website at http://www.cornerstone-independent-church.org/

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