CURLEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 50 Regular School Board Meeting Minutes March 24, 2011, at 4:00 p.m.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL MEETING TO ORDER Brad Miller called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Present --- Brad Miller, Jan Stephens, Jon Newman, Kim McElheran, Steve McCullough, Brett Simpson, Terrie Morrison and Janae Miller. REGULAR MEETING ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None PUBLIC COMMENTS/PRESENTATIONS Public Comments and Positive Happenings: Curlew is in the top 12 schools in the state of Washington that have students that take Advanced Placement classes and score 3.0 or higher. ESD101 had Administrative Assistance training on Tuesday in Spokane; they gave thanks to Steve for asking for the training. Curlew hosted the bridge building competition; Cole Chamberlin and Devin Pooré qualified for International competition. Science Fair was last night; great turnout. MINUTES Gretchen Halbach moved to approve the minutes of February 24, 2011 and make a correction on January’s minutes to read: Brad Miller called the meeting to order. Jan Stephens seconded the motion, motion passed. CONSENT AGENDA Kim McElheran moved to approve items on the consent agenda. Jon Newman seconded the motion, motion passed. ITEMS ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: Resignations: Gary McDonald, bus driver at the end of the school year. Accounts payable: Warrants: 100459 - 100539 General Fund: $ 56,072.57 ASB: $ 1,969.14 Payroll: AP payroll warrants: 10545 - 100569 $177,366.39 Payroll: wnts payroll warrants 100540 - 100544 $ 1,029.88

PLANNING AND DISCUSSION New Discussion Items: School Board policy leader: Discussion on having 1 board member as the main policy person to review new or updated policies. Graduation Plan: Senior class graduation June 10; Jan and Kim will represent the board. 8th grade promotion June 13; Gretchen and Brad will represent the board. School Board protocol: The board likes the current protocol. Technology Plan Review: No discussion. Federal Audit: Our Federal Financial Audit is finished, we did a great job. Steve showed the board the final audit report. Old Discussion Items: 2011-2012 Budget cuts: Still no final numbers. We will not be having AmeriCorp members next year to help save money. Football co-op with Republic: Discussion still in process, transportation costs would go up $2,000 to $3,000 more per year. REPORTS Principal School Board Liaison: Janae Miller, Football with Republic did not go over well with the students. Panorama Music Festival went well; Mr. Quistad was the leader/conductor. Kianna and Janae are going to Connell to sing and record a CD. Brett Simpson: Seattle Pacific Science Center will be here April 25th. State assessment (HSPE), reading and writing had 100% attendance. 30 students attended the College fair in Colville, there were 16 colleges there. There will be another college fair in Spokane on May 6th. “After Hours” drama play was Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Steve, Brett and Elementary teachers attended the Prep Day workshops. Brett explained to the board the different ways they are thinking about scheduling classes for the 2011/2012 school year. Superintendent Steve McCullough: Teena McDonald has accepted a new position as Superintendent. The Small School Conference gave a presentation on AVID. No interest shown yet on the surplus sale.

Financial Report Cash reserve: $607,183.64 Enrollment: 210.48 Legislative Report Gretchen gave the legislative report. BUSINESS Debt Service Resolution #2011-03-02: Jan Stephens moved to go forward the Resolution #2011-03-02. Jon Newman seconded the motion, motion passed. Board Meeting time change: Jan Stephens moved to reschedule the April board meeting to April 12th then change the regular board meeting date to the first Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. and to change the board policy to reflect this. Kim McElheran seconded the motion, motion passed. POLICY REVIEW 2nd reading: Policy #3207 – Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Policy #4129 – Family involvement Policy #4130 – Title 1 Parent involvement for Curlew School District and Curlew Schools Policy #4215 – Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Substances Policy #4260 – Use of school facilities Policy #4314 – Notification of threats of violence or harm Policy #4315 – Release of information concerning sexual and kidnapping offenders Policy #6590 – Sexual Harassment Kim McElheran moved to approve 2nd reading of above policies. Jon Newman seconded the motion, motion passed.

2nd reading: Policy #2410 – High school graduation requirements -- TABLED


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