Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost August 20, 2017
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Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost August 20, 2017 This Week’s Liturgy Schedule
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever! Our Bishop, clergy, religious and faithful welcome Sun. 8/20 Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Tone 2 pp. 128-132 you to St. Stephen Cathedral. We are delighted that you have joined us for our Divine Liturgy. Our Epistle- 1 Corinthians 9:2-12 Gospel- Matthew 18:23-35 Church follows the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the Gospel and passed on to us through the Sat. 4:00 PM Parishioners, Benefactors and Friends (Fr. David) teachings of the Apostles and Holy Tradition. Sun. 9:00 AM +Stephen G. Palaschak by Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Palaschak (Fr. Joe)
Saint Stephen Byzantine Catholic Cathedral Sunday Divine Liturgy 8141 North 16th Street, Front Saturday 4:00 PM Mon. 8/21 Postfestive Day of the Dormition – Holy Apostle Thaddeus p.368 Phoenix, Arizona 85020-3950 Sunday 9:00 AM 8:00 AM Office: 602.943.5379 Fax 602.997.4093 Weekday Services See Bulletin Website www.stsbcc.org Tue. 8/22 Postfestive Day of the Dormition – Holy Martyr Agathonicus & Others p. 381
Served by: 8:00 AM Parishioners, Benefactors and Friends (Fr. Joe) Most Rev. John S. Pazak, CSsR., Bishop Most Reverend Gerald N. Dino, Bishop Emeritus Wed. 8/23 Leave-taking of the Dormition – Holy Martyr Lupus Very Rev. Diodoro Mendoza, Rector -- [email protected] 7:00 PM +Dominick Jendresak by Joanie Mahar (Fr. Diodoro) Rev. Joseph Hutsko, Vice-Rector – [email protected] Very Rev. Archpriest David M. Petras, Retired Thu. 8/24 Holy Bishop-Martry Eutyches No Morning Liturgy Msgr. Kevin McCauliffe, In Residence Deacon John Montalvo - Deacon James Danovich Fri. 8/25 Return of the Relics of the Holy Apostle Bartholomew p. 368 Sister Christopher, OSBM 8:00 AM
Parish Advisory Council Served by: Parish Advisory Finance Council Served by: Sat. 8/19 Postfestive Day of Transfiguration – Martyr Andrew No Morning Liturgy Mary Beth Foster Sean Grimes Ted Cooke Stephanie Rimmer Joanie Mahar Basil Rabayda Nicholas Stefaniak III Dolores Sugent Special Intentions: Erwin Armada, Barbara Dugan, Joanie Mahar, Helen Furka, Vincent Rice, McCarthy Patricia Marmol Ann Zlamal John Surmay Joan Wolfe Family, Gemma Hillman, Marti Lopez, Kathleen Linkowsky, Betty Geletey, Richard Gable, Robert King, Luke Roll Ann Ryan, Chris Faix, Robyn Foy, and Elaine Browne
SPECIAL SPONSORS May the Lord rest His healing hand on His servants and hear their requests: This space is available for advertisements to help subside the cost of the bulletin. If you Mary Rabayda, Jane Walsh, Steve Durkit, Dorothy Dumnich, Richard Reese, Chris Balsz, Sr. Christopher, know of a business and/or an organization that would like to advertise in our bulletin please OSBM, Dorothy Bezeredi, Carlene Eneroth, Fred Way, Audrey Noble, Sharon White, Nancy Sandrock, contact Fr. Diodoro for promotional rates. Thank you! Marlene Rolling, Bob Dugan, Cathy Milko, Michael Dougherty, Widad Butty, Kris Lara, Mike Chapa, Mark D. Chapa, Noa Lee Chapa, Teresa Blanc, Clementina Mendoza, Dolores Balcazar, Vivian Rodarte, Nicholas Stefaniak Jr., Marie Mika, Mary Popovich, Betty Iwinski, Anne Peterson, Dan Palaschak, Michael Sherwood, Christina Toth, Alice Garcia, Liz Kol, Evelyn & Linda Sopiak, Anthony Diaz, Michael Diaz, Matthew Diaz, Vital Biz Group, PLLC Nicholas Stefaniak III, CPA Deacon Craig Anderson, Nicholas Toth, Michelle Montalvo and Nicholas Oprendek Strategies for Today’s Business [email protected] Scottsdale AZ 85258 www.vitalbizgroup.com 480-526-7909 Office 602-577-4991 Cell LOUIE’S ULTRA CLEANERS WWW.LOUIESULTRACLEANERS.COM Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning/ Alterations & Repairs/ Wedding Gown Preservation Leather & Suede/ Household Items 4410 W. Union Hills Dr. Glendale, AZ 85308 (623) 582-4470 10855 N. Tatum Blvd. Phoenix AZ 85028 ANNOUNCEMENTS Cost is $150.00 per person and payment is due by October 1. Checks payable to Icon Workshop – St Stephen Byzantine Cathedral. For credit card payments and registration, contact Fr. Diodoro at PARISH REGISTRATION FORMS If you did not get a parish registration form in the [email protected]. bulletin several weeks ago, please pick one up on the table at the entrance of the church. 50TH JUBILEE & GCU OCTOBER EVENT: FALL FESTIVAL & HAYRIDE ON THE All parishioners, even if you are a parishioner from day 1 are kindly asked to fill out PARISH GROUNDS the form. We are updating our parish census in order to better serve the parishioners. There No, Fall is not in the air yet. It’s not even close, but we are in the process of planning a Fall Festival are many reasons to update and here are two immediate concerns. We want to know the and Hayride event here at our parish on Saturday, October 28 after the 4 PM Vesper/Liturgy names of all the children (infants, pre-school, elementary, junior-high and high school) so we (approximately 5:30 PM). It will be a wonderful event and details will be coming soon from the can see that all parish children are registered. Also a concern is to get the names of all the GCU and the Parish 50th Jubilee Committee. We a planning to have a hay ride, food to purchase, a young adults (18-39) so we can develop a program for them. Please put your registration beer garden, outside seating on the patio, a bonfire within a fire ring, a raffle, trunk or treat for the form in the box on the table in the back of the church by Sunday, September 3. Thank young ones, and other items. Please make sure to mark this event on your calendars at home. you. ST. STEPHEN EASTERN CHRISTIAN FORMATION PROGRAM OPEN HOUSE PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO SAN XAVIER DEL BAC MISSION All catechists, parents, and children (pre-school to high school age) are invited to an information & ST. MELANY BYZANTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH, TUCSON session concerning our 2017-1018 Catechetical Year on Sunday, September 10 following the 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy. Deacon John Montalvo will be the Director of our Parish ECF. Thank REGISTRATION FOR ECF CLASSES FOR 2017 - 2018 ECF Classes begin on Catechetical Sunday, September 17. Deacon John Montalvo will be the ECF Director for our parish. Open registration takes place from Sunday, July 23 to Sunday, August 20. Registration forms are on the table at the entrance to church. We ask parents to register their children so we can order the correct number of books for students and teachers.
FISH FRYS ARE BACK! Mark your calendar for the the first Fridays of October, November and 50TH JUBILEE SEPTEMBER EVENT: POSTER & ESSAY CONTEST December. The food is delicious and the fellowship is fantastic. Every parishioner’s help is needed to On Sunday, September 17 (Catechetical Sunday) the posters and essays about the ECF student’s continue making this a spiritual and financial success year after year. Bless you for attending and for Patron Saint will be judged after the 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy at ECF class. Everyone should have giving your assistance to our annual community-building parish activity. received the instructional flyer. We have placed flyers on the table at the entrance to church. All posters and written essays must be submitted by September 10 to the appropriate Group Catechists. DONATE CAKE MIXES AND ICING At each Fish Fry we offer a wonderful assortment of desserts. Please drop off your donation of cake mixes and icing in the Parish Hall kitchen. Our goal is to have 100 cake and icing mixes by ICON PAINTING WORKSHOP: OCTOBER 13-15 September 30. Thank you! This 3-day course in the ancient technique of icon writing in the Byzantine tradition will be offered at St. Stephen’s on October 13-15, 2017. No art background is needed to participate. The instructor, It is never too early to start asking for help and we hope that more of you can devote some of your Very Rev. Elias L. Rafaj, will teach the many steps of paint layering, and each individual student will time and talent to helping with the various aspects of the Fish Frys. This is a big undertaking and we complete an icon by the end of the workshop. Beginners and advanced students are welcome. need more help with the days of preparation and also help on the day of event itself --- and, very importantly, we will need help with clean-up. We ask that you consider giving some of your time and Daily Schedule of Classes talent to help keep the Fish Frys successful fundraisers for our parish. Friday 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Sunday 11:00 am to 8:00 pm BYZANTINE CATHOLIC BIBLE STUDY CLASS Classes will begin on Monday, September 11 at 6:00 PM and run for 6 weeks until October 24 and then break for 2 weeks Monday, September 11- Byzantine Bible Study Class - Gospel of St. Matthew: Byzantine and resume on Monday, November 6 and run another 6 weeks until December 11. The class Perspective will be on one on how to read the and how to pray with the Bible and the following classes will be from the Gospel of St. Matthew. Sunday, September 17-Catechetical Sunday: ECF Classes Begin / Poster & Essay Contest Friday, October 13 – Sunday October 15: Parish 50th Jubilee Event Icon Workshop of the Holy Protection of Mother of God by Fr. Elias Rafai Americare Hospice & Palliative Care th “To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.” — Dr. Edward Trudeau Saturday, October 28- GCU & 50 Jubilee Hayride & Fall Festival after 4 PM Divine Liturgy Hospice is a type of care for people facing a life-limiting illness. The philosophy of care shifts from pursuing curative treatment to promoting quality of life. The compassionate nurses, doctors and healthcare providers at Americare Hospice and Palliative Care are committed to providing the best This Week’s Candle Intentions hospice care for people facing a life-limiting illness in Mesa and the surrounding area. It is their goal th to help patients live their remaining days with dignity and care. Resurrection: 25 Anniversary Joseph Louis Gallucci by Joseph Galluci Hospice services can be received in the comfort of your own home, within a hospital, skilled nursing facility, assisted living facility, independent living facility, or a group home. NOT all hospices are the Our Weekly Gifts to the Lord—May the Lord bless your kindness and generosity! same or uphold Catholic end of life values, it's always your choice! Saturday: 4 PM: 30 / 9 AM: 119
Americare Hospice & Palliative Care is an Eparchy of Phoenix and Diocese of Phoenix-approved Tithes: $4170.85 Candles: $35/74 Coffee Social: $62.10 Holyday (Dormition): $40.00 Catholic organization dedicated to serving people of all faiths. They are uniquely owned and locally Donations: Non-Parishioners: $203.00 Building Fund: $55.00 Bishop’s Appeal: $100.00 operated by a family of Registered Nurses. State licensed and Medicare certified, they offer Tucson Pilgrimage: $30.00 Bank Rebate: $.02 Perogi: $30.00 Total: $4726.71 comprehensive services Valley wide. They have consistently proven outstanding performance with
100% deficiency-free routine surveys by Medicare and the Department of Health since our inception in 2005. Their patient satisfaction ratings affirm their phenomenal care with more than 98% of respondents reporting they would recommend Americare Hospice. Read more about what patients and family members have to say about this exceptional care by calling 480-726-7773 or visit the website www.americarehospice.com . 50TH PRIESTHOOD ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY OF ARCHPRIEST DAVID PETRAS On Sunday, August 27th after the 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Ordination of Archpriest David Petras there will be a pot luck luncheon honoring Fr. David. The parish will provide pork loin and quiche and we ask parishioners to bring one of your favorite dishes for this festive occasion honoring Fr. David who in his retirement years has done so much for our parish and eparchy.
Coming Events – Mark Your Calendars Now
Sunday, August 20- Meeting of ECF Teachers with ECF Director Deacon John Montalvo After the 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy in Parish Conference Room Tuesday, August 22- Life in Christ Class at 6:30 PM in Parish Conference Room Saturday, August 26- Marriage Prep Class at 1:00 PM in Parish Conference Room Sunday, August 27- 50th Anniversary of Ordination of Archpriest David Petras Divine Liturgy at 9:00 AM followed by Jubilee Luncheon Sunday, September 10- ECF Open House for Parents, Students & Catechists