The Heart: An Online Exploration

Use the Internet to find the answers to the following:

1. How does the heart change as it develops in a fetus?

2. What is the largest vessel that is attached to the heart, and what does it do?

3. What is pulmonary circulation?

4. The sound you here when you listen to your heart with a stethoscope is actually what?

5. Distinguish between systole and diastole phases of the heart.

6. Distinguish between an artery and a vein.

7. What is a sphygmomanometer?

8. How is hypertension treated?

9. Name 3 risk factors for hypertension.

10. What is arthrosclerosis? 11. What is electrocardiography?

12. Describe how angioplasty works?

13. Why are artificial hearts not an option for permanent replacement of a bad heart?

14. Name two symptoms of a heart attack?

15. Distinguish between platelets and plasma.