3. Emancipation Proclamation

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3. Emancipation Proclamation

APUSH Exam 21-25

Chapter 21 Chapter 23 44. Andrew Carnegie 1. Bull Run 25. Waving the 45. Vertical 2. Antietam bloody shirt Integration 3. Emancipation 26. Jim Fisk and Jay 46. John D. Proclamation Gould Rockefeller 4. Gettysburg 27. Boss Tweed and 47. Horizontal 5. Sherman’s March Tammany Hall Integration to the Sea 28. Panic of 1873 48. Pool 6. Union Party 29. Whiskey Ring 49. Trust 7. Copperheads 30. Credit Mobilier 50. Stock watering Scandal 51. Interlocking Chapter 22 31. 2nd Corrupt directorates 8. 13th Amendment Bargain 52. Wabash v Illinois 9. 14th Amendment (Compromise of 53. Interstate 10. 15th Amendment 1877) Commerce 11. Exodusters 32. Sharecropping Commission 12. Freedman’s (Crop lein) 54. Thomas Edison Bureau 33. Chinese 55. Alexander 13. Scalawags immigration Graham Bell 14. Carpetbaggers 34. Pendleton Civil 56. Gospel of Wealth 15. Presidential Service Act 57. Sherman Reconstruction 35. Mugwumps Antitrust Act 16. Military 36. Billion Dollar 58. Knights of Labor (Congressional) Congress 59. American Reconstruction 37. Populism Federation of 17. Radical 38. Sherman Silver Labor Reconstruction Purchase Act 60. Yellow dog 18. Wade-Davis Bill 39. J.P. Morgan contracts 19. Black Codes 61. Haymarket 20. Ku Klux Klan Chapter 24 Square 21. White League 40. Government land 62. Great Railroad 22. Redeemer grants for railroad Strike of 1877 Governments 41. Union Pacific 63. Homestead Strike 23. Johnson’s Railroad Impeachment 42. Cornelius Chapter 25 24. Seward’s Folly Vanderbilt 64. Sister Carrie 43. Robber barons 65. 2nd Wave 68. Booker T. 72. NAACP Immigration Washington 73. Mark Twain 66. Dumbbell 69. The Atlanta 74. Ida B. Wells tenements Compromise 75. Carrie Nation 67. Jane Addams and 70. W. E. B. DuBois 76. Carrie Chapman Hull House 71. Niagara Catt Movement 77. NAWSA

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