Notice of Affidavit of Withdrawal of Consent

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Notice of Affidavit of Withdrawal of Consent

Notice of Affidavit of Withdrawal of Consent, And Withdrawal of Consent

1. I, [name of affiant], hereinafter affiant, a living, sentient, fleshly being, born to espoused parents on [date], and as a free inhabitant domiciled in [name of county] county and within the geographic boundaries of the sovereign state of [name of republic state], do hereby declare within this Affidavit, and do Notice and assert the following Withdrawal of Consent: 2. To a full and complete renunciation, denouncement, and withdrawal of all possible forms of consent, ab initio, i.e. from the historical beginning of affiant’s presumptive connection to the unlawful creation of, operation of, and participation in, the current fraudulent de facto corporate State of [name of corporate state], State, and United States “bodies corporate” misrepresenting and masquerading as the People’s state, the [name of republic state], and de jure government for the united States of America, by affiant. 3. This Withdrawal of Consent includes the withdrawal of consent from every known or hidden fraudulent and “unconscionable” agreement, obligation, device, or contract, past, present, or future, relating to any vessel, individual, actor, natural or artificial “person,” corporate “fiction,” commercial entity, legal fiction, legal term, trust, status, standing, station, or any possible combination of carefully constructed “words of art,” capitis diminutio maxima, or other creative “color of law” misrepresentations of affiant’s flesh and blood existence that are intentionally designed to replace God- given unalienable Rights, Life, Liberty, and pursuit of happiness as available to be sought by affiant, that have substituted in their place privileges and immunities, civil rights, statutory code, and public policy, currently enforced by a “presumption of consent” to the non-ratified and thus fraudulent 14th Amendment “citizenship” and fraudulent de facto corporate UNITED STATES, “STATE,” and STATE OF [CORPORATE STATE (written in all-caps)]. 4. All past, present, or future participation in this fraudulent corporate UNITED STATES, “STATE,” and STATE OF [CORPORATE STATE (written in all-caps)], including all related, subsidiary or participatory corporate entities, shall be considered as acts under duress, protest, and “without prejudice” until such a time as we, the men and women who constitute the body politic and “the People” of [name of republic state], return to respect for and operation of the common law and the only form of government consented to by the Liberty and Freedom minded men of 1776 – therefrom identified as a Republican form of government. 5. The Supremacy clause of the organic Constitution for the united States of America and this official Withdrawal of Consent by the flesh and blood affiant strikes as null and void, the following conditions: ● The currently unlawful, fraudulent, deceptive “body corporate” operating as a de facto government “instituted” by the corporate citizen’s “registration” to vote and perpetuated by participation;

● All usage whatsoever of the concept of “capitis diminutio maxima;” ● The entire unlawful procedural system of Admiralty, Maritime, Equity, and “private” law administered by Constitution Article I Legislative tribunals (that have no Constitution Article III authority), and used against the federal United States “citizens” under the jurisdiction thereof;

● All fraudulent contracts, suretyships, impressments, licenses, registrations, certifications, enrollments, or benefits;

● All unlawful “corporate” States, agencies, franchises, subsidiaries, entities, offices, extensions, departments, bodies;

● All unlawful, fraudulent, de facto “body corporate” or Executive Orders issued by the corporate U.S. president, posing as “Commander in Chief.”

● The entire unlawful, fraudulent and private corporate Federal Reserve System and ALL unlawful fiat currency issued as loans, as private scrip repayable at interest by the American body politic;

● All unlawful public policy, legislation, act or treaty, authorized and enacted by fraudulent de facto “bodies corporate;”

● The entirely fraudulent and non-ratified 14th Amendment corporate “person” status with its deceptive “United States citizen” privileges and immunities “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”;

6. Let this complete, public, and formal Notice of Withdrawal of Consent and Withdrawal of Consent, purgatory affirmation, and act of federal expatriation, make it universally known that affiant, sui juris, a [name of republic state] National and physical human being on the Land, does expect an immediate and full return to the principles of the unanimous Declaration of Independence of 1776, and of God-given unalienable Rights, Life, Liberty, and right to the Pursuit of Happiness, and that until a true remedy is fully revealed, does also reserve claim to ALL possible protections provided by Articles I through VII of the organic Constitution for the united States of America. 7. And that from this day forward, all issues, including all jurisdictional issues, arising from, relating to, or in regards to, the “presumption of consent” to the non-ratified 14th Amendment corporate “person” of the presumed federal United States “citizen” status, shall be considered ab initio, i.e. from the very beginning – invalid, unlawful, NULL and void. 8. To be abundantly clear to anyone able to read this Affidavit, affiant has never been, is not now, nor will ever be, a purported 14th Amendment citizen of the corporate UNITED STATES, or of Article XIV, a non-ratified, untruthful and invalid amendment to the Constitution for the united States of America. 9. It is averred by affiant that no man or woman of sound mind would ever knowingly agree to, assent to, authorize, or consent to, such a fraudulent and unconscionable contract as of corporate UNITED STATES “citizenship.” 10. This Affidavit of Notice of Withdrawal of Consent and Withdrawal of Consent is affirmed before affiant’s Creator in heaven as true, correct and complete to the best of affiant’s knowledge and belief. Printed name of affiant: [name of affiant]

Autograph of affiant: x ______

Date of autograph by affiant: ______

Jurat, for Statement of Affiant

State of [name of state], County of: [name of county]

Subscribed and affirmed before me on this: ______day of ______, 20[xx], by:

[name of affiant] , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the party who appeared before me.

Signature of Notary Public: x ______

Seal of Notary Public:

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