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Lake Travis High School PreAP Chemistry 2017-2018 Syllabus Instructor: Mr. L. Vaughan Telephone: 533-5799 Conference: 2A, 5B The best way to contact me is e-mail: [email protected] Webpage:
Level: Regular level: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology AND Concurrent enrollment or completion of Geometry Credit: One Science Credit Text: Sarquis, M. and J.L. Sarquis. (2015). Modern Chemistry . Orlando, FL: HMH. Course Description: Chemistry is a course designed to provide students with the strategies to become efficient problem-solvers. The study of chemistry helps students to learn to think logically and encourages students to analyze, to question, and to reason. The course begins with concrete fundamentals, including chemical formula writing, chemical quantities, and reaction types, and builds to develop abstract concepts, including atomic theory, periodicity, and bonding theory. Laboratory Experience: A strong emphasis in Chemistry is placed upon laboratory experimentation. Forty percent of class time will be dedicated to laboratory investigations and their analysis. Laboratory experiences and science process skills will be relied upon to develop chemical principles throughout the course. Grading Criteria Nine-weeks grading period average for all classes of course title is based upon... . 60% Major Grades, including at least 3 recorded grades in this category per nine-weeks. Major assessments consist of short answer, matching, problem-solving, completion, labeling, multipl e choice, and essays. Major projects/papers and major laboratory assignments may also be included. Rubrics for major projects and major papers will be given in class and published on the teacher's we b page. . 40% Daily Grades, including at least 10 recorded grades in this category per nine weeks. Daily grades may include textbook assignments, worksheets, vocabulary exercises, laboratory investi gations, quizzes, class activities, notebook checks, article summaries, small projects, etc. All teacher s of the same course title will have the same number of daily grades will be based upon completion/ participation.
Test Make-up policy: If a student is absent on test day, they must make up the test before or after school by the next day their class meets. For instance, if a student misses a Monday test, they must come in no later than Wednesday. If the test is not made up during this time frame, they will NOT receive a grade for this test. The student may retest based on retesting guidelines. (Please contact the teacher for extenuating circumstances) Retest Policy: Students are eligible for retesting unit tests only throughout the school year based on the following guidelines: Must be in good standing with teacher (respectful, participation, hardworking) Must complete unit review assignment prior to original unit test. Must attend tutorials with teacher to review original test. Must complete the re-test within 7 calendar days after teacher posts original test score. If a student chooses to re-test, he/she has an opportunity to make up half of the missed points from the original test. For example, if a student receives a 70% on original test and makes a 100% on the make-up test, they will have a final grade of 85%. Students are only eligible to make up the original unit test one time.
Homework Make Up Policy: Our homework will be mostly online Quest assignments. All Quest assignments must be completed by the posted due date. If the assignment is not completed, all students will have until the next class day to complete the assignment for a maximum of a 70.
Missing work due to absence: Students have a period of time equal to the length of the absence to t urn in makeup work for full credit, according to student handbook policy.
Laboratory Requirements: Laboratory experimentation and exploration are a large part of this course. It is vital that the students follow all laboratory procedures and safety rules/guidelines. Failure to comply with behavior expectations can result in removal from laboratory activities. Chemistry - Fall Semester 2017
Remember to read the chapter(s), study your notes, complete all homework, and look over your practice in order to best prepare for tests. Come to tutoring to ask any questions and to help review for the test.
Reading, Homework and Test Dates: PreAP Chemistry Calendar 2017-2018
Safety in the Chemistry Laboratory Safety Contract (To be signed by student AND parent, and returned to the instructor) PowerPoint Presentation: o Safety in the Chemistry Lab Unit 1: Measurement and Problem Solving in Chemistry (Aug. 16 to September 1) Read Chapter 2 PowerPoint Presentations: o Metric Units o Measurement and Significant Figures
Unit 2: Matter and Basic Atomic Structure (Sept. 5 to Sept. 20) Read Chapters 1 and 3 PowerPoint Presentations: o Matter and Change o Basic Atomic Structure
Unit 3: Chemical Nomenclature (Sept. 21 to Oct. 3) Read Chapters 7.1 to 7.2 and 6.3 PowerPoint Presentations: o Chemical Names and Formulas
Unit 4: The Mole Concept (Oct. 4 to Oct. 25) Read Chapters 3.3, 7.3 to 7.4 PowerPoint Presentations: o Chemical Quantities
Unit 5: Chemical Reactions (Oct. 26 to Nov. 10) Read Chapter 8 PowerPoint Presentations: o Chemical Reactions
Unit 6: Stoichiometry: Calculating Chemical Quanitites (Nov. 11 to Dec. 5) Read Chapter 9
Midterm Exams (Dec. 18 to Dec. 21) Chemistry - Spring Semester 2018
Reading, Homework and Test Dates:
Unit 7: Gas Behavior (Jan. 10 to Jan. 23) Read Chapter 11 PowerPoint Presentation: o Behavior of Gases
Unit 8: Electron Behavior and Periodicity (Jan. 24 to Feb. 14) Read Chapters 4 and 5 PowerPoint Presentations: o Early Models of the Atom o The Modern Model of the Atom: Quantum Mechanical Model
Unit 9: Chemical Bonding (Feb. 20 to March 7) Read Chapter 6 PowerPoint Presentation: o Chemical Bonding Unit 10: Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, Solids, and Thermochemistry (Mar. 8 to April 3) Read Chapters 10 and 16 PowerPoint Presentations: o Intermolecular Forces o States of Matter o Thermochemistry
Unit 11: Water and Solutions (April 4 to Apr. 23) Read Chapter 12 PowerPoint Presentations: o Water and Aqueous Systems o Solution Behavior
Unit 12: Acid Base Chemistry (Apr. 24 to May 8) Read Chapter 15 PowerPoint Presentation: o Acid Base Chemistry
Unit 13: Nuclear Chemistry and Redox (May 9 to May 21) Read Chapters 21 and 19 PowerPoint Presentation: o Nuclear Chemistry o Radioactive decay calculations o Oxidation Reduction Chemistry Final Exams (May 22 to May 25)