Pikes Peak Amateur Radio Emergency Service (PPARES)

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Pikes Peak Amateur Radio Emergency Service (PPARES)

Pikes Peak Amateur Radio Emergency Service (PPARES) Pre-Final Communications Support Plan March of Dimes "WalkAmerica" 4/26/00 Version 4.2 Event: March of Dimes WalkAmerica

Pupose of Event: Public Service

Served Agencies: March of Dimes (Colorado Springs) American Medical Response (AMR)

Agency POC: Walk Directors: Walk Logistics:

Location: Memorial Park and @8-mile course downtown Colorado Springs

Date(s): Saturday, April 29, 2000

Time(s): 0730 - @1300 (0630 for Most Operators)

Report Times: 0600-0630 MC & AMC setup PECU at Staging 0645 LOGISTICS Mobile meet with Logistics Director at Staging 0700 NCS(1&2) at Staging 0730 VAN(1-3), BIKE(1-3), STAGING, OBSERVER & CHECK(1) at Staging 0800 CHECK(1-6) at Bonn Shopping Center Parking Lot 0830 CHECK(1-6) on station at Checkpoints

Event Chronology: 0630 - 0730 Set up PECU at Staging (KØHBZ & KBØYCI) 0645 LOGISTICS Operator at Staging, wire Logistics Truck for Comm 0700 NCS(1) & NCS(2) Talk-in (NET AT INFORMAL STATUS) All Ops check in with NCS on primary repeater when enroute to event 0730 Mobile, Bicycle, CHECK(1) & Staging-area Operators report to Staging area Bicycle Ops park in dirt lot on E side of Hancock between Pikes Peak & Costilla Mobile & Staging-area Ops park in dirt lot just S of Pavillion area CHECK(1) pick up materials for Checkpoint Operators (NOTE: CHECK(2-6) report direct to Bonn Shopping Center at 0800, below) 0730 MC, AMC, NCS(2) Safety Meeting with Route Marshalls 0740 CHECK(1) depart staging with materials for CHECK(2-6) 0800 CHECK(2-6) report to Bonn Shopping Center Parking Lot, meet CHECK(1) Northeast corner of Parking Lot (Wahsatch & Jackson) Pick up vests, signs, route maps from CHECK(1) -- deploy directly to Checkpoints 0830 Checkpoint Operators on Station Advise NCS of Checkpoint status when on station AMR (KAØPII) give Net frequency to Ambulance for their scanner AMR get Ambulance frequencies for NCS Scanner 0840 Deploy OBSERVER from Staging to Intersection Pikes Peak & Hancock Dangerous intersection, observe OUTBOUND walkers as they cross Pikes Peak Return to Staging when done 0845 Roll Call & Radio Briefing for all operators [NCS(1) -- NET TO FORMAL STATUS] 0900 Walk Starts 1230 - 1300 Walk Ends, Debrief (optional) 1300 CHECK(1-6), BIKE(1-3) return vests, signs, etc., to Staging 1300 Victory Celebration, Lunch Provided

Mission Coordinator : KØHBZ

Assistant Mission Coordinator: KBØYCI

1. Incident Objective(s):

Provide safety, logistics and event coordination communications between the event coordinator, checkpoints along the walk course, the victory vans, logistics truck, and medical response unit (AMR).

Provide a training opportunity for new ARES members in emergency/public service communications.

2. Planning

A. Meetings/Events:

Initial Contact with Walk Director -- DONE Contact Logistics Director -- TBD Planning & Logistics Meetings -- DONE 1730, April 20 at MOD Office Consult with AMR re: Ambulance Communications -- DONE

B. Questions

Staging area for PECU (18' communications trailer)? -- DONE Parking for Radio Operators? -- DONE Parking/Access ID Passes for Radio Operators? Lunch provided like last year? -- YES -- DONE Contact person for AMR? -- DONE Checkpoint operators on station at 0845 or stagger deploy? ON STATION -- DONE

C. Action(s) Required

Permission to use 147.03+; contact NØXIA -- DONE Permission to use 147.135+ as backup; contact ??? Site Survey (entire course), repeater check with HT low power -- DONE Make Radio ID, Parking/Access Passes (KØHBZ) Count, Pick up Vests/Signs -- DONE Copy instructions & maps for operators Refreshment arrangements for briefing -- DONE

3. Participating Amateur Radio Organization/Individual(s):

Pikes Peak Amateur Radio Emergency Service (PPARES) District 14

4. Assignment/Estimation of Resources:

A. Assignments: (??? indicates tentative, need to be confirmed) [CAPS indicate TACTICAL Call] 1) Net Control/Operations Personnel a) COORDINATOR: KØHBZ b) DIRECTOR: KBØYCI c) NCS(1): NØMIK d) NCS(2): K4ARM e) OBSERVER (on-site alternate): NØABC 2) Mobile Units, ride with Victory Vans, Logistics Truck, etc. a) VAN 1: NØXIB (MOD Victory Van) b) VAN 2: NØNTX (MOD Victory Van) c) VAN 3: NØQJS (MOD Victory Van) d) LOGISTICS: KCØFHX ( Logistics Truck) e) AMR (Ambulance): KAØPII 3) Bicycle Mobile, Course Monitors a) BIKE 1: KCØHEV b) BIKE 2: KDØTS c) BIKE 3: KBØYOB 4) Course Safety Operators a) STAGING: WØIVB (Start/Finish area) b) CHECK 1: NØBN c) CHECK 2: KBØUMO d) CHECK 3: KBØYGG & KCØHMS (Trainee) e) CHECK 4: KCØFNV f) CHECK 5: AB5FR, & KCØHCT (Trainee) g) CHECK 6: KE6ZOT 5) Alternates (unassigned, available if requested) a) KCØGBH b) KCØESX (???) c) NØGCA (May not be available, unknown at this time)

B. Estimated Staff Hours: 116.25

Planning: 20 Site Survey 3 Meetings: 4 MC&AMC Setup: 13 (6.5 hrs x 2 ops) NCS/ANCS: 12 (6 hrs x 2 ops) Logistics Op 6.25 Check(2-6) Ops 25 (5 hrs x 5 ops) All Other Ops: 44 (5.5 hrs x 8 ops)

C. Specialized Experience: Previous ARES public service event or emergency experience New hams or inexperienced operators wishing to participate will be paired with experienced operators for training purposes.

5. Supporting Elements to Accomplish Objective:

A. Base Operation/NCS/Equipment

(1) Portable Emergency Communication Unit (PECU), KØHBZ (a) Yaesu FT-847, HF/VHF/UFH All-Mode (b) Standard C5900DA Triple Band, Dual-VFO (c) RCI-2970 10/11-Meter (CB capability) (d) Motorola Cellular Base Phone & Antenna (337-9623) (e) Uniden Bearcat BCT-7 Scanner (f) Power: Solar Charged Battery System (2) Crossband Repeater (optional), KØHBZ (a) Standard C5900DA Triple Band, Dual-VFO (b) Diamond Tri-Band Vertical

B. General Operator Equipment/Supplies:

(1) General Requirements, All Opertors (a) Course Maps (PROVIDED -- pick up at assembly area briefing) (b) Weather-protected notepad or clipboard with tablet and pens/pencils. (c) Warm Clothing (layered), Bad Weather Gear (i) Coat, windbreaker, etc. (ii) Hat or headwear (iii) Raincoat, umbrella & other rain gear (iv) Warm sweater, other layered clothing (v) Comfortable all-weather footwear, warm socks (vi) Be prepared for cold temps early to warm temps late (vii) Sun protection (sunscreen, etc.) (d) Food & Beverage, Snacks, necessary medications (6 hours) (e) Directions to Staging Area Look for PECU (18' camper trailer, white with burgundy trim) in pavillion area of Memorial Park just east of the 7-11 at Hancock & Costilla. Enter from this intersection. (2) Specific Equipment: Checkpoint/Staging Area Operators (a) 2-meter or dual-band HT (b) Spare Battery Packs (8 hour capability -- REQUIRED) (c) Earphone or Headset, NO VOX (REQUIRED) (d) External Speaker/Mic (RECOMMENDED) (e) Pre-Program Frequencies (REQUIRED) (f) Fluorescent Vests (PROVIDED) (g) "Emergency Communications" signage (PROVIDED) (h) Portable stool or seat (OPTIONAL) (3) Specific Equipment: Mobile Operators (Vans, Logistics Truck, Ambulance) (a) 2-meter or dual-band HT (b) Cigarette Lighter Power Cord or 8-hour battery (REQUIRED) (c) 2 meter or dual-band magnetic mount antenna (REQUIRED) (c) Earphone or Headset, NO VOX (RECOMMENDED) (d) External Speaker/Mic (RECOMMENDED) (e) Pre-Program Frequencies (REQUIRED) (4) Specific Equipment: Bicycle Mobiles (a) 2-meter or dual-band HT (b) Spare Battery Packs (8 hour min. capability -- REQUIRED) (c) Earphone or Headset, NO VOX (REQUIRED) (d) External Speaker/Mic (REQUIRED) (e) Pre-Program Frequencies (specify) (REQUIRED) (f) Bicycle Safety Gear, helmet, etc., (RECOMMENDED) (g) Fluorescent Vests (PROVIDED)

C. Frequencies:

(1) Primary repeater: 147.030+ (107.2 Hz) (2) Backup repeater: 147.135+ (100 Hz) KBØNNX ??? (3) Primary Simplex: 146.475 (if needed) (4) Backup Simplex: 146.580 (if needed) (5) Crossband: 145.050/446.100 (if needed) 6. Misc. Information:

A. Checkpoint Locations/Directions

(NOTE: Checkpoint Operators report direct to Bonn Shopping Center Parking Lot, NE Corner at 0800. Do not report to Staging area. All directions to Checkpoints are from Bonn Shopping Center.)

(1) NW corner of Franklin & Willamette. Go south on Wahsatch, turn left (east) on Willamette, about 3 blocks to intersection of Willamette and Franklin/El Paso. (2) On south side of Fontanero, midway between Wahsatch & Weber Streets (just E of old Musik Drug Store). Go south on Wahsatch, turn right (west) on Fontanero, 1/2 block, checkpoint on south side of street. (3) Top of Monument Valley Park. Go south on Wahsatch, turn right (west) on Fontanero 6 1/2 blocks to where street bends 90 degrees to south. Park in trail parking or on street. Look for checkpoint table in immediate area. (4) East side of trail, SE corner of Mesa Road & Cache La Poudre. Go south on Wahsatch, turn right (west) on Cache La Poudre, go 5 blocks to Mesa Road. Park on street or in parking lots. (5) Boulder Crescent Park, NW corner of Cascade & Platte. Go south on Wahsatch, turn right (west) on Boulder, turn left (south) on Cascade, go 1/2 block, turn right onto diagonal, checkpoint in little triangular park immediately on your left. Park on street. (6) South end of Shooks Run Trail on knoll facing Pikes Peak Avenue. Go south on Wahsatch, turn left (east) on Kiowa, go 2 blocks, turn right (south) on El Paso immediately after going under overpass. Park in cul de sac, look for checkpoint down toward Pikes Peak Ave at south end of trail. NOTE: You can not get to this checkpoint from Pikes Peak Avenue (El Paso doesn't go through to Pikes Peak Ave.)

B. Parking

With 800 - 1200 walkers arriving, traffic congestion in the Staging area is a serious problem and parking very limited. Staging area operators (MC, AMC, NCS(1&2), STAGING, MOBILE OPS) should park in the dirt lot just south of the Pavillion area. Access is limited, so tell parking attendants you are a radio operator working the event. If they deny you access to the staging area, advise NCS.

BIKES(1-3) & OBSERVER should park in the dirt lot along the east side of Hancock between Pikes Peak Avenue and Costilla. If this is full, there are a number of lots within Memorial Park.

C. Specific Responsibilities

DIRECTOR: Stay with Event Coordinator at all times. Provide logistics information and information on progress of walkers/runners. Cooridinate logistical information with NCS. Advise Coordinator immediately of any/all problems. OBSERVER: Serve as a "Checkpoint Ø" at Pikes Peak and Hancock during outbound walk. Should be 2 police officers at this dangerous intersection. Report any problems to NCS. Return to Staging and assist STAGING if needed. Critique operation to MC & AMC at debrief. STAGING: Monitor Start/Finish Line when active, provide communications around Staging area as needed. Assist as needed. CHECK(1): Pick up Checkpoint materials at Staging at 0730. Take to Bonn Shopping Center Parking lot and distribute to CHECK(2-6) at 0800. CHECK(1-6): Monitor Checkpoints. Keep ear out for injuries, medical emergencies, or course dropouts -- relay info for Ambulance or Victory Vans to pick up if needed. Coordinate with Checkpoint operators, relay any logistical needs to NCS. Advise when walkers first arrive at checkpoint. Advise when last walkers have cleared checkpoint. Ask NCS for permission to secure when checkpoint broken down and Op no longer needed. Return vests & signs to Staging. BIKE(1) Keep track of course leaders. Patrol front 1/3 of walkers. Report any problems, request vans for course dropouts. Be specific about exact location and description of walkers to be picked up. Nearest BIKE should respond immediately to location of any reported injury or medical emergency -- provide exact location, situation and status of injured party(ies). BIKE(2) Patrol central area of the walkers. Same info & reporting as BIKE(1). BIKE(3) Patrol last 1/3 of walkers. Keep track of last walkers on the course, report progress. Same info & reporting as BIKE(1). VAN(1-3) Coordinate with NCS to pick up and transport course dropouts, and assist with any logistics if needed. LOGISTICS Ride in truck with Event Logistics Director, setting up and maintaining checkpoints. Provide coordination communications through NCS to Event Director AMR Stick with Ambulance while at Staging. Relay any injury/medical traffic to Ambulace crew. Assist with general staging area needs.

D. Net Protocol

(1) Use TACTICAL IN (to call net), CALLSIGN OUT (to clear your traffic) (2) Use "BREAK" only for priority traffic (3) Use "BREAK BREAK" only for accident, injury or medical emergency (4) All traffic yield immediately to BREAKs, let NCS handle (4) Do not "quick key," allow time between transmissions so stations can break (5) On key down, wait 1/2 second for repeater to fully key up before speaking (6) Direct all traffic to NCS unless asked by NCS to do otherwise (7) Use "REQUEST DIRECT WITH [TACTICAL]" if you need direct contact

7. Weather Forecast

SATURDAY...A CHANCE OF SHOWERS AND THUNDERSTORMS. LOWS IN THE 40S. HIGHS 65 TO 75. NOTE: Last year this event was very cold and windy. Come prepared for anything!

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