CCCSFAAA Transition Meeting Revised: 03/26/2007

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CCCSFAAA Transition Meeting Revised: 03/26/2007

CCCSFAAA Transition Meeting Revised: 03/26/2007 Valencia Hyatt DRAFTAPPROVED Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Day 2 Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Karen opened called meeting to order at 9:00am

Attendees: Myra Rush, Modesto Junior College Incoming Region V Doreen Prado, Sierra College Region II Beth Asmus, College of the Canyons President-Elect, Incoming President Kim Miles, Pasadena City College Region VII Kris Shear, Santa Rosa Jr. College Region III, Incoming Pres-Elect Jacque Bradley, Mendocino College VPVice President , Federal Issues Chair Karen Micalizio, Butte College President Brad Hardison, Santa Barbara CC Treasurer Andi Schreibman, Las Positas College Region IV Reina Branum, Lassen CC Region I Steve Arena, San Joaquin Delta College Region V, Outgoing & CASFAA Liaison John Muskavitch, Crafton Hills College Region IX, Outgoing Nancy Davis, San Bernardino College Incoming Region IX & , CASFAA Liaison. Marco J. De La Garza, L.A. Pierce College Guest - GAC - Nominee Anafe Robinson, L.A. Mission College Incoming Region VII Dennis Schroeder, Glendale CC Continuing Web DudeWebmaster Mary Spady, Feather River College Incoming Secretary Susan Jones, Mt. San Antonio College Past President Margie CaKerrington, Canada College Region X ?Guest Sherrie Padilla, Antelope Valley College Region VI– Incoming Scholarship Chair

Absentees: Richard Quintana CCCCO Liaison Gilda Maldonado Incoming Region X JoAanne Bernard Region X Judy Cohen Secretary Cheryl Lenz CSAC Liaison

Review of Minutes See revised minutes.

John Muskavitch moved to approve the minutes of the CouncilExecutive board Meeting held in Half Moon Bay, date was ?. Beth Asmus seconded the motion. Call for discussion. No discussion.

CouncilExecutive board Vote: 1 Abstention Majority of councilexecutive board members voted approval.MOTION: To accept minutes. Motion Second Record of Vote Discussion/Comments AYE – NO - Abstain John Muskavitch Beth Asmus 18 – 0 - 1 None

Treasurer’s Report Brad Hardison Brad distributed the Treasurer’s Report and provided a verbal report.


Page 1 of 9 CCCSFAAA Transition Meeting Revised: 03/26/2007 Valencia Hyatt DRAFTAPPROVED Tuesday, October 24, 2006 General checking account – keeping as is. Will move some dollars from the checking account to ?????investment account after the final 2006 Conference expense report is completedsubmitted by John.

CASFAA CCCSFAAA accounts have exceeded interest projections for the year.

Expenses are below where we projectionsed to be at this time of the year. 2006 Conference Budget is bringing in registrations and sponsors - not many expenses thus far. at this point.

Kris asked for a budget line itemn asterisk to denote that scholarship funds are included in total assets. Brad pointed out notation at bottom of summary page.

Kris Shear moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Jacque Bradley seconded the motion. CouncilExecutive board Vote: All councilexecutive board members voted approval.MOTION: To accept the treasurer’s report.

Motion Second Record of Vote Discussion/Comments AYE – NO - Abstain Kris Shear Jacque Bradley 19 – 0 - 0 None

Brad defined treasurer duties of the Treasurer and delineated two possible positions (instead of one) to be discussed by councilexecutive board. All duties of the “Assistant Treasurer-Elect” would be coordinated with the Treasurer under direct supervision. Kim requested elaboration of Assistant Treasurer-Elect pPosition activities and responsibilities - conference support would include registration and other financial transactions.

Brad distributed expense form for to members that who live within 50 miles of this meeting travel costs covered by the Chancellor’s Office. The Chancellor’s Office will cover dinner expenses on Monday night and lunch expenses on Tuesday.

For banking transactions for the 2007 year, a motion was called to change the signature authorization for Brad Hardison and Beth Asmus to be effective Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2007, and to remove current President Karen Micalizio from bank and financial accounts, effective Dec. 31, 2006.

MOTION: Change the bank signature authorization for Brad and Beth to be effective January 1 to December 31, 2007 and to remove current President Karen from all bank and financial accounts, effective December 31, 2006. Kris moved to authorize signature rights for Brad and Beth (Jan 1 – Dec 31 2007), and to remove Karen. Jacque seconded the motion. All voted yes. Motion passed.

Motion Second Record of Vote Discussion/Comments AYE – NO - Abstain Kris Shear Jacque Bradley 19 – 0 - 0 None

President’s Update Adele Levine sent picture of gift and thank you for lunch and the acknowledgement for her service, lunch and gift s that she received from CCCSFAA at Half Moon Bay.


Page 2 of 9 CCCSFAAA Transition Meeting Revised: 03/26/2007 Valencia Hyatt DRAFTAPPROVED Tuesday, October 24, 2006 CLFE Meeting (10/11/2006): Donna Huber, is the CLFE Ppresident, and is actively working with CASFAA and CCCSFAAA. Karen and Mindy Bergeron represented CASFAA & CCCSFAAA at this meeting.

CSAC – No report at this time

Conference 2006: Karen attended a meeting at Ontario the conference center. at Ontario, location of the 2006 CCCSFAAA/CASFAA Conference. Karen expressed appreciation for the work of the 2006 Conference Committee. John Muskavitch is the 2006 Chair of this year’sof the Conference Committee.

CHAFEE Grant Program The Office of the Secretary of Education (CA) called a meeting with the CO Gina Lemoore, VP Gov. Relations, Linda Michalowski, Tim Bonnel, and Karen Micalizio. Other attendees included: Diana Fuentes CSAC, Mary Robinson CSU-CO, David Alocer UC-CO, Karen Ye CSU CO, Kathleen Cox, Eric Skinner, and Richard Soto, Under-Secretary. The meeting generated resulted in a quick release of 500 CHAFEE checks. CSAC looked weak in their numbers. Letter from Diane F. to the Chancellors Office was very blameful of institutions lack of response in the CHAFEE application process. (This letter was issued the day before colleges were given access to the NARS.) An exact Name, SSN and DOB match, was used to generate the roster, and minor misspelled names were not successfully matched, causing more student records to fall-out in error.

Karen requested an earlier action plan from CSAC for the 2007-08 award year. The plan would help initiate the Chafee Grant application process, including specific grant eligibility criteria. There may be a few changes to the application (criteria that was included in the federal contract that had not been used in the current application). California Chafee is being viewed as the “Best Practice” by the Department of Education.

Renewal CHAFEE applicants must file ISIR, and school must complete NAR in order for students to be renewed from year to year. To press the issues with CSAC, contact Catalina Mistler, [email protected] (916) 526-7968 with student case examples. At the CSAC A&E meeting – Beth and Kris expressed concerns regarding misinformation being delivered by CSAC to the students. There is a meeting on 10/30 (DSS and CSAC). The final contract needs to be signed by 12/31/06. To date, $6.2 Million has been funded in Chaffee Grants for 2006-07, and $!3.6 million is still available.

Spring Trainings – Possible Sites Andi suggested Las Positas College for April4/11 or 12 (North Site) Anafea suggested LA Mission College for April 4/2 -6 (South Site) Beth suggested College of the Canyons if LA Mission is not available (April 4/2 - 6) Other training location possibilities include Chaffee College or Mt. San Jacinto Collegee.

Susan Jones and Tim Bonnel have also been involved in training efforts. The Chancellor’s Office and the CCCSFAA Board both acknowledge the strong partnership.

Reimbursement Issues Travel Expenses (Tim Bonnel) For the 3 day joint transition (10/22-25/06) The CO paid pays for conference meeting rooms. CCCSFAAA paid for (fund swap for the meeting room). Last minute cCancellations caused a change in coverage. Expenses were realigned to allow attendees to stay at hotel

State Issues (Beth Asmus)


Page 3 of 9 CCCSFAAA Transition Meeting Revised: 03/26/2007 Valencia Hyatt DRAFTAPPROVED Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Thank you to Tim Bonnel for all the tutoring mentoring and on State Issues financial aid information/knowledge!

Cash for College Scholarships (Karen Micalizio) Majority of Cash for College Scholarships have been awarded. Currently half of scholarships are being used 6% Career, 3% Deferred, 36% Public 4 5% Independents. 360 scholarships have been awarded to high school seniors for 2 year or 4 year state or out of state colleges. During the 2nd week of November – the Cash for College wWebsite will be available for workshop registration. Materials are delivered a one week to 10 days prior your first scheduled workshop. (Note that materials have been delivered late). Monthly Cash for College meetings are being held. The committee is very large and there are only a couple worker bees. Your college must have minimum of 20 high school seniors attend your workshop forto be eligible for a one student to be awarded a $1000 scholarship. There is a parent and student evaluation available, and a $300 stipend is provided by CFC for each workshop. The next CFC meeting is 11/12/2006. A recommendation was made to be able to combine the number of attendees from more than one1 workshop be counted together to qualify for the 20 attendees. Miscellaneous gifts are sometimes received much later than theafter the date the workshop is offered.

Federal Issues – Jacque FAFSA - Yellow form for 2006-07 (Loan/Work question is combined.) ACG qQuestions have been added New dependency question (serving on active duty - not for training) Two questions regarding the receipt of TANF, SSI – will be consider auto-zero EFC Drug Offense – disqualified if you are arrested while receiving financial aid assistance Additional notes regarding parent (qualifications) Question 53… Foster Care when they became incarceratedcame in system – still very confusing Four schools can be listed instead of six schools

Remember: A few voices can make a loud noise

NASFAA – Federal Issues Nomination CCCSFAAA has until mid-November to submit nominations for National Federal Issues Committee on Negotiated Rules Making. Jacque has asked Pat Hurley to be the CCCSFAAA nomination and Pat agreedis agreeable.

Steve Arena moved to submit the nomination for Pat Hurley. The Motion was seconded by Kris Shear. Vote: All Yes. No: None Dissentions: None Motion Approved. MOTION: Motion for Pat Hurley shall be nominated to’s nomination to be submitted for participateion on the federal Negotiated Regulations committee (NegReg).

Motion Second Record of Vote Discussion/Comments AYE – NO - Abstain Steve Arena Kris Shear 19 – 0 - 0 None

Andi Schreibman moves to MotionMOTION: Sto submit nomination for Linda Michalowski, CO. to represent CCC’s on the federal Negotiated Regulations Committee (NegReg). The motion was seconded by Steve Arena.


Page 4 of 9 CCCSFAAA Transition Meeting Revised: 03/26/2007 Valencia Hyatt DRAFTAPPROVED Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Vote: All Yes No: None Dissentions: None Motion Approved Motion Second Record of Vote Discussion/Comments AYE – NO - Abstain Andi Schreibman Steve Arena 19 – 0 - 0 None

Discussion pursued regarding CCCSFAAA coverage of travel expenses. Tim: The Chancellor’s Office is submitting Pat Hurley and Linda Michalowski. AACC - David Bayne will also submit Pat’s name. CO can pay for Pat, but cannot pay for Linda M. There are four Negotiated Rule MakingRegulation committees. CCCSFAAA can submit more than one name. We need to submit someone with name recognition as well as known as a real player.

Selection is looking for Hispanic and historically black college repss, as well as many other constituencies, to serve on the committees. Do we limit our nominations to just one or two when there are four committees? There is a fiscal and commitment issue. Beth Asmus shared that there needs to be a local effort to expand the knowledge of federal issues, and possibly compartmentalize the issues with multiple representatives. CCCSFAAA needs to build a pipeline for developing an ongoing flow of information.

Cal WORKorks Program: TANF received CalWORK Works funding. Not enough students are being employed through the CalWORK Works program, and there isresulting in a surplus of fundsing. The accounting and administrative overhead responsibilities for of the Cal Works Program funds is creates a significant increase in workload for most community colleges.

Tim: Colleges may use CalWORK Works may be redesigned to combine the Federal Work-study and CalWORK Works Work-study. You can use BOG and/or Work-study as matching funds. Campuses may use this as an opportunity to leverage the funding.

NelNet Audit: The GAO has audited NelNet. NelNet has received $10’s of millions of dollars over (interest rate issues and continuing collection of older interest rates).

CCCSFAAA Web Oversight - Dennis Dennis distributed a Power Point report. Directory information will be presented this yearorganized in the 2006 Directory by: Alpha by College, Alpha by Last Name (active), Other Institution (Associate Members) by alpha Active: FA Directors, FA College Staff Associates: . Vendors, Deans, Lenders, EOPS and Other Service Areas

The Web Advertising banner ads cCycle is a 3560 day billing cycle from the date that the advertiser buysof payment. The cost for CCCSFAAA web banner ad is $500 (3 ads for $1,500). , and Comparatively for CASFAA it is cost is $1,200 per ad or /$3,600 for 3 ads.

Member evaluations will be reviewed. ?????? John M. suggests to new Regional Representatives: Collect directory updates when you begin having your have your regional meeting for the year. Directory updates can be done on-going by each school on via the CCCSFAAA website. Final deadline for publishing the Directory is typically generally October, exact date TBD each yearannually.

John – 2006 Conference Update - Johns


Page 5 of 9 CCCSFAAA Transition Meeting Revised: 03/26/2007 Valencia Hyatt DRAFTAPPROVED Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Moderators for interest sessions updates were announced. Six additional moderators are still needed. Interested individuals should may submit their names to John M. if interested in volunteering. NOTE: By the end of this meeting, all moderators needs were metwere spots were filledidentified.

Lunch 12:30-1:30 PM (On Your Own)

2006 Conference Update - Continued (John) The CCCSFAAA Conference Committee will be stuffing packets on Thursday November 11/30 at the Ontario Convention Center in Room 205 @ 10am. EPlease join us, everyone’s help is needed!! Members staying at the Sheraton have a long walk to the Conference. The Marriott is at one end of the Convention Center, and the Double Tree is at the other end.

Thursday, 11/30/06November 30: Vendors Reception - Conference committee will wear red shirts.

Friday, December 112/01/06:, 10:00 AMam: 2007 CCCSFAAA Executive Board Meeting @ Double Tree, -Executive Board Room. Friday, 12/01/06, 11:30 AM CCCSFAAA Newcomers MeetingReception Friday, 12/01/06, Friday Night Gala: Dinner – 3 piece jazz band (Live performance).

Saturday, December 2:12/02/06 , Kris Shear and Reina Branum will coordinate setting up the raffle tickets prior to the Opening Session. Round tables will be set up for the opening meeting. Saturday morning will need two tiers at head table for morning business meeting breakfast (NASCAR Theme) with checkerboard name plates.

72 vendor booths have been sold for the Conference. CCCSFAAA would like a $50,000 profit in conference earnings. The profit goal was increased to $70,000-80,000 by John Muskavitch.

7:30 PM Saturday, 12/02/06 President’s reception: 7:30pm

Registration Payment Deadline/Procedures: $190 Registration through November. 3. The count of Early Bird Registration indicates 383 registrations (120 people have submitted payment via credit card/check) 383 registered (, 209 paid, 174 not paid). John would like to set a deadline for payments in order to confirm #’s for meals etc. Emergency plates cost $128 plate. September 1 through November 17 is currently the deadline for registration payment.

Website states: Payment Registration may be made on-site at the Conference for $240. Estimates include 5% overage, and an estimated percentage

Registration Discussion suggestions:  If payment is made via credit card on or after Nov. 17, payment will be accepted on line. 11/03 is the Early Bird Payment Deadline. – Payment after Nov. 3 up until the Conference date will include an additional $50 late charge Conclusion: On time registration fee is $190 September 1 through November 3, 2006. Late registration begins after 11/03, registration will include a $50 late fee @ $240.There will be no refunds on registrations made after 11/17.

A MotionMOTION DIED: was made by Kim to Eextend registration through the last day of conference, Andi seconded the motion. Council vote: ???????


Page 6 of 9 CCCSFAAA Transition Meeting Revised: 03/26/2007 Valencia Hyatt DRAFTAPPROVED Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Jacque withdrew all of her objections. Motion Second Record of Vote Discussion/Comments AYE – NO - Abstain Kim Miles Andi Schreibman ?????Motion died. None

CCCSFAAA Scholarships (Kris):

Silent auction --- may want to sell tickets and raise minimum bids. A request was made for Regional Reps to bring something for thecontribute a $200 value item for the auction… $200/value. Gift cCards gifts, small items, etc. John: Items on the table with baskets will go for $1/ticket or 6 tickets/$5.00, 25 tickets @ $20.00.

We may wantSuggestion to sell tickets at time of Registration desk..

Ticket in the box – vote is yes. Regional reps need to contact Kris (Each Regional Rep will need to sell $40-45 worth of ticketss.) Winner does not need to be present.

CCCSFAAA Student Scholarships: Can 2 winners from the same Region win? Yes 20 60+ schools participated. Kris announced there were 20 student scholarship winners in all for $500/each. Enrollment, CA rResidency, and remaining need must be verified prior to distribution of scholarship to student. Winners will be notified by Kris Shear with a copy to FA Director

Awards Committee (Hold for Wednesday) Waiting Tabled item. on Margie. Committee (John, Susan, and Margie) have not reviewed the nominations.

Byl Laws Committee: Susan Jones 2 Two NEW bylaws included in the 2006-07 election (add treasurer elect position) (add a and lifetime membership). We had a 20% voter turnout. Bylaws state that 35% of voting membership is required for adding officers to the Board. Kris consulted with CASFAA legal counsel (Justine). Article 9 self-defines our quorum. 35% of our active membership is a quorum. Article 12 Amendments of Bylaws…. Submitted bylaws were not appropriate by language Article 12. Non- profit law that governs requires 33.3% of non-profit organization. Conclusion: Bylaws were not passable because of the small percentage of votes by the membership. Bylaws need the 5% petition, and a majority of the 35% voting. 5% of 653 equals approximately 653 (33-34) members.

Beth will create a petition to Change the bylaws (The Bylaws Committee includes Beth, Susan, Craig, Brad)

A ballot will be included in the registration packets at the time of the CCCSFAAA conference.


IMN Memo of Understanding (Karen) Meeting Planner for Associations 2003 was the first conference under contract with IMN (Scott LindleyDavid Levy)


Page 7 of 9 CCCSFAAA Transition Meeting Revised: 03/26/2007 Valencia Hyatt DRAFTAPPROVED Tuesday, October 24, 2006 CCCSFAAA does not feel that the there are benefits to contract with IMN of this contract are worth the contractual costs to the CCCSFAAA Association.

It is time to renew contract. CASFAA (Louise Jones, President) feels that if contract is not renewed, that the conferences may not happen. CASFAA has already voted to conduct their conference with IMN for 2012/2014. (2011/2013 conference year contracts were not agreed upon by CCCSFAAA Exec. CouncilExecutive board, but these conference locations have already been negotiated). Susan: Leadership Conference Call with CASFAA and CCCSFAAA Language was not clear (CASFAA was designating members with only one CCCSFAAA member to determine conference locations). Mindy, Louise, Joanne, Susan, Karen, Beth and Scott Lindley (IMN) were called byand Joanne Brennan (CASFAA) to participate in the callcalled Scott Lindlley (IMN) during the call. IMN agrees there are perks but IMN does not decide who gets them. IMN says at no costs. CCCSFAAA says there are commissionable rates, but IMN does not. CCCSFAAA learned that they can call IMN directly without going though CASFAA (David Levy).

Call from CASFAA President Elect Mindy informed Beth that , David Levy has stepped down and is no longer in Financial Aid. CASFAA wants two CASFAA & two CCCSFAAA representatives to come together to work with IMN. Contractual binder contains all conference contracts from 2006 forward that will be passed to Kris as a resource. Scott’s assistant is Julian Jillian Denton. David’s voice represented both CCCSFAAA & CASFAA to IMN. CASFAA wants equal representation with IMN. Mindy has suggested that an RFP could be submitted to open up contract for bidding.

Beth has asked two members to represent (Toni Dubois & Susan Jones) CCCSFAAA for 2007 Site Selection Committee. MOU is up for review and agreement by CCCSFAAA.

Marco recommends an RFP process for the next cycle (2015-2017).

John has identified Ontario as the final location in California that is able to accommodate size of the CCCSFAAA/CASFAA conference attendance that we have not been to yet. Changing from (50 to 90 person maximum capacity) meeting rooms appears to be the only change in conference arrangements due to growth. Why should we continue to pay for their IMN services ($30,000 - $50,000 annual Contract with no specific performance measures). Example: Room rates were posted @ $89 but cContract was written for $109/room. Scott (IMN) had hotel revise costs to $109 (not to the benefit of the associations).

Tim: Recommended revised IMN letter to include only 2012 conference year; to include “The Presidents may amend and sign any changes or amendments to these contracts “on behalf of their respective organizations””. Also modify the letter section “appoint another person and/or additional representative(s) that may be done in writing and only by the President of CASFAA or the CCCSFAA President “on behalf of their respective organization”.

Beth recommends agreement with this MOU now. But create another MOU that outlines the equal representation and that we want a RFP process that will detail the equity of the “perks” of for each futurethe contract. And that CCCSFAAA would like the same legal review as CASFAA. No written documentation is provided to the CCCSFAAA association that details the delivery of services contracted with IMN. Need to request access to the agreed upon contract to complete the agreement of the MOU.

Two year negotiations result in better deals. Is this true or not? IMN receives 10% commission of room reservations that already been have been negotiated.


Page 8 of 9 CCCSFAAA Transition Meeting Revised: 03/26/2007 Valencia Hyatt DRAFTAPPROVED Tuesday, October 24, 2006

MOTION: A Motion was made Aby Andi to accept the letter as amended by the CCCSFAAA Exec. CouncilExecutive board. Kris seconded the motion. No discussion. Vote: Yes 11 Opposed 1 Abstentions 0 Second Record of Vote Discussion/Comments Motion AYE – NO - Abstain Andi Schreibman Kris Shear 11 – 1 – 0 None

Meeting adjourned @ 5:00pm

Minutes submitted by: Judy Cohen, CCCSFAAA Secretary Minutes approved: March 26, 2007 Motioned by Jacque, 2 nd by Karen. Minutes posted to web:


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