PRESENT: Warren V. Nash, President, Mickey Thompson, Member and Cheryl Cotner, Member

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PRESENT: Warren V. Nash, President, Mickey Thompson, Member and Cheryl Cotner, Member


PRESENT: Warren V. Nash, president, Mickey Thompson, member and Cheryl Cotner, member

OTHERS PRESENT: Joe Ham, Paul Speights, Michael Hall, Chris Gardner, Major Whitlow, Fire Chief Juliot, Amanda Deatherage, Stan Robison, David Brewer, John Burger, John Rosenbarger and Vicki Glotzbach

Mr. Nash called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.



Item #1 - Peter Massey with Trilogy Health Services re: Sign request at Cherry St. and Old Vincennes Rd.

Mr. Massey stated that they are going to be the occupant in the old Silver Crest building and will be installing an assisted living facility. He requested permission to put up a directional sign at the corner of Cherry Street and Old Vincennes Road. He presented the board with a rendering of the sign.

Mr. Nash asked when they planned to open.

Mr. Massey stated that they hope to open in June.

Mr. Thompson moved to take under advisement in order to check with Planning and Zoning, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.

Item #2 - Lauren Howard with Piece of my Heart Rescue and Peggy Roberson with Ratbone Terrier re: Use of Farmers Market on June 1st , 2013 to host event

Ms. Howard stated that they are conducting their second annual event and requested use of the farmers market in the evening on June 1, 2013 starting from 5:00-9:00 p.m. She explained that there will be several vendors such as Mr. Duffy who will demonstrate how to walk your dog and they will clean up after the event.

Mr. Nash asked for information about their organization.

Ms. Howard stated that she fosters animals, usually one or two at a time and she is located in Floyds Knobs. She explained that Peggy Roberson is with Rat Terrier Rescue and she does a lot of events around the city such as the Library Pet Fair.

Mr. Thompson stated that he doesn’t see any issue with availability on that day and explained that the city needs to be named as an additional insured on their event insurance.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the use of the Farmers Market, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.

Item #3 - Wes Christmas, Clark Dietz, Inc. re: Professional Services Agreement for Spring Street Gateway Improvements

Mr. Christmas explained that he presented the board with a professional construction services last week and asked if there were any questions about the agreement.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.

1 Board of Works February 26, 2013 Mr. Christmas stated that last week TSI was awarded the contract for the Spring Street Gateway Project and they did a notice of award to them. He explained that the contractor has provided copies of their actual agreement, appropriate bonds, and insurance certificates. He asked for the board approval on this agreement so that they could go ahead and issue notice to proceed for construction on Monday, March 4th.

Mr. Nash asked if that was with the alternatives.

Mr. Christmas explained that this is for the base bid amount but they do have the alternate pricing included if the city chooses to proceed with any of those.

Mr. Thompson moved to execute the agreement with TSI Paving for the Spring Street Gateway project, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.

Item #4 - Irv Stumler re: various issues

Mr. Stumler requested that the area in front of the Second Baptist Church on 3rd and Main be blocked off so that the contractor can park their trucks and deliver materials to and from the job. He asked that the sidewalk along the front of the church be barricaded to prevent injury to the public. He explained that they are requesting that this be done for 90 days but they don’t know if that will be adequate time.

Mr. Thompson asked if the contractor would be addressing the board with any of these issues.

Mr. Stumler stated that he is here as a representative of “Friends of the Clock Tower Church” and the contractor is D&M Masonry.

Mr. Brewer asked what the scope of work that is being done right now.

Mr. Stumler explained that they are restoring the steeple and the first thing they are doing is to take the four faces off the clock.

Mr. Brewer stated that the only issue they have is that they need permits in place and license of the contractor and they can’t start without them.

Mr. Thompson stated that the board would like the contractor to come in and explain the scope of the work and to discuss the required permits and licenses.

Mr. Stumler stated that he will work on the permits this week and be back next week with the contractor.

Mr. Nash stated that he wouldn’t be in favor of closing it off for 90 days because of sight problems coming off of Third Street onto Main.

Mr. Thompson stated that they could do 30 days to start and extend it if need be.

Mr. Stumler recommended for the prevention of weeds and grass along the curbs that a contract be entered into with a licensed herbicide applicator to address this issue before they become unsightly.

Mr. Thompson stated that the board will take that under advisement.

Mr. Stumler thanked the board for allowing them to install the planters and stated that the pots will be replanted on April 27th which is their Spring Beautification Day. He explained that they will meet at MainSource Bank parking lot at 9:00 a.m. He asked to install another 40 planters and listed places downtown that he thought would be good areas. This list of locations is on file with the City Clerk’s Office.

Mr. Nash asked if they would be similar to the ones already in place.

2 Board of Works February 26, 2013 Mr. Stumler stated that they are identical.

Mr. Thompson stated that he would have to meet with him to go over the areas.

Item #5 - Bill Schuppert re: Turning lane issues on Charlestown and Blackiston Mill Rd.

Mr. Schuppert presented a map to the board of his solution to the traffic backup on Charlestown Road. He stated that he feels that the simple fix would be to make the far right lane a right turn only lane.

Mr. Thompson stated that his only concern would be that if they cut that center lane down to the only through lane it would cause the same issues with turning onto Mt. Tabor. He stated that they would go out and observe the location during rush out to see if there is anything that can be done.


Stephen Crim 1503 East Market stated that he is concerned about a permit that he is required to get for work he is doing to his home. He explained the rented a forklift from Sunbelt and it was on the sidewalk and an officer stopped by to tell him that he had to have a permit and he was not aware that anything was required.

Mr. Thompson stated that he assumes that the officer meant that he would need a permit to block the sidewalk not operate the lift.

Mr. Crim stated that they also expressed concern with the lift tearing up the sidewalk but the lift that he rented is not any heavier than a normal car and the legs are in the yard. He explained that he was also told that he needs a permit for the lift to be in his yard and he didn’t understand that part of it.

Mr. Brewer stated that once the lift is even partially set on the sidewalk he will need a permit. He stated that he would just have to come back before the board on the Tuesday before he wants to start the work to use sidewalk.

Charles Harrett asked if he could get a few parking spots blocked off at 204 Pearl Street to move office furniture across the street to 130 Main Street. He stated that they are going to do the work tomorrow for most of the day.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the temporary lane closure to assist with the move at 204 Pearl, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.

Rube O’Neal thanked Mr. Thompson and Mr. Brewer for the work they are doing. He stated that if he could get the cars slowed down on Bono Road he would really appreciate it.


Item #1 - Jenn Shockly with Architura re: Sidewalk replacement project for Lee Hamilton Building

Ms. Schockly stated that they have sent a full set of drawings as well as a preliminary construction schedule to Mr. Thompson and are present to check on the status of the project request.

Mr. Thompson asked if they had a chance to discuss issues regarding a shorter period of time for the project as well as doing it in phases.

Jason Brinkmoeller with Semper Tek stated the phasing aspect shouldn’t be a problem but he would have to defer to GSA with regards to the duration.

Ms. Schockly asked if they were having issue with the overall time frame or a particular chunk of the work being done.

3 Board of Works February 26, 2013 Mr. Thompson stated that the issue is the overall time frame.

Mr. Brinkmoeller stated that he expects that taking up the entire time frame would be worst case scenario but they are required on these government contracts to schedule the entire time that is estimated.

Mr. Nash stated that they just have a problem with such an interruption for that length of time.

Mr. Thompson asked if they have an estimate for the least amount of time they will need to get the work done.

Mr. Brinkmoeller stated that he would like to bring his superintendant out to the site and look at what kind of time frame they could cut it down to.

Mr. Robsenbarger stated that they also talked the conduit for underground lighting and asked if that was included in their plans.

Mr. Brinkmoeller stated that he doesn’t think that is included in their plans but they do have some electrical work associated with the project. He explained that they have an electrical contractor on their team so protecting the conduit wouldn’t be an issue but it will depend on if the conduit is encased in the concrete. He stated that if they had to pull that out with the concrete it would be replaced.

Mr. Brewer stated that he would request that any electrical work has to be inspected and licensed with the City of New Albany.

Ms. Schockly stated that generally GSA has been exempt from any city permitting and inspections on federal property.

Mr. Brewer stated that if she can provide documents stating that they are exempt from that he would be more than willing to work with them but as of right now any work being done in the city has to be permitted and licensed through the city but either way they will have to be inspected by the city.

Mr. Brinkmoeller stated that the largest pieces of that timeframe are for the steps that are going to have to be replaced.

Ms. Shockley stated that it may be possible for them to separate the steps out from that section to alleviate the disturbances on the street.



Mr. Brewer explained that they are putting together a portfolio on projects so that people have an idea of what it is they do and put concrete evidence behind their projects. He presented the board with some before and after photos of several projects that they get into and explained that they work directly with many other department heads in the city including a close working relationship with the street, police and fire departments. He went over the handouts with the board that included percentage of liens filed yearly, secured properties, collections in 2012, and dollars protected tax liens 2003-2012 and the amount of Demo/Code Enforcement Tax Liens from 2003-2012. Said handout is on file with the City Clerk’s Office.

Mr. Nash asked if they are completely finished with Linden Meadows

Mr. Brewer stated that they are finished with all the demolition and now they are just waiting for redevelopment.

Mr. Nash thanked Mr. Brewer for the report.

4 Board of Works February 26, 2013 BIDS:


Mrs. Prestigiacomo presented the following claims for approval:

Claims Docket for 2/15-/2013 – 2/28/2013

General Claims (Bank 1): $28,689.31 Fire Department: $16,183.29 Police Department: $7,373.04 Street Department: $6,522.47 Parks Department: $7,871.10 Stormwater/Drainage: $38,120.67 Redevelopment/ (Banks- 111,T,1,6) Economic Development: $319,674.98 Medical/Drug Fund: $541.86 (Bank L) Payroll Claims: (Bank 2) $588,914.15 Sanitation Fund: $0.00

Grand Total: $ 1,013,890.87

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the claims for 2/15/2013 – 2/28/2013 in the amount of $1,013,890.87, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.


Mr. Thompson moved to approve the February 19, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.


There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

______Warren V. Nash, President Vicki Glotzbach, City Clerk

5 Board of Works February 26, 2013

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