The Annual General Meeting of Potterne Parish Council to Be Held On

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The Annual General Meeting of Potterne Parish Council to Be Held On

Minutes of the meeting held by Potterne Parish Council on Wednesday, 14th March 2012 in Potterne Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present: Mr Hoddinott, Mr Molland, Mrs Straw, Mr Smart, Mr Twiney, Mr Burns, Mr Bringloe, Mr Edwards and Mr Chandler. Cllr. Liz Bryant Apologies: Mr McCormick and Mr Hunt-Grubb

91/11/12 Welcome and Apologies: Mr Hoddinott welcomed members and took Actio apologies.

92/11/12 Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest. Minutes of meeting held on 8th February 2012: It was proposed by Mrs Straw and seconded by Mr Molland that the minutes be signed as an accurate record. 93/11/12 Matters Arising: 1. Devizes Area Board: Mr Molland reported that the next meeting will be about village matters, including neighbourhood plans. The meeting will be held on Monday, 26th March at 6.30pm, at Bromham Social Centre. Mrs Straw said it is hoped that Wiltshire Council representatives from Highways, including a Rights of Way warden will be present.

2. DCAP: Mrs Straw reported that DCAP hope to have a new website up and running soon. The group are very keen to identify gaps in organisations in villages and have made a list of 401 organisations to date.

DCAP were pleased to see crime rates falling in the area, with good results re scrap metal thefts.

One of the topics of conversation was around keeping local businesses and to help create and make them grow in the area. To get new businesses to come to the area, business sites need to be identified with a good public transport system, strong schools and housing. It was noted that 50,000 people in Wiltshire go out of the county to work, with 25,000/30,000 come in to work, so there was a net loss in the work force.

Mrs Straw informed the Council that there was a programme for supporting communities and neighbourhoods in planning events. ‘Duty to cooperate’ if school pupils come in from other areas. Funding of £200,000 is available for 25 houses, with a possibility of some going to villages.

Mrs Straw also informed members, particularly those working with the Neighbourhood Plan steering group, that there was a highway engineer living in the village, who they may like to get on board to assist with the development of this plan. 3. DCAP Parish Council Forum: Mrs Straw had attended the last meeting held on 6th March and at this meeting they would like to have two people from the villages to sit on each thematic group, as it is perceived to be Devizes concentric. The thematic groups are: Health & Wellbeing; Culture & Leisure; Economy & Business; Housing; Transport; Community Area Safety and Countryside.

The DCAP household questionnaire, approximately 700 responses from school pupils, which is being analysed and will be ready soon.

The Whistley Road: the traffic model: The numbers were taken over a three hour period, and were considered not sufficient. Promises of it being included in the traffic model were rather ambiguous. Laura Mayes, the Chairman has it in hand said Mrs Straw. 4. Youth Centre: Mr Chandler reported that the Youth Centre had recently held a meeting and they have agreed to do a ‘Big Lunch’ to be held on Ryeleaze field on the Jubilee weekend. The Youth Centre are aiming to apply for funding through the Wiltshire Council Diamond Jubilee Celebration Grant programme of £300. It was agreed that this would have the full backing of the Parish Council if an application was submitted.

Mr Chandler reported that funding for a lawn mower / machinery has been forthcoming, which will assist in keeping Ryeleaze field tidy. Wiltshire Council has agreed to give the filed an initial grass cut for the season.

Mr Chander is keen to get some of the young people of the village to come and talk at the Annual Parish Meeting, particularly about their levies, schooling and facilities in the village. 5. Annual Parish Meeting: This meeting is to be held on 25th April 2012 and discussions on a speaker of theme took place. Following Mr Chandlers wish to try and get some young people from the village to come to the meeting, it was decided that it may be a good idea to have some of the older residents that have grown up in the village and also the current young ones to come and talk about their lives in the village.

It was agreed that wine and nibbles will be available, as well as the usual tea and coffee.

Open Session Mr Hoddinott declared that the meeting was temporarily suspended to allow for an open session for 10 minutes so that the public could place questions to the Council to be discussed at the next meeting if confirmed in writing. 1. Whistley Road pump & parking: It was brought to the attention of the Council that vehicles are parking adjacent to the pump in Whistley Road, which was forcing vehicles into the oncoming traffic on a blind corner. The Clerk will contact Wiltshire Police to ask for their assistance. Clerk 2. Blackberry Lane parking problems: It was reported that vehicles are parking CPG on the green area in front of the houses where the see-saw used to be. The H & Chairman and Clerk will look into this and inform Aster Communities if this does Clerk appear to be a problem. 3. Blocked drain behind bus shelter: The drain which is adjacent to a mud bank behind the bus shelter has become blocked again. This is mainly due to soil eroding into the drain and also leaves. Mrs Straw agreed to ask the Parish PS Steward to clear when he is next in our area. There were no further comments from the public therefore Mr Hoddinott closed the Open Session.

94/11/12 Correspondence: 1. Wiltshire Council: Wiltshire Council Local Development Framework, Notice of adoption of South Wiltshire Core Strategy Development Plan Document: This was noted. Mr Molland sadi that he was concerned that the Notice of adoption for the South Wiltshire Core Strategy would be determined whilst the Wiltshire Core Strategy was still at its consultation stage. 2. Wiltshire Council: Wiltshire Core Strategy Development Plan Document- Pre submission Document: This was noted. Councillor Bryant informed the Parish Council that Wiltshire Council is using consultants and are looking to put in the strategy about wind farms and wind turbines.

Councillor Bryant also informed Parish Council members that there are no areas of strategic development in Potterne or the Devizes area and this would give more scope to the Neighbourhood plan steering group. 3. Wiltshire Council: Procedure for dealing with requests fro Waiting Restrictions: This was noted

95/11/12 Finance: 1. Accounts to be paid and transfer sufficient funds to pay accounts: It was proposed by Mrs Straw and seconded by Mr Molland that these accounts be paid and sufficient funds transferred to pay same. Chq No. Payable to Net VAT Gross 1169 F A Coles 275.00 275.00 1170 Sally Hoddinott Salary Expenses 342.48 342.48 Stationery 75.00 75.00 33.00 6.67 40.00 1171 HMRC 85.60 85.60 1172 Potterne Village Hall 18.00 18.00 1174 Eyeball media 75.00 75.00 Publication s Total 904.41 6.67 911.08 2. Account to be paid with effect from 1st April 2012 (therefore cheque is post dated to 1st April 2012): It was proposed by Mrs Straw and seconded by Mr Molland that these accounts be paid and sufficient funds transferred to pay same. 1173 Community First 568.82 568.82 (Insurance for 2012 / 13)

3. St John Ambulance: Donation request: A letter for funding support has been received and will be considered at the finance meeting in November along with other donation request.

96/11/12 Planning: Applications approved by Wiltshire Council E/2011/0891/FUL Woodtops, Blounts Erection of side conservatory Court E/2011/1590/FUL 1 Beck House, Mill Single storey rear extension Road E/2012/0071/FUL Revoli, Mill Road Demolition of existing porch. Erection of single storey extension; replacement shed and garage with home office above; provision of solar panels to main house and garage roof E/2012/0055/LBC Broadleas House, Erection of boundary wall and Broadleas, Devizes electrical gate to southern entrance. Alterations to private drive.

97/11/12 Footpaths & Highways: 1. Fly tipping in Tollbar Lane: Mrs Straw informed members that she ahs reported the fly tipping that has taken place in Tollbar Lane.

2. Stiles and dogs: The question was asked about fencing up to stiles and allowing dogs through. The Chairman explained that as long as a dog gate was present it would be acceptable to fence right up to the stile. 98/11/12 Burial and Property Maintenance: There were no items for consideration. 99/11/12 Jubilee Cup: The Clerk reminded Councillors that nominations for the Jubilee Cup need to be in before the next Council meeting, ready for the cup to be presented at the Annual Parish Meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15pm Minutes of meeting to discuss planning application received on 14th March 2012

Present: Mr Hoddinott, Mr Molland, Mrs Straw, Mr Smart, Mr Twiney, Mr Burns, Mr Bringloe, Mr Edwards and Mr Chandler. Cllr. Liz Bryant Apologies: Mr McCormick and Mr Hunt-Grubb

E/2012/0207/TPO Oakfield Crown lift twin rooted Sycamore tree by 2 Brownleaze Lane approx 7 metres and thin by approx 20% Potterne plus a tip reduction on north/northeast side by approx 2 metres

The Parish Council are concerned at the lateness of this application if the trees are to be cut back by this extent. If the officer is happy with the time scale, then the Parish Council would raise no objection. However, the Parish Council are concerned that damage is occurring to this group of TPO'd trees by inappropriate use and we hope that this application is not the precursor of applications to remove trees.

E/2012/0253/FUL 8 Crown Place Retrospective application for retention of a Potterne single storey summerhouse

Potterne Parish Council object to this application as the size would appear to be excessive for a summerhouse and the design and size suggests a future residential use. The location is to close to the property boundary and the height excessive for a garden structure.

Minutes of meeting to discuss planning application received on 3rd April 2012

Present: Mr Hoddinott, Mr Molland, Mrs Straw, Mr Twiney, M McCormick Mr Edwards and Mr Hunt-Grubbe.

Declarations of interest were declared and the relevant Councillors abstained on decision making on the relevant applications. Mrs Pat Straw E/2012/0333/FUL Mr Christ Twiney E/2012/0349/FUL Mr Rob Edwards E/2012/0317/FUL

E/2012/0312/FUL Little Farm Demolition of rear lean-to porch and Whistley Road erection of single storey extension. Potterne Installation of 2 No. dormer windows on south west roof slope.

The Parish Council raise no objection to this application

E/2012/0304/FUL Featherbrook House Proposed extension of timber framed Whistley Road orangery and potting shed. Potterne

The Parish Council raise no objection to this application E/2012/0317/FUL 1 Brownleaze lane Proposed construction of two storey Potterne dwelling with associated garaging.

The Parish Council object to this application on grounds of total over development of the frontage of the site, leaving very little private amenity space for the existing house

E/2012/0333/FUL 5B Coxhill Lane Construction of detached two storey Potterne dwelling.

The Parish Council raise an objection to this application as they consider that it is un- neighbourly backland development and would generate unwanted extra traffic along Coxhill Lane, which is a cul-d-sac with a blind junction with the main A360.

E/2012/0349/FUL Land north east of Mill Erection of temporary dwelling, barn, poly Cottage tunnels, greenhouse, chicken houses and Mill Lane creation of farm track Potterne

The Parish Council object to this application. The siting of the structures in this application would be more acceptable if they were adjacent to Mill Lane. We also object on the grounds of traffic generation along Whistley Road and Mill Lane, by virtue of the retail proposals and the suggestion that they would include a educational facility on the site.

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