20Th Annual Packaging Awards

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20Th Annual Packaging Awards

20th DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation

Entry Form Guidelines and Worksheet

General Instructions and Requirements

 Entries must be submitted in English.  Answers to the entry questionnaire must be entered online, within the defined number of characters.  Address as many of the Packaging Innovation Factors, as are relevant to your entry. (Note: The list of Innovation Factors will serve as a guideline for the jury discussion and evaluation; it is not a checklist or a weighted scoring system.)

 All entries must provide up to (3) supporting visuals in digital format (JPG: minimum 900 x 900 pixels or at least 3" x 3" at 300 ppi) or substitute (1) movie file (MPG: maximum 640 x 480 pixels, maximum 2 minutes, maximum 50MB).

 For the judging event, you must also send five (5) product samples, mock-ups (may not be applicable to technology, services or processes) to the address shown below. Samples will not be returned. Mock-ups should be submitted for perishable foods, hazardous or regulated materials, or packages that may not meet U.S. Customs regulations.

Deadline for entries is January 31, 2008

 Include a printed copy of your Online Entry Form with your 5 product samples. If submitting multiple entries, a separate form is required for each entry.

Send to:

20th DuPont Packaging Awards DuPont Packaging, BMP 26 2363 Route 141 & Lancaster Pike Wilmington, DE 19880-0026 USA

 Provide up to (3) supporting visuals in digital format (JPG: minimum 900 x 900 pixels or at least 3” x 3” at 300 ppi) or substitute (1) movie file (MPG: maximum 640 x 480 pixels, maximum 2 minutes, maximum 50MB)  Address as many of the Packaging Innovation Factors, as are relevant to your entry. (Note: The list of Innovation Factors will serve as a guideline for the jury discussion and evaluation; it is not a checklist or a weighted scoring system.)  If submitting multiple entries, a separate submission is required for each individual entry.  Deadline for entries is January 31, 2008. 20th DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation

 Do not submit information or data considered as either confidential or proprietary by your organization.  The usage of a DuPont material, technology, process or service is not required for eligibility.  An entry fee is not required.

How to Prepare Your Entries

All entries must be entered online (go to "http://packaging.dupont.com" to locate the ONLINE ENTRY FORM. The online method requires careful preparation, so that your entry can be completed in a single work-session.

To assist you in preparing for your online session, we recommend that you use this document to collect required information, prepare text descriptions, and share your write-ups within your organization or among team members responsible for the innovation being submitted.

The remainder of this document will guide you through the questions and information requirements that you will find when using the ONLINE ENTRY FORM.*

*If you have difficulty with online access or data entry, you may complete your written answers using this worksheet, and mail or email the completed worksheet to: Lois M. Smith, DuPont Packaging, BMP26-2363, Wilmington, DE 19805 USA, email: Lois- [email protected]

General Information

Provide the entry name and contact information for the primary person responsible for the entry form.

Packaging Entry Name:

Person Submitting Entry Name: Title: Address 1: Address 2: City, State, PostalCode Country: Phone: 20th DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation

Fax: E-mail:


Other companies who were significant contributors to the development of this product (e.g., manufacturer, printer, etc.):

Provide complete information for each company or individual.

Contributing role: E-mail: Company / Organization: Name: Title: Address 1: Address 2: City, State Zip Code: Country: Phone: Fax:

(Repeat the above information for each contributor.)


Provide the following information for the CEO or President and Public Relations contact for your company:

E-mail: Company / Organization: Name: Title: Address 1: 20th DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation

Address 2: City, State, Zip Code: Country: Phone: Fax:

Details 1

This portion of the entry form asks for information about the type of innovation being submitted.

Type of packaging innovation: [_] material; [_] technology; [_] process/service

What material, technology, process or service did this innovation replace? (text description):

Packaging innovation category: [_] primary [_] secondary [_] tertiary

Market segment: [_] Food & Bev; [_] Pharmaceutical; [_] Cosmetics/PersonalCare; [_] Consumer Goods; [_] Transport; [_] Electronics; [_] General Packaging; [_] Packaging Machinery

Packaging type: [_] Flexible; [_] Glass; [_] Laminate [_] Metal; [_] Rigid; [_] Paper & Board; [_] Petroleum-based polymer; [_] Bio-based polymer [_] Other

What was the packaging trend, issue, customer problem or requirement that drove the innovation? (text description): 20th DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation

Details 2

Provide the entry name and contact information for the primary person responsible for the entry form.

Date of first test or market launch:

Location of first test or market launch:

Marketplace Impact of the packaging solution in terms of brand awareness, preference, market share, loyalty or other relevant business measures (text description):

Role and Significance of scientific research and development in this innovation (text description):

Other Awards this packaging innovation has received (text description):

Images or Illustrations as applicable (maximum three (3))

Image #1 filename or URL: Image #1 caption:

Image #2 filename or URL: Image #2 caption:

Image #3 filename or URL: Image #3 caption: 20th DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation

Innovation Factors (7 suggested factors to consider)

For each of the following innovation factors (if applicable to this entry), describe the factor's relevance and provide independent substantiation.

Innovation Factor: Enhanced Performance

For example, consider these questions: How has the offering functionality been enhanced? What trade-offs were made? Is the Packaging Innovation solution safer from puncture or contamination? It is easier or more convenient to use? Does it provide for better product integrity in terms of flavor, aroma, freshness or texture? Does the solution provide for improved shelf appeal, visual impact, "theatre" at point of sale or experiencial design? Does the Packaging Innovation solution provide better communication to the end-user? Does it limit counterfeiting? How does the solution meet or exceed relevant regulations? Applicability / Relevance (text description, max. 1500 characters)

Substantiation (independent verification or third-party certification, max. 1500 characters)

Innovation Factor: Cost-Effective Economics

For example, consider these questions: Does the solution have fewer defects? Does it allow for enhanced productivity or faster turnaround? Does it reduce weight? Does it affect freight costs? Does it reduce the total system costs? Can it be reused? Does it reduce spoilage or other types of waste? Does the package have broader, universal applicability to other industries or developing economies? Applicability / Relevance (text description, max. 1500 characters) 20th DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation

Substantiation (independent verification or 3rd party certification, max. 1500 characters)

Innovation Factor: Resource & Energy Optimization

For example, consider these questions: Is this a more energy efficient Packaging Innovation solution? Does the solution use renewable resources or offsets through the purchase of energy credits? How does the solution optimize the use of energy? Does it use recycled materials (either industrial or post-consumer)? Applicability / Relevance (text description, max. 1500 characters)

Substantiation (independent verification or 3rd party certification, max. 1500 characters)

Innovation Factor: Responsible Sourcing

For example, consider these questions: What are the materials in the package and how were they sourced? Were resources management certification systems used in material selection? How reliable is the supply chain? Were fair labor or fair trade certification systems used in the sourcing process? Applicability / Relevance (text description, max. 1500 characters)

Substantiation (independent verification or 3rd party certification, max. 1500 characters) 20th DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation

Innovation Factor: Clean Production

For example, consider these questions: Were measures used to ensure that manufacturing processes did not result in emissions of air pollutants or exposure of workers to toxic substances? Were steps taken to ensure clean production practices? Applicability / Relevance (text description, max. 1500 characters)

Substantiation (independent verification or 3rd party certification, max. 1500 characters)

Innovation Factor: Effective Recovery

For example, consider these questions: Does the design of the package ensure effective recovery? Is there a feasible, end-of-life scenario for this package? How will this package flow through the recovery infrastructure? Applicability / Relevance (text description, max. 1500 characters)

Substantiation (independent verification or 3rd party certification, max. 1500 characters)

Innovation Factor: Community Benefit, Communication and Education

For example, consider these questions: What efforts have been made to educate end-users on the value of sustainable practices in Packaging Innovation? Does the package provide or enhance community benefits? Does the package have social impact? How long would the package persist in the environment if littered? Are any environmental claims relevant and credible? 20th DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation

Applicability / Relevance (text description, max. 1500 characters)

Substantiation (independent verification or 3rd party certification, max. 1500 characters)

Executive Summary

Provide a high-level summary of the key packaging innovation factors that should be considered when evaluation this submittal.

Text description (max. 3000 characters): 20th DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation


Make sure your entry is complete and accurate before submitting it. Your information will be saved in a database made available to the judging panel, exactly as entered.

Notes: When you submit your entry information online, you will be asked to review DuPont terms and conditions relating to your privacy, and relating to the use of personally identifying electronic information. These are standard terms and conditions established to comply with international laws to protect your information from misuse.

You also will be asked if you want your entry to be shared in a Sustainable Packaging Library being developed by GreenBlue.org. The response will not impact judging of your entry; however, a "yes" response is encouraged, so that your information can be shared more widely beyond this competition. (DuPont makes no promises or guarantees concerning information privacy or terms and conditions related to information submitted to GreenBlue.org.)

Available reference document: The Sustainable Packaging Coalition, an industry initiative of the nonprofit institute GreenBlue, has recently published Design Guidelines for Sustainable Packaging. That document, along with input from our independent panel of experts, has served as a valuable resource in developing this entry questionnaire. The document is available at a price of $35. To purchase, go to: http://www.packagingdigest.com/newsite/InfoChannel/info_sustainable_form.php

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