Soaring to the Future GKHS Careers Lesson Plan 2014-2015 Grade 11

Date Section Topic Supplies September 29 & 30, CAREER  College/Career  College/Career Fair 2014 Fair Form

CITIZEN  Bullying

Learning Target:  I will understand my personal reasons for choosing a particular college/career.  I will understand the importance of a College/Career Fair.  I will be able to identify bullying, become aware of how to respond to bullying, and commit to a bully free school.


Monday, September 29 College/Career Fair The GKHS College/Career Fair will be held September 30 in the GKHS Gym. Discuss the following information with your students to help them prepare for the College/Career Fair.

Ask students to raise their hands if they are interested in each of the following career/education options:  Military  Apprenticeship  2-Year College  2-Year Technical College  4-Year College/University All of these options will be represented at the GKHS College/Career Fair tomorrow.

Exploring colleges and careers is important in 11th grade, to help you learn about options/programs/careers. Learning what is required for college entrance and specific careers will help you choose the right classes to take in high school.

Discuss the following information with your students to help them benefit from the College/Career Fair tomorrow:  Before you go: o Find out which colleges will be at the fair. The list will be posted near the Career Center and near the Counseling Center. Make a list of what you want to learn more about. o Write down any questions you have. o Bring your list, a pen or pencil, and the College/Career Fair form.  While You Are There: o Visit booths and ask college/career representatives your questions. o Take a minute to jot down important information on your College/Career Fair form before moving on to your next booth. o Check out some of the other booths when you’re done with the colleges on your list. You may find something great that you had not considered.

September 29th and 30th 11th Grade Careers Page 1 of 4  When You Get Home: o Ask yourself which colleges/careers stood out and why. o Organize the college/career material you collected and review it that week while it’s fresh in your mind. o Go over any notes you took during the fair. o Throw out the brochures that you are not interested in so you may focus on those you are interested in. o Do more research on the colleges/careers you are thinking about. Explore websites, contact the admissions office, or plan a campus visit.

 Questions to ask college representatives: o Why do students want to come to your college? o What are some things you offer your students that other schools do not? o What are some of your highlighted academic departments on campus? o What are the basic requirements for admissions? What was the average accepted student’s qualifications? o What is your school known for (academic areas, sports, etc.)? o How much does it cost to attend your school? o What clubs/activities are available?  Questions to ask military representatives: o What do I have to score on the ASVAB test to qualify? o How long do I have to enlist for? What is the minimum commitment? o Am I eligible for any special enlistment programs or bonuses? o What are the major differences in pay, benefits, and job opportunities between the services? o How long is basic training? Where is it? What is it like? o What physical fitness requirements must I meet to enter the military and succeed in basic training? o What jobs are available? o How much money can I get for college?  Questions to ask career/apprenticeship representatives: o What are the minimum requirements? o How long is the training program? o What kind of certification will I earn? o What is the pay for this career?

Tuesday, September 30 College/Career Fair  Hand out the College/Career Fair Forms before taking students to the gym at 9:00.

 This form is a Careers assignment.

 During the College/Career Fair, students need to visit at minimum of 5 booths and gather information from those booths to fill out the College/Career Fair Form.

 Show students the back of the College/Career Fair form. Questions to ask representatives are listed on the back of the form.

 The College/Career Fair Form is due in Careers after you return from the fair. Students will place the Career/College Fair Form in the CAREER Section of the portfolio.

 Do not lose the Career/College Fair Form it is a Careers assignment. September 29th and 30th 11th Grade Careers Page 2 of 4 Bullying  When your students are not at the College/Career Fair, go through the Bullying Power Point/Lesson Plan with your students.

September 29th and 30th 11th Grade Careers Page 3 of 4 College/ Career Fair Bell Schedule

Notes: 1. College/ Career Fair will be held in the Large Gym 2. Advisory Lesson – Reviewing the College/ Career Handout and District Bullying Curriculum.

Period 1 7:30-7:55

Period 2 8:00-8:30

College/ Career Fair 8:30-8:35 1. Seniors to Large Gym for College/ Career Fair 2. Grade 9,10,11 to Careers

8:35-9:00 1. Seniors in Large Gym w/ Advisors 2. Grade 9,10,11 in Careers

9:00-9:05 1. Seniors passing to Careers 2. Juniors passing to Gym w/ Advisors

9:05-9:30 1. Juniors in College/ Career Fair 2. Grade 9,10,12 in Careers

9:30-9:35 1. Junior passing to Careers 2. Sophomores passing to Gym w/ Advisors

9:35-10:00 1. Sophomores in College/ Career Fair 2. Grade 9,11,12 in Careers

10:00-10:05 1. Sophomores passing to Careers 2. Freshman passing to Gym w/ Advisors

10:05-10:25 1. Freshman in College/ Career Fair 2. Grade 10,11,12, in Careers 10:25-10:30 1. Freshman travel to Careers. 2. Grade 10, 11, 12 in Careers 10:30-10:35 1. All students in Careers

Period 3 10:35-12:10 First Lunch 10:35-11:05 Class 11:08-12:10 Second Lunch 11:08-11:38 Class 10:40-11:08, 11:40-12:10 Third Lunch 11:40-12:10 Class 10:40-11:40

Period 4 12:15-12:45 Period 5 12:50-1:20 Period 6 1:25-2:00 September 29th and 30th 11th Grade Careers Page 4 of 4