As Chandigarh Progresses, There Is a Danger of Losing These Mature Trees. in View of This

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As Chandigarh Progresses, There Is a Danger of Losing These Mature Trees. in View of This


Many majestic mature trees are the natural heritage of Chandigarh and serve as important green landmarks for our city of gardens. They help to create a sense of permanence and identity to the place we live in. Just as our Garden City, it takes decades and in some cases, more than a hundred years for these trees to mature gracefully in our landscape.

As Chandigarh progresses, there is a danger of losing these mature trees. In view of this concern, the Heritage Trees Project was planned with an objective to conserve and to educate the community on the importance of protecting our tree wealth.

This Project plans to prepare after every five years a list of trees that - because of their age, size, type, historical association or horticultural value - are of special importance to the City. The Mission of the volunteers of YUVSATTA is to preserve, manage, enhance, and expand a vital collection of plants in an active, urban setting.

From December, 2005 to February, 2006 volunteers of YUVSATTA went from sector to sector, village to village and to every nook and corner of the city, meeting residents, students, teachers and Government officials collecting data on Heritage Trees and Heritage Tree sites in Chandigarh. After three months of extensive hardwork it is soul-satisfying to see the magnificent results. One can never imagine that there are more than 1000 trees in Chandigarh that can be termed as Heritage Trees or part of Heritage sites. These are rare assets for any urban city.

As planned and envisaged the Project Heritage Trees serves to identify, recognize and conserve the majestic individual trees in the city landscape. The criteria adopted for identification of a Heritage tree was by virtue of its age i.e around 100 years, aesthetic value, historical significance, cultural reasons, social & educational value, trees that are landmarks of a community and inhabitation, trees in a notable grove, avenue, or other planting, a rare species, or provides a habitat for rare species of plants, animals or birds etc.

Most of the selected Heritage Trees selected are of good quality, relatively free of damage and are also sufficiently well suited to preservation. Once endorsed as a Heritage Tree by the Department of Environment, Chandigarh Administration, the selected trees can be included in HERITAGE TREES LIST of Chandigarh for the purpose of promoting its conservation and educating the community to conserve, respect and love mature trees.

As Heritage Trees are a part our Natural Heritage, a special care programme can be put up to conserve them. For example, volunteers of YUVSATTA would be seeking sponsorship for installing lightning conductors on some of these trees to protect against damages by lightning. There is also an urgent need to motivate concerned officials to adopt other measures to prevent soil compaction or excavation around the root zone.

Heritage trees can be inspected and maintained by volunteers of YUVSATTA through a regular tree care programme. For the trees that need extra protection, members of YUVSATTA can mobilize people to recognize the value of these trees and safeguard them.

A ‘Heritage Trees Fund’ needs to be established in Chandigarh. The Fund can be used to implement a conservation programme to safeguard our Heritage Trees and to promote appreciation of our natural heritage. Various programme initiatives could include installation of lightning conductors, interpretive signage, and putting in place a nomination scheme for the community.

Currently, volunteers of YUVSATTA under the Greentire programme are conducting countryside guided bicycle tours. After the identification of Heritage Trees in Chandigarh guided bicycle tours for students of Botany, eco-activist, domestic and foreign tourists and youngsters of different educational institutions of the city can also be arranged.

parmod sharma coordinator, yuvsatta & convernor, committee for heritage trees, chandigarh administration.

- - - X - - - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We gratefully acknowledge all those who responded with positive support and with suggestions distilled from their experience. In truth, while preparing this report, so many people have contributed so extensively in our findings that we are sure that everyone will benefit immensely from this humble effort. Those who contributed the most understand that footnotes were omitted not because we think every information is original, but rather to keep the text readable when we owe so much to so many. We could not fail to mention, however, our deep debt of gratitude to Shri Ishwar Singh, IFS, DCF cum Director, Department of Environment, Chandigarh Administration under whose overall guidance and supervision this report was prepared. A man of action he was always very encouraging and looking forward. Mr. PJS Dhadwal, Addl. Director, Department of Environment, Chandigarh Administration was also very kind and helpful and saw us through the formalities of the Project. We thank all the members of the Heritage Tree Board constituted by YUVSATTA for their continuous support to strengthen the initiative. We want especially to thank Dr. Satish Narula who patiently read various drafts of this report and gave us the benefit of his criticism. In particular, we want to thank S. Harjit Singh, SDO, Deptt. Of Horticulture, Chandigarh Administration and Dr. RK Kohli from Department of Botany, Panjab University, Chandigarh who shared their wisdom and technical information with us. We will also like to take this opportunity to pay our regards to the wise men and village heads from various parts of the city, priests of various Temples and Gurdwaras who painstakingly recounted the history of their share of heritage trees. We will be failing in our duty, if we don’t acknowledge the important role played by our friends in media like Vijaya Pushkarna from The Week, Mr. Parmod Pushkarna, a senior Photo-journalist, Payal Pruthi in The Tribune and Bhupinder Kohli & Vandana Shukla in the Times of India, who through their comprehensive news features made it possible for us to take the eco-message of Heritage Trees to masses at large Finally, we want to thank our young volunteers who met the test of time and with their active participation and support made compilation of this report in a short duration of three months possible. These torch-bearers are Pooja, Ashish Rampal, Rahul Mullick, Anil, Canadian brother-sister duo Andre & Anita de Costa and Kristeen from Be the Cause, US.

Vikramjit Singh



In many ancient cultures, trees are held sacred. It is as though sanctity stems from their ever-renewing force of life and growth. But nowhere else in the world do trees receive veneration and love as accorded to them in India.

The Indian region ’s reverence for trees goes back to prehistory, to the animist beliefs of primitive peoples. Later it is evident in the seals of Mohenjo-Daro & Harappa, one of which depicts a horned goddess in a peepal tree. In other seals, woman and trees merge, seemingly in a common assertion of their fertility. Over the millennia tree-worship has continued unabated in countless shrines and sacred groves across the length and breadth of the region.

Like the forest canopy a vast body of mythological and religious lore overspreads trees in India. Some were so greatly esteemed that they were believed to personify no less than the supreme being. Shiva himself is sthanu, the trunk and the ber is sacred to him. Vishnu is said to manifest himself in the Peepal, which is also the tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment. The tongues of bells in Buddha temple in Myanmar are shaped like peepal leaves. Other trees are associated with specific gods. Thus Krishna recalls the Kadamba under who’s boughs he played the flute and into whose branches he escaped after stealing the clothes of Gopies. He is also associated with Paarijat. The Mango is the abode of Kama-God of love. The Banyan is the tree of Savitri who reclaimed her husband from the hands of death and hence is the patron of Hindu wives.

Arising in the fertility cults of remote antiquity, the connection between trees and the sacred female was absorbed into Hinduism. Trees sheltered female deities and contained their essence and divinity. The Atharva Veda equates plants with the mother goddess.

The Ashoka dispels sorrow, the Neem bestows happiness, and the Mandar gladdens the sun. Women unable to conceive must pray to the peepal to be blessed with offspring. The Amla is also sacred, as is the Kikar, sometimes seen dense with clay pots tied to its branches to placate the gods. In the Himalayas, the Deodar Tree of the gods, is worshipped.

All in all, the Indian association with trees is a dense matrix, as many-stranded and inter-woven as the roots of the banyan. It is an acknowledgement that man and tree are closely connected in their life and fate, an aspect of the wider interdependence of man and nature. Yet, somewhere in this complex coexistence, humans have turned exploiters. The 20th century has seen a grave annihilation of these very trees and forests, a plunder so terrible that vast tracts of precious forests have disappeared over the years. Tree cover in the Indian subcontinent has declined drastically during the last century. This is the time to rekindle some of the religious, emotional and reverential bonds that India has very clearly witnessed in the past, a time for man and trees to become friends once more. This would be the ultimate manifestation of the human belief in the essential unity of all living things.


Neem (Botanical Name: Azadirachta indica) is a tropical evergreen tree native to India and Burma and growing in Southeast Asia and Western Africa. It can live up to 200 years. The neem Tree has been used for at least 4000 years in India. The leaves were strewn on the floor of temples at weddings to purify and bless the area and the couple. neem branches were used to fan the air during wedding ceremonies, used to cover the body at death and to burn the funeral pyre. Neem is dedicated to the Goddess Neemari Devi.

Centuries of proven effectiveness against many diseases have given neem an esteemed place in the culture of India. Neem touches the daily life of almost every Indian, from the poorest peasant who snaps-off a twig to use as a toothbrush, to wealthier individuals who purchase manufactured neem-based toothpastes, soaps and medicines. Therefore, when a manufacturer applied for government approval of a new neem capsule to be used to treat diabetes, it was granted in under 24 hours.

Villagers with easy access to neem trees have developed many innovative uses. It is a common practice for villagers to wash wounds in water boiled with neem leaves. They put fresh leaves under their mattresses and in stored grain to repel insects. They feed their children neem leaves and oil to treat or to prevent a variety of illnesses including intestinal worms, malaria, encephalitis and meningitis. A paste made from neem leaves is used to treat scabies, external fungi, smallpox and head lice. Adults eat neem leaves to control diabetes, epilepsy, ulcers, headaches and fevers.

Twigs of the neem tree are used daily in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh by about six hundred million people as a natural toothbrush. After chewing the end of the twig to make bristles, the ‘brush’ is used to clean their teeth with great efficiency. A material in the twig called ‘Datun’ is under study by several major American university dental schools to try to isolate the active compounds that prevent cavities and gum diseases by those who use neem twigs for dental care. Neem leaf extract and neem seed oil have also been shown to be effective at reducing cavities and healing gum diseases such as thrush and periodontia

Even in major Indian cities where modern medicinal products are easily obtained, neem products are popular. Soap made from neem has anti- bacterial properties and leaves the skin cool and refreshed. Neem shampoo controls dandruff and itchy-scalp while keeping the hair looking healthy, shining and easy to manage. Neem toothpastes provide an easy and effective way to use neem’s cavity and gum disease fighting properties without having to hunt down a suitable neem twig. Skin creams incorporate neem oil can control psoriasis, eczema, acne and other skin problems better than almost any other known product. Face packs and bath salts with neem leaf powder are used to refresh the invigorate the skin after a day in the dry heat of India. A mixture of neem and tulsi powders in corn starch is used as a baby powder and by adults to prevent prickly heat and other skin rashes. Based on the proven ability of neem to prevent fungal infections, topical medicinal powders incorporating neem leaf extracts or powdered neem leaf are common throughout India. There are baby powders, body talcs, foot powders and deodorant powders that are noted for their ability to protect users from the discomfort and suffering that fungal infections can inflict.

Medical practitioners on the Indian subcontinent had been studying and documenting the effects of hundreds of botanical compounds for more than 2500 years. As early explorers travelled to India to trade for gold, silks and spices, carefully complied Indian medicines were also brought back to Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome. The first indication that neem was being used as a medical treatment was about 4,500 years ago. This was the high point of the Indian Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro in north-western and western India that date to that period found several therapeutic compounds, including neem leaves, gathered in the ruins.

Among the most ancient surviving documents that have been translated are the Charaka-Samhita (approximately 500 B.C.) and Sushruta Samhita (approximately 300 A.D.). These books have been traced to earlier works dating to 2,000 B.C. and 1,500 B.C respectively, and the foundation of the Indian system of natural healing, Ayurveda. In these ancient texts neem is mentioned in almost 100 entries for treating a wide range of diseases and symptoms, most of which continue to vex humanity. Long revealed for its many healing properties, neem came close to providing a cradle-to-grave heath care program and was a part of almost every aspect of life in many parts of the Indian subcontinent up to and including the modern era.

The Sarira Sthanam recommended that newborn infants should be anointed with herbs and oil, laid on a silken sheet and fanned with a branch of a neem tree with ample leaves. As the child grew it was given small doses of neem oil when ill and bathed with neem tea to treat cuts, rashes and the lesions of Chicken Pox. Daily brushing with neem twigs helped keep both child and adult free of cavities and diseases of the gums.


Jamun is a large, beautiful evergreen tree common to the Indian subcontinent. The scientific name of Jamun is Eugenia jambolana or Syzygium cumini.L. It belongs to the myrtaceae plant family. Common names of the jamun are java plum, black plum, jambul and Indian blackberry. It grows naturally in clay loam soil in tropical as well as sub-tropical zones. It is widely cultivated in Haryana as well as the rest of the Indo-Gangetic plains. Its habitat extends from Myanmar to Afghanistan. It is popular as a roadside avenue tree as well.

The jamun tree tends to grow an umbrella like crown with dense foliage. This gives a pleasant and cool shade during summer. It tends to have a straight bole when coming up on rich soil and favourable climate, but a crooked one when in dry terrain and unfavourable environment. Its bark is light grey in color and fairly smooth in texture.

Jamun fruit appears in May-June. The berry is oblong, ovoid, green when just appearing, pink when attaining near maturity and shinning crimson black when fully ripe. The wild fruit is called “kath-Jamun” or “Woody Jamun” and are small and tart in taste. The ones selectively bred in orchards are large and deliciously sweet, but slightly sour.

The jamun tree is useful in many ways. The foliage serves as fodder for cattle, especially during drought. The twigs form good ‘Datun’ (tooth brush). The jamun twig is also used as a rough painting brush. Unripe fruit is used for making vinegar. The juice is also criminating, diuretic and gives a smooth effect on the human digestive system. The juice of ripe fruit is used for powder or churan. The seed as well as the bark have several applications in Ayurveda, Unani and Chinese systems of medicine. The seed is also rich in protein and carbohydrates and also contains traces of calcium. The fruit is widely used as cattle feed, medicine against diabetes and as antidote on a kind of soft food poisoning. Diabetic patients can take jamun fruit regularly during the season of its availability for a temporary relief from the illness. The jamun bark acts as tonic, astringent and anti-pyretic too. BARGAD or BARH – BANYAN TREE

Barh or Banyan, (Ficus bengalensis), family, Moraceae is a remarkable tree of Haryana, India and tropical Africa send down from its branches great numbers of shoots, which take root and become new trunks. A single tree thus may spread over a large area and look like a small forest. This tree is considered to be scared in some places in India. A specimen in the Calcutta botanical garden has a main trunk 13 feet (4 m) in diameter, 230 trunks as large as oak trees, and more than 3,000 smaller ones. The banyan often grows to a height of over 21 meters and lives through many ages.

BARGAD tree has large leaves and small blossoms followed by cherry like scarlet fruit which furnish food for birds and monkeys. The fruit, much like the edible fig, grows on the banyan tree, but it is not good to eat. The wood of the banyan tree is soft and porous. It’s white, sticky latex is used to prepare birdlime, which hunters use in capturing birds.

The bargad tree grows in a peculiar way. Birds drop its seeds into the top branches of other trees. The seeds sprout in the treetops and the bargad tree begins life as an epiphyte on the host tree, gathering its nourishment and water from the air and branches develop. Eventually, the lateral branches send roots down to the ground. These supports then enlarge into trunks and develop new branches. In time, the barh kills the host tree by strangling it. The mature barh’s canopy may cover an area more then 1,000 feet in diameter. The stems below the canopy form a kind of columned room. It’s original trunk may decay, leaving the younger trees to support the tree. The habitat is monsoon and rain forests and is often planted throughout the forest tract of India. It is hardy, drought resistance and withstands mild frost.

Medicinal Uses and Properties: According to Ayurveda, it is astringent to bowels; useful in treatment of biliousness, ulcers, vomiting, vaginal complaints, fever, inflammations and leprosy. According to Unani system of medicine, its latex is aphrodisiac, tonic, vulnerary, maturant, lessens inflammations; useful in piles, nose-diseases, gonorrhoea etc. The aerial root is styptic, useful in syphilis billiousness, dysentery, inflammation of liver etc. Fruits are used to prepare Sharbat traditionally.

We don’t see many banyan trees in our cities nowadays. These trees like to have plenty of space in which to spread themselves out, but in our overcrowded cities, where there is barely enough living space for people, banyan trees don’t have much of a chance. After all, a full-grown banyan tree takes up as large an area as a three-storey apartment building! Of course, many parks have banyan trees, and every village has at least one.

The banyan is also very hospitable. Apart from people, it attracts a large number of visitors-birds, squirrels, insects, flying foxes-and many of these interesting creatures actually live in the tree which is full of dark, private corners suitable for a variety of tenants. The banyan is rather like a hotel or boarding-house in which a number of different families live next door to each other without interfering very much in each other’s business.

Avenues of banyan trees are not as common as they use to be, and roadside banyan can often be seen with their beautiful supporting roots cut off- a sad spectacle. No other tree provides so much cool, refreshing shade on a hot summer’s day. For this reason this noble tree deserves our love and care.


The peepal (Ficus religiosa, Family Moraceae) tree is always distinct from all other figs because it has very glossy leaves that taper out for at least 3-4 centimetres at the tip. Reaching 18-25 metres in height, its wide-spreading branches can often be really extensive, growing out in the manner typical of all figs. Another keystone species of the region, the peepal, like the bargad, grows happily out of walls of monuments, and harbour numerous birds, insects and small arboreal animals. The tree is found all over the subcontinent. The smooth, whitish-grey bark covers the gnarled and knotted trunk, with its many holes and burrs. Numerous stout branches grow out from the same point and spread in all directions. Therefore, the peepal canopy is often flattened at the top except that the tree is so large, people often miss noticing the tip.

The leaves of the peepal tree are its most picturesque feature. They are dark and shiny green, heart shaped and tapered at the end. About 15-20 centimetres long and 10-12 centimetres wide, each leaf is simple, borne on a long stalk, and prominently veined with a lovely pattern. While the leaves are young and coloured a coppery green, the veins become whitish. No other tree has a leaf which tapers to such a perfect point as the peepal. When it rains, one can see the water drip from the points. Water runs off more easily from a point than from a blunt end, and the sooner a leaf dries the better it is for the tree.

The flowers are not visible, being enclosed within fleshy cup-like structures called receptacles. The male flowers are few and found near the mouth of the cup, and sometimes there are no male flowers at all. The peepal has its own resident wasps that effect pollination and aid the formation of the figs that are borne in pairs at the leaf-stalk junctions.

The rishis of old times chose to sit and meditate under these trees. And it was beneath a peepal that Gautama Buddha gained enlightenment. This tree came to be called the Bodhi, the ‘tree of wisdom’. To the Hindus, the peepal is especially sacred. Its roots, it is believed represent Brahma, it’s bark Vishnu, its branches Shiv Mahadeva. “As the wide- spreading peepal tree is contained in a small seed,” says the Vishnu Purana, “So is the whole universe contained in Brahman”. In rural areas, when the new moon falls on a monday, the peepal is still worshipped by women, who pour water on it’s trunks, and lay on its roots a coin and sweets.

Peepal trees have very long lives. There are some ancient peepal in Hardwar which are even older than the present town, probably as old as the eleventh century Mayadevi Temple. A peepal tree taken from India to Sri Lanka is 288 B.C. is still alive and flourishing. Records of its growth were carefully preserved over the centuries, and it must now be 2257 years old.

To fell a peepal tree is looked upon as a great sin. On the other hand, anyone who planted a peepal is said to receive the blessings of generations to come.


The Mango Tree (Botanical name: Mangifera indica. family: Anacardiaceae) is an evergreen tree, native to India, widely found in South Asia. The mango is a tall tree growing up to 100 feet with a dense, heavy crown and a spread of 125 feet. The evergreen dropping leaves resemble those of the peach tree. Coppery to purplish-red at first but become green at maturity, they are lance- shaped and slightly curved. Mango tree is long lived, some specimen are more than 250 years old and are still bearing fruit. The flowers of mango are small, ivory coloured and very numerous. The fruit clusters hang outside the foliage canopy.

Due to superb, juicy, tasty and very colourful fruit, mango is known as the ‘King of fruits’. Called Am or Aaam in Hindi, Aamrum in Saskrit, Mango in English and Spanish, Manja in Dutch, it has a great variety in species, forms, size, color, scent, taste and quality. There are over 500 named varieties of the mango. The colourful, tasty, juicy, flavoured fruit is known all over the world. Within each fruit there is a large flat elongated fibrous stone containing a single seed. The famous Indian varieties are Duseheri, Chausa, Langra, Safeda, Kalm, Alphonso and Amrapali.


About 50 years ago, the present site of Chandigarh was merely a large expanse of dusty croplands, punctuated with clumps of native trees and a few odd hamlets. With the building of the city, this rural landscape underwent a transformation and has now turned into an urban settlement of nearly 10 lakh people. The location of the city site was apart of the erstwhile Ambala District. Ambala as the name suggests, is Amb-Wala, which means land of mangoes. The area was dotted with groves of seeding mangoes.

The 1892-93 gazetteer of the Ambala District, compiled and published under the authority of the then Punjab government, gives the following description of the existing trees in and around the capital project site: “Trees can be grown well in all parts of the district, the commonest being the mango, mulberry, kikar, ber, farash, shisham and dhak, good mango groves are common in all tehsils, especially in Kharar and in many villages they are a considerable source of income to the land owner. The kikar is the most generally useful timber tree throughout the district, the wood being the great demand for household and agricultural implements…”

In the year 1948, when the choice for the location of the capital project was under discussion, Dr M S Randhawa , the then Deputy Commissoner, Ambala District, in one of the notes recorded: “This piece of land {present site of Chandigarh} is dotted with trees and gardens and a large number of mango trees, which are yielding a rich crop.” Thanks to the vision of the founding fathers of the Chandigarh capital project, several laws are enacted, most significantly being the Chandigarh trees preservation order, 1952–which prohibited the cutting down, lopping or willful destruction of trees in the city area. On account of this timely action, a large number of old trees in the open spaces have been preserved, like “vintage grandpas “of the city landscape. These majestic, though wrinkled, gnarled or bending trees are a constant reminder of the city’s roots in the past. Ageless, like the blue Shivalik Hills, that form the backdrop of the city, these native trees also lend historicity to the skyline of this otherwise young city.




On the walkway of Sukhna Lake in Sector 1, is a tree no one in Chandigarh could miss. A widespread PEEPAL stands in the centre of the road just about 250 metres away from the main entrance. The site has become a resting point for anyone walking down the lake. The huge tree has a 5.5 foot diameter and its canopy, although most of which is leaning towards the lake side is about 20 metres.

(2) SECTOR 7

One of the widest NEEM trees of Chandigarh is in Sector 7-C in front of SCO-21. This tree is 4 feet wide and an amazing hollow exists in the centre of the trunk. The canopy extends 15 metres.

(3) SECTOR 8

A huge PEEPAL tree stands majestically in the long park at the backside of Community Centre (City club) in Sector 8-B. The tree is a 5.5 foot wide and has a sprawling 30 metre wide canopy. Standing in the open ground, the tree overlooks the park like a grandfather over his children.

An old ‘Sareen’ tree stands nearby. Although just 2 feet wide at the trunk, the tree has a very old look, its hollowed in many places and is largely defoliated.

(4) SECTOR 9

In Sector 9-B, opposite house No. 101 alongside a sector road is a 6 foot wide PEEPAL. This grand tree has a 30 metre canopy and a height of at least 20 metres. The tree has 8 large branches, each with a diameter of at least 1.5 feet.


Perhaps the largest PEEPAL trees of Chandigarh is in Sector 9-C, which was once Kalibard village. Behind the Carmel Convent School is a large MC park amidst houses. This park was once the ‘toba’, or pond of Kalibard. Three huge PEEPAL trees exist here alongside where the pond once was. The largest PEEPAL stands right in the centre of the park. The size of the tree needs to be seen to be believed. It is 9 feet wide and has a canopy of 40 metres and a height of 20 metres. It is almost round in silhouette. It has 14 large branches of about 2 feet width going in all directions.

Sardar Mohinder Singh ji, an old man of the area working with the nearby school recounts the tales of some old men of the village who used to frequent this place. He estimates the tree to be around 250 years old. The other two PEEPAL trees are alongside. One is just outside the Convent School building and the third is inside the school along the boundary wall. This PEEPAL is also 9 feet in diameter but is drying out. Perhaps it is in its last days. A few main branches have fallen off. Although it is 20 metres high, it has significantly less foliage than its brother in the park outside. (6) SECTOR 10

In Sector 10-A at the entrance gate of Hotel Mountview stands a 5.5 foot wide PEEPAL. The tree is 18 metres tall and has a canopy of 20 metres.

(7) SECTOR 12


Behind the college of Architecture building in PEC campus one thing no one can miss out is this centuries old BANYAN , the landmark of the village which was once brimming with life in this area, ie SHEHZADPUR. This huge and magnificient Borr measures 7 ft in dia, has a canopy of 35 meter and its aerial roots are grounded at more than five places a little away from the main stem, and thus giving support to the heavily spreading branches. According to a few estimates the age of the tree is in the range of 250 grand years. The area around is free of construction and the tree is revered and frequented by devotees. The tree is adorned by large brass bells , red scrafs and murtis of gods. (8) GRANDEUR OF SHEHZADPURA : Shehzadpur was the village which inhabited the area of PGI and PEC. Here one find a numbers of trees more than a 100 yrs of age. Although the campuses of these institutions are full of buildings and roads these trees have been well protected and clear ground area has been left around to cater to their growth. The next big landmark in PEC campus is the PEEPAL in the park of the campus of “ Commonwealth Youth Program” (CYP) center. It has a dia of 5.5 ft. and a spreading canopy of 35 m , ie: one of the largest canopies found. The tree is estimated to be 150 yrs of age. It has open ground space around to grow and is frequented by visitors who pray and frolic in its shade. Around the tree in the park are 10 more young mangoes.

(9) TREES OF HIMALAYA HOSTEL IN THE PEC CAMPUS : The Himalaya hostel is the main boys hostel of PEC. It is close to the CYP center described in # 17 above. The hostel premises boasts of three large trees , two Peepal and a Bargad, standing in the lawns of the hostel. Right at the front gate is a 4.5 ft. diameter PEEPAL with a canopy of 15 m, another in the backyard has a dia of 6 ft.and a canopy of 30 m. Nearby is a BARGAD which is a three in one tree,ie three trees conjoined at the stems, have a combined dia of 10 ft and a canopy of 25 m. All the three are in the range of a 100 yrs.

(10) PEC CAMPUS : Near the boundary wall adjoining Nayagaon is another PEEPAL measuring 5.5 ft dia and a canopy of 30 m. The tree stands in the corner of a ground and gives a majestic look to the viewer who spots it from the campus buildings about 200m away. Near the tree is coming up a BORR tree which is comparatively quite young.

(11) PEEPAL TREES OF NORTH HOSTEL- PEC : In the campus of the North hostel of PEC, in the open ground therein stand two beautiful PEEPAL trees of amazing beauty and design. One measures 5 ft. and spreads for 25m and another nearby (to the west) has dia of 4 ft. Both of them stand alone in the huge ground and are a sight to watch. It is worth mentioning here that the Punjab engineering campus is one among the richest spots in the city from the Heritage trees point of view. It boasts of many open spaces and large playgrounds all dotted with these large trees. All the spots are near to each other and if a tour of all of these is taken it would make just a Km in distance. It is recommended that the campus be declared as a heritage spot and the open spaces be preserved for posterity.


The present building of the Post Graduate Institute of Medical & Educational Research is in the land of village Shehzadpura. Again like the PEC campus the PGI campus is blooming with old and new trees of various species. Although many would have faced the axe when the buildings were constructed most of the old and revered trees and places of worship are intact and brimming with activity till date. The first striking example is a twin BARGAD and PEEPAL standing like a king alongside the eastern road outside the AC unit of the kidney ward. No one can miss this tree. The combined dia is about 8 ft. The aerial roots of the Bargad have taken root at more than 10 spots thus making a beautiful spread and enhancing the beauty. The canopy is a good 25 m. On one side is the road and the other is bounded by the wall of the AC plant.


Outside the South wall of PGI in the corner near to the PGI roundabout is the much revered Guga Marhi Pir Mandir. This place boasts of three old trees, one is the holy PEEPAL and two old BARGAD trees. The central tree of Bargad has a dia of 5+ ft. and is claimed to be 250 yrs old. Its canopy is however small, about 15 m. A chauntra is built around it and little open space exists around it. The other two trees have a dia of 3 to 3.5 ft. and are comparatively quite young.


The present campus of Punjab University falls in the land of village Shehzadpura and Kanji Majra. There are numerous mango and peepal trees here.

A fabulous PEEPAL tree stands guard just outside House No. G-10 of P.U. staff colony. The tree is a good 7 feet wide, in open space. The tree has a defoliated old look, many huge branches on one side have dried out and the bark has turned dark. The estimated age is 150 years.

(15) In the backyard of hostel No.5 of P.U., stands a 4 feet wide mango with a 20 meter canopy. This is an original mango of the village amidst other younger ones planted in the hostel.

(16) At the ever buzzing students’ centre at the PU Campus the grace of the place is in fact lent by the dozen old mango trees here. The thickest among these is a 4 feet wide one between the Students Center and the Department of Botany. A 2.5 feet wide neem tree also stands nearly. (17) SECTOR 15:

Perhaps belonging to village Kanji Majra, a cluster of mango trees exists in the southern end of Sector 15-A MC park. Here there are 11 trees of size 2.5 feet and above with the largest among them a 4 feet wide mango at the park entrance. This particular tree has numerous hollows in it but is however heavily foliated.


The present Sector 17 is in the land of what was the village of Roorkee. The village was probably famous for its peepal trees which are still found in abundance in the premises of the Sector 17 plaza. The planners of the city accommodated these trees by leaving the trees between buildings and in plazas resulting in a good blend of greenery and concrete.

By far the largest tree of Sector 17 is located in the scooter parking place by the bus stand. It cannot be missed by anyone passing by. The tree is a huge ‘BARGAD’ of approx. 11 feet in diameter. The aerial roots have been cut short and unable to reach the ground. Underneath the tree is a scooter parking place, which is a macadamized road. The canopy of this bargad spreads to 15 metres wide.

Two PEEPAL trees stand nearby. One beautiful tree is in the lounge of the bus stand and space has been cut out to accommodate the tree. But any further growth is not possible due to lack of space and due to the fact that it stands in a place where there is concrete all around.

(19) In Sector 17-B plaza, adjacent to the DC office and extending into the plaza behind the banking square in another set of huge PEEPAL trees. One of these has a 5.5 ft.wide trunk and another 4.5 feet. Their canopies extend up to 25 metres wide.

(20) SECTOR 18, In Sector 18-A, in an area which belonged to village Roorkee, outside the electricity office stands a 5.5 foot wide PEEPAL. The tree has a 20 metre wide canopy and hosts a tea shop beneath it. A BARGAD nearby, relatively young is 4 feet wide.

(21) An old 5 feet wide PEEPAL stands near the Sector 17/18 roundabout, in Sec-18 D. It is in open ground.


‘Nagla’ was the village at the present site of Sector 19. Also passing through this village was the Old Ropar road, the road which linked Kalka to Ropar. This road was built in the British era and parts of it are more than a hundred years old. Behind the Sector 19-D market, near the electricity department office are 5 PEEPAL trees, the one inside the department building has a 5 foot diameter and a height of over 20 meters. Because it is inside the building, the trees’ branches have been cut off and it is surrounded on all sides by floor or road.


Perhaps the largest mango tree of Chandigarh exists inside the premises of ‘Vatika School for Deaf & Dumb Children’ in Sector 19-B. The huge tree has a 6.5 foot diameter and a canopy as large as 30 meters. The lone tree of ‘Vatika School’ playground welcomes the incoming students and guests like a grand old man. The age of the tree should be in the range of 150+years. (24) Behind the market showrooms in Sector 19-C, starts a lone PEEPAL tree of 5 feet diameter. It lies in open space and people can be found sitting on the ‘Chabutra’ built around it.


The PWD office is flush with old mango & bargad trees. Inside the premise of this barrack type building are 5 mango trees with average width of 4-5 feet making all of them 100 years or older. The age is also known by the deep crevices and hollows that exist inside thr trunk and branch stub ends. The most beautiful sight is presented by a unique ‘BAROTA’ and ‘MANGO’ twin tree. wherein the bargad has eaten away and encircled the host mango tree and the extent of entanglement needs to be seen to be believed. No wonder the bargad is also called the ‘Strangler fig’.

(26) In the PWD inspection bunglow of 19-B, there are 3 MANGO trees in the garden, one of them a huge 4 feet thick, 20 meter high tree presents a majestic sight.

(27) Outside the entrance of ‘Brahmrishi Yoga College’ of Sector 19-A, a huge PEEPAL of 6 feet thickness stands as a reminder of the grandeur of village NAGLA. The tree has a canopy of 25 meters and all open space inside the campus.


A huge MANGO tree stands near the old Bhijwara fruit and vegetable market (Sabzi Mandi) in Sector 22-C. This tree (# 443) has a 4 feet diameter and a canopy of 30 meters. It is indeed an old tree with thick branches, dark decaying skin and numerous hollows at the branch ends. The area around might have been a village common ground as two old Sheesham trees nearby and another old mango stands at the entrance of the Government school nearby.

(29) In Sector 22-C, near H.No. 2647, opposite a coal depot, a huge mango tree of 4.5 feet in diameter stands in a park. The tree is heavily branched and contains numerous hollows attracting birds and animals alike.

(30) An old NEEM tree stands near the roundabout in Sector 22-D opposite the SCO No. 1062. Its width is 4 feet and canopy 20 meter.


A giant ‘PEEPAL’ stands right in front of the building of GMSSS-23A. It belongs to village Kailard. The tree has a width of 5 feet and a 22 meter canopy. The beautiful tree is bound on all sides by road and the school building.

(32) A 5 feet thick PEEPAL stands outside the Sanatan Dharam Mandir of Sector 23-B. It has a height of 20 meters. The tree is surrounded by Mandir building on one side and road on the other. There are two more peepal trees in the vicinity.

(33) A majestic peepal stands at the entrance of the government nursery of Sector 23-C. This tree probably of village Bhijwari has a diameter of 5 feet and is estimated to be in the range of 100 years. Two Jamoas of the same age stand near the tree.

(34) SECTOR 24-THE MAGNIFICENCE OF INDIRA HOLIDAY HOME: Indira Holiday Home in Sector 24-B is a great attraction for small children for its toy train, its parks and school. The park at the backside is a great eco-spot. Here you can find four very old trees of the erstwhile village Kailard and this place is very near to the Pracheen Shiv Mandir described above. The main attraction is a 9 feet thick BARGAD along the northern boundary of the home. This is one of the largest BARGAD in town. The tree has five huge main trunks and a canopy of 30 meters. There is free space all around and the aerial roots have space for proliferation.

The other magnificent tree of the park is a 3.5 feet diameter NEEM nearby. It has a canopy of 15 meters. The bark is knotty and dark with age. Nearby is another NEEM of 3 feet diameter and another ‘BARR’ of 3 feet thickness. The beauty of this place is amazing. There is open space all around and children’s’ programmes are held here. The place should be declared a heritage site and proper boards should be erected to educate the children.


This is a historical temple of village ‘Kailad’. At one time the area was infected with the disease ‘MATA’ and people of all places flocked to the temple for ‘treatment’. The temple priest Bapu Ram Ji is 90 years old. Hukam Chard, his son recounted that the place in front of the temple, now houses, was a huge Chhappar or pond and trees all around.

Right in the centre of the temple at the entrance is a huge PEEPAL, reportedly 200 year old, is an old as the Temple. Its width is 5.5 feet and canopy 30 meters. 27 huge branches emanate from the trunk and distribute uniformly in all directions. The tree is a favourite haunt of parrots, squirrels, doves and crows, some of whom come here at dusk and dwell in the various hollows and crevices of the holy tree.

(36) In the Ram Darbar colony , two huge mango trees exist at the south end of the MC park. One is 4 ft. wide and the other 3.5 ft.

(37) SECTOR 27, In the campus of Community Centre, Sector 27-D, a huge PEEPAL tree, almost ball like spherical silhoute with a diameter of 5.5 feet and a 30 meter canopy adorns the place. The tree has reached a height of over 20 meters.

(38) The Old ropar road site of Sector 27- B exists in what is now a small park amidst houses. Here there are on both sides of the road 10 MANGO trees with average width of 3 feet, one huge PEEPAL of 6 feet width and 5 similar SHEEHAM trees.


The present day Sector 28 once was the village of Gurdaspur. The centre of the village and a well existed in what is now the Government Model School of Sec 28-C. A Guga Marhi Temple is situated across the school in the ITI complex. Inside the school campus is a grand old BARGAD with a huge 35 metre canopy, a width of 6 feet and widely distributed and rooted aerial roots at least atleast at four places. The tree has five main branches each 2.5 to 3 feet wide. The tree is on an open ground and is witness to the various games children of the school play the whole day.

(40) SECTOR 28, Gurdaspur village must have been famous for its mango trees. There are so many mangoes around here. In the Sector 28-C MC park and in the south end near Government Model School in Sector 28, there is a 4 foot thick mango with a very stately trunk and a canopy of 25 meters. Nearby in the campus of the Government High School there are three more mangoes averaging 3 feet in thickness.

(41) Among the houses of Sector 28-D in the electricity department colony (near H. no. 1142) stands a PEEPAL 5.5 feet thick with a canopy of 30 meters +. The grand tree has a height of nearly 20 metres.

(42) SECTOR 30, In Sector 30-D near the roundabout, a huge MANGO, 4 feet diameter and a widespread canopy of 30 meters stands majestically. Its 5 huge branches spread out like an old man embracing all passers-by.

(43) SECTOR 32, A similar scene is there in the premises of SD College of Sector 32-C. Here there are 28 huge mango trees of size 2.5 to 3.5 feet. Some of these are more than a 100 years in age. The college management has taken good care of the trees. An earthren Thada is built around some large trees and a concrete bench to sit is constructed in a circular fashion around the trees. All the trees are in open grounds. Some trees over the years have died due to termite attack endemic to the area and have been felled. Just outside the college gate is another group of 4 mangoes.

(44) One of the city’s largest mango trees exists in a park west of Sector 32-B Government Hospital. Just near to the hospital boundary there is this huge tree of 4.5 feet diameter with massive branches emanating from the trunk. The tree is 15 meters tall and a canopy of approximately 25 metres.

(45) SECTOR 33, Alongside the Government Model School is the Sector 33-C Municipal garden. In the southern part of this park can be found 5 huge old mango trees, with many hollowed branches and sparsely foliated. One of the trees is a good 4 feet thick indicating a good 100 years in age. In the Northern part of the garden is another group of 7 mango trees, some of them are 3.5 feet in diameter.


The present Sector 34 was the land of village ‘Madhreyan’. The grace of the village was due to the mango and peepal trees. Inside the campus of Government Model School in Sector 34-D and adjacent to Radha Madhav Temple four PEEPAL trees and one ‘PILKHAN’ tree lend their shade to the numerous students of the school who play there at break time. All lie in open space. Visitors to the Temple adjacent revere the Peepals. (47) GURDWARA SHRI TEGH BAHADUR SAHIB

This gurdwara of Sector 34-D lies in the land of village Madhreyan and is an old historic gurdwara. At the northern corner of the gurdwara is an old ‘BARGAD’ tree about 5 feet wide, set beautifully admist a marble platform. But alas, there is no space around for the tree to prosper any further. On one side is the Gurdwara building and the other is a parking place and road, all concretized.


In Sector 35-A, opposite the Sector 35-D market place adjacent to the MC park wall, a huge mango tree stands guard, one of the largest mango trees discovered in UT. It has a trunk 5 feet wide with thick branches extending like huge arms to all sides. It has obtained a mature height of 20 meters and a canopy of 15 meters. The tree has free space all around. A young PEEPAL stands nearby to lend company.


The land of Sector 36 lies in the erstwhile village of Attawa. Two grand specimens of this village exist in small park opposite House Number 1155 in Sector 36-C. The whole park is occupied by the canopies of these huge trees. Interestingly one is a ‘BARGAD’ and the other a ‘PEEPAL’. The Southern tree, the bargad has a 6 foot diameter. Its numerous branches spread out in all directions like the arms of an octopus. Its canopy spreads to more than 25 metres. There are very few aerial roots on this bargad. Villagers call such a tree as ’Barotti’ or female bargad.

A short distance to the North is a huge Peepal 4.5 feet wide with a canopy of 30 metres. Two mango trees stand in between the two trees.

(50) SECTOR 36,

A majestic IMLI tree stands in a group of smaller Imlis in the leisure valley park of Sector 36-A near to the Central Forensic Laboratory. The tree is 4 feet in width and emerges straight from the ground with a prefectly round trunk up to a distance of 10 feet, from where the dozens of branches shoot off. The shade of the tree spreads up to 20 meters. Another unique feature of the tree is its surface roots. These are visible for up to a distance of 5-6 meters away from the trunk.

(51) In the leisure valley for Sector 36-D near the southern-end tubewell, a 4 feet wide peepal tree stands. In the same park at the Northern end twin mango trees stand. One trunk of which is no less then 4 feet wide and the other is 2.5 feet.


The sector 37-C GSS School exists in the area of village Shahpur. In the west end of the school ground stands a 150 yr old MANGO which is in fact a trio, i.e. three mango trees together. It is indeed a huge tree with a 25 meter canopy and a height of 20 meter.


In sector 38-B near to the record room building of Punjab and adjacent to the PWD open store exists a green space dotted with 100 or more trees and in the center of which is this Temple. The Temple occupies ~ 5 kanals area. A dhuni of Shri Gorakh Nathji is lighted continuously for 25 years.

As per the present priest-Mahant Thikar Nath ji, the place came into existence in 1836 in the village of SHAHPUR. It was developed by Shyam Singh who built a grove of mangoes, Jamuas and Jamun trees. Many of the existing trees were planted around the year 1900. Thus there are now 11 mango, 7 jamua and one jamun of that period. The rest of the approx. 50 trees are 30 to 40 years old. The old jamua and mango trees are 2 to 2.5 ft. in thickness and do give an old look. They have a scaly dark bark and trees have number of hollows in them. The place is under the “ Abdoot Bharatvarsh Jogi Mahasabha” headquartered in Haridwar and the present caretaker is their appointee. Functions are held at Mahashivratri and Navratras. (54) HUGE MANGO OF SECTOR 38 :

Near the entry to GHS 38, (opposite # 1554) stands a huge mango tree of dia 4.5 ft. and a canopy of 25 m. The tree is in an open space alongside a sector road. According to Sardar Tara Singh of Shahpur Gurdwara, the tree is no less than 150 yrs of age and was planted by a resident of the Shahpur village, which once inhabited the area of Sector 38.


Inside this long park alongside the boundary wall of Vivek High School there exists an old village site abounding in mango trees. In a group of 9 mango trees near the tubewell there stands one with a width of 5 ft.(No 53) and another with a width of 4 ft. These are old trees with reducing canopy and decaying bark. In the middle of the park stands a GULAR with a width of 4.2 ft., profusely branched and looking majestic, the lonely Fig tree of the park.


The homes and land of village SHAHPUR existed in what is now the sector 38. The historic gurdwara and village KHEDA existed here since the inception of the village some 350 years back. The same were upgraded in 1946. The committee members recount the details of the place.

In the gurdwara complex in a corner alongside the Kheda is one of the oldest and widest BARGAD Trees of the city. The holy BARGAD & PEEPAL duo have a combined width of 8 feet. S. Tara Singh recounts that here was a well existing from the times of the Sikh Gurus and these trees are from that era. A marbled Chauntra is built around the tree which has on one side a building and other is open space. The canopy is now small due to age.

Another bargad of same age stands at the North end of the gurdwara. It has a width of 4 feet and is planted in an open space in the complex but which is mostly a cemented floor. Near the langar hall stands a 3 feet dia MANGO which was planted about a hundred years ago.


This is a 40 yr old Gurudwara in Sector 39 C, in the land of old Barhedi village . The place lies in an open area of 3 acre approx with wild growth in its periphery. Herein in the eastern corner of the plot stands a majestic PEEPAL with a huge spreading canopy of 20 meters and a thick trunk measuring 5 feet in dia. indicating it to be in the range of a 100 yrs. The tree has enough free ground space around to spread. Gurdwara gatherings are sometimes held under the shade.

Near the peepal on the Gurdwara boundary stands a twin jamun tree, each with a dia of 2.5 ft. Old residents and the Gurdwara managers claim it to be in the range of 150 yrs.


WE all know the story of the village Khedas. These are revered sites installed at the time of INCEPTION of the village . The deities Brahama, Vishnu and Mahesh are worshipped and believed to be ever present at the village Kheda. At the Kheda site there is invariably planted a BORR or PEEPAL and most of the times also coexist side by side a Temple or Gurdwara. This practice is followed in the whole of North India comprising states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, and Uttar Pradesh. The Kheda is even considered a living deity presiding over the village as an elder and is visited by all at occasions of festivals / marriages and offerings made.

VILLAGE Barhedi in sector 41 is 400 yrs old and that also is the time of installation of the village Kheda. The Kheda exists in the center of the village and is now surrounded on all sides by cluster of homes and a completely concretized environment. Adorned in the Kheda is a 100 yr + PEEPAL tree of 6 feet dia. Its branches have been cut off at many places so as to prevent it from encroaching upon houses. This is contrary to usual practice wherin the Peepal tree is revered so much that none of its parts are harmed. S. Sukhjit Singh , an octagenerian recalls that the tree was planted by Late S. Chotta Singh in place of the original tree which expired. (59) SECTOR 41-ANOTHER KHEDA:

This other Kheda also exists in the village of Barhedi nearby the earlier one and near the village Gurdwara. It is adorned by a 3.5 ft. dia BORR tree planted by late S. Bishen Singh and claimed to be 100 yr old. A platform is built under the tree where the village elders can be found playing cards and gossiping.

(60) SECTOR 43,

There are two handsome 100 yr + MANGO trees just alongside the wall of Sec 43 high school boundary wall . Most of the tree trunks lie inside the Sec 43 neighborhood park . The Northward tree has a dia of 4. feet +and the one south ( marked #9 on it) has a dia of 4 feet making both of them 100 yr+. Their canopy extends to about 15 meter. Some more mangoes exist alongside in the park indicating it to be a mango orchard of the village.


Burail was a large and great village on the land of now Sector 44 and 45 and parts of 51. The country’s largest mango tree existed right in the heart of this village few decades ago. The tree was destroyed by lightning. It existed in an acre of land and all paserbys and saints used to rever the tree.

A historic Gurdwara exists in Sector 44-A, nearby the ‘Gurdwara Bagh Shaheedan Sahib’. It is the place where in 1769 AD, Baba Banda Singh Bahadur, the Sikh Army Chief had a war with Moghuls and won the Burail fort. As the name suggests the place was a ‘Mango Bagh’. Descendants of those old mangoes still exist in the open spaces of the large campus of this ‘Gurdwara’. Some of the trees have dried up. There are about 8 large trees of an average width of 3 feet. Apart from mangos, there are old sheesham trees as well. Just outside the Gurdwara, perhaps belonging to the same historic Bagh is a grand 4.5 foot grand mango and another 3.5 foot thick near the Radha Krishan Temple. All the trees grow in open space. These trees are estimated to be between 100 to 150 yrs. old. In keeping with the history and grandeur of village Burail, one finds the open spaces of Sector 44 full of mango and Khajoor (Palm) trees. A lot of Biodiversity exists. Unfortunately, these southern sectors are home to high rise apartments, resulting in a large population. To mitigate efects of the same, more open spaces should be protected and converted to biodiversity parks & jungles so as to act as lungs of the city.


Kajheri village is on the outskirts of the UT adjoining Mohali township. The village land has only recently been acquired by the administration. The leisure valley nallah passes through the village and on its banks stands a huge ‘BARGAD’ tree. The tree has a 6.5 feet diameter and a 25 metre canopy. Some idols of gods are placed nearby. The tree is a ‘BAROTTI’. It has no aerial roots and the huge trunk is one single stem. The tree has 8 large branches. A few old ‘khajoors’ (or palm trees) stand nearby.


Mani Majra is an old and famous village at the eastern outskirts of Chandigarh main city. It adjoins the Sector 26 timber market. The village has now lost its original character and grandeur and is now known for its colonies and slums and for a big motor repair market. The king of Mani Majra had a stately fort for himself, the remains of which still exist undisturbed in the middle of the old village, well guarded by a boundary wall and beautiful enough to attain heritage status .A Pracheen Shiv temple, perhaps witness to the whole history of the village is situated in the city. A Hanuman ji idol with year 1473 inscribed on it is installed in the Temple. Just along the wall of the complex is a grand BARGAD tree with a width of not less than 10 feet. It is perhaps the largest bargad of the Union Territory. The tree is believed to be 200 years old and has a 6 main branches each 2 feet diameter spreading out in all directions making a canopy of 25 metres. The height however is 15 m.. The tree is in open space, the only impediment in its growth is the temple hall which has been constructed just alongside the tree.

(64) In the food and supply office of Mani Majra township alongside the nallah which flows from outside the town is a PEEPAL 6 feet thick. The tree has a canopy of 30 metres. This place is near the famous “Rana ki Haweli” of Mani Majra


A 150 year old BARGAD tree exists in village Palsora of UT adjoining Mohali. Once the tree was situated alongside a Dharamshala and the village central spot but now due to massive construction and commercialization the tree is strangled amidst houses. Many of its branches have been cut off. An old Jamun tree although only 3 ft. thick exists inside the village Gurdwara. The tree’s many branches have fallen off in storms and has gone weak with age.


The village Maloya makes up the South western boundary of UT. Although the village habitation area is all let out to migrant population the green spots around the village are still intact and such jungles are perhaps not to be found in other privately owned land in UT. Village elders recall Maloya was such a big and famous village that the Dusehra festival was celebrated here and people from nearby 20 village used to come to see it. Earlier the village was known as the land of Bairagis or saints.

Inside the campus of Sarkari Swastha Kendra next to the Gurudwara is a remnant of the good old times, a PEEPAL tree , almost 5 ft. wide and a 20 m canopy. The tree is 100 year old as per the claims of village elders.

The famous part of the village which makes this place a green paradise is the BAIRAGIYAN DA BAGH, a man made forest of jamoa trees at the western outskirts of the village. The total forest land adjoining the village Toba is in 4 to 5 acres. There are about 500 Jamoa trees and others like palm, sheesham and old mangoes. The elders claim the forest is about 70 years old. So dense is the tree cover and so closely packed are the trees that the trees have been able to attain a width of 1.5 feet.

(67) THE GRAND MANGO OF MALOYA : Part of land of village maloya falling west of the Patiala Ki Roa choe has been aquired by Admn. and an Anaj mandi has been made here. About 60 acres is lying vacant in the southern corner. Here is situated among mango orchards, a religious place, the Dudhadhari Ashram. A 500 years old mango stands in the center of the Ashram. The place was discovered to be sacred by Shri Dudhadhari Maharaj of Haridwar in 1978 and built an Ashram here. The tree is 5 feet in diameter, and has 15 large branches of a foot width each extending into all directions. A fire some time back destroyed a part of the tree. This is the oldest mango tree discovered in the city.


Dadu majra is one of the villages in the periphery of UT whose land has been acquired for the capital project. The village homes like many other villages of UT stand as such and so also the village Mandirs and Gurdwaras and the ponds. As is well known all Indian villages have a rain fed pond called the CHAPPAR or TOBA .

The chappar of Dadu majra is adorned by a majestic BARGAD which the residents claim to be 300 yrs old. The beauty of the tree’s trunk encircled artistically by the tree’s own prop roots is to be seen to be believed. A round platform is built around the tree and the surrounding free space is concretized to serve as a site for festivals and marriages. Built around the tree are houses and a Vishramgrah.


In the land of Dadu majra village in a corner of the vacant ground alongside sector 38-W , is an old MATA RANI TEMPLE , now abondanod and partially demolished by the Admn. On this small piece of land stand a dozen KHAJOOR TREES , one of which is claimed to be 200 yrs old . Although the dia. of the trunk is not more than a foot, the bark is rough, dark and has a scaly look. The village Panchayat is fighting hard to stop complete demolishment of the place and want to preserve it. Not far from the mandir site in another corner of the ground stand two BARROTAS about 20 m apart, one inside a tubewell complex. Both have a trunk dia of 3 feet and should be in the range of 50 to 60 years.


Khudda Ali Sher is a beautiful village in the northernmost corner of Chandigarh. It is one of the villages aquired under UT. But the village heartland, that is the houses and some nearby farms are intact and under the plough. The village adjoins the forest land of “Sukhna Wildlfe Sanctuary” and its own farms are adorned with old and young mango and sheesham trees.

Right in the center of the village there is a large open space with the village Gurudwara and the age-old village KHEDA as the central theme. At the gurudwara entrance in an age old PEEPAL. Both the tree and the Kheda are said to as old as the village itself, ie a good “350” years of age. S.Nasib Singh (85) , and S. Karam Singh(96), two wise old men of the village vouch for the fact about the ages of the tree and recount that the same was planted at the time of the installment of the village before the British came to this part of India. The peepal is about 5 ft. in dia and a large trunk has been severed off in 1972 to make space for the Gurdwara. It is now bounded on one side by the Gurudwara building and on the other by open space that is the village center.

Near the tree also is an old well about 150 years old around which is built a Platform where the village elders sit and gossip.

(71) Near the open air stadium of Khudda Ali Sher village is an old mango said to be in the range of a 100 yrs. Although its trunk is 3 ft. thick , it has a spreading canopy of 15 – 20 m . A unique feature of the tree is that its huge trunk leans form the vertical a few degrees

(72) THE GRANDFATHERS OF VILLAGE KHUDDA LAHORA; Village Khudda Lahora was on the Northern border of UT- Chandigarh is unique in the sense that it has the largest number if very old trees amongst the villages of the UT. Although the 450 years old village is now a congested place let out to migrant labour and others, the land north of it is still under the plough and the fields extend up to Perrch village of Punjab, a green grace to the otherwise concretized Chandigarh. A toba or pond existed some years ago in the Northern corner of the village. It is now filled up and used as a common ground. Alongside the toba is a huge 5.5 foot thick PEEPAL. The tree surely gives a grand old look. A huge hollow exists right in the middle of the trunk. Many branches have fallen out or been cut due to the construction that has come up on all sides. The tree is estimated to be 150 years old by the elders.


In the centre of the village was the ‘Panditaan da Bagh’ which is now no more a garden but all houses. An old ‘Panditaan di Haveli’ exists and in its frontyard is a grand old BARGAD. It is 5 feet thick with a good 15 by 15 metre platform built around it. The tree estimated to be 120 years old is home to various birds and squirrels.

Near the haveli is the oldest banyan tree of the village and perhaps of the UT. This is a 7 feet wide ‘BAROTA’ in the centre of the ‘Bagh’ which is now but a small common place for get togethers and festivals. The elders of the village estimate that tree is 400 years old. [Namely S. Prem Singh, 75, and Shri Ram Swaroop Shastri,75}. The tree is located on what was the Shahjadpura- Mullanpur road and said to be the resting place of Raja Bhagwan Singh of Mani Majia when he used to cross over from here. Presently the tree is mostly surrounded by houses all round.

(74) In the cultivated land of Khudda Lahora, near Perrch village on the road to Perch, is a 150 year old BARGAD. The tree 6 feet in diameter, set beautifully amidst undulating green fields is a travellers delight. Its 18 thick branches spread out in all directions and almost touches the ground at many places. The tree has a 30 metre wide canopy.


Sarangpur village has a good mango belt. But most of this has been aquired by UT and has come inside the adjacent botanical garden. About 20 MANGO trees, averaging 2.5 and 3 feet in thickness stand just inside the gate No. 2 of the botanical garden. Many of the trees are 100+ in age as related by S. Amar Singh of the village.


Kaimwala village exists intact today on the Northern boundary of UT. North of the village is the famous Sukhna Wildlife sanctuary in the Shivalik foothills. Adjacent to the Southern village chappar is an old PEEPAL tree 150 years of age. The tree is 5 ft. wide and has a 20m. canopy. According to Bachan Singh, 77 yrs , of the village the tree was planted by Baba Dhanu Ram, a village resident.


Towards the North-East of UT is village Bhagwanpura . On the village outskirts is the Gurudwara and Kheda. Alongside amidst houses is a 120 yrs BARGAD tree . The tree although not very thick or wide in canopy, gives an old look by the condition of its bark and trunk. Being amidst houses some of its branches have been eliminated.



(1) SECTOR 3; Inside the MLA hostel complex in Sector 3, near the motor service station is a 4 foot wide BARGAD with a canopy of 20 metres.

(2) SECTOR 4; SIMBAL TREES OF KALIBARD (SECTOR-4) A cluster of beautiful ‘Simbal’ trees stands in the common park in Sector 4 opposite the Rock Garden. More than a dozen trees of village ‘Kalibard’ still stand, and are said to be some 70 years old. They are about 25 metres tall. Red flowers bloom in the spring season, delighting visitors with an explosion of colour. (3) A row of 3 PEEPAL trees stand in front of House Number 7 in Sector 5. The trees measure 3 feet in width and have a height of 15 metres+.

(4) SECTOR 6-TREES OF RAJ BHAWAN; In Sector 6, in the parking area adjacent to Punjab Raj Bhawan a huge 6 feet wide BARGAD welcomes one and all inside. The trunk has grown in width due to the proliferate aerial roots, but the canopy is only 15 m. The tree has cemented parking all around and no place exists for the roots to attach to the ground. In the same campus stands a 4 foot wide BARGAD, three PEEPAL trees and an old NEEM tree with 3 feet wide trunk.

(5) SECTOR 7; In front of Punjab Raj Bhawan gate is a small park in Sector 7-A. In the park are to be found a variety of trees, 3 PEEPAL Trees, a NEEM, one BARGAD and a few SAREEN trees. All trees are relatively young, the Peepla Trees have attained a size of 3 feet across.

(6) SECTOR 8; In Sector 8-C in front of the City Club stands an old looking BARGAD tree. Although the tree is just 3.5 feet in width, the bark gives it an old look. It has hollows in many places and white patches have emerged with age. The tree has little canopy. Two 3 feet wide PEEPAL trees stand nearby.

(7) SECTOR 10;

Behind the showrooms of Sector 10-D near the Verka booth, a twin PEEPAL of combined 5 foot dia. adorns the place. The tree is revered by passers-by and shop owners of the area. Idols of gods are installed on a small platform built around it.

(8) A large ‘FICUS BENJAMINA’ fig tree adorns the leisure valley of Sec 10- B, Chandigarh. It is situated along the western boundary wall of the park opposite H.No- 286. The beauty of this particular tree is that it is on top of a slope and the whole slope is carpeted with its hundreds of intertwining roots which come down and enter the earth. The tree is a 3 in one, a combined thickness of 6 feet and a canopy of 30 meters. The benjamina fig is also known for its shiny and beautiful leaves which are dark green in colour and droop from the branches. Lovely, round, green coloured figs line the branches everywhere.


This Government College of Chandigarh came up in 1952 in the land of village Shahjadpura.. It has a huge campus and a large numbers of mango trees existed in the land. Some of them are still locked up between the building of the college. One such MANGO stands in the lawn near Music deptt. It has a diameter of 3.5 feet and has reached a height of 20 meters. The rotting bark and hollows speaks of its age. A cluster of 10 mango trees exist in the south-western corner of the college in an open ground. The average diameter is 2 feet. In the eastern corner of the campus in the playground stands a 3.5 foot wide mango with a huge canopy of 25 meters.

(10) THE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF GOVERNMENT COLLEGE, SECTOR 11;. A botanical garden was established in the college around the year 1956- 1960. It is adorned by some rare and beautiful tree and shrub species, some of which are listed below. Most of the trees are 50 years old. (i) 20 meter tall bamboo’s of species Dandrocalamus & Gigantochloa (ii) 2 species of Gymnosperma trees i.e. Cycus revoluta & Cycos rumphis. (iii) One Ginko biloba tree. This tree is a native of China and is called a living fossil because it originated long back and it survival to-date is a wondrous fact. (iv) One tree of species Cunninghamia. (v) A 40 year old Camphor tree (Botanical name-Cinnamomum camphora). Birds do not nest in this tree due to the heady smell of camphor emanating from the leaves which could result in the birds’ loosing consiousness. (vi) Two examples of Oak trees (Botanical name-Quercus robus).

(11) THE PILKANS OF PEC; A most beautiful sight that exists right in the heart of the campus is a row of 12 PILKAN trees, or Ficus infectoria. Most of them are in a straight line at the back of and along the main teaching block of the campus, adjacent to the coffee house. The trees have a dia. of 4 to 5 ft. and canopies as large as 35m. They are adorned profusely in the winter months with the round berry like fruit particular to the Ficus family.

(12) THE MANGO TREES OF PGI NURSERY: The nursery of PGI is brimming with old and new mango trees. It also houses the Horticulture deptt. Two of them are more than 3 ft. thick , have an old look with dark scaly bark and numerous hollows in it . Due to age the trees are loosing their foliage. Also in the nursery are two PEEPAL trees of 30 to 40 yrs age.

(13) PGI CYCLE PARKING: A beautiful site exists at the old cycle parking of PGI, which is adjacent to the Red cross canteen and shopping complex. The parking in an area of 20 x 20 m. is under numerous old trees which provide the natural shade. One among them is a 6.5 ft. dia. PILKAN. About 10 trunks arise from the main trunk at 1 meter height from the ground. The canopy is 15 m. The other trees in the area are BORR, PILKAN and SILK COTTON all of whom are in the range of 40 – 60 years. The ground below is macadamised road.

(14) PANJAB UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, SECTOR 14; The botanical garden of Panjab University campus is the pride of Chandigarh. The garden planted about 40 years back boasts of a number of asian trees some of which are rare. Notable amongst these is a ‘Ficos krishnea’ tree. This tree is one feet wide and six meters tall belonging to the ficos family it bears aerial roots. The lovely leaves originate as a cup like feature and then expand into full leaves. It is indeed a unique design. The other rare species are the BHOJ PATRA TREES (Botanical name: Betula utilis). These trees have a spongy bark which was used in earlier times as a paper for writing. It is also a medicinal tree. If one holds the tree trunk with one’s hands it can be compressed. There are four such trees in the garden.

(15) SECTOR 14;

In block E-1 of the housing colony of Panjab University campus inside a common park land there are 2 jamoa trees and 6 mango trees averaging 2.5 to 3 feet in diameter. The place is frequented by a lot of birds and small animals.

(16) SECTOR 15;

An old tree park exists in Sector 15-C, adjacent to the Sector 15/16 roundabout. Here there is a cluster of old trees, mostly above 2.5 feet width including a sheesham, 5 mango and 2 Peepal trees.

(17) SECTOR 17;

In Sector 17A behind the ‘New India Insurance Co.’ offices is a cluster of 3 BARGAD trees. Although young in age their growth is stifled due to cement floor all around. All aerial roots have been cut off.


A grand tree park, a spectacle to see, exists in the huge plaza ground behind the estate office in Sector 17-B. Spread over an area of several acres are 7 huge PEEPAL trees of the village Roorkee. These peepal trees are of average 4 feet width and have wide canopies. All of them have been alloted ground space around them before cemented floor starts. The trees through the years have lent their shade to lakhs of visitors who also come to Sector 17 to visit the hundreds of Government offices situated here or to do shopping. Nearby in Sector 17-B, opposite the UTI office is a 4 foot wide bargad tree. The tree has attained a good height of 20 metres.

(19) The Sector 17 plaza in front of the Neelam theatre boasts of 5 PEEPAL trees although many of them are young in age. They average 2.5 feet in diameter.

(20) SECTOR 18;

A group of PEEPAL trees exists inside the grounds of Government Model Girls Sr. Secondary School of Sector 18-D. Here in the foreground of the school are 3 PEEPAL trees averaging 4 feet width and 2 BARGAD trees. They lend good shade to the children on the ground.

(21) SECTOR 19;

The Old Ropar road passed through the Government Model School 19-D. About 15 meters apart along the road were planted mostly mango and sheeham trees. Inside the school campus one can find 5 MANGO & 4 SHEESHAM trees with an average width of 2.5 feet. The trees give an old weary look and the old fallen branches have developed hollows in them making a haunt for parrots, squirrels etc. Three large trees exist outside the school campus too, along the old road site.

(22) SECTOR 19;

On the Madhya Marg in Sector 19-A is the Shri Kali Mata Temple. On the Northern boundary wall of the Temple in an 8 ft. diameter BARGAD whose widespread aerial roots have grasped the wall and are all extending outwards. The tree canopy is 25 meters.

(23) Another point of Old ropar road exists in Sector 19-D near the 19/18/21/20 chowk. Here stands a SHEESHAM of 3 feet diameter and a few mango trees.

(24) SECTOR 21;

Remnants of another part of old Ropar road exist in Sector 21-B, opposite # 1038. This is now a park and here stand four magestic SEESHAM trees of average diameter 2.5 to 3 feet. They have a large canopy and old scaly bark.


Village Roorkee was one of the oldest villages uprooted for Chandigarh. It was part of present Sector 21. The parrot park of Sector 21-A is a good example of the greenery of Roorkee. Here there was a cluster of Mango, Neem and other trees which attracted hundreds of parrots who had made these trees their homes. The area once came under the old Ropar road. The birds used to leave at dawn and be back at dusk. Now also, many birds house in these trees. The largest mango is a 3 feet diameter tree in one corner of the park. It has a huge 30 meter canopy and a grand height of 20-22 meters. It is the numerous branches and the hollows which attract birds. Parrots as we know do not make nests but only occupy the tree hollows which are only to be found in mango, peepal, bargad and such trees which live long enough to make hollows. Also these trees provide fruit to the birds.

(26) SECTOR 22;

In Sector 22-A, along the boundary wall of the petrol pump are five peepal trees with an average diameter of 3-4 feet. These are bordered by either road or the Petrol Pumps’ floor on all sides.

(27) A beautiful TRIVENI is planted in the Triveni Mandir behind the market of Sector 22-D. The Triveni, which is mostly a PEEPAL tree has a diameter of 4-5 feet and is less than 50 years old. The tree is carefully enclosed inside the temple walls and is revered by residents and passer-bys.


Many beautiful trees exist in the park opposite Sector 22-D Gurudwara. This is one of the oldest sectors and this is also an old Gurudwara.. A BARGAD of diameter 4 feet stands in the park (tree marked as Number 3909). Also in the park are 4 PEEPAL trees of diameter 3 feet. Open ground for growth is available to all trees. These trees are of the village Bhijwara which once occupied the land of Sector 22.

(29) In the old Sood Dharamshala of Sector 22-D inside the campus in the garden stands a 4.5 foot wide PEEPAL. The tree has a 20 meter canopy and a ‘thada’ is built around it. The tree growth in blocked in the western side by the Dharamshala building but free on the other.


In the central parking place of Sector 23-C Market are eight Peepal trees, all have a diameter of about 2.5 feet. Unfortunately all the trees are surrounded by macadamised road on all sides which allows very little rain water percolation underground. Only about half a metre of free space is provided around the trees which is insufficient.

(31) A huge BARGAD tree adorns the front yard of Shiv Temple in Sec 23-D, Chandigarh. The tree is relatively young (about 40 years old), but has reached an amazing width of about 4-5 feet and canopy of 25 meters. Its numerous aerial roots come along the stem and look neatly packed around. The tree is surrounded on all sides by concrete flooring and road. Although hundreds of tumblers of water are offered daily by way of Puja, the aerial roots seeking ground at other places have been cut off.

Nearby are planted five Peepal trees of the same age. (32) BIODIVERSITY OF SECTOR 23;

Sector 23 is amongst the greenest sectors of the city, one due to the fact that it is an old sector and the planted trees have attained age and other that the Ottawa choe of leisure valley passes through the sector and the shores of this choe is a jungle indeed. It is a biodiversity hot-spot within the city premises. And care should be taken to maintain its status, if proper steps are taken to clean-up the water of the Ottawa choe which passes though the leisure valley, it would definitely become more attractive for birds, including the Peacocks and small animals. (33) SECTOR 24- THE TWIN BARGAD/ PEEPAL OF PRACHEEN SHIV MANDIR;

The present Sector 24 is located in a place which was once the land of village ‘Kailard’. The Pracheen Shiv Mandir (Temple) of the sector was the ‘Kheda’ of the village. There is an old well there and the main attraction is a 90 year old twin bargad/ peepal tree. The tree trunk is 5 feet in diameter and has intricate patterns of prop roots around the trunk. The tree has not proliferated because it is surrounded on all sides by concrete floor and many of its branches have been cut off to accommodate the building and flooring. There are five other trees in the campus of the mandir. These are relatively young.


The village of ‘Kailard’ is known most for its mangos. In the long park of Sec 24-A right in the midst of the residential quarters is a cluster of 250 trees of various species mostly mango, jamoa, sheesham and sareen. The average dia. is 2 feet and at least ten mango trees have a diameter of more than 3 feet. This site has the potential of becoming ‘Parrot Park’ of the city. There is undisturbed environment, peace & quiet all around. And if such an environment persists the birds will definitely come in.

(35) A giant PEEPAL with a diameter of 4.5 feet stands in front of house number 2560 in Sector 24-C. It has a canopy of 25 meters. The tree is well maintained and has free space around for growth.

(36) An old NEEM stands outside the gate of “Working Women’s’ Hostel” of Sector 24-A. It has a diameter of 2.5 feet and an old looking dark bark which has knots in it. But the tree has neither great height nor a wide canopy.

(37) SECTOR 26;

In sector 26 timber market area, near the PWD workshop and Sub divisional office (Electricity deptt.) the whole place is situated in a small variegated jungle. Here there is also a old British-era Power house building. The mini jungle is full of shrubs, trees of peepal, mango, jamoa and bargad. The area is rich in biodiversity and should be maintained for conservation.


One would expect an Industrial area of a city to be full of smoke belching factories, dust, heat and what not. But not so in the well planned industrial area phase-I of Chandigarh. The place is neatly planned with a grid of roads and lanes and there are no major encroachments on the roads or parks. The amazing part is that the whole of the area is full of PEEPAL trees, in the hundreds. These trees planted along the roadside by the horticulture deptt. are in their infancy (some 30 years also) and lend an unmatched grace to the otherwise congested and busy Industrial area. There are many trees in the premises of the factories, these could have been planted by the owners or are coming from the original village of this area. Notable among these is a 4 ft. wide Bargad in front of the entrance gate of the Ordnance cable factory.

(39) SECTOR 28;

In Sector 28-D, opposite # 3048 in the MC park stands an old stem of fallen down mango tree of 4 feet thickness. Only two branches now remain of the tree which are green and bear leaves. Two more old mango trees adorn the park.

(40) Inside the ITI complex in Sector 28-C, are four old mangos which are 3 feet wide and another BARGAD with a width of 4 feet.

(41) SECTOR 29;

Inside the Ordnance cable factory housing complex, in 29-A, near health- clinic on the roadside there is an old mango tree 2.5 feet wide and a peepal 3.5 feet thick in an open space.

(42) SECTOR 30; The land of Sector 30 and parts of Sector 29 were once the village ‘Kanthala’. In a small children’s park in Sector 29-C is a cluster of 9 old mango trees with an average diameter of 2 feet. This was probably a village site for festivals.


Burail village as everyone knows was a large village and known for its mango orchards. It comprised parts of Sectors 32, 33, 44, 45 and 51. Remnants and parts of these orchards are still there to see. The planners of Chandigarh were wise enough to accommodate these trees in parks and college grounds. One such park is adjacent to the SD College of Sector 32- C. In this open space are 7 big mango trees varying from 2 to 3 feet in diameter. Many trees are now drying up due to termite attacks or other parasites. Many of the trees still have much foliage.

(44) Inside the premises of St. Anne’s School of Sector 32-D are 14 mango trees varying in girth from 2 to 2.5 feet. The trees provide a fantastic shade for parking as well as for the playing children.

(45) Another group of mangoes exist inside the Doctor’s housing complex in Sec 32-D. Here are 20 mango trees with the largest tree of 3.5 ft. width.

(46) SECTOR 33;

Another grove of mangoes trees exists in the Government Senior Sector School of Sector 33-D. Here 22 old mango trees adorn the backyard playground blessing the students with their graceful shade. They vary in thickness from 2 feet to 3.5 feet.

(47) SECTOR 35; In an open space of approximately 10 acres adjacent to Kisan Bhawan in Sec 35-A there can be found some old PEEPAL trees and many sheeshams. The average width of the peepal trees is about 3.5 feet. The area is left abandoned and people from all around have made it a malba throwing ground. The practice must be stopped. (48) On the premises of ‘Shri Sanatam Dharam Raksheshwar Shri Ram Mandir’ of Sector 35-C, a BARGAD tree is planted in the mandir corner. A part of the tree trunk is not visible. A peepal tree 4 feet thick stands just alongside. Another peepal tree is there alongside the mandir wall. All the trees have the mandir floor to one side and the road to the other side.


Sector 38 has a lot of open spaces the land of which is lying fallow and with beautiful wild growth. One such piece of land in 38-B behind the Vivek High School has a MC dumpyard in it. In this plot stand 2 PEEPAL and 7 midsize MANGO TREES. From the bark texture and look these seem to be old trees of this area which might have been a common village mela ground given the fact that very nearby in the gurdwara are centuries old bargads described in Chapter 1.

(50) Opposite the sector 38-D market alongside the road in sector 38-A, are 6 majestic MANGO trees almost in a line. One of them has a width of 3.5 ft. Under these trees now sit a number of smalltime vendors dispensing tea and snacks. The trees provide wonderful shade for weary travelers who choose to sip a cup under them .

(51) Another group of six MANGO trees exists in Sector 38-A in a park opposite #146, one of which measures 3.5 ft. in diameter. The mangoes are very tall, approx 20 m which gives away their age.


Here opposite the sector 39 police station is the campus of the CRPF battalion (approx. 4 acres) which had been stationed here for many years but now has vacated the place. The beautiful site which is almost a jungle is vacant and brimming with avian life and flora of all kinds. The campus is abounding with tress of peepal, mango, amrood(guava), kachnar and many more. There could be around 300 trees in this area many of which are more than 10 yrs of age. The place is visited frequently by the national bird Peacock which flies from the nearby sites of village Maloya. It is recommended strongly that the flora & fauna of the place be maintained and the site should be converted to a biodiversity park. This will not only benefit the environment but also the residents of the area which include the nearby Police colony residents.


This Temple also housing the Ananta Mata Bhawan, Shri Sanatan Dharm Sabha, in sector 40, has a park adjacent to it in an area of half an acre. This park is beautified by a plantation of 16 PEEPAL trees. Two Gulars exist outside the Temple. All the trees are about 20 year old.


In the grounds of Government High School Sector 41-B, used to pass the Old Ropar Road. A 200 metre stretch of road still remains in the school premises. The area is now almost a small jungle. There are mango, sareen, sheesham and ber trees. They vary in diameter from 1 to 3 feet. No fewer than 100 trees populate the area. The biodiversity of the place should be maintained and garbage etc. should not be allowed to be thrown at this site. This site can also serve as a small botanical garden for educational purposes.


In the southern corner of the village in sector 41-D adjacent to # 3044 and the village of Barhedi exists a cluster of trees and proliferate shrubs including a peepal and a banyan of 30 to 40 yrs age. The small area is surrounded by a cluster of dwellings on all sides and there is a possibility of encroachment in future. The beautiful site must be protected.

(56) SECTOR 42;

In 42-D there is a beautiful cluster of MANGO trees which is now an open park in about 2 –3 acres land. Amidst these trees stands a 3.5 ft. dia mango with a canopy of 12 m. This site is a feast to the eyes and gives a very good view. This must have been a village mela ground in the past and must be preserved as such. Some places like this must be left untouched by the MC so that their biodiversity is maintained. These spaces contain grasses and shrubs of various varieties and thus maintain and support an ecosystem containing various insects and birds too, types of which vanish when these biodiverse places are converted into planned parks which then contain one or two types of domestic grasses only. There are a number of such sites in Sectors 42 and 43 and the Administration must protect these for their value in Biodiversity and beauty. These sites are abundant in traditional medicinal plants such as AAK, DATURA, and ARINDA which are widely used in everyday remedies in households. These and many more useful plants which are normally found growing everywhere in the countryside are getting rarer and difficult to find in the cities. In Chandigarh one can see lot many Peacocks at this place too. This area can also be maintained as a good store-house of biodiversity.


This place of rare beauty exists where no one knows it ,in the “ GOVT. GIRLS COLLEGE “ in Sector 42-D. The college has a big area alongside as fallow and is covered with thick undergrowth of grasses. Here exists about 10 old and huge “BERIS” and this lovely site consisting of an abandoned well surrounded with 4 young banyan trees right on the walls of the well. They have a dia. of approx 2.5 ft. and their aerial roots have found ground at many places. The beauty of the place must be maintained but a small bridal path can be developed which will lead to the well. An iron grill should be erected along the well wall to protect from any accidental fall. It should become a must-see heritage site for the so many students of the college.

(58) SECTOR 43;

There is a beautiful PEEPAL alongside an internal road next to “Sita Mata Mandir “ in 43 C. It has a diameter of approx 4.5 ft. and a 15 m canopy. On one side runs the road and nearby is the wall of Sector 43 high school.

(59) SECTOR 45 - SAMADHI OF BABA DUDHADHARI JI; In Sector 45-B in the land of village Burail in the open space in front of ‘Sanjay Public School’ is a patch of land completely planted with trees alongside the Samadhs of Baba Dudhadhari and his associates, a Baba who lived and passed away on this land. The trees which exist here are young neem, peepal and khajoor trees.

(60) SECTOR 46;

In the campus of Ashiana Public School in Sector 46-A there stand 6 large mango trees with an average diameter of 2.5 feet. The place is now a children’s playground where school kids enjoy the thick shade of these trees.

(61) SECTOR 47;

A mango grove exists in the backgrounds of Government Primary School of Sector 47-A, 5 mango trees of 2.5 - 3 feet diameter stand in the playground.

(62) SECTOR 53;

The land of village Kajheri comes under Sector 53. There is presently no construction in the sector and the land is lying fallow. All of it has been acquired by the UT for some works to be carried out. The whole land is full of trees and many species of mango, sareen, eucalyptu, poplar, ber trees etc. Alongside the road dividing Sectors 53 and 42 is a grove of old mango trees measuring on an average 2 or 2.5 feet in diameter. The place is frequented by parrots and other birds.

A little further in Sector 53 is another orchard of ber trees. There are a hundred trees here along the leisure valley choe. The area was under the plough a few years ago but is rich in biodiversity. The greenery of these sectors should be maintained and enhanced so as to provide a green belt to the congested southern sectors. Sectors 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 and 51 are overcrowded with triple story apartments and little to no greenery within them. These village lands can be developed into forest lands and act as lungs for the south of the city. (63) THE ORCHARDS OF SECTORS 54/55/56;

Sector 54 ,55 and 56 at the south end of the city has been acquired recently by UT administration for its various plans. This was part of the tilled land of village Kajheri, and Pulsora, the residential areas of which are still intact. These sectors now contains abandoned orchards of mango ber and nashpati trees. There are also jamun, peepal, palm and other tree species in the hundreds. Shrubs abound and there is thick undergrowth at many places. The place is the home of a number of bird species and parrots too frequent the area in search for fruit. The fruit trees of these sectors must be preserved, for enhancing the greenery of congested South Chandigarh as well as for preserving the avian life of the city.


An old PEEPAL stands in the middle of the road opposite the town’s community centre in Govindpura.(Mani Majra ) The tree is 4.5 feet in diameter and is said to be in the range of 100 years. A “Talaab” used to exist here some 20 years ago which has since been filled up to accommodate houses.


On the western rim of UT’s village Sarangpur is the newly established Botanical garden. On the southeastern corner of the of the village proper, a 5.5 feet diameter PEEPAL tree stands with a 30 meter wide canopy. The lone tree planted in open land has plenty of space to spread. Amar Singh, age 85, of the village estimates the trees age at 90 years. Also, near the village pond/toba, there exists the village Gurdwara, a Shivji ka Mandir and the village ‘kheda’. An old ‘BARGAD’ tree stands here testimony to the development of the village. The tree is about 4 feet thick. CHAPTER IV


In the Indian culture, trees and shrubs are held sacred. Nowhere else in the world do trees receive so much veneration and love as accorded to them in India. Also our countryside and forests are very biodiverse providing us with food, fodder and medicine. We have to continue to maintain these gifts of nature.

For the individual trees of age a hundred years and more as described in Chapter 2 the following recommendations are made for their upkeep and protection.

1. Ensure that the inhabitants do not cut off the aerial roots of trees like banyan & pilkhan and enough ground space is provided for these roots to take root in the earth.

2. Ensure that the branches of the trees are not cut off by villagers or public for undue purposes. Also to ensure that no artificial lighting exists near these trees during the night time as this interferes with the life of resident birds.

3. Installation of lightening conductors to save from possible lightening attack.

4. Construction of an Earthen platform, i.e.: Platform, around the trees so that the tree is dignified and people can sit underneath and enjoy the shade.

5. Installation of a signboard in Hindi / Punjabi highlighting the history of the tree.

6. Installation of wooden swings hanging from thick branches of some of these and other trees. When children will swing and play under these trees they will respect their importance and beauty all the more.

7. The original village ‘Kheda’ sites exist in the city. These are invariably associated with trees and places of worship. The Admn. can help the village committees to preserve these areas by providing them with funds and land.

Various sites described in the chapters are mini jungles and full of biodiversity. Such sites are found all over the UT. To name a few, these are the leisure valley areas of sectors 10 ,16, 23, 36, 42 & 53 ; the tree parks/clusters in sectors 21, 24 , 19 ,26, 27, 39, village Maloya etc ; the trees and orchards of sectors 53, 54, 55 & 56; the open spaces in sectors 42, 43, 44, 38, Punjab Engg. College campus etc which are full of biodiverse tree/ shrub growth ; the distributed parts of Old Ropar road.

These sites are also abundant in traditional medicinal plants widely used in everyday remedies in households, that are normally found growing in the countryside but getting rarer and difficult to find in the cities. These spaces contain grasses and shrubs of various varieties and thus maintain and support an ecosystem containing various insects and birds too, types of which vanish when these biodiverse places are converted into planned parks which then contain one or two types of domestic grasses only.

For these heritage sites which come in both chapters 2 & 3 the following recommendations are made.

1. Preservation of these mini-jungle sites as such and to give them a status of biodiversity park, reserved forest, botanical garden or as may suit the requirement. This will ensure further tree and shrub growth as well as the very important aspect of wildlife preservation. It is suggested that these sites should not be developed into housing colonies/other construction, specially in the southern sectors which are already overcrowded. This will also be in concordance with the “National plan for greening of the cities”.

2. The national bird “Peacock” as well as very many related types of jungle fowl, Jalmurgi etc are rarely found in the premises of the city sectors. (Off course they are abundant in the reserved forests and village sites). A plan should be chalked out to bring these birds back into the city scene by providing them a natural habitat, sites for which already exist but are to be protected.

Take the example of heritage state Rajasthan where there are the most per-capita birds in the country. Even in the congested city dwellings in the state are to be found the Peacock, pigeons and sparrows. It is an example of Peoples’ participation in wildlife preservation worth emulating.

3. For the greening of South Chandigarh the action plan should include conversion of acquired land of sectors 52 to 56 into protected forests. These sectors now contains abandoned orchards of mango, ber and Nashpati trees. There are also jamun, peepal , palm and other tree species in the hundreds. Shrubs abound and there is thick undergrowth at many places. These places are the home of a number of bird species and parrots too frequent the area in search of fruit. 4. The tourism potential of these sites should be looked into. Heritage tours for students and adults can be organized to inculcate in the citizens the spirit of culture and tradition. The curriculum of Environmental education recently started in schools countrywide should include these tours. The various literature published by the Admn. can include some of these sites.

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