Masters of Arts in Teaching/5Th Year
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PROGRAM SUBMISSION SEPTEMBER 2007 Murray State University Graduate Bulletin 2006-2008 16 KAR 5:050 16 KAR 8:020 III. Program Experiences
The Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics program is located in the Department of Mathematics and is designed for certified teachers who wish to strengthen their background in mathematics and keep up with current information in educational theory, curriculum and research. The program provides for both reasonable depth in the mathematics area and graduate- level exposure in supporting disciplines. The education component is designed to meet the requirements for the renewal of the provisional teaching certificate and advancement to Rank II classification. The program supports the College of Education’s theme by nurturing individuals to become reflective decision-makers. Reflection is the focus of course activities and is the primary means by which candidates integrate course experiences with Kentucky performance standards, College of Education Dispositions the candidates’ own experiences, and continue to understand the mathematics they are teaching and how to bring that understanding to secondary students. The Kentucky Code of Ethics is revisited at the graduate level and related to teachers’ increased level of responsibility and involvement with students, the school, district, community and the profession.
The first goal in the Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics program is to equip teachers with tools for developing a deep conceptual knowledge of mathematical concepts. They need to develop an understanding that is rich enough to allow them to teach their future students in a meaningful and effective way. As a result, teachers are required to go beyond applying a set of rules to produce an answer and are asked to explain the concepts involved and to justify why things work. Teachers are appropriately prepared to explain "why things work in mathematics" because their mathematical content learning experiences are aligned with the National Council Teachers of Mathematics Standards (NCTM) and Kentucky Teacher Performance Standards. The matrices on the following pages demonstrate this alignment of program and standards. The understanding of "why things work in mathematics" provides experienced teacher with a continued experience in reflective decision-making.
The second goal in the Masters of Arts in Teaching Mathematics program is to equip teachers to make decisions about a variety of teaching strategies. These decisions are built on a foundation of understanding how students learn mathematics. Teachers construct this foundation through exposure to a survey of mathematics education literature on the subject. This knowledge is then applied to a variety of teaching strategies. This process involves determining the rationale for the strategies and evaluating their appropriateness for different situations. By combining understanding of "why things work in mathematics" with an understanding of the rationale for mathematics teaching strategies, along with the experience of evaluating teaching strategies for appropriateness to student and content, the candidate is challenged to practice reflective decision making in the teaching of mathematics.
The 36 credit hour program is pre-planned with a graduate advisor and the candidate’s progress is continuously assessed via a portfolio using course assignments and evaluations addressing the Kentucky Experienced Teacher Standards and the NCTM Standards. The program includes 15 hours of core educational courses in the areas of research, theory and curriculum and 21 hours of 500 or 600 level mathematics courses including MAT 550 and MAT 551, math methods courses, if these were not taken at the undergraduate level. See the matrices on the following pages where course syllabi are coded to the Kentucky Experienced Teacher Standards, KERA Initiatives, and EPSB Themes.
2 Kentucky Experienced Teacher Performance Standards for Masters of Arts in Teaching Mathematics Program Course ETS 1 ETS 2 ETS 3 ETS 4 ETS 5 ETS 6 ETS 7 ETS 8 ETS 9 ETS 10 Core Courses ADM 630 E A E A Research EDU 631 E A A K A Theory EDU 633 A E A K A A E E Curriculum EDU 645 E K History EDU 649 E A Research MAT 550 / 551 Teaching A A A A A Math (if not taken at the ug level) Content Courses Math courses 600 level, 3 A hrs Math courses 500 or 600 level, A 15-18 hrs Courses supporting science field, A 0-3 hrs K – Knowledge, A – Application, E – Evaluation A. Content Standards NCTM - National Council Teachers of Mathematics Standards - Secondary
NCTM STANDARD Courses/Activities/Assessments Mathematics Preparation for All Mathematics Teacher Candidates 1. Knowledge of Problem Solving. Candidates know, understand and apply the process of Students problem solve in all courses, in particular mathematical problem solving. students apply problem solving techniques in [Indicators are listed at] MAT 515 and MAT 510 2. Knowledge of Reasoning and Proof. Candidates reason, construct, and evaluate mathematical Students generate their own proofs in all courses, arguments and develop an appreciation for mathematical rigor and inquiry. in particular MAT 515 and MAT 510 [Indicators are listed at] 3. Knowledge of Mathematical Communication. Candidates communicate their mathematical Students communicate through written thinking orally and in writing to peers, faculty and others. assignments and projects and by presenting these [Indicators are listed at] orally. 4. Knowledge of Mathematical Connections. Candidates recognize, use, and make connections All mathematics courses emphasize connecting between and among mathematical ideas and in contexts outside mathematics to build mathematical ideas and MAT 501, MAT 508, mathematical understanding. MAT 545 provide connection to real world [Indicators are listed at] applications 5. Knowledge of Mathematical Representation. Candidates use varied representations of All program mathematics courses emphasize mathematical ideas to support and deepen students’ mathematical understanding. representation [Indicators are listed at] 6. Knowledge of Technology. Candidates embrace technology as an essential tool for teaching ADM 630 uses spreadsheet and other stat software and learning mathematics. to analyze data. [Indicators are listed at] 7. Dispositions. Candidates support a positive disposition toward mathematical processes and All courses. Students develop positive attitudes mathematical learning. toward mathematics by gaining broad based [Indicators are listed at] background in mathematical methods and processes. They see mathematics as more than memorization and “plug and chug”. 8. Knowledge of Mathematics Pedagogy. Candidates possess a deep understanding of how MAT 550/551 - Students develop lesson plans and students learn mathematics and of the pedagogical knowledge specific to mathematics teaching present and discuss methods to make and learning mathematical connections and the ‘whys’ of how [Indicators are listed at] mathematics works.
Mathematics Preparation for Secondary Level Mathematics Teacher Candidates 9. Knowledge of Number and Operations. Candidates demonstrate computational proficiency, MAT 515 - course assignments such as proofs, including a conceptual understanding of numbers, ways of representing number, relationships discussion and exams among number and number systems, and the meaning of operations. [Indicators are listed at] 10. Knowledge of Different Perspectives on Algebra. Candidates emphasize relationships MAT 545 - course assignments such as proofs, among quantities including functions, ways of representing mathematical relationships, and the discussion and exams analysis of change. [Indicators are listed at] 11. Knowledge of Geometries. Candidates use spatial visualization and geometric modeling to MAT 510 - course assignments such as proofs, explore and analyze geometric shapes, structures, and their properties. discussion and exams [Indicators are listed at] 12. Knowledge of Calculus. Candidates demonstrate a conceptual understanding of limit, MAT 501 - course assignments such as proofs, continuity, differentiation, and integration and a thorough background in techniques and discussion and exams application of the calculus. [Indicators are listed at] 13. Knowledge of Discrete Mathematics. Candidates apply the fundamental ideas of discrete MAT 508 - course assignments such as proofs, mathematics in the formulation and solution of problems. discussion and exams [Indicators are listed at] 14. Knowledge of Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability. Candidates demonstrate an ADM 630 uses student data as part of course understanding of concepts and practices related to data analysis, statistics, and probability. project [Indicators are listed at] 15. Knowledge of Measurement. Candidates apply and use measurement concepts and tools. MAT 510 - course assignments such as proofs, [Indicators are listed at] discussion and exams
16.1 Field-Based Experiences Engage in a sequence of planned opportunities prior to student Graduate student’s classroom is used to apply teaching that includes observing and participating secondary mathematics classrooms under the course concepts and construct projects supervision of experienced and highly qualified teachers.
5 16.2 Field-Based Experiences Experience full-time student teaching secondary-level Graduate student’s classroom is used to apply mathematics that is supervised by an experienced and highly qualified teacher and a university or course concepts and construct projects college supervisor with elementary mathematics teaching experience. 16.3 Field-Based Experiences Demonstrate the ability to increase students’ knowledge of Graduate student’s classroom is used to apply mathematics. course concepts and construct projects
Regarding the lack of specified math course required in the 18 hour math specialization, the requirements are left open because students come from varied backgrounds and some may have already taken some of the courses. Given that, most students take the list of courses below or take an appropriate equivalent in the prescribed area of mathematics. The courses below are offered most regularly and with small student numbers in the program, students take what is available at the time. So while it is not explicitly stated, unless a student has already taken a course, most programs are comprised from this list, therefore all student programs will have addressed the NCTM standards. MAT 501 Mathematical Modeling MAT 510 Geomentry MAT 540 Probability and Statistics MAT 551 Math for Teachers MAT 508 Combinatorics and Graph Theory MAT 515 Number Theory MAT 545 Boolean Algebra
6 B. KERA Initiatives KERA Initiatives are utilized by graduate instructors to build upon the knowledge presented in undergraduate programs and on candidates’ experiences as classroom teachers to strengthen the connection between the classroom and state initiatives that guide K-12 student performance- based achievement.
KERA Initiatives For Masters of Arts in Teaching Mathematics Courses Learner Goals & Core Content 4.1 Program of Academic Course Version Studies Expectations Core Courses for Masters and Fifth Year ADM 630 Research EDU 631 Theory EDU 633 E E E Curriculum EDU 645 History EDU 649 Research MAT 550/551 A A A Teaching Math K – Knowledge, A – Application, E – Evaluation
Masters of Arts in Teaching Mathematics Program Course Descriptions EDU 633 Curriculum Development (3). A comprehensive analysis of the process of curriculum development. It includes examination of the theoretical dimensions of curriculum development. The process includes consideration of the bases of curriculum, aims and objectives of schools, planning instruction and curriculum evaluation.
MAT 501 Mathematical Modeling I (3). A study of mathematical models used in the social, life and management sciences and their role in explaining and predicting real world phenomena. The emphasis is on developing skills of model building. Topics include difference equations, perturbation theory and nondimensional analysis. Prerequisite: MAT 411.
MAT 502 Mathematical Modeling II (3). A continuation of topics discussed in MAT 501. A term project consisting of a model of a non-mathematical problem is required. Prerequisite: MAT 501.
MAT 505 Abstract Algebra I (3). An in-depth study of rings and fields. Topics will include the Isomorphism Theorems, ideals, polynomial rings, integral domains, fields, field extensions. Prerequisite: MAT 421 or consent of instructor.
MAT 508 Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph Theory (3). Selected topics and applications from combinatorics and discrete mathematics, which can include: enumeration, generating functions, recurrence relations, partially ordered sets, Boolean algebras, block designs, coding theory, and topics in graph theory, including trees, networks, optimization, and scheduling. Prerequisites: MAT 308 and either MAT 312 or MAT 335.
MAT 510 Foundations of Geometry (3). Study of postulate systems for geometry, critical examination of Euclid’s Elements, introduction to non-Euclidean geometry. Prerequisite: MAT 309 or consent of instructor.
MAT 512 Partial Differential Equations (3). Partial differential equations of first and second order and applications. Prerequisites: MAT 309 and 411.
MAT 515 Theory of Numbers (3). Divisibility, the Euclidean algorithm, mathematical induction, prime and composite numbers, Diophantine equation, Pythagorean triplets, Fermat’s Theorem, congruencies, quadratic residues, continued fractions. Prerequisite: MAT 308 or consent of instructor.
MAT 516 Introduction to Topology (3). Set theory, topology of the real line, topological spaces, metric spaces. Prerequisite: MAT 309 and 312.
MAT 520 Introduction to Complex Variables (3). Complex numbers, analytic functions, elementary functions, integration, Cauchy theorem, Taylor and Laurent expansions, and applications. Prerequisite: MAT 309.
MAT 522 Vector Calculus (3). Operations with vectors; differentiation and integration of functions of several variables; transformation of coordinates; line and surface integrals; Green’s, Stokes’s, and the divergence theorems. Prerequisite: MAT 309.
MAT 524 Boundary Value Problems (3). Analytic and computational techniques for linear first and second order partial differential equations, initial, and boundary value problems. Classification, Fourier series, separation of variables, finite difference and/or finite element methods. Prerequisites: MAT 309, MAT 411, and MAT 335 or consent of instructor.
MAT 525 Advanced Calculus I (3). A rigorous development of one variable calculus including limits, continuity, differentiation, integration and sequences of functions. Prerequisite: MAT 309 and 312.
MAT 526 Advanced Calculus II (3). A continuation of MAT 525 and functions of several variables. Prerequisite: MAT 525.
MAT 530 Special Topics in Mathematics I (1-3). Library investigations of various lengths concerning special topics in mathematics. Periodic conferences will be arranged with the supervising faculty member on an individual basis. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: Six hours of mathematics courses numbered 400 and above with a mathematics GPA of at least 3.0; consent of instructor.
MAT 531 Special Topics in Mathematics II (1-3). Library investigations of various lengths concerning special topics in mathematics. Periodic conferences will be arranged with the supervising faculty member on an individual basis. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: Six hours of mathematics courses numbered 400 and above with a mathematics GPA of at least a 3.0; consent of instructor.
MAT 535 Linear Algebra (3). Linear transformations, matrices, quadratic and hermitian forms, eigenvalues and elementary spectral theory. Prerequisite: MAT 335.
MAT 540 Mathematical Statistics I (4). Introduction to probability theory and statistical inference. Combinatorics, conditional probability independence. Discrete and continuous random variables and their
8 distributions. Expected value and moments of distributions. Estimation theory and properties point estimators. Confidence intervals. Basic theory of hypothesis testing. Testing means and proportion. T- tests. Descriptive statistics. Prerequisite: MAT 309 or consent of instructor.
MAT 541 Mathematical Statistics II (3). Additional topics in probability theory and statistical inference. Bayes’ Theorem, functions of random variables, order statistics. Bayesian inference, F-tests, chi-square tests, contingency tables, regression and correlation. Prerequisites: MAT 540.
MAT 542 Numerical Analysis (3). Numerical solutions of differential equations, iterative techniques for solving linear systems, discrete least-squares methods, orthogonal polynomials, and approximating eigenvalues. Prerequisites: MAT 411 and either MAT 442 or consent of instructor. Requires knowledge of a scientific programming language.
MAT 545 Boolean Algebra with Applications to Digital Computer Design (3). Boolean algebra is developed as a model to study various physical systems, including the algebra of subsets of a set, propositional logic, and switching circuits. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
MAT 550 Teaching Mathematics (3). A study of the “whys” of mathematics with the aim of equipping future/current teachers with the ability to explain rather than merely do mathematics. Taught in the context of theories of learning and pedagogy. Involves mathematics content taught at the secondary and community college level. Credit granted toward an undergraduate major or minor in mathematics only for those students following a teacher certification program. Prerequisite: MAT 312 or consent of instructor.
MAT 551 Mathematics for Teachers (3). Explorations of mathematical topics from the viewpoint of future/current secondary and community college teachers of mathematics. Gives credit toward an undergraduate major or minor in mathematics only for those students following a teacher certification program. Can be taken without MAT 550. Prerequisite: MAT 312 or consent of instructor.
MAT 560 Statistical Methods (3). A survey course in statistical methods for advanced undergraduate students and graduate students with no prior training in statistics. The course covers techniques commonly used for data analysis in many scientific fields. Topics included are probability distributions, sampling, variance, estimation, hypothesis testing, contingency table, regression and analysis of variance. (Does not apply toward any degree in mathematics or a minor in mathematics.)
MAT 565 Applied Statistics I (4). A study of applied statistical techniques including correlation, regression, analysis of variance and non-parametric methods with a view toward applications. A statistical computer package will be used when appropriate, but no computer background is required. Prerequisite: MAT 560 or consent of instructor.
MAT 566 Applied Statistics II (3). A continuation of MAT 565. Includes further topics in analysis and variance, non-parametrics and multivariate analysis. Prerequisite: MAT 565.
MAT 569 Topics in Statistics (3). Selected topics in probability and statistics. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
MAT 570 Linear Programming (3). Theory and application of linear programming and the role it plays in operations research. Prerequisite: MAT 335.
MAT 602 Integration Theory (3). Riemann integrals, continuous functions, functions of bounded variation, Riemann-Stieltjes integrals. Prerequisite: MAT 525.
9 MAT 603 Real Function Theory I (3). Lebesque measure and integration theory and related topics. Prerequisite: MAT 526.
MAT 604 Real Function Theory II (3). Functional analysis, including Classical Banach spaces and Lp spaces. Prerequisite: MAT 603.
MAT 605 Selected Topics in Complex Analysis (3). An in-depth study of selected topics introduced in MAT 520. Prerequisite: MAT 520.
MAT 609 Abstract Algebra II (3). An in-depth study of group theory. Topics will include Lagrange’s Theorem, Cauchy’s Theorem, the Sylow Theorems, and factor groups. Prerequisite: MAT 505.
MAT 610 Selected Topics in Algebra (3). An in-depth study of selected topics introduced in MAT 505 and 609. Prerequisite: MAT 609.
MAT 620 Selected Topics in Topology (3). An in-depth study of selected topics introduced in MAT 516. Prerequisite: MAT 516.
MAT 630 Real Number System I (3). Development of the natural numbers and the integers. (This course does not offer graduate credit for those people seeking a master of science degree in mathematics, chemistry or physics, or a master of arts degree in mathematics.) Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
MAT 631 Real Number System II (3). A detailed development of the rational and real numbers. (This course does not offer graduate credit for those people seeking a master of science degree in mathematics, chemistry, or physics, or a master of arts degree in mathematics.) Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
MAT 632 Foundations of Analysis (3). A study of concepts basic to the elementary calculus, such as limits continuity, the derivative, and the integral. (This course does not offer graduate credit to those people seeking a master of science degree in mathematics, chemistry, or physics, or a master of arts degree in mathematics.) Prerequisites: MAT 309 and consent of instructor.
MAT 633 Probability and Statistics (3). An introduction to sample spaces, probabilities, and probability distributions, such as binomial, normal and Poisson. Measure of center, variability and applications. Statistical inference and tests of significance. (This course does not offer graduate credit for those people seeking a master of science degree in mathematics, chemistry, or physics, or a master of arts degree in mathematics.) Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
10 C. EPSB Themes The following matrix demonstrates the integration of the Education Professional Standards Board Themes throughout the Masters of Arts in Teaching Mathematics program. Coded according to categories in Bloom’s Taxonomy, the Themes may be discussed at the knowledge level (K), they may be applied (A) as part the design of course assignments, or they may be evaluated (E) as a critical element in the design of course assignments.
EPSB Themes For Masters of Arts in Teaching Mathematics
Diversity Assessment Literacy Gap Core Courses ADM 630 K A K K Research Research Research Research Research project project project project EDU 631 E E Theory Case study Case study EDU 633 K E K K Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum project project project project EDU 645 K K K K Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion History Paper Paper Paper Paper EDU 649 K K K K Research Research Research Research Research project project project project K – Knowledge, A – Application, E – Evaluation
For ADM 630 candidates design an action research project to address a classroom, school or district problem that requires the use or the collection of student data related to achievement or school climate.
For EDU 631 candidates develop a case study of a student who presents a motivational problem related to achievement. Student data is used as part of the evaluation process along with interviews and other sources of information.
For EDU 633 candidates investigate and present trends in curriculum related to the improvement of schools.
For EDU 645 candidates write a literature review based on the EPSB themes.
For EDU 649 candidates complete an action research project to address a classroom, school or district problem that requires the use of survey data.
11 D. Program Faculty Name Highest Assignment: Faculty Scholarship (3), Status Degree, Indicate the Rank Leadership in (FT/PT to Field, & role(s) of (2) Professional institution, University the faculty Associations, and unit, and member (1) Service (4); List up to program) 3 major contributions in the past 3 years (5)* Donald Ph.D. Department Full Full-time to Bennett Topology Chair and Professor Institution, University of teaches math Part-time to Kentucky courses Unit, Part-time to Program
Wesley Ph.D. Teaches Assistant . "Computable Full-time to Calvert Logic mathematics Professor Structures of Scott Rank Institution, University of courses w1 CK in familiar Part-time to Notre Dame classes," with S. S. Unit, Goncharov and J. F. Part-time to Knight (Updated Program 7/6/2005), Advances in Logic (Proceedings of the North Texas Logic Conference, October 8-- 10, 2004), Contemporary Mathematics 425 (2007), American Mathematical Society, pp. 49--66. . "Index Sets for Computable Structures," with V. Harizanov, J. F. Knight, and S. Miller (Updated 2/2/2006), Algebra and Logic, 45 (2006) pp. 306--325. . "Classification from a Computable Viewpoint," with J. F. Knight (Updated 6/15/2005) [An improved version of this paper appears in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (2006), 191--218] Rob Ph.D. Teaches Associate . "Solitary and edge- Full-time to Donnelly Combinatorics mathematics Professor minimal bases for Institution, Univeristy of courses representations of the Part-time to North Carolina simple Lie algebra G2" Unit, With S. J. Lewis and R. Part-time to Pervine. Discrete Program Mathematics 306 (2006), 1285-1300.
12 . "Extremal bases for the adjoint representations of the simple Lie algebras"Communicati ons in Algebra 34 (2006), 3705-3742. . "Constructions of representations of rank two semisimple Lie algebras with distributive lattices" With L. W. Alverson II, S. J. Lewis, and R. Pervine. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 13 (2006), #R109. PDF, 44 pp. Ken Ph.D. Teaches Full Full-time to Fairbanks Statistics mathematics Professor Institution, University of courses Part-time to Missouri Unit, Part-time to Program
Renee Ph.D. Teaches Full . K. R. Fister and J. Full-time to Fister Differential mathematics Professor H. Donnelly, Institution, Equations courses Immunotherapy: An Part-time to University of Optimal Control Theory Unit, Tennesse Approach, Part-time to Mathematical Program Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pg. 499-510, August 2007. . K. R. Fister and S. Lenhart, Optimal Harvesting in an Age- Structured Predator-Prey System, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, Vol. 54, pg. 1-15, DOI:10.1007/s00245- 005-0847-9, 2006. . L. G. dePillis, W. Gu, K. R. Fister, T. Head, K. Maples, A. Murugan, T. Neal, and K. Yoshida, Chemotherapy for tumors: An analysis of the dynamics and a study of quadratic and linear optimal controls, accepted
13 by Mathematical Biosciences, May 2006. Gibson,, Ed.D. Teacher Associate Serves as education liaison Full-time to David Curriciculum education Professor for math education Institution, Insruction liaison, Part-time to Univesity of Teaches Unit, Kentucky mathematics Part-time to and math Program methods courses Scott Ph.D. Teaches Associate Full-time to Lewis Combinatorics mathematics Professor Institution, Providence courses Part-time to University Unit, Part-time to Program
Maeve Ph. D. Teaches Associate . Don Hinton, Full-time to McCarthy Differential mathematics Professor Maeve L. McCarthy, Institution, Equations courses Optimization of the Part-time to Rice University minimum eigenvalue for a Unit, class of second order Part-time to differential operators, Program Recent Advances in Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, Nikolai Chernov, Yulia Karpeshina, Ian W. Knowles, Roger T. Lewis, and Rudi Weikard, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Editors - AMS, 2006, pp. 207-226. (Abstract) (PDF) . Robert Butera, Maeve L. McCarthy, Analysis of real-time numerical integration methods applied to dynamic clamp experiments, Journal of Neural Engineering 1 (2004) pp. 187-194. (Abstract) (PDF) . Ian W. Knowles, Maeve L. McCarthy, Isospectral membranes: a connection between shape and density, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37 (2004) pp. 8103-8109. (Abstract) (PDF) Chris Ph.D. Teaches Associate Full-time to Mecklin Statistics mathematics Professor Institution, University of courses Part-time to
14 Northern Unit, Colorado Part-time to Program
Kelly Ph.D. Teaches Associate Full-time to Pearson Algebraic mathematics Professor Institution, Topology courses Part-time to University of Unit, Oregon Part-time to Program
John Ph.D. Residential Associate Full-time to Porter Analysis College Head, Professor Institution, Auburn teaches Part-time to University mathematics Unit, courses Part-time to Program
David Ph.D. Teaches Associate . Roach, D. W., and Full-time to Roach Approximation mathematics Professor R. Robinson, “Knot Institution, Theory courses removal using the Part-time to Vanderbilt bounding tension spline”, Unit, University Advances in Constructive Part-time to Approximation, M. Program Neamtu and E. B. Saff (eds.), Nashboro Press, pp. 467-476, 2004. . Roach, D. W., D. Gibson, and K. Weber, “Why is the square root of 25 not equal to plus or minus five?”, Math ematics Teacher, Vol. 97- 1, pp 12-13, Jan 2004.
Ed Thome Ph.D. Teaches Associate Full-time to Analysis mathematics Professor Institution, Kansas State courses Part-time to University Unit, Part-time to Program
Omer Ph.D. Teaches Assistant Full-time to Yayenie Number mathematics Professor Institution, Theory courses Part-time to Temple Unit, Universtity Part-time to Program
Tan Ph.D. Teaches Associate Full-time to Zhang Algebraic mathematics Professor Institution, Topology courses Part-time to Oregon Unit, University Part-time to Program
15 Campoy, Ed.D. Assistant Dean Professor . Book: (2004) Case Full-time to Renee Curriculum & (Part-time) study analysis in the Institution, Instruction Teaches EDU classroom Full-time to University of 405 (part-time) . Presentation: Unit, Missouri-St. NCATE (2006) AERA Part-time to Louis Director . BOE Team Program member: (2005-present)
Gill, Ed. D, Professor Professor . Multiple Full-time to Sharon Literacy, publications in Reading Institution, Ruth University of Teacher including: The Full-time to Cincinnati forgotten genre of Unit, children’s poetry; Part-time to Teaching rimes with Program shared reading; Reading with Amy. . 51st Annual Convention of the International Reading Association Program Co- Chair for PRTE (Professors of reading Teacher Educators) . Reviewer for The Reading Teacher and The Reading Professor Hansen, Ed.D. Elementary Associate . Education writer for Full-time to Jacqueline Educational Program Professor stamp services division of Institution, Administration, Coordinator, the USPS – helped to Full-time to Curriculum and Extended create 12 education kits Unit, Instruction; Campus celebrating Black Part-time to University of Coordinator, Heritage Month and Program Nebraska- Teaches National Stamp Lincoln graduate & Collecting Month. undergraduate . Kentucky courses r Association of Teacher Educators (President), BOE team member and state chair; MSU Academic Council, Undergraduate Studies, and University Studies Committees . Presented at Phi Delta Kappa International Educational Summit and International Reading Association Conference Jacobs, Ed.D. Teaches Professor Presentations at Full-time to Martin Curriculum & graduate & Kentucky Association of Institution, Instruction, undergraduate Teacher Education Full-time to Florida curriculum (2005, 2006) Unit, International courses Presentation at Kentucky Part-time to
16 University Association of Colleges Program of Teacher Education (2005) Presentations at Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators (2004) College Head, Springer- Franklin (2005-2007) Department Chair, Adolescent, Career and Special Education (2004- 2005) Herr, Ed.D Teaches Assistant • Presentation: (2006) Full-time to Stephen Teachers foundations Professor Kentucky Association of Institution, College, courses Teacher Educators, A Full-time to Columbia history of faith and Unit, University knowledge Part-time to • COE representative at Program Faculty Senate Holliday, Ph.D, Director of Assistant • Book: (2005) Cooperate Full-time to Dwight C&I Middle School Professor and feel great. Institution, University of Academic • Presentations: (2006) Full-time to Southern Achievement NCSS, KCSS, KMSA Unit, Mississippi grant. Teaches REA, ACCTE Part-time to middle school Program courses Kem, Ph.D. Associate Associate National Academic Full-time to Lee Educational Professor Professor Advising Association, Institution, Psychology Elected: Chair of Full-time to Southern IL National Advising Unit, University at Education Majors Part-time to Carbondale Commission Program Article with Navan in Ideaccion, The Spanish Journal of Giftedness (2005) Article in NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources (2005)
17 E. Curriculum Contract/Guidesheets Revised 1/08 Murray State University Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics Degree Secondary Grades (8-12) Program Guide Sheet 2006-2008 Graduate Bulletin
The Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics is located in the Department of Mathematics and is designed for certified teachers who wish to strengthen their background in mathematics and keep up with current information in educational theory, curriculum and research. The program provides for both reasonable depth in the mathematics area and graduate-level exposure in supporting disciplines. The education component is designed to meet the requirements for the renewal of the provisional teaching certificate and advancement to the Rank II classification. The student’s progress is continuously assessed using established program checkpoints and portfolio entries addressing Kentucky performance standards.
The 36 credit hour program is pre-planned with a graduate advisor. Each graduate student’s progress is continuously assessed throughout the program with a portfolio using course assignments and evaluations addressing the Kentucky Experienced Teacher Standards. Applicants must hold a Secondary Provisional Certificate or its equivalent. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 is required for graduation. Exit Assessment: Portfolio, Verification of GPA and Program of Studies.
Professional Education - Core Courses (15 hours) ADM 630 Methods of Educational Research* 3____ EDU 631 Application of Motivation and Learning Principles to the Classroom 3____ EDU 633 Curriculum Development 3____ EDU 645 History of Education in the United States 3____ EDU 649 Research in Education* 3____
Content Course Requirements - Content Specialization (21 hours) 3 hours of 600 level MAT courses MAT______3____
15-18 hours of 500 or 600 level MAT courses MAT______3____ MAT______3____ MAT______3____ MAT______3____ MAT______3____ MAT______(optional) (3)____
0-3 hours of 500 or 600 level courses in supporting field of science
______(optional) (3)____
The student and advisor have discussed this program and agree to the foregoing plan. An official MSU Graduate Program form must also be completed and submitted prior to completion of the first course taken. The Program form is approved by a graduate advisor and the Collegiate Graduate Coordinator.
______Student’s Signature Advisor’s Signature Date
*ADM 630 and EDU 649 must be taken in sequence, with EDU 649 taken the semester following ADM 630. 18 F. Syllabi SEE LINKS FOR:
EDU 633 EDU 631 EDU 645 EDU 649 ADM 630 MAT 550 MAT 551
University Studies (US) BA Degree Requirements, Revised April 7, 2005